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1. That towards raifing the fupply granted to his majefty, the fum of 1,800,cool. be raised by loans or exchequer bills, to be charged upon the first aids to be granted in the next feffion of parliament; and fuch exchequer bills, if not difcharged, with intereft thereupon, on or before the fifth day of April, 1773, to be exchanged and received in payment, in fuch manner as exchequer bills have ufually been exchanged and received in payment.

2. That, out of the produce of the funds established by three acts of parliament, made in the thirtyfecond year of the reign of his late Majefty King George the fecond, and in the fecond and fifth years of the reign of his prefent majefty, for augmenting the falaries of the judges in England, Scotland, and Wales, after fatisfying the feveral annual payments already charged thereupon, there be iffued and applied the annual fum of 1700l. for making good the fupply granted to his majefty, for augmentation of the falaries of the juffices of Chester, and of the great feffions for the counties of Wales.


That the fum of 400,000l.which, by an act made in the ninth year of his prefent majesty's reign, intitled, "An act for carrying into execution certain propofals made by the Eaft India company, for the payment of the annual fum of four

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1. That, towards making good the fupply granted to his majefty, there be iffued and applied the fum of 805,3981. 135. 2d. remaining in the receipt of the Exchequer, on the fifth day of April, 1772, for the difpofition of Parliament, of the monies which had then arisen, of the furpluses, exceffes, and overplus monies, and other revenues, of the fund commonly called the finking fund.

2. That towards making good the fupply granted to his majefty, a fum not exceeding 138,090l. 55. rod. out of the favings arifing upon the grant for the pay of an augmentation to his majefty's land forces, for the year 1771, be applied towards defraying the extraordi nary expences of his majesty's land forces, and other fervices incurred, to the 20th day of Febru ary, 1772, and not provided for by parliament.

3. That towards making good the fupply granted to his majefty, a fum not exceeding 36,7721. 10s. out of the favings arifing upon the fum voted in the account of extraordinaries in the year 1770, for levy-money for the faid augmentation, be applied towards defraying the extraordinary expences of his majefty's land forces, and other fervices incurred, to the 20th day


of February, 1772, and not provided for by parliament.

4. That, towards making good the fupply granted to his majefly, a fum not exceeding 1,8631. 13s. rod. out of the favings arifing upon grants for the difference between British and Irish pay of the 64th and 65th regiments of foot, from the first day of September to the 24th day of December, 1768, be applied towards defraying the extraordinary expences of his majefty's land forces, and other fervices incurred, to the 20th of February, 1772, and not provided for by parliament.

5. That towards making good the fupply granted to his majefty, a fum not exceeding 40,000l. out of the favings arifing upon the grants for the pay of reduced of ficers of land forces and marines, from the 25th day of June, 1757, to the 24th of December, 1768, be applied towards defraying the extraordinary expences of his majefty's land forces, and other fervices incurred, to the 20th day of February, 1772, and not provided for by parliament.

MAY 2.

1. That any perfon or perfons, bodies politick or corporate, poifeffed of, interested in, or intitled unto, any annuities, being part of the capital or joint stock of 31. per cent. annuities, confolidated by feveral acts of parliament, of the 25th, 28th, 29th, 32d, and 33d years of the reign of George the fecond, and several fubfequent acts, which were made payable and transferrable at the Bank of England; or of the annuities confolidated by the acts of the 25th of George the fecond, and 5th of George the third, called reduced

annuities, allo payable and traníferrable there; or of certain 31, per cent. annuities, which are payable and transferrable at the South Sea houfe, called old South Sea annuities and new South Sea annuities; or of 31. per cent. annuities, payable in respect of 2,100,000l. granted by an act of the 24th year of the reign of George the fecond, for the fervice of the year 1751; who, on or before the 15th day of this inftant May, and before the fum fubfcribed fhal amount to 1,500,000l. shall subscribe their names, or fignify their confent to accept, in lieu of their intereft in any part of the faid principal or capital ftock ftanding in their names, and in full fatisfaction and difcharge thereof, the fum of gol. in money for every 100l. and in that proportion for any greater or lefs fum or fums, compofing one or more intire fum or fums of 100l. 50l. or 251. of fuch principal or capital ftock, one moiety thereof to be paid on or before the 15th day of July next, and the other moiety on or before the 20th day of October next, together with the interest due on the whole capital stock fo fubfcribed to the 5th day of July next, fhall, for every 100l. principal or capital ftock, as aforesaid, fo fubfcribed, be intitled to receive four tickets, in a lottery, to confift of 60,000 tickets, at the rate of 12l. 10s. each (and in that proportion for any greater or lefs fum); the faid tickets to be paid for in manner following; that is to fay,. that every perfon or perfons, bodies politick or corporate, fo fubfcribing, or fignifying his, her, or their confent as aforefaid, fall, on or before the 15th day of this inftant May, make a depofit of 11. in re[P4]


fpect of the money to be paid for each ticket, as a fecurity for making the future payments, to the cafhters of the Bank of England, on or before the times herein after limited; that is to fay, for and in refpect of every fuch ticket, 21. on or before the 19th day of June next; 31. on or before the 22d of July next; 31. on or before the 21ft of Auguft next; and 31. 10s. on or before the 2d day of October next: that upon fuch payments being completed, tickets fhall be delivered, as foon as the fame can be prepared, to the perfons intitled thereto; that the fum of 600,000l. fhall be diftributed into prizes, for the benefit of the proprietors of the fortunate tickets in the faid lottery, which prizes fhall be paid at the Bank of England, in Money, to fuch proprietors, upon demand, on the first day of March, 1773, or as foon after as certificates can be prepared, without any deduction whatfoever; and that all the monies to be received by the faid cafliersfhall be paid into the receipt of his majefty's exchequer, to be applied, from time to time, to fuch fervices as fhall then have been voted by this houfe in this feffion of parliament; and every perfon or perfons, bodies politick or corporate, fo poffeffed of, interested in, or intitled to any of the faid annuities, and fo fubfcribing as aforefaid,fhall have a certificate, from the faid cafhiers of the governor and company of the Bank of England, of the amount of the principal or capital ftock by them refpectively fubfcribed, and of all fuch fum and fums of money as he, fhe, or they, fhall be intitled to receive, in confideration of fuch theirfubfcription, and in lieu and in difcharge of his,

her, or their capital stock, fo fubfcribed; and the holders or bearers of fuch certificates fhall be paid, at the Bank of England, the feveral fums of money expreffed in fuch certificates, together with interest after the rate of 31. per cent. per annum on the capital ftock fo fubfcribed, in the manner, and at the times, herein before defcribed; that, upon payment of fuch fum or fums of money, with such intereft, the whole of the principal or capital ftock fo fubfcribed shall stand difcharged, and be annihilated: and the annuity payable in respect thereof fhall, from the faid th day of July, 1772, ceafe and be extinguished.

2. That books be opened, at the Bank of England, for receiving fuch fubfcription and confent; and that, during the two first days on which fuch fubfcriptions and confent are to be received, no one perfon, body politick or corporate, be admitted to fubfcribe, or fignify his, her, or their confent, for any fum or fums, amounting in the whole to more than 10,000l. principal or capital tock.

3. That, towards raising the fupply granted to his majefty, there be iffued and applied the fum of 1,856,7231. 15. 2d. out of fuch monies as fhall or may arife, of the furplufes, exceffes, or overplus monies, and other revenues, compofing the fund commonly called the finking fund.

4. That a fum, not exceeding 20,000l. out of fuch monies as shall be paid into the receipt of the Exchequer on or before the 5th day of April, 1773, of the produce of all or any of the duties and revenues, which, by any act or acts of parliament, have been directed to

be referved for the difpofition of parliament towards defraying the neceffary expences of defending, protecting, and fecuring, the Britifh colonies and plantations in America, be applied towards making good fuch part of the fupply as hath been granted to his majesty, for maintaining his majefty's forces and garrifons in the plantations, and for provisions for the forces in North America, Nova Scotia, New foundland, and the Ceded Iflands, for the year 1772.

5. That fuch of the monies as fhall be paid into the receipt of the Exchequer, after the 5th day of April, 1772,and on or before the 5th day of April,1773,of the produce of the duties charged by an act of par liament, made in the 5th year of his prefent majesty's reign, upon the importation and exportation of

By the refolution of Feb. 4.
By that of Feb. 6.
By that of Feb. 11.
By that of Feb. 20.
By the first of April 2.
By that of April 6.
By the first of April 14.
By the fecond of ditto
By the third of ditto
By the fourth of ditto
By the fifth of ditto
By the firit of May 2.
By the third of ditto
By the fourth of ditto
By the first of May 11.

By the fecond of ditto

gum fenega and gum arabic, be applied towards making good the fupply granted to his majesty. MAY 11.

1. That, towards making good. the fupply granted to his majefty, there be applied the fum of 21,710l, remaining in the receipt of the Exchequer on the 5th day of April, 1772, being the furplus of the deductions of fix-pence in the pound, out of all monies paid upon all falaries, penfions, annuities, and other payments from the crown, after fatisfying the annuities or other charges then due and payable out of the fame.

2. That, towards making good the fupply granted to his majefty, there be applied the fum of 10,4261, 9s. 3d. remaining in the receipt of the Exchequer, for the difpofition of parliament.

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Sum total of fuch provisions as can be ascertained

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Excefs of the provisions

536339 17 11/



His Majefty's most gracicus Speech to both Houfes of Parliament, on Tuesday the 21st of January, 1772.

My Lords and Gentlemen,
T gives me much fatisfaction,

our affairs, either foreign or domeftick, has obliged me to require your attendance earlier than might have been confiftent with your private convenience; and that, now you are met together, you will find yourselves at liberty to give your whole attention to the eftablishment of wife and useful regulations of law, and to the extenfion of our commercial advantages.

The performance of the engagement of the king of Spain, in the reftitution of Port Egmont and Falkland's Ifland, and the repeated affurances I have received of the pacifick difpofition of that court, as well as of other powers, promife to my fubjects the continuance of peace; and we may, with the greater confidence, hope, that we hall not be difturbed in the enjoyment of this bleffing; as there is no reafon to apprehend that we fhall become involved in the troubles which fill unhappily prevail in one part of Europe.

The danger of the farther fpreading of the infectious fickness in Europe, is, I truft, very much abated; but I must recommend it

to you, not to fuffer our happiness, in having been hitherto preserved from fo dreadful a calamity, to leffen your vigilance in the ufe of every reasonable precaution for our fafety.

Gentlemen of the Houfe of

I have ordered the estimates for

the fervice of the current year to be laid before you. I make no doubt but you will fee the propriety of maintaining a refpectable eftablishment of my naval forces. I am pleased, however, to find, that I fhall be under no neceffity of afking of you, at this time, any extraordinary aid.

My Lords and Gentlemen, The concerns of this country are fo various and extenfive, as to require the moft vigilant and active attention; and fome of them, as well from remotenefs of place as from other circumftances, are fo peculiarly liable to abuses, and expofed to danger, that the interpo fition of the legiflature, for their protection, may become neceflary. If in any fuch inftances, either for fupplying defects, or remedying abufes, you fhall find it requifite to provide any new laws, you may depend upon my ready concur rence, in whatever may best contribute to the attainment of thofe falutary ends.


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