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10. What was the book most used by the Puritans? How did it affect their language?

Memorize Lines 208-218

So through the Plymouth woods

of the giver.


Lines 219-238


The Pilgrims lived in Holland for about ten years.

The first wash-day in Plymouth colony was November 13, 1620. The women left the Mayflower and went on shore to attend to the laundry.

[blocks in formation]

Came to an open space, and saw the disk of the ocean,
Sailless, sombre and cold with the comfortless breath of

the east-wind;

Figures of Speech

In the simile in which the notes are compared to the stones in a wall overhung by a vine, what corresponds to the vine? Do you see any other simile in the lines to be memorized? Find an example of personification in one of Longfellow's poems other than The Courtship.


1. Was a "sailless ocean" a novel sight to John Alden? Why?

2. Priscilla sitting alone, spinning and singing contentedly in the "solitude of the forest," confirms our belief that true happiness comes from within. Name some material possessions that Priscilla lacked. Describe Priscilla as she is introduced to us in the poem.

3. Draw a rough model of a spinning-wheel, and indicate: distaff, treadle, spindle. Why is wool carded before it is spun into thread?

4. Describe the costume of a Puritan woman.

5. Show from the lines to be memorized that Priscilla

did not always "stop to pray."

6. Who wrote the hundredth Psalm?

7. Did Priscilla often sing the Psalms? Give a reason for your answer.

8. Why was Priscilla's clothing beautiful? 9. What constituted the chief beauty and wealth of Priscilla's home?

10. Write a short paragraph describing John Alden's walk from his own home to the home of Priscilla, when he went on the errand for Miles Standish (tranquil woods - bluebirds and robins - conflict within him - feeling of punishment - the ford - the Mayflowers - the ocean - the end of the walk - the voice of Priscilla).

Memorize Lines 227-238

Then, as he opened the door,

of her being.


Lines 239-279


Who is the author of the following lines?

For of all sad words of tongue or pen,

The saddest are these: "It might have been."

In what poem are these lines found?

The "golden moment" was the moment that was rich with opportunity.

Artists have pictured in various ways the scene of John Alden's visit to Priscilla, with the message from Miles Standish. All show the homelike kitchen with its deep fireplace and plain furniture.


To be Defined

To be Explained


Though it pass o'er the graves of the dead and the hearths

of the living,

To be Scanned

• Stamping the snow from his feet as he entered the house,
and Priscilla

Laughed at his snowy locks, and gave him a seat by the

Grateful and pleased to know he had thought of her in the

Figures of Speech

Find the figures of speech between lines 238 and 249.

Find an example of personification in one of Longfellow's

poems other than The Courtship.


1. Draw a fireplace with a crane and kettle such as were used in colonial days.

2. What place in his life did John Alden feel that Priscilla

held? What would life be without her?

3. Interpret:

"Let not him that putteth his hand to the plough look

4. What are the "flowers of life"?

5. How did the flowers given to Priscilla by John Alden answer her greeting?

6. What were the chances that Priscilla would have given John Alden a favorable answer, if he had spoken "that day in the winter"?

7. Is there any reason for thinking that Priscilla was homesick? Do you think that the return of the Mayflower caused any of Priscilla's loneliness and longing? Why?

8. Can you think of three reasons why Priscilla wished to remain in the colony?

9. Describe the village of Plymouth in the depths of winter (frozen water - snow-clad trees - low houses almost buried in snow - lack of paths - dreary ocean). 10. Write a paragraph describing an English village in the springtime.

Memorize Lines 268-277

"I have been thinking all day

Old England."


Lines 280-334

Coat of arms, crest, argent, gules, and blazon are terms of heraldry.

"There are at this time in England two ancient families of the name, one of Standish Hall, and the other of Duxbury Park, both in Lancashire, who trace their descent from a common ancestor, Ralph de Standish, living in 1221. There seems always to have been a military spirit in the family." Young's Chronicles of the Pilgrims.

Near Plymouth is the town of Duxbury, founded and named by Miles Standish.

Alexander was a name common in the Standish family. Miles Standish gave this name to his eldest son.

"A rare example and worthy to be remembered were Mr. William Brewster, their reverent elder, and Myles Standish, their captain and military commander, unto whom myself, and many others were much beholden in our low and sick condition; and yet the Lord so upheld these persons, as in this general calamity they were not at all infected either with sickness or lameness." - Governor Bradford.

We read also that these men "fetched them wood, made them fires, dressed them meat, made their beds, washed their loathsome clothes, clothed and unclothed them."

[blocks in formation]

embellish the theme

ominous silence

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