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this rich and great empire: and having once planted there, may for ever (by the favour of God) holde and keepe it, Contra Iudæos & Gentes. Subjects, I doubt not, may through her Majesties gracious sufferance, joyning their strength together, invade, spoyle, and overrunne it, returning with golde and great riches. But what good of perpetuitie can followe thereof? Or who can hope that they will take any other course then such, as tendeth to a private and present benefite; considering that an Empire once obtained, is of congruitie, howe, and wheresoever the charge shall growe, to bee annexed unto the crowne? The riches of this place are not fit for any private estate: no question, they will rather proove sufficient to crosse and countervaile the Spaniard his proceedings in all partes of Christendome, where his money maketh way to his ambition.


If the necessitie of following this enterprise doth nothing urge us, because in some case better a mischiefe, then an inconvenience: let the conveniencie thereof somewat moove us, in respect both of so many Gentlemen, souldiers, and younger brothers, who, if for want of employment they doe not die like cloyed cattell in ranke easefulnesse; are enforced for maintenance sake, sometimes to take shamefull and unlawfull courses and in respect of so many handycraftsmen having able bodies, that doe live in cleannesse of teeth and povertie. To sacrifice the children of Belial unto the common weale, is not to defile the lande with blood, because the lawe of God doeth not prohibite it, and [III. 687.] the execution of justice requireth it to bee so: but yet if the waterboughes, that sucke and feede on the juice, and nourishment that the fruitefull branches should live by, are to bee cut downe from the tree, and not regarded: luckie and prosperous bee that right hande, that shall plant and possesse a soyle, where they may fructifie, increase, and growe to good: thrise honourable and blessed bee the memorie of so charitable a deede, from one generation to another.


To conclude, your lordship hath payd for the discoverie and search, both in your owne person, and since by mee. You have framed it, and moulded it readie for her Majestie, to set on her seale. If either envie or ignorance, or other devise frustrate the rest, the good which shall growe to our enemies, and the losse which will come to her Majestie and this kingdome, will after a fewe yeeres shewe it selfe. Wee have more people, more shippes, and better meanes, and yet doe nothing. The Spanish king hath had so sweete a taste of the riches thereof, as notwithstanding that hee is lorde of so many empires and kingdomes already, notwithstanding his enterprises of France and Flanders, notwithstanding that hee attended this yeere a home invasion: yet hee sent twentie eight saile to Trinidad, A Table of the names of the Rivers, Nations, second voyage

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whereof tenne were for that place and Guiana, and had some other shippes ready at Cadiz, if the same had not beene by my Lordes her Majesties Generals and your lordship set on fire.

In one worde; The time serveth, the like occasion seldome happeneth in many ages, the former repeated considerations doe all joyntly together importune us, nowe, or never to make our selves rich, our posteritie happie, our Prince every way stronger then our enemies, and to establish our Countrey in a state flourishing and peaceable. O let not then such an indignitie rest on us, as to deprave so notable an enterprise with false rumors, and vaine suppositions, to sleepe in so serious a matter, and renouncing the honour, strength, wealth, and soveraigntie of so famous a conquest, to leave all unto the Spaniard.

Townes, and Casiques or Captaines that in this were discovered.



1 These are enemies to the Iaos, their money
is of white and greene stones. They speake
the Tivitivas language; so likewise doe the
nation of the Arricari, who have greater store
of those moneyes then any others.

2 Here it was as it seemeth, that Vincent Pinzon
the Spaniard had his Emeralds. In one of
these two rivers certain Frenchmen that suf-
fred shipwrack some 2. or 3. yeres since, doe

3. 4. 5. These with the other two seeme to
bee branches of the great river of Amazones.
When wee first fell with land, wee were, by
ye Indians report, but 1. dayes journey from
the greatest river, that is on that coast.

6 The first mountaines that appeare within lande,
doe lie on the East side of this river. From



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14 These speake the language of the Indians of
Dominica. They are but few, but very cruel
to their enemies. For they bind, and eat
them alive peecemeale. This torment is not
comparable to the deadly paine that commeth
of hurts, or woundes, made by those arrowes
that are invenomed with the juice of ye
herbe Wapototo. These Indians because
they eate them whome they kill, use no
poyson. The sea coast is nowhere populous,
for they have much wasted themselves, in
mutuall warres. But now in all parts so farre
as Orenoque, they live in league and peace.

21. Neere the head of this river, Capeleppo
falleth out of the plaines, and runneth into
the Sea with Curitini. Some of the Guianians
live in this river.

39. This river, as also most of the rest, is not
navigable above sixe dayes journey by reason.
of rockes. It is tenne dayes journey to the
head, where the Guianians do dwel: hony,
yarne or cotton, silke, Balsamum, and Brasil-


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