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Author of good, we rest on thee,

Another six days' work is done,
Assembled in our school once more, ...
As the sun's enlivening ray,..

As the sweet flower that scents the morn,
As bodies, when the soul is dead,..
As when the weary traveller gains,.






A voice from the desert comes sounding,


Awake, my soul, and with the sun,


Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve,...

Awake, my soul, lift up thine eyes,...167


Before Jehovah's awful throne,


Begin, my soul, th' exalted lay,.


Behold! another year begins,


Behold th' amazing sight,


Behold the beauteous western light,

Behold the morning sun,

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Behold the Savior on the cross,..

Behold the Prince of Peace,...



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Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth,
Beset with snares on every hand,



Be still, my heart! these anxious cares,.......
Be thou, O God, by night, by day,

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Bright was the guiding star that led,..............122


By cool Siloam's shady rill,...


Calm on the listening ear of night,.
Called by the Sabbath bells away,
Cease, ye mourners, cease to languish,.
Child to thee, the loved of Heaven,.
Children of the heavenly King,..
Christians, brethren, ere we part,
Clay to clay, and dust to dust,..
Come, Holy Spirit. Heavenly Dove,..










Come, let us search our ways and try,.


Come, said Jesus' sacred voice,.


Come, sound his praise abroad,.


Come, thou Almighty King,..


Come to the house of prayer,


Come, weary souls, with sin oppressed,
Come, we that love the Lord,



Dear is the hallowed morn to me,..
Death has been here, and borne away,.
Early, my God, without delay,

Earth has engrossed our cares too long,
Eat, drink, in memory of your friend,
Enough of life's vain scene I've trod,
Eternal Father, God of love,

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Eternity is just at hand,

Farewell, dear friend, a long farewell,.
Far from mortal cares retreating,
Far from thy servants, God of grace..
Father divine, before thy view,
Father, I love to read of thee....
Father in heaven, thy ceaseless love,.
Father of light, conduct my feet......

Father of lights, we sing thy name,.............
Father of mercies, God of love,........
Father of mercies, in thy word,..













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From north and south, from east and west,.

From the table now retiring,


Glorious things of thee are spoken,

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Glory be to God on high,


Go, when the morning shineth,
Go to dark Gethsemane,..

Glory to our Heavenly King,
Glory to thee, my God, this night,
God from on high looks down to see,...
God, in the gospel of his Son,..
God, in the high and holy place,
God is a Spirit just and wise,.....
God is good! each perfumed flower,
God is goodness, wisdom, power,......
God is so good, that he will hear,..
God moves in a mysterious way,
God of eternity, from thee,....
God of mercy, God of love,


God of my life, through all its days,.
God of my life, look gently down,
God. that madest earth and heaven,
God, who is just and kind,

Great Former of this various frame,....
Great Author of all nature's frame,..
Great God, accept our songs of praise,.
Great God, and wilt thou condescend,.
Great God, at whose all-powerful call,
Great God, thy penetrating eye..
Great God, we sing that mighty hand,.
Great God, whose all-pervading eye,.
Great Ruler of all nature's frame,.
Great Shepherd of thy people, hear,
Great Source of life, our souls confess,..



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Great Source of unexhausted good.....


Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews, .....


Hail, all hail, the joyful morn,..


Hail, great Creator-wise and good,.


Hail, sacred truth, whose piercing rays,


Happy is he that fears the Lord,


Happy the heart where graces reign,.


Happy the man whose cautious steps,..

Hark! how the gospel trumpet sounds,...

Hark! from that glorious world what songs, ......239



Hark! what mean those holy voices,.

Hark! the glad sound, the Savior comes,.........127


Have mercy, Lord-have mercy, Lord,.

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How beautiful the setting sun,. . . . . • • •
How beautiful the sight,

How blest are they who always keep,
How blest are they who daily prove,..
How blest is he who ne'er consents,
How blest is he whose tranquil mind,.
How blest the righteous when he dies,.

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How pleasant it is, at the close of the day,.........53

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How sweet to be allowed to pray,.....................................184



In duties and in sufferings too,

I would resolve with all my heart,..

How blest is he, whose tranquil mind,.
If Providence, to try my heart,
If through unruffled seas,

I hear thee speak of the better land,
I heard a voice from heaven,

I love to steal awhile away, ......................
I love to join the joyful play,.
Imposture shrinks from light,

In all my vast concerns with thee,.

In Israel's fane, by silent night,.
In the soft season of thy youth,
I sing the mighty power of God,.
Is there a lone and dreary hour,.
I thank the goodness and the grace,
I waited patient for the Lord,..

I want a principle within,

would not live alway. I ask not to stay,

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Jerusalem, my happy home,...


Jesus, and shall it ever be,


Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior,


Jesus, my truth, my way,


Jesus shall reign where'er the sun,...


Jesus will take the young,.


Joy to the world! the Lord is come,
Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead us,

Let others boast how strong they be,....
Let party names no more,.

Let us adore the grace that keeps,
Let us unite to bless the Lord,.
Let us with a gladsome mind,
Life is the time to serve the Lord,.
Little children, come to me,
Little children, love each other,.
Lo! God is here, let us adore,....
Lord, before thy presence come,.
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing,

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