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Donelson, the design being to prevent River. The expedition was entirely reinforcements to Fort Henry, or the successful. The railroad bridge, about retreat of the garrison, or to attack it twenty-five miles above Fort Henry, on receipt of orders. The army, how- was partly destroyed, so that the enemy ever, owing to the badness of the could not use it; the boats proceeded roads, and necessary delays, was not in as far up the river as Florence, Alatime to share in the capture of Fort bama, forcing the rebels to burn six of Henry; it was accomplished by the their steamers and much valuable pronaval force alone. perty; two steamers were captured, together with a gun boat partly finished, and a large supply of excel


About ten o'clock, the gun boats moved towards the fort, and when within a mile, commenced the assault. lent lumber. Lieut. Phelps This was a little after noon, and the met with many cheering evidences of firing on both sides was rapid and the loyal feelings of the people in Tensteadily continued; but the boats were nessee and Alabama. too much for the fort. Within an hour The fall of Fort Henry opened the and a quarter the rebel flag was hauled way for an immediate advance upon down and the fort surrendered. The Fort Donelson, on the Cumberland troops in the fort, numbering some River. This imposing fortification was 4,000 or 5,000, escaped before General situated near the boundary of Tennes Grant could intercept them. Eighty-see, on the west bank of the river, about three prisoners were taken, Gen. Tilgh- 100 miles from its mouth. It was conman being one; there was also a large nected by a direct road with Fort amount of stores, which fell into our Henry, and served as an out-post or hands. The chief casualty of the day river defence of Nashville, some eighty was produced by a shot which pene- miles above. By the aid of railroad trated the boiler of the Essex, and communications, reinforcements had caused the wounding and scalding of twenty-nine officers and men, including Commander Porter.

been hurried to Donelson, and warned by the fate of Fort Henry, the rebels determined to retain, if possible, so important a barrier against the ap proach of our army into Tennessee.

This victory was regarded with much satisfaction at the North; the dispatch of Commodore Foote was read in both Two days after Fort Henry fell, Houses of Congress; and the thanks Gen. Pillow took command of Fort of the people were conveyed to our Donelson, and added in various ways gallant naval force which had done to its defences. Naturally it was a such good service. strong position, being on a sloping eleDirectly after the surrender, Lieuten-vation over a 100 feet high, with other ant-Commanding Phelps proceeded, by hills and ravines densely wooded all order of Commodore Foote, with the around. Two water batteries were gun boats Conestoga, Tyler and Lexing- added, supplied with heavy ordnance; ton, some 200 miles up the Tennessee on the summit were trenches, or rifle

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pits, protected by abattis of felled and for additional troops under Gen. trees and interlaced brushwood; and Wallace. The investment, however, in every suitable spot howitzers and was drawn closer, and there was some field pieces were stationed. Its gar- beavy firing of artillery. Several move rison amounted to nearly 20,000 men, ments were made against special points, so important was it deemed by the and the greatest bravery was displayed rebels to hold the place. Floyd, who by our men; but when night came, the arrived with reinforcements on the 13th troops occupied the same position as in of February, was chief in command, the morning. In fact, it became evident and was aided by Pillow, Buckner, B. that the present was a far more serious K. Johnson, and others. undertaking than the one which was so speedily settled in the capture of Fort Henry.


Nothing daunted at the prospect, Gen. Grant and Commodore Foote hastened forward preparations for the In the evening, the gun boats and reattack, although there was, as there inforcements arrived, and the morrow always seems to be, delay at a moment was to test the question at issue. when time was precious. Foote, Meanwhile, the mild and beautiful with his gun boats, was to at- weather, under which the army had tack the water batteries; while Grant left Fort Henry, changed suddenly to was to invest the fort on land. The winter's severity and keenness. A latter was first on the spot. He left heavy rain set in, which turned in the Fort Henry early on the morning of night to a storm of snow and sleet; and the 12th of February, with a force of many of our troops, being without about 25,000 men, in two divisions, blankets or tents, were exposed to the commanded by Gens. McClernand and utmost rigors of the situation; while, C. F. Smith. The weather was mild if they lighted a fire, they were imme and spring like, and by noon the ad diately exposed to the enemy's guns. vance was reported to be within two The sufferings of our troops that night miles of the works at Fort Donelson. will not soon be forgotten. Once, the As our troops came up the enemy's rebels made a sortie and strove to cappickets were driven in, and a semi- ture one of our batteries; but the 20th circular line of investment was formed Indiana, lying in the woods below it, before the fortifications. Gradual ap- repulsed them, after a sharp and brief proaches were made to the works, with skirmish.* occasional sharp skirmishing along the line, the enemy retiring to their defences beyond the ravine which separated the two armies.

During Thursday, the 13th, no general attack was made upon the rebel entrenchment, General Grant being in waiting for the arrival of the gun boats,

About midnight, Commodore Foote arrived in the immediate neighborhood of the fort, and early the next morning, Feb. 14th, on conference with General

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Grant, a joint attack, the same day, Pillow passed the command over to was determined upon. Grant, by the addition of some 8,000 troops, under Wallace, felt strong enough for the assault by land; and Foote, though not fully confident, did not hesitate to undertake his part of the work. Between two and three o'clock in the afternoon, the conflict began with four iron-clad gun boats in advance and two wooden ones in the rear; but though bravely handled, they were unable to keep up the contest for more than an hour, and having become unmanageable, they drifted slowly down the stream.

Buckner, and during the night, embark-
ed about 5,000 troops in steamboats,
and made their escape. The next
morning early, Buckner sent a flag of
truce, asking for terms, etc. Grant was
short and sharp in his reply: "no terms,
except unconditional and immediate
surrender, can be accepted," he said.
Buckner, protesting against Grant's
'ungenerous and unchivalrous terms,"
gave up the contest, and on Sunday
morning, Feb. 16th, the Union
flag waved over this strong-
hold of the rebellion.

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Our loss was severe, being 446 killed, 1,735 wounded, and 150 prisoners; total 2,331. The rebel loss was 231 killed, 1,007 wounded, and 13,829 pri

the large number taken prisoners, there fell into our hands about fifty cannon, 3,000 horses, 20,000 stand of arms, and a large quantity of commissary stores.*

Grant now thought it advisable to invest Fort Donelson as completely as possible, and await repairs to the gun boats. His purpose, however, was frustrated by the enemy. They saw soners; total 15,067. In addition to and felt the danger of being surround ed, and determined at once to make an effort to fight their way out. Accordingly, they resolved to begin at daylight, on the 15th of February, and cut open an exit for their troops into the interior of the country. The assault was made at the time specified, on the right of our whole line, and for several hours the rebels fought with desperate bravery and resolution. They gained some advantage during the fight, but were in turn repulsed, with fearful loss on both sides, and were driven behind their inner works, When night came on, our troops held the position they had gained, and remained under arms till morning, in tending at dawn of day to recommence the attack.

Satisfied that they could not hold the fort without reinforcements, Floyd and

This important victory was pecul iarly gratifying to loyal men every where. Gen. Grant congratulated his troops for the triumph over rebellion gained by their valor, and for their readiness, during four successive nights, without shelter, and exposed to the bitter inclemency of the season, to face the enemy in the position chosen by himself. On the other hand, as can readily be imagined, Davis and the rebel authorities were deeply mortified at the fall of Fort Donelson. In a message to

his Congress, March 11th, he pronounced Floyd's and Pillow's reports “in

rendered was only about 5,000, and assert that, all told, the troops at Fort Donelson amounted to only 18,000.

* Some southern writers say, that the number sur

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