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minister of Queen Eliza

Randolph, Thomas, Éart f

Kandolph, Thomas, post
1.233, 781
Bain de Thoyraq, Pani, le
441; his history of Eng-
841, 642
Rape, Rodolph Erle, an
thor of Baron Mun

[ocr errors]

ii. 104

Rat-otcher, antignity of
the profession of a,
Rata, legal processes against,
1 127 123; legenda con-
nected with, H. 102, 103
11. 848
1. 125; 11, 629
Raymond of Pennafort,

Ranch, Christian,

Kay, John,

St, i. 151; notice of, 151
Raymund Nonnatos, St, f. 288
Waynal, G. T. F.,.
Reich, Angus B,.


11. 615

Head, Sir William, gnack
1. 677, 678
Reading, Hock-tide sports

Réaumur, notice of his
thermometer,. . 464, 465
Hey, Misa, mistress of

Lead Sandwich, 1. 246;
melancholy fate of, 486, 487
Icamier, Madame, 1. 617;

singular influence exer-
eland by, .

619, 620

Recollections. Bee Memory.

Red hand, the open, on the
escutcheons of baronets

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1. 736
1. 248
Resolute, story of the, IL. 786, 787
Respicius, Sc,
li. 365


Restoration of Charles II,
1. 893-700; extravagant
marry-mazings made
fashionable by the, 32;
service for anniversary
of, discontinued,
Resurrectionista, or body-
snatchers, account of
1. 251, 232
Resuscitation of Individuals
after being hanged,. 1. 824
Retz, Giles de Laval, Mar.
shal de, the prototype of
ii. 727, 728
Review, Edinburgh, 1. 185, 166
Quarterly, its de-
preciation of Keats, 1.168
Révolution of 1399, . 11. 397
of 1888, ii. 550,
551 completion of the,
1. 250; meetings prepar-
atory to,
Revolution, French, leaders
of the,
ii. 500, 501
Revolution House, Whit
1. 745, 746
Reynolds, Dr,
1. 164
dramatist, . 1. 517
Sir Joshua, 1.289;
11. 68; notice of his last
1. 289
Rhenus, St,
1. 292
Rhine, the robbers of the-
11. 509, 510
Ithuddlan, castle of, siege
of, raised by Hugh Dutton-
1. 430, 431
Ithy1, loss of life-boat from, i. 50
Ithyne Toll, the,. 11. 517-519
Ihya ap Thomas, alleged
slayer of Richard III.--
11. 247, 248
ii. 334

Ricardo, David,

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

1. 467

Ricardus. See Riquier.
Rice, curious popular no-
tion regarding,
11. 39
Rich, Mr Ellhu, instance of
mysterious recollection
recorded by,
1. 270
Rich, Mr, the Beggars
Opera brought out by,
1.593; pantomimes intro-
duced by, i. 765; his
ability as a pantomimic
Rich, Sir William,
Richard I. (Coeur-de-Lion),
1. 480; saved by a Norman
knight from being taken
prisoner, 331; history
of-romance of-story of
his discovery by Blondel,
480-482; his relations
with Philip Augustus of
11. 54
Richard II. of England,
1. 58, 253, 470, 783; Sir
John Linne's reply to,
182, 183; his uncle, the
Duke of Gloucester, mur-
dered by orders of, 11. 323,
324; deposition of, 397;
mumming performed be-
fore, when prince,
Richard III. of England,
ii. 244, 404; the Countess
of Desmond's testimony
to his good looks, i. 150,
151; his share in Duke of
Clarence's death, 271; his


of Cirencester,
monk and antiquary, 1.327
Richard, 3t, four saints of

this name-

i. 228, 479, 738; fi. 242
Richardson, a fire-eater, fi. 278
-, Samuel, .. 20
Richardson's theatre, Bar-
tholomew Fair,. ii. 266, 267
Richelien, Cardinal, ii. 315,
655; inspires Louis XIII.
with distrust of his queen,
1. 134; his victim, Cinq-
Mara, ii. 333, 336; tri-
amph of,.
Richelieu, Louis da Plessis,
dake of,
Richmond, Charles, Duke of

ii. 183

i. 284
Margaret Bean-

fort, Countess of, mother
of Henry VII, notice of, 1. 826
Ricimer, Count, .

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

ii. 233

i. 735, 736

[blocks in formation]

i. 791

ii. 226

[merged small][ocr errors]

i. 443
Riddles, old collections of, 1. 332
Ridgeway, Benjamin, ser-
vant of Joseph Ady, i. 616
Ridgeway, Cecilia, remark-
able faster,
i. 552
Riding, feats of rapid-
i. 561, 562
the stang,. ii. 510, 511
Ridley, Bishop,
ii. 451
Rienzi, Nicolo di, notice of-
ii. 423, 424
Rleul, St. See Regulus.
Rifle-shooting match in
ii. 15, 16
Rifle volunteers, skating
parade of, on the Witham-
i. 140
Rigo. See Henry.
Rigobert, or Robert, St, 1. 49
Rimmon, a medieval demon-

ii. 723

Ring-finger, the, popular
belief in its virtues, . 1 220
Ringing out the old year-
il. 793, 794
Rings bearing a death's
head, frequency of, in
ancient times, i. 72 note;
stories of recovered, 105-
107; wedding, custom of,
220-222, 719, 720; blessed
by the sovereign, as speci-
fics against cramp, 418;
popular notion of curative
properties residing in, ii.
752; mysterious virtues
ascribed to, when en-
graved with the names
of the magi,

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

Riquetti, French engineer, i. 657
Riquier, or Ricardus, St, i. 555
Ritchie, Leitch, his ro-
mance of Schinderhannes-
ii. 509, 510
Ritson, Joseph, ii. 307,
404; quoted, i. 53;
notice of,.
11. 405, 406
Rittenhouse, David, ii. 40
Ritter, Dr Karl, . ii. 385

River, John, purchaser of
Charles I.'s statue, i. 504
Rizzio, David, i. 345; mur-
der of,
Roads, improvement
Highland, by General
Wade, i. 369; miserable
condition of, in former



Roch, or Roque, St, notice

[ocr errors]

Rochambeau, Jean Bap-

tiste, Comte de, ii. 5
Roche, Regina Maria,. i. 363
Rochester, John Wilmot,
Earl of, ii. 124; his
speech in character of a
charlatan, i 167; a
mountebank personated
by, 512; notice of, ii. 126, 127
Rochester, Richard Watt's
foundation at, . ii. 248, 249
Rochester, Robert Carr,

Earl of. See Somerset.
Rock, or St Distaff's Day, i. 63
Rocket, the locomotive-
ii. 347, 348
Rocking, a social and in-
i. 68
dustrial assemblage,
Rockingham, Charles, Mar-
quis of, i. 625; assistance
furnished by, to Burke, ii. 35
Roderick, Don, legend of
ii. 124-126

Rodney, Admiral Lord, i.
275, 676; victory of, in
the West Indies,
Rodolph I., emperor, .

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wars with King Arthur-


701, 702
Romanus, St, five saints of
this name-

i. 305; ii. 113, 192, 486, 591
Romaric, St,
ii, 671
Rome, Twelfth Day festivi-
ties in, i. 62; carnival at,
described, 65; annual ser-
mon formerly preached
to the Jews at, 70; cata-
combs of, 101, 102; bene-
diction of animals at, on
St Anthony's Day, 126;
celebration of festival of
St Peter's Chair at, 130;
service by the pope in the
Quirinal Chapel at, on
Candlemass Day, 213; ce-
remonies observed at, in
Holy Week, 397, 407, 412-
414, 419, 421; observance
of Easter Sunday in, 426;
death of Constable Bour-
bon before, 601, 602; ex-
pressions of Pope Gre-
gory on seeing British
children in market-place
of, 679, 680; the Cam-
pagna of, in July, ii.
87; vigorous administra-
tion of Sixtus V. in, 275;
Rienzi's revolution in,
423, 424; lotteries in,
468; saturnalia in an-
cient, 745; the founda-
tion of, an ancient chro-
nological era, ·
756, 757
Romilly, Sir Samuel, i. 316;
ii. 538; notice of, 539, 540
Romney, George, the
painter, ii. 698; his re-
markable separation from
his wife, .

i. 308

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curious circumstance con-


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i. 821

i. 791

[ocr errors]


nected with his death, 183, 184
Rotiri. See Rusticus.
Rotrou, Jean,
Rotteck, Karl Wenceslaus
Rodecker von, .
Roubillac, François, 1. 92;
his statue of Handel,
Rouen, Prince Arthur mur-
dered at, i. 471; monu-
ment of Richard Coeur-de-
Lion at, 482; story of
windows in Cathedral of,
625; doubts on the burn-
ing of Joan of Arc at, 702, 703
'Rough Music,' ii. 510, 511
Rouin, Rodingus, or Chro-
dingus, St,
ii. 350
Round table, an order of
knights of the, attempted
to be founded by Edward
III., .
i. 817
Rous, John, his Diary
i. 393
Rousseau, Jean Baptiste-
1. 385, 480
, Jean Jacques, ii.
11; mysterious sensation
recorded by, i. 270; his
system of education, ii. 385
Routh, Dr, of Magdalen
College, Oxford, i. 71; ii. 727
Rowe, Harry, noted char-

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Rowe, Mrs Elizabeth, i. 277
-, Nicholas,
ii. 666
Rowing match of 1st August
on the Thames,.
ii. 157
Rowley, Dr, extraordinary
attack by, on Dr Jenner-
i. 628
Rowley, Thomas, pretended
poems by,
ii. 268-270
Roxburghe Club, the, book-
printing association, i. 790, 791
Roxburghe, Jean, Countess
i. 149
Roxburghe, John, Duke of,
i. 391; his magnificent
collection of books, 391-
393; sale of his library, 790
Royal George, loss of the-
ii. 283, 284
i. 603
Society, the,
Speech, curious ob-
struction to the reading
i. 223
ii. 551

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

of a,
Royal Titles, abandonment
of one of the,
Rozier, Francis Pilatre de, i. 441
Ruadhan, St,
Rubens, Peter Paul, i. 701
Rubini, Giambattista, i. 321, 485
Ruby, presented by Peter
the Great to William III.-
i. 175
Ruddiman, Thomas, i. 134
Rue and wormwood, rise in
the price of,
Rue, Charles de la,

ii. 644, 645

i. 342

ii. 64

Ruffin, St,

Ruffs or frills,

. ii. 284

Rosee, l'asqua, coffee-house
established by, in 17th c.
-advertisement by, i. 170, 171
Roseneath, alleged destruc-
tiveness of its soil to rats-
il. 103
Roses, the Tribute of, old
French custom-its ori-
i. 604-606
Roses, Wars of the-

i. 492, 507-509, 787, 788
Rosler, Francis Pilatre de, i. 781
Roslin Chapel, notice of
i. 623-625

Ross, John Kyrle, the Man
ii. 556, 557
Ross, Rear-admiral Sir John-
i. 817; ii. 284
1. 514
i. 730

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[blocks in formation]

Rush, Dr Benjamin, i. 53
--bearing. See Rushes.
Rushes, used in former
times to strew the floors
of houses and churches-
village festivals still ob-
served in connection with
the latter practice-use
of, for candlewicks, 1. 505-507
Rushton, Thomas, scampish
procedure of,
1. 363
Rushworth, John,
· 1. 622
Russell, an eccentric cen-
i. 513, 514
Russell, John, Earl, ii. 233;
his remarks on Lord
North, i. 178; his esti-
mate of the Rev. Sydney
Russell, John, founder of
the Bedford family, i. 367-369
Russell, Lady Elizabeth,
classic attainments of-
her cruelty to her son-
i. 474, 475
Russell, Lady, Rachel, ii. 390
Miss, great-grand-
daughter of Oliver Crom-
well, anecdote of, 1. 192
Russell, Rev. Mr, of Kil-
. i. 356
Russell, William Lord, ii. 94
Russia, benefits conferred


1. 738; curious juxtapo-
sition of his body, 740;
commotion excited by, in
Queen Anne's time, ii. 696-698
Sachs, Hans, the cobbler
ii. 46, 546
Sackville, Lord George-
i. 165; ii. 271
Sacramental vessels, por-
traits of Christ and his
apostles on,
Sadler, Sir Ralph,

Sadler's Wells, garden and
theatre of,
Sadoth, St,

Safety-lamp for mines, ac-

count of Davy's

Sage, Alain René Le,

--, Bishop John,

Sailor's letter, a, .
Sailors, St Nicholas
guardian of,

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Saint-Simon, Louis, Duc de-

St John, Bayle,


on, by Peter the Great,
i. 174-176; professional
fools in, 182, 185; first
embassy from, to Eng-
land, 304, 305; Lord
Macartney's embassy to,
449, 450; connection of
Kotzebue, the dramatist,
with, 590; marriage-cere-
monies in south-east of,
721; Whitsunday matri-
monial market in St
Petersburg, 722; its wars
with the Circassians, 757, 758
Rusticus, or Rotiri, St, ii. 376
Ruth, General St,
ii. 46
Rutherfurd, Lord, anec-
dote of,
i. 569
Ruthven, Alexander, brother
of the Earl of Gowrie-
ii. 178, 179
Ruthyn, Roger, Lord Grey
1. 335
Rutland, Earland Countess,
sufferers from designs of
1. 356, 357
Rutland, Edmund, Earl of,
cruel murder of,
i. 712
Ruysch, Frederick, 1. 284
Ruyter, Michael, Dutch
admiral, i. 560; notice of, 561
Ryland, William Wynne,
engraver and forger-
ii. 100
Rymer. Thomas, ii. 693;
his Fadera, quoted, i. 32
Saardam, residence of Peter
the Great at,
1. 174
Sabas, St, two saints of this
i. 499; ii. 658
Sabbas, St.
i. 107
Sabbath, observance of the,
revived by Queen Mar-
ii. 585
ii. 281
ii. 295


[ocr errors]

ii. 141

i. 687

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Rutina, St, two saints of

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Rumold, St,.

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors][ocr errors]

i. 801
ii. 5

See also Sunday.

[merged small][ocr errors]
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Saints, the Romish, i. 35;
biographies of the, 629;
functions of various-

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

Saladin, Sultan, i. 331;
notice of,
331, 332
Sale of a wife, . i. 487, 488
Salency, rose fête of, ii. 63
Salerno, custom at, on All-
Souls' Day,
ii. 538
Salisbury, Countess of, i. 817
Richard Nevill,
Earl of,
i. 507, 508
Salisbury, Robert Cecil,
Earl of, i. 676, 723; his
last words, 377; James I.'s
regard for, . ii. 598, 599
Salisbury, William Long-

[ocr errors]

sword, first Earl of, i. 339
Salisbury, or New Sarum,
i. 371; mummeries of the
boy bishop in cathe-
dral of,
ii. 665
Salmasius, Claudius, ii. 307
Salon, ghost story connected
with town of,
ii. 13-15
Salt, sitting below the,
i. 647, 648; distribution
of, at the Eton Montem--
ii. 665, 666
Salter, James, his museum
at Chelsea,
i. G07, 608
Saltpotre, odious domi-
ciliary visits in old times
for procuring a supply of
materials for manufacture
of, .
i. 666, 667
Salvius, St,.

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ii. 785

Sandby, Paul,

[ocr errors]

li. 561

ii. 420

i. 820


Rossmore, Baron, ii. 180;

Rumon, St,

Rump Parliament, Crom-
well's dissolution of the-
i. 528, 529
Runciman, Alexander, ii. 476
Ranjeet Singh, chief of

Sabinus, St,

Sacchini, Antonio,
Sacharissa, Waller's-

i. 327; ii. 486, 487
Sacheverell, Rev. Dr Henry,

-, Thomas,

Sanders, a conjurer, 1. 353
Sanderson, Bishop, i. 186; li. 354
Sandwich, Earl of, his value

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Scent-balls and pomanders,



use of, in ancient times-
i. 290, 291
Schamyl, Circassian patriot,
i. 756; notice of, 757, 758
Scheele, Charles William, ii. 714
Schiehallion, Dr Maske-
lyne's experiment at-

i. 234, 235
Schiller, Frederick, i. 611;
ii. 565; notice of, i. 611,
612; Goethe's friendship

Schinderhannes, the Rhen-
ish robber,.

Schlegel, F.,.


[ocr errors]


ii. 509, 510

i. 92


ii. 5

Scholastica, St, i. 240; riot
at Oxford on day of,.
Scholefield, Rev. James, ii. 579
Schomberg, Frederick, Duke
School of Arts established
at Edinburgh, .
i. 87
School, orders of a, in 16th
ii. 349
prohibited to,
i. 168
Schools, custom in Scottish,
of making presents to the
master on Candlemass-
day, 1. 214; practice of
cock-fighting and throw-
ing at, in former times, at
Shrovetide, 238, 239;
other old customs at, 239, 240
Schubert, G. F. Von,. ii. 5
Scioppius, Caspar, i. 687; ii. 593
Scolds. See Shrews.
Scone, Charles II.'s coron-
ation at, i. 26; foot-ball

playing at,

[ocr errors]

'Scorchers, the,"

Scoresby, Rev. W.,

[ocr errors]

ii. 509, 510
i. 401
Scot, Sir John, author of
The Staggering State of
Scots Statesmen,
i. 400
Scotland, New-year's Day
festivities in, i. 28-30;
bogs and peat-mosses in,
48; specimens of pronun-
ciation in, 56, 57; Frank-
lin's excursion to, 58;
running-footmen in, 100;
early teachers of Christi-
anity in, 102, 103; cus-
toms in, on Candlemass-
day, 214; progress of the
EmperorSeverus through,
222; April joking in, 461;
unsuccessful attempt to
introduce nightingales
into, 515; the majority of
people of, unfavourable to
the cause of Charles Ed-
ward, 519; May-day ob-
servances in, 574; early
communication between,
and the north of Europe,
621; disruption of church
of, in 1843, 652; flitting-
day in, 679; cannibalism
in, 688, 689; Christianity
introduced into, by St
Columba, 755, 756; cam-
paign of Agricola in, 779;
Ben Jonson's visit to, ii.
181, 182; an earthquake
in, 210, 211; her hero, Sir
William Wallace, 251, 252;
Jerome Cardan's visit to,
360; manufacture of jam
and jelly in, 383, 384;
troubles occasioned to, by
Maid of Norway's death,
420, 421; Churchill's
satires on, 544; suppres-
sion of the festival of
Christmas in, at the Re-
formation, 746; Hog-
manay festivities in, 788-790
Scots, their wars with King
i. 701
Scots Worthies, written by
John Howie,
i. 54
Scott, Captain Caroline,
eulogised by Mallet,. i. 38
Scott, John, of Borthwick,
wonderful faster, i. 552, 553

[blocks in formation]

his translation of Lenore.
i. 24; his anecdote of
Charles Townshend, 154;
his remark on Winser's
scheme of lighting Lon-
don with gas, 179; his
account of the
alarm in 1804, 200; his
remarks on Mrs Rad-
cliffe's romances, 228;
his hereditary talents,
236; instance of mysteri-
ous remembrance
corded by, 268; monu-
ment of, in Edinburgh-
notice of its architect,
335; last words of, 378;
anecdote related by, of
thumb-biting, 358; liter-
ary imposture practised
on, 457, 458; presents, on
behalf of Lady Clerk, the
knife-case of Charles Ed-
ward to George IV., 519,
520; his panegyric of
Shakspeare, 542; quoted,
i. 807; ii. 732, 733; origin
of his Grey Geese of
Mucklestane Moor, ii.
245, 246; his account of
Ritson, 406; his friend-
ship with Washington
Scottish Episcopal Church,
its attachment to the
Stuart family,
i. 166
Scourers, the, riotous as-
sociation in London, i. 743
Scramble Club, the, Man-
i. 197, 198
'Scrape, getting into a,'
origin of the phrase, i. 78
Scratch-back, curious im-
ii. 237, 238
Scribe, Eugene, .
ii. 742
Scrimshaw, Jane, centen-
i. 464
Scriptures. See Bible.
Scrofula. See King's Evil.
Scroop, Sir Gervase, singu-
lar reanimation of, . ii. 488
Scrope, William,. ii. 89
Scuderi, Madeleine de, i.
728; her romances, 729, 730
Sea, interment of warrior
chiefs near the,
i. 337
Sea-scrpent, the, ii. 184, 185
Seamen, grievances of, lead-
ing to mutinies in 1797-

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Selfishness, discrimination
of, by Dr Arnold,

Selim I., Sultan, .

III., Sultan,


i. 779

ii. 362

. ii. 132

Selman, John, the cut-purse-

ii. 669, 670

Selwyn, George, celebrated
wit, his passion for at-
tending executions,. i. 161
Semler, a German would-
be alchemist, i. 603, 604

Sempill, Lord, his regi-
ment, afterwards the 42d
Highlanders, i. 649-651
Senan, St,

[ocr errors]

⚫i. 312

Seneca, Roman philosopher,
i. 499; notice of,
Sennen, St,

[ocr errors]

ii. 143

Sennertus, Daniel, . ii. 94
SEPTEMBER, descriptive,

ii. 296

ii. 292-295; historical, 295
Septimius, St,
Sepulchre, church of St, i. 610
Sequanus, or Seine, St, ii. 354
Serapion, St,

i. 199

-, abbot, . i 400
-, the Scholas-

· . i. 400

tic, .
Serapion, St, the Sindon-
ite, .

[ocr errors]

1. 400
Serenus, St, two saints of
this name,
i. 289, 825

Serf, or Servanus, St, i. 528;

early apostle of Christian-
ity in Scotland, 102, 103
Sergius, St,.
. ii, 420
Seringapatam, taking of, i. 592
Sermons, never preached
by the pope-Pius IX., an
exception, i. 104; device
for taking notes of,
Serpent, formula for exor-
i. 129
cising the,
Serpents, St Patrick's extir-
pation of, from Ireland-

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St, king




[blocks in formation]

seventh Earl of,

i. 557

[blocks in formation]



[ocr errors]

i. 585

Shaftesbury, festival of the
Bezant at,
Shah Jehan, father of
Aurungzebe, the Koh-i-
noor presented to,. i. 484
Shah-Nadir (Kouli Khan), i. 753
Shakeshaft, John, winner

of the Dunmow flitch of
i. 750
Shakspeare, allusion by, to
the man in the moon,'
i. 53; comparative facility
of Scotsmen in compre-
hending language of, 57;
poem said to have been
written by, on
Hathaway, 65, 66; allu-
sion by, to touching for
the king's evil, 82, 83;
geographical knowledge
of, 136; supposition of
his having acted as jester
to Lord Leicester, 183;
allusion by, to betrothal
by exchange of rings, 220;
to posies on rings, 221;
to funeral garlands, 272;
to the nursery tale of 'Mr
Fox,' 291; 'curious rela-
tions of, with his wife,
309; leading characters
of, first personated by
Burbage, 380; quoted,
399, 481, 515, 539, 510,
633, 637; ii. 45, 160, 594,
736; relics of, i. 590, 591;
ii. 486; notice of, i. 542-
544; depreciation of, in
time of Charles II., 682;
his allusion to the Cots-
wold games, 714; illus-
trative quotations from,
by George III., . ii. 371
Shakspeare, Anne, notice

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

John, celebrated

punch and club-house
kept by, in Manchester-
i. 196, 197
Shaw, Lieutenant, resist-
ance of, to ceremonies at
crossing the line,' ii. 653, 654
Shebbeare, Dr, i. 832; ii.
154; an umbrella held
over, when in the pillory,
i. 243; notice of, ii. 660, 661
Shee, Sir Martin A., ii. 235, 730
Sheil, Richard Lalor-
i. 662; ii. 230
Shelburne, William, Earl
of, i. 585; his friendship
with Bentham,
Sheldon, Archbishop Gil-
ii. 86, 561
Shelley, Mary Woolston-
i. 207
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, ii.
169; notice of, 172-174;
his friendship with Leigh
Shenstone, William, i. 245;
allusion by, to the horn-
book, 47; his inn-window
quatrain-peculiarities of, 245
Shepherds, belief in France
of their practising sor-

[blocks in formation]

storyconnected with,ii.448-450

Maundy Thursday.


Sheridan, Dr Thomas, ii.
328; notice of,
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,
ii. 29, 516; hereditary
talents of family of, i.
236; elaborateness of his
plays, ii. 30; his funeral, 31
Sheridan, Thomas, father
of the dramatist, ii. 213
Sherley, Sir Robert, ii. 105;
notice of,
106, 107
i. 796

Sherlock, Dr William,.
. ii. 82
Sherwood, Mrs, ii. 366;
notice of, .
Shield, William, .
i. 158
Shillibeer, Mr, first starter
of an omnibus in London-
Ship, a Flying, in 1709-
ii. 720-722
Shippen, Mr, his lines on
death of Queen Anne's
son, the Duke of Glou-
i. 410

Shipton, Mother, Life of

Signals for servants,


[ocr errors]

i. 569
ii. 50


olden times, i. 351, 352;
old tavern, in London, 536-538
Sigourney, Lydia Huntley, ii. 529
Silave, St,
i. 645
Silk, manufacture of, intro-
duced into Europe, i. 49;
stockings of,
Silver, belief of its improv-
ing the tone of bells,
erroneous, i. 301; dis-
covery of ornaments of,
at Norie's Law, Largo, 337, 338
Silver types, notion of cer-
tain books being printed

[blocks in formation]

Sleep, remarkable instances
of protracted, i. 557;
fatal inclination to, in-
duced by cold, 642; of
Sleeping in church, employ-
ment of officials to prevent-
i. 524, 525
Sligo, Marquis of, his
address to the negroes of
. ii. 159
Sloane, Sir Hans, i. 92, 517;
notice of, 92, 93; a niece
of, cured by Mrs Mapp,
Small-pox, inoculation for,
the bone-setter,
introduced by Lady M.
Wortley Montagu, i. 389-391
Smaragdus, St,
ii. 189
Smart, Christopher, i. 497, 622
Smeaton, John, i. 689; ii. 506
Smedley, Rev. Edward,


ii. 729

i. 40

Silverius, St,

i. 798

Silvin, St,

i. 266

i. 389

Simeon, Mr, aid rendered

i. 826

by, to

Henry Kirke

Smellie, William,

i. 820


[ocr errors][merged small]

Smith, Admiral Sir Sidney, i. 681

Simcon, or Simon,


i. 676


i. 271

Simeon, St, .

ii. 635

St. bishop


[blocks in formation]

Show prodigies, .
Showers of animals, ii. 361, 362
Shows. See Pageants.
Shrews, taming of, in olden
i. 208-212
Shrewsbury, Charles, Duke
of, i. 207; notice of,
Shrewsbury, Earl of, and
his termagant spouse-
i. 595, 596
Shrewsbury, Earl of, si-
lences the bluster of a
French ambassador,. i. 247
Shrewsbury, Earl of, testi-
monial presented to, ii. 149
Shrewsbury, Francis Tal-
bot, Earl of,fight between,
and Duke of Buckingham-
i. 129, 130
Shrewsbury, simnel-cakes
of, i. 336; Show, 704-708;
battle of,.
ii. 102, 103
Shropshire, popular story
current in, regarding
origin of simnel-cakes, i. 337
Shrove Tuesday, festival of-
Shurland, Sir Robert, legend
i. 236-239

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

i. 521
Simeon, St, surnamed Salus, ii. 5
Stylites, St, notice
i. 53
Simeon Stylites, St, the
ii. 307
Simnel, Lambert, pretender
to the throne,
i. 337, 788
i. 119
--- cakes, account of-
story of their origin, i. 336, 337
Simon, St, martyr,

. i. 411

Stock, St,.
• i. 639
the Canaanite, St, ii. 506
Simplicius, St, two faints
of this name,
i. 320; ii. 138
Simpson, Thomas, ii. 239
Sina, St,
ii. 565
Sinclair, Sir John, his New-
year's visit to Lord Mel-
ville, i. 30; unsuccessful
attempt of, to introduce
nightingales into Scot-
land, 515; his connec-
tion with the author of
Baron Munchausen, ii.
85, 86; anecdote of his
tutor, John Logan, .
Sindulphus, St,
Singh, Runjeet,
Sion House,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Sismondi, J. C. L. de, :
Sisoes, or Sisoy, St,
'Sisters, the two unknown,'
a poem,
i. 228
Sistine Chapel, the Miserere
in, during the Holy Week-
i. 407
Sivan, or Sigirannus, St, ii. 655
Sixtus, or Xystus II., Pope-
ii. 180
i. 423
ii. 210
V., Pope, ii. 687;
notice of,
Sixtus, St,
Skating, i. 20; amusement
of, described, 138-140;
primitive style of, ii. 787
Skelton, John, poet-laur-
eate, i. 472, 800; notice
800, 801
Skene, Mr, of Rubislaw
i. 190 and note.
Skinker, Tanakin, a pig-
faced lady,. ii. 255, 256
Skull, portion of a human,
reduced to powder, pre-
scribed as medicine,

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

-, Albert,

Captain John, i. 800
, Charlotte, ii. 506;
notice of, .
Smith, Dr' Adam, i. 738;
Lord Kenyon's views on
doctrines of,
Smith, Dr John Pye, . i. 678
Southwood, ii.


i. 477

676; friend of Bentham, i. 742
Smith, Horace,

[ocr errors]

. ii. 46

, James, agriculturist-
i. 764
, James, comic poet-
i. 58, 241

Rev. Sydney, i. 284;
his description of Dr
Parr, 115, 116; notice of,
286, 287; his declaration
regarding Francis Horner-
Smith, Sir J. E.,.


ii. 209
i. 385

i. 432; ii. 205
Thomas Assheton,
great fox-hunter,
Smith, William, .

ii. 491
1. 407

discovery of
remains of martyrs at,
i. 371; an Arian heretic
burned at, in reign of
James I., 388; Barthol-
omew Fair in, ii. 263-267
Smoking, prohibition of, to
schoolmasters, .
i. 168
Smollett, Tobias, ii. 476;
his Humphry Clinker,
depreciated by Walpole, i. 165
Smugglers, desperate char-
acter of the Sussex, i. 246
Smyth, Admiral William, i. 141
--, Dr, extraordinary
attack by, on Dr Jenner, i. 628
Smyth, Sir William, Crom-
well's courtesy to,
i. 617
Smyth, William, historical
i. 821
i. 198
ii. 738

Snails, decoction of, recom-
mended for a cough,
Snakes. See Serpents.
Snapdragon, sport of, .

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Soane, Sir John, ii. 307;

notice of, .

Sobieski. See John.


Sociable Club, Manchester, i. 197
Social life, glimpses of, in
17th century, from
Herefordshire lady's
account-book, i. 674-676;
picture of, in reign of
Charles II., presented by
Pepys, 682; of former
times, as exhibited in the
London parks,
Socialism, system of, pro-

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


by 48

Somers, Lord Chancellor-
i. 331, 555
Will, jester to
Henry VIII., i. 180, 183
Somerset, Earl and Coun-
tess of, their participation
in murder of Sir Thomas
ii. 580, 581
Somerset, Edmund Beau-
fort, Duke of, prophecy
regarding his death, i. 399
Somerset, Seymour, Duke
of, heraldic satire on, i. 793
Somerset, the Proud Duke
i. 71 and note
Somerset House, London,
reconstructed by Sir Wil-
liam Chambers,
i. 342
Somerton Castle, captivity
of King John of France
i. 488, 489
Somerville, Mrs, her record
of English earthquakes-

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Spanish lady, story and
ballad of a,
ii. 141, 142
Spectator, amusing paper
in the, on the subject of
lotteries, i. 94; reference
to, 132; history of, 318,
319; quoted,


ii. 168
i. 154
ii. 433-436

[ocr errors]

ii. 132
ii. 579
i. 754
ii. 239

-dogs, superstitions
Speed, John,
Speke, Captain,
Spelman, Sir Henry,
Spence, Joseph,
Spencer, John Charles,
third Earl, i. 701; con-
nection between his
family and Washington's, 285
Spencer, Lord, copy of
Eschylus bound for, by
ii. 597
Spencer, Sir John, marri-
age of his daughter Eliza
to Lord Compton, i. 444
Spenser, Edmund, i. 121;
resemblance of his lan-
guage to Scottish dialect,
57; his allusion to the
nursery tale of 'Mr Fox,'
291; quoted;
565, 571
ii. 75
i. 124

[ocr errors]

i. 788

Sophia Charlotte, queen of

Speratus, St,

[ocr errors]

ii. 578

Speusippus, St,

Sophia Dorothea, consort of

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Spiders and their webs, al-
leged therapeutic efficacy

[ocr errors]

i. 732, and note

[ocr errors]

Spiller's Head,' the, cele-
brated tavern, .
ii. 498
Spindle. See Distaff.
Spinning, universality of,
as a female employment
in former times, i. 68, 69
Spinning-wheel, history of

i. 689; ii. 439

[ocr errors]

i. 562

i. 356

i. 226

i. 234

i. 534

Spinola, Marquis of,

i. 240

ii. 561

Soul, or passing-bell, i. 548, 549
-- theory of its pre-


existence considered, i.
269; legendary belief of its
power to dissever itself
from the body,
Soult, Marshal, i. 435; ii.
619; sale of his pictures, i. 658
South, Dr Robert,
ii. 33
-sea bubble, i. 146-149
Southcott, Joanna, ii. 772;
Sharp the engraver's im-
plicit faith in, 124; notice
773, 774
Southcott, John, petition
of, to Charles II., i. 700
Southern, Thomas, . i. 681
Southey, Caroline Anne, ii. 89
-, Robert, i. 401; ii.
205; his remarks on
theory of pre-existence,
269; his relations with
John Murray, 823; con-
trast between, and Cole-
ii. 480
Southwell, Robert, i. 280
Sovereign, presentation of
New-year's gifts to the,
and his officers, i. 31-33
Sowens, old Scottish dish, i. 600
Spain, final overthrow of

the Moors in, i. 39; acces-
sion of a Bourbon prince
to the throne of, 510; no-
tice of St James, her

[ocr errors]

i. 69

ii. 380

i. 280

1. 187
ii. 482

Spinoza, Benedict de,.
Spinster, origin of the
term, i. 68; use of the
term in legal phraseology, 69
Spiridion, St,
ii. 693
Spirit-world, the, reference
to, in connection with
Spohr, Louis,
Sponsor, application to
Prince Albert to stand, i. 168
Sporting nomenclature, old-
i. 554
Sports, field, of our ancestors-
ii. 211-213
Sportsmen, tender-hearted-
ness in,
i. 734, 735
Spotted boy, the, exhibited
at Bartholomew Fair-
ii. 267, and note
Spottiswood, Archbishop,
ii. 619; his account of
Scott the faster, i. 552, 553
Sprat, Bishop Thomas, i. 658
Spring Garden, a resort of
the Londoners in old
times, . i. 690, 759, 760
Springs, medicinal, under
the patronage of St Chad-
i. 321
Spurs, earning the, by a
knight, i. 782 and note;
and spur-money, ii. 541, 542
Spurzheim, Dr Johann
ii. 791
Spy, General Putnam's
treatment of a,.
ii. 187

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74, 75
Stamford, bull-running at
ii. 574-576
'Stang, riding the,' ii. 510, 511
Stanhope, Charles, Earl,
democratic peer, i. 725;
notice of,
ii. 164, 165
Stanhope, Charles, under-
hand proceedings of, in
reference to South-sea
i. 148
Stanhope, Dr George, i. 333, 387
James, first Earl
of, i. 224; singular death of-
148, 224
Stanhope, Lady Hester-
i. 810; ii. 165
Philip Henry,
Earl, his History of Eng-
i. 71
Stanhope, Sir William, i
608; Pope's garden de-
stroyed by,
i. 704
Stanislas Kostka, St,. ii. 573
Stanislaus I. of Poland, i. 289
Poniatowski, last

king of Poland,
Stanislaus, St, bishop of

Stanley, Colonel,

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

of treasure at,

Stanton-Harcourt, melan-

choly accident near man-
sion of,
ii. 148, 149
Staples' Inn, old houses at-
ii. 307
Star Chamber, victims of
the, in reign of Charles
I., i. 831; its prosecution
of Lilburne,
ii. 281, 282
'Star-spangled banner,'
supposed to be derived
from Washington's shield-
i. 286
Starch, yellow, invented by
Mrs Turner,
ii. 581
Stars, shooting or falling-
ii. 576, 577
States-general of France,
opening of, in 1789, i. 597, 598
Statesman, the, contrasted
with the doctrinaire, ii. 189
Stationer, original import
of the term,
ii. 773
Stationers' Company, their

i. 13, 14; ii. 716, 717
Statues, some Stuart, ii. 484, 485
Statute Fairs,
i. 644, 645
Staunton, Sir G. T.. ii. 196
Steam, first use of, in print-
ii. 632, 633
Steam-engine, projected by
Marquis of Worcester, i. 471
Steamers, first, in Britain-
ii. 10, 11, 220
Steele, Sir Richard, i. 318,
319; ii. 296; quoted, i. 78
Steevens, Dr and Miss,
philanthropists, ii. 257

[ocr errors]

Stephen, St, king of Hun-
Stephen, St, pope and
. ii. 159
Stephen, St, the Invention
ii. 164

Stephen, Sir James, . ii. 335
the Younger, St, ii. 627
Stephens, James Francis, ii. 349
Stephenson, George, i. 756;
ii. 206; railway carried
by, over Chat Moss, i. 48;
safety-lamp invented by, 86
Stephenson, Robert, ii. 436;
his tubular bridge over
the Menai Straits, i. 333,
334; his locomotive, the
Rocket, ii. 347, 348; notice

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Stiffening of a corpse, super-

stition regarding,

Stilicho, Flavius,. . ii. 251
Stillingfleet, Benjamin, ii. 698
Bishop Edward-
i. 427, 521
Stobaeus, Dr, early friend
i. 676
of Linnæus,
Stockden, victualler in Grub
i. 395
Street, murder of
Stockholm, curious incident
related of fire at, in con-
nection with Swedenborg-
1. 187
Stockings, silk, presented
to Queen Elizabeth, i.
32; early history of,
Stockport, custom at gram-
mar-school of, i. 233;
practical jest of a farmer
ii. 627
Stocks market, site of the
present Mansion House,
i. 504; statue of Charles
ii. 484, 435
II., in,
Stocks, punishment of the-

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