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complete and unsatisfactory," and professed himself in the dark as to the reasons for their movements. He accordingly suspended them from command for the present.

their beautiful city in the midst of the most distressing scenes of terror and confusion, and of plunder by the mob."

On the 24th of February, the Union forces reached Nashville, which was formally surrendered by the mayor into Gen. Buell's hands. A general

The fall of Fort Donelson hastened the crisis in rebel affairs in the West. The rebel Gen. A. S. Johnston had be-order was issued congratulating all who fore this seen that Bowling Green, Kentucky, was untenable, and orders were given to evacuate it. This was done on the 14th of February, when Gen. Mitchel took immediate possession. By a forced march of eighty miles, the rebel force reached Nashville on the 16th, and under Johnston's command passed on to Murfreesboro, thirty-two miles distant, on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. Commodore Foote with his gun boats ascended the Cumberland, destroying the extensive iron works, six miles above Dover, and reaching Clarksville on the 19th of February. The enemy had fled, and great alarm was manifested respecting the purpose of our advancing force.

Of course, Nashville followed the fate of Donelson. Without the latter, it was defenceless; and hence, when the news came, on Sunday forenoon, that the fort was lost, the city was thrown into consternation. Floyd destroyed the bridges over the Cumberland, and hastened away. 'An earthquake," says Pollard, "could not have shocked the city more. The congregations at the churches were broken up in confusion and dismay; women and children rushed into the streets, wailing with terror; trunks were thrown from threestory windows in the haste of the fugitives; and thousands hastened to leave

loved the Union on the success of our arms, and promising protection and support to all peaceable, well disposed citizens. Andrew Johnson was soon after appointed military governor of Tennes see, and early in March, arrived at Nashville, and entered vigorously upon his new and difficult duties. The newspapers were placed under military supervision. The municipal officers were required, on the 26th of March, to take the oath of allegiance. The city council refused; the mayor and some others were arrested, and the city councilmen ejected from office. Numerous other arrests were made, and Gov. Johnson used the strong hand in repressing disunion practices in Tennessee.


As by the taking of Nashville Columbus was seriously endangered, orders were issued by Beauregard and Johnston, on the 18th of Febru ary, to destroy part of the track and bridges of the Memphis and Ohio Railroad, preparatory to a removal of the forces at Columbus to Island No. 10, about forty-five miles below, on the Mississippi River. This was soon after accomplished; and on the 4th of March, when an armed reconnaissance was made as far as Columbus by the gun boats and transports with troops, it was found to have been abandoned by the rebels, as wholly untenable.

CH. IX.]


General Halleck, in command of the department, issued, Feb. 22d, an order for the regulation and behavior of the troops. Among other things he said, "it does not belong to the military to decide upon the relation of master and slave. Such questions must be settled by civil courts. No fugitive slave will, therefore, be admitted within our lines or camps, except when specially ordered by the general commanding."

The successful operations of our army produced much excitement in the South, and the leaders in the rebellion began to understand better what a gigantic struggle it was in which they had engaged. Every man, young and old, was called for. Boards of police in every county in Mississippi were appointed preparatory to drafting; and the governor of Arkansas, by proclamation, drafted into immediate service every man in the state subject to military duty, requiring him to respond within twenty days. In this way, and under such pressure, was begun that system of measures which resulted in the passing of a conscription act by the Confederate Congress, April 16th, and the raising a large force during the ensuing summer months.*

In a previous chapter (see p. 89) we

• By this act all over eighteen and under thirty were

conscripted for the war, and none were allowed exemp

tion who were at the time in service, whether under eigh teen or over thirty-five. All this was irrespective of

state laws and regulations. In September, 1862, another act of conscription was passed, calling out every man between thirty-five and forty-five, and all youths as soon as they became eighteen years of age. The



have spoken of the movements in Mis
souri, and the general result up to the
close of 1861. Sharp skirmishing
took place at Mount Zion, Dec. 28th,
and at Fayette, January 8th; but with
out material result. Our forces under
Gens. Sigel and Asboth, and Cols. J.
C. Davis and Carr, combined at the
close of the month, under com-
mand of Gen. S. R. Curtis, a
distinguished officer of the U. S. army.
Early in February, these divisions
pushed rapidly from Rolla, the termi-
nation of railroad communication with
St. Louis, toward Springfield, where the
rebel General Price had taken up his
headquarters and secured supplies for
his men. He had raised an army of
4,000 men, built huts, and was in a
rather comfortable position, as he
thought; but the approach of Curtis
warned him of danger. A sharp skir
mish took place near Springfield; and
Price, on the 12th of February, during
the night, decamped, the U. S. troops
entering the town early next morning.
Immediately the pursuit after Price was
begun, and continued a hundred miles
or more from Springfield into Arkansas.
On the 18th, the state line was crossed;
on the 19th, Price, having had some re-
inforcements, attempted to make a stand
at Sugar Creek; but was speedily de-
feated. On the 23d of February, Curtis
entered and took possession of Fayette-
ville, capturing a number of prisoners,
stores and baggage. The enemy burnt
part of the town before leaving on their
flight over the Boston Mountains.*

work was carried on with unrelenting vigor and energy, and every means resorted to in order to collect and have ready for use a military force sufficient to *Gen. Halleck, in a dispatch, made mention of a meet the immense army our government was bringing | shocking exhibition of the malice of the rebels: "fortyinto the field. two officers and men of the 5th Missouri cavalry were

On the 1st of March, Gen. Curtis in driving Price out of Missouri, he was issued an address to the people of the well aware that it would require a South-west. It was called forth in severe struggle to maintain the advangreat measure by the studied misrepre- tage he had gained. Price, though sentations and falsehoods which the actively pursued, had escaped without rebels used every where in respect to much loss, and his ranks having been the object had in view by our considerably recruited and continuing troops, and it entered into the to increase, he expected soon to be able subject fully, clearly and cogently. to drive the Union army out of Ark"The only legitimate object of the war ansas and regain his lost ground in is peace, and I adhere to this legitimate Missouri. Curtis estimated the rein


Arkansas volunteers and companies. placed him in command of at least 30,000 to 40,000 men, in and near the Boston Mountains.

object. Peaceable citizens shall be forcements received by Price to be protected as far as possible. The flight some sixteen regiments, which, with the of our foes from their camps, and the imitation of their conduct by the citizens, in fleeing from their homes, leaving their effects abandoned, as it were, for the victors, have much embarrassed me in my efforts to preserve discip line in my command, as these circumstances offer extraordinary temptations. The burning of farms and fields of grain in Missouri, and extensive barracks and valuable mills in Arkansas by the enemy, has induced some resentments on the part of my troops, which I have severely punished. We come to vindicate the Constitution, to preserve and perpetuate civil and religious liberty, under a flag that was embalmed in the blood of our revolutionary fathers. Under that flag we have lived in peace and prosperity until the flag of rebellion involved us in the horrors of civil war."

Although Gen. Curtis had succeeded

poisoned at Mud Town by eating poisoned food which the rebels left behind them. The gallant Captain Dolfert died, and Lieutenant-Colonel Van Deutzh and Captain Schwan have suffered much, but are now recovering. The indignation of our soldiers is very

great, but they have been restrained from retaliation upon the prisoners of war."

On the other hand, Curtis's force in the face of the enemy in these early days of March, deducting the troops required for garrison duty, along his extended line of communications, be sides a constant moving force to guard his train, left him ready for the field, surrounding or in the vicinity of Sugar Creek, where he had established his headquarters at the time, not more than 10,500 infantry and cavalry, with fortynine pieces of artillery, including a mountain howitzer. Early on the 15th of March, a cold, wintry ish day, with snow on the ground, Van Dorn, the rebel commander, advanced to make an attack. The seve ral divisions of our troops were ordered to take position and meet the enemy at Sugar Creek as soon as possible. Gen. Sigel, in bringing up his force from the vicinity of Bentonville, set out at two A. M., on the 6th; he advanced slowly, fighting and repelling the enemy in front, on the flanks and rear, for five


CH. IX.]



and a half hours, when he was reinforc- prisoners. Van Dorn, however, with ed by Gen. Curtis. By this movement, out specifying particulars, makes his Sigel's division was brought to the loss less than 1,000 in all. The aggre west end of Pea Ridge, where he form gate loss of the killed, wounded and ed a junction with Gen. J. C. Davis missing of all ranks on our side, was and Col. Carr. The men rested on given by Gen. Curtis at 1,351. their arms, on the night of the 6th, in waiting for the coming day's fight, which all knew was to be a serious and trying one.

At daylight, on the 7th of March, the battle was renewed, and with slight exception continued to rage furiously the whole day. Van Dorn had moved round Curtis's flank by the road crossing Pea Ridge, in order to cut off his retreat in case the rebels were successful. This had necessitated a change of front, so as to face the road on which the enemy were still moving. The new line was formed under the enemy's fire, the troops moving in good order and with gallant bearing. In the centre, the battle was carried on with great fury, as also on the left wing; but our men nobly withstood the fierce assaults of the rebels, who lost two of their best generals, McCulloch and McIntosh. Gen. Curtis having brought all four of his divisions to face the position which had been held in check, the troops bivouacked another cold and cheerless night on the field.

A novel feature in the battle of Pea Ridge, or Elk Horn, as the rebels named it, was the employment of Indians, some 2,500 being under command of the rebel General Pike. They proved of little service to those who had seduced them from their proper allegiance, and in their wild fury, they were guilty of acts which Gen. Curtis severely censured afterwards in a note to Van Dorn. Many of our soldiers, as he said, were found "tomahawked, scalped, and their bodies shamefully mangled," and he expressed a hope that the rebels were not going to carry on their resistance by means of a savage and barbarous warfare. Van Dorn made the best he could of the matter, in reply; hoped it was not true; and retorted, that pri soners had been murdered in cold blood by the German troops in our army. Quite probably here, as elsewhere, acts of cruelty were committed which could not be justified; but certainly the introducing of Indians was calculated to aggravate war's horrors and abominations.

Again, at sunrise, on the 8th of Southern writers and chroniclers sofMarch, the battle was begun by our ten this defeat all they can, and claim men. The enemy fought desperately, that the substantial fruits of victory furiously; but they were completely were with the rebels under Van Dorn. routed. Sigel pursued them for several It was rather cold comfort, under the miles towards Keetsville, and the circumstances; but, such as it was, cavalry still further. The rebel loss they were allowed to enjoy it to the was estimated at 3,000 killed and fullest extent, without let or hindwounded, besides more than 1,000 rance.




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Expedition under Burnside and Goldsborough Size and extent· Sets sail-Rough and dangerous passage Tedious delays-Enemy strengthen their position- Attack on Roanoke Island - Surrender of the rebels - Mortification of Davis and secession - Expedition to Elizabeth city- Success - Edenton and Winton Address to the people of North Carolina by Burnside and Goldsborough - Governor Clark's address - Spirit of these - Importance of Newbern - Expedition against - Bravery of our troops - Burnside's congratulatory order - Other operations on the southern coast at this date - Exploration of interior passage to the Savannah River - Batteries planted - Fort Pulaski isolated - Reconnaissance of Little Tybee River - Operations of Dupont and Wright on the Florida coast-Fernandina, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, - Union feeling in Florida -- Edisto Island — Washington's birth day — How celebrated in 1862 in the loyal states - Davis and confederate government — Davis inaugurated His address on the 22d of February Extracts from, illustrating tone, temper, etc. - Davis's message to Confederate Congress - Admits serious disasters - Estimated size of the rebel army — Financial condition of the confederacy - A glimpse at the nature and terribleness of the struggle now going on.


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DURING the latter part of 1861, active preparations were being made at New York for fitting out another combined military and naval expedition, to operate against an important point or points on the southern coast. Everything was furnished which could in any wise tend to secure success; abundant material, a disciplined and gallant force, numbering 16,000 men, accomplished and well trained officers, etc. The military part of the expedition was under command of Gen. Burnside, the naval under Commodore Goldsborough. The three army brigades composing this force were commanded by Gens. J. G. Foster, J. L. Reno, and J. G. Parke. Commodore Goldsborough's squadron consisted of eighteen light draught steam gun boats, with an armament of fifty rifled cannon; it was divided into two columns for active service, led by Commanders

S. F. Hazard and S. C. Rowan. The special service the expedition was to accomplish was on the shores of North Carolina, within the waters of Pamlico

all the arrange

and Albemarle Sounds; and 1862. for this purpose ments were made for the most efficient co-operation of the naval and military departments; the guns were so equipped as to be used on the water or the land; there was a thoroughly organized signal corps; two extensive pontoon trains, etc.

Thus prepared for its work, the Burnside expedition set sail from Annapolis on the 9th of January. Owing to dense fogs in the Chesapeake Bay, incident to the season, it did not reach Fortress Monroe till midnight of the 10th. The next day without detention, the order was given to sail, and Sunday, the 11th, saw the fleet at sea, As had been generally supposed, while

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