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if I take your glass lantern, which shines out from every side." "A good thought William," said Mrs. M. who was quite anxious to have him go. Well," said Mr. M., "surely-I've no objection-indeed, we should use all means within our power."

7. "Shall I step over, and ask Johnny Barton to go with me?" inquired William. "It may be well," said Mr. M. Accordingly, Johnny was called, and was ready to go, he said, on such an errand, though it was quite dark, and he might get wet to the skin. The two men were soon ready; and, having received instructions from Mr. M., they sallied forth, on their benevolent errand.

8. It's a dark night," observed Johnny, as they entered the adjoining woods. "Pretty dark, pretty dark," said William; the boys have a bad time of it." "Where can the loons be?" asked Johnny; "we'll not find them to-night." "Have courage, man," said William;" it will be no feather in our cap to go back without them." "May be," said Johnny, "they'll steer for old Peter's." "That's a good thought, Johnny,' said William; "let's turn, and look in at the old man's." Accordingly, they now filed off, in a somewhat different direction from that which they were pursuing, and after much toil, and being wet to the skin, they knocked at the old man's door.

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10. "Who's out such a dreary night as this?" exclaimed old Peter, as he rose to open the door. "Ha!

is it you William, and you Johnny? pray what sent you abroad in such a leaky night as this." The object of their coming was soon explained; but Peter had neither seen nor heard any thing of the boys.

11. "What's to be done," said William in such a case as this?" "Sit down," said Peter, "and let us think the matter over a little." 66 Its not a time to rest," said William; " put on your fear-nought, and take a turnout with us; we must find the boys, or I'll not venture home to-night."

12. Peter had too high a regard for

Mr. and Mrs.

Morrison to object; and, besides, his own good feelings would have prompted him, in any other similar case, to almost any fatigue, if he might do, as he said, a little spice of good in the world. All three now sallied forth, and were soon quite at a distance in the adjoining woods.

13. Have they got Fido with them?" asked Peter. "I believe they have," said William. "Give him a call, then," said Peter. "A whistle will do better," replied Wiliam, at the same time setting down his lantern and whistling in the manner in which he had taught Frank. "I guess they'll hear that," said Johnny; but can't you pipe a little louder, Bill?" William again whistled. "That's better still," said Peter, "whistle away they'll hear."

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14. "What's the matter?" exclaimed Frank, as he came plump up against Fido, whose attention was arrested by the distant whistle of William. "Does he see any thing?" asked Robert, in a low tone of voice, holding still tighter Frank's coat, which served to guide him, as the string attached to Fido did his brother.

15. "Hold, hold," said Frank-Fido still pausing. "May be we're coming to harm," softly whispered Robert; "do you see any thing, Frank?" In a moment longer, Fido gave a spring; and, breaking the cord, fled with great rapidity in the direction of the sound. He had heard the whistle of William, though the boys heard it not; and prompted by his sagacity, pushed forward to ascertain the object of the call.

16. "There, Frank," exclaimed Robert; "he's goneI told you so we're lost!" at the same time, bursting into tears. "I don't believe that yet," said the more courageous Frank. "But what shall we do?" asked Robert, sobbing. "Wait till Fido returns," said Frank. "But I'm cold and wet," said Robert; "Fido'll not come back-oh! mother, mother!"







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17. "Hark! hark!" said William to his companions

as they were proceeding along, after he had done whistling; "I hear"—"Nothing but the wind, I guess -perhaps some rotten limb falling," observed Johnny. "Something more than that," replied William; "stop


18. A few moments longer only passed, and the keen-sighted Fido came bounding towards them. His expressions of joy were unusual; he leaped upon William, and almost tumbled him down, in the ardor of his delight. "Fido! good Fido!" exclaimed William, equally delighted; "Fido! where are the boys?" at the same time, he noticed the cord around his neck.

18. "What's that!" asked Peter, observing William taking hold of the cord. "A cord," replied William; "and the very one I gave Frank to-day-some object in that"-"They've tied him up," said Johnny, not knowing that it had been used as a leading string; "my word for it they are not far off." "Yes," said Peter, "they must have heard the whistle."

20. "Fido!" said William, "Fido! where are the boys? go, go!" said he, at the same time advancing in the direction in which Fido had come. The sagacious Fido seemed to understand, and setting up a piteous howl, leaped forward, and the men followed.

21. Fido went faster than the darkness of the night would permit the men; but every little while he would return, and again set forward with great speed, as if to hasten the men to the spot where he had left the boys. At some distance, Fido left the men, and returned with great speed, to Robert and Frank.

22. His return was fresh joy to them; he leaped upon them, ran forward, and again back, as if to allure them on; at the same time, he made the woods ring with his barking, obviously to communicate to the men the course which they should take.

23. "Pray," exclaimed Robert, "what does this mean?" "We shall know pretty soon," said Frank; "I guess some one is coming to help us out." "Whistle," said Robert; whistle, Frank." Frank now did

his best; and the sound easily reached the ears of William and his companions, who hastened forward, with still additional speed.

24. "Take care! take care!" exclaimed Johnny; "take care of your lantern," observing William tumbling headlong, his foot having caught in the root of a tree. "It's all over with us," said William, as he rose, the candle having fallen out and the light being extinguished. "This is bad said Peter; but we must make the best of it."

25. "Sound must supply the place of light," said William, and he began whistling. This the boys now distinctly heard, and it was well replied to by Frank. In a little time, the men were enabled to reach the spot. We shall not attempt to describe the mutual joy of all, nor the difficulties which were encountered, in their return to the house of old Peter, amidst the deep darkness which prevailed.

26. It was quite late, when they reached this homely but welcome place. The boys were so wet, and so chilled, that old Mary said it would not do for them to go home that night; but that William and Johnny might light their lantern, and convey the glad news to Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, while she gave the boys a bowl of warm bread and milk, and put them to bed.

27. Both Robert and Frank, for a time, were quite disposed to see father and mother that night; but old Peter told them how much better it would be to stay all night, and promised them, that in the morning he would himself accompany them home.

28. To this they at length agreed, and William and Johnny, with truly glad hearts, bade them all good night. On their arrival, which was some time past midnight, they found Mr. and Mrs. Morrison still up. As William entered the door alone, having left Johnny to return to his own home, Mrs. Morrison exclaimed,

29. "William, William where are the boys?" At the same moment, the faithful Fido came rushing forward; and as if to testify his joy, leaped upon Mr. Morrison, and barked forth in token of delight.

30. The happy explanation soon followed; and greatful to the Great Preserver of all, Mr. Morrison returned thanks around the family altar, that their house, instead of being a scene of lamentation, was permitted to be the abode of joy and praise.



Dráw-ing, making pictures, sketching, delineating.
In'-ter.im, the mean time, the time intervening.
Re-join-ed, answered, replied, continued.

Port-fól-io, a case of the size of a large book to keep loose papers in.

What kind of word is mam-má? Pa-pá? Side-board? Table-cloth? Candle-stick? What is the opposite of put by? Expecting? Health? Bounty? Twisting? Liquid? How many compound words in this lesson?


Waiting for Dinner.

1. DINNER is nearly ready, Louisa," said her mam ma; "and you had better put by your drawing and change your frock, for I am expecting your papa every minute."

2. The lively girl immediately put up her pencils and portfolio, and ran out of the room. She presently returned again, with her face washed and glowing with health and beauty; her hair neatly combed, and her morning frock exchanged for one of white muslin.

3. "You see mamma, I am quite in time," said she as she opened the dining-room door; "for I believe, papa is not yet come, as I have not heard the hall-bell ring, nor seen Robert go to take his horse."

4. "He is rather behind-hand to day," said Mrs. F. "When he left us in the morning, he proposed returning by four o'clock. You should have had your

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