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smell the ground as they proceeded. He had not gone far, when the dog began to bark. He then let him go, when the dog followed the scent and barked again.

9. The sound brought some feeble ray of hope to the dis-con-so-late parents, and the party pursued him with all their speed, but soon lost sight of him in the woods. Half an hour af'-ter-wards, they heard him again—and soon saw him return. The looks of the dog were visibly altered: an air of joy seemed to animate him, and his actions showed that his search had not been in vain.

10. "I am sure he has found the child," exclaimed the Indian, "but whether dead, or alive, I am unable to tell." The Indian then followed his dog, which led him to the foot of a large tree, where lay the child in a very feeble state, nearly ap-proach'-ing death! He took him tenderly in his arms, and hastily car'-ried him to his dis-con'-so-late parents.

11. Happily the father and mother were in some measure prepared to receive their child. Their joy was so great, that it was more than a quarter of an hour before they could express their gratitude to the kind resto'-rer of their child. Words cannot express the affect'-ing scene. After they had bathed the face of the child with their tears, they threw themselves on the neck of the Indian, whose heart in u'-ni-son melted with theirs.

12. Their gratitude then extended to the dog. They ca-ress/-ed him with in-ex-press'-ible delight, as the animal, which, by means of his sa-gac'-i-ty, had found their little Der'-ick; believing that, like the rest of the company, he must stand in need of refreshment, a plenti-ful repast was prepared for him, after which he and his master went on their journey. The company mu!tu-al-ly pleased at the happy event, returned to their re-spec'-tive homes, highly de-light-ed with the kind Indian and his won'-der ful dog.



Cir-cum-stan-ces, something attending.

Con-sid-er, think of, reflect upon.

At-tén-ding, accompanying.

Cir-cum-stan'-ti-a-ted, sur-kum-stan'-she-a-ted.

As-sém-bly, congregation.

Im'-pro-pri-e-ty, unfitness.

Law-ful, according to law.

Il-lus-trá-tion, explanation.

In-dif'-fer-ent, neither good nor bad.

Re-lieves, takes away.

Im-pi'-ety, want of respect to God.
As-sault-ed, attacked.

In-stance, example.
Un-law'-ful, contrary to law.

Circumstances alter Cases.—Dr. Watts.

1. In many things which we do, it is our duty not only to consider the mere naked action itself, but the persons who act, and those who are affected by such action; also the time when, the place where, the manner how, and the end for which the action is done; together with the effects that must, or may follow, and all other attending circumstances.

2. These things must necessarily be taken into our view, in order to determine whether the action, which is indifferent in itself, be either lawful or unlawful, good or evil, wise or foolish, decent or indecent, proper or improper, as it is so cir-cum-stan-ti-a-ted. Let me give a plain instance for the illustration of this matter.

3. Mario kills a dog, which, considered merely in itself, seems to be an in-dif-fer-ent action. Now the dog was Timon's and not his own; this makes it look unlawful. But Timon bade him do it; this gives it an appearance of law-ful-ness again. It was done at

church, and in time of divine service; these cir-cumstan-ces added, cast on it an air of ir-re-lig-ion.

4. But the dog flew at Mario, and put him in danger of his life; this relieves the seeming impiety of the action. Yet Mario might have escaped, by flying thence; therefore the action appears to be improper. But the dog was known to be mad; this further circumstance makes it almost necessary that the dog should be slain, lest he might worry the assembly, and do much mischief.

5. Yet again, Mario killed him with a pistol, which ne happened to have in his pocket, since yesterday's journey: now hereby the whole congregation was terri fied and discomposed, and divine service was broken off; this carries an appearance of great indecency and impropriety in it.

6. But after all, when we consider a further circumstance, that Mario, being thus violently assaulted by a mad dog, had no way of escape, and had no other weapon about him, it seems to take away all the colors of impropriety, indecency or unlawfulness,-and allows that the preservation of one, or many lives, will justify the act as wise and good.


How to tell bad News.


Mr. G. HA! Steward, how are you, my old boy!— How do things go on at home?

Stew. Bad enough, your honor;-the magpie's* dead. Mr. G. Poor Mag!-so he's gone. How come he to die?

Stew. Over-ate himself, Sir.

Mr. G. Did he, faith? a greedy dog; why, what did he get he liked so well?

*Magpie, a kind of bird resembling a crow.

Stew. Horse-flesh, Sir; he died of eating horse-flesh. Mr. G. How came he to get so much horse-flesh? Stew. All your father's horses, sir.

Mr. G. What! are they dead too?

Stew. Aye, sir;-they died of over-work.

Mr. G. And why were they over-worked, pray?
Stew. To carry water, sir.

Mr. G. To carry water! and what were they carry. ing water for?

Stew. Sure, sir, to put out the fire.

Mr. G. Fire! what fire?

Stew. Oh, sir, your father's house is burned down to the ground.

Mr. G. My Father's house burned down?-How come it set on fire?

Stew. I think sir, it must have been the torches.
Mr. G. Torches!-what torches?

Stew. At your mother's funeral, sir.

Mr. G. My mother dead?

Stew. Ah! poor lady, she never looked up after it.
Mr. G. After what?

Stew. The loss of



Mr. G. The loss of my father! My father gone too? Stew. Yes, poor gentleman, he took to his bed as soon as he heard of it.

Mr. G. Heard what?

Stew. The bad news, sir, and please your honor.
Mr. G. What! more miseries! more bad news?

Stew. Yes, sir,-your bank has failed,—and your credit is lost, and you are not worth a shilling in the world. I made bold, sir, to come to wait on you about it, for I thought you would like to hear the news!



Cree-sus, pronounced Cré-zus.

Ly ́d-i-a, an ancient kingdom of Asia Minor.

Só-lon, a famous Grecian Philosopher.

Cy-rus the Great, king of Persia.

The seven wise men of Greece were Periander, Pittacus,-Thales,-Solon,-Bias,-Chilo,-and Cleobulus.

Solon and Cræsus.-AN. HISTORY.

1. SOLON was one of the seven wise men of Greece. He it was who gave that wise answer to Crœsus, king of Lydia. Crœsus was so rich that even now, it is common to say as rich as Croesus."

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2. This king showed his wealth to Solon, and then asked "if he did not think the pos-ses-sor of so much gold the hap-pi-est of men?" "No," replied the philos-opher, "I know a happier man; an honest laborer who has just enough to live on."

3. “And who is the next happiest of men?" said the king, expecting himself to be named. "The next happiest," answered Solon, "are two virtuous sons, who were remarkable for their duty and kindness to their mother."

4. "And think you not that I am happy?" exclaimed the disappointed monarch". "No man can be deemed happy till his death," said the sage; meaning I suppose, that according as his life was spent could his state be judged.

5. When Cræsus afterwards was taken prisoner by Cyrus, and about to be burnt, he recollected this conversation, and cried out, "Oh! Solon! Solon!"

6. Cyrus asked the cause of this exclamation; and when it was explained, he set Croesus at liberty, and owned himself instructed by the hint of Solon. So the philosopher saved the life of one king and improved another.

Can you tell me where Greece is? Where was the king dom of Lydia? Why did Cyrus set Croesus at liberty? Who was Cyrus? Can you tell me where Persia is? did Solon say was the happiest man he knew of?


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