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certainly undignified and injudicious, and thewed little knowledge of the world, or of the human character; at no period could it have been more requifite to feek by every conciliatory expedient, to heal the fores which, for fome time paft, had been feftering in the military mind-to bury in oblivion the caufes of irritation and to allow the paffions to fubfide into their ufual courfe; but, on the contrary, every occasion appeared to be anxiously fought for to provoke, teafe, and exafperate the feelings, to keep alive the recollection of their first grievances, and to confirm them in the opinion, that they had ftill farther to fear from the difpleasure of Government. The general tenor of our orders breathed fentiments which feemed to justify the fufpicions."

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I have the honour to inclofe Capt. Maclaine's (of the 94th) report to me, It would be an injustice to the fervice not to recommend him in the warmest manner to your Lodfhip's notice, as well as the officers who continued with him to the laft of this ardu ous duty, Lieut. Brereton, of the royal artillery, Enfigns Cannon and Scott, of the 94th, and Mr Dobfon, Midshipman of his Majefty's fhip Invincible. The defence of Matagorda has been witneffed by every body with admiration, and I should not have been juftified in allowing it to be continued fo long, but from the expectation of the poffibility of fame diverfion being made in its favour, which, however, was found to be impracticable.

It is impoffible that I fhould not endeavour to exprefs to your Lordship the feelings of univerfal and deep regret excited by the untimely fall of that diftinguished officer Major Lefebvre, of the royal engineers, whofe zeal carried him from the Admiral's hip to be the bearer of my orders for the

evacuation of the fort, that he might be fatisfied that it was no longer tenable. The chief direction of that important department now devolves on Captain Birch.Your Lordship is well acquainted with my opinion of his merit and talents, fo well calculated to infpire confidence under this misfortune. I have, &c. THOMAS GRAHAM. P. S. The original garrifon of the fort of Matagorda confifted of Captain Maclaine, and Enfigns Cannon and Scott, 94th regi ment; 25 royal artillery, under Lieutenant Brereton; 25 royal marines; 25 feamen, under Mr Dobson; and 67 non-commiffioned officers and privates of the 94th regiReinforcements were fent in the evening of the 21st, and reliefs of the whole were offered, but declined.


Cadiz, April 23.

Sir I have the honour to inform you, that at two o'clock on the morning of the 21ft, the enemy opened upon the 74 gunfhip St Paulo, and gun-boats ftationed near Fort Matagorda, with hot fhot, and fucceeded in forcing them to abandon their po fition.

Immediately after this, they opened upon Fort Matagorda a very heavy cannonade of guns and mortars, but as it would have been impoffible to direct our fire with a certainty, I ordered Lieutenant Brereton, of the royal artillery, to delay our fire until daybreak.

The morning difcovered three batteries oppofed to us, in the Trocadero, of 21 guns, and from the flight of their fhells we judged they had eight mortars in other three batteries. From the time they commenced firing at the fort, they kept up a most tremendous cannonade of fhot and fhells with great effect until night, when the enemy and the fort both difcontinued.

That day's fire made a very large breach in the efcarp of the rampart, on which was the principal part of our guns, and completely laying open our magazine.

We were, from the manner the enemy placed his batteries, and which they had contrived to do under the mask of the hou fes in the village of Trocadero (distant from the fort about 900 yards), only able to bring feven guns to bear on them; yet with these we contrived to filence, and, as I conceive, difmount the guns of one of their batteries, in which were fix 32 pounders.

The whole of the night of the 21ft and morning of the 22d, I employed in endea vouring to repair the parapet of the foutheaft face, compofed of land-bags, and which, from the very heavy fire of 21 pieces of cannon (most of them 32-pounders), the ene


my had totally demolished, fo that the men at the guns were perfectly expofed.

We continued to replace the fand-bags and fill up the breach, fo as to put ourselves in a rolerable state of defence; and at daybreak in the morning the enemy opened with a falvo from all his batteries. We returned the fire with the fame fpirit and succefs as yesterday; but the fort foon became a complete ruin, and no where afforded any fhelter for the reliefs. The evacuation, however, only took place in confequence of your order: we left the fort at ten A. M. Captain Stackpole, of the royal navy, having heen fent by the Admiral to complete its deftruction.

I cannot fufficiently exprefs to you the gallantry and coolness with which every individual officer, feaman, marine, and foldier conducted himself during the two months we maintained this poft, particular ly during the two last days.

I beg in a particular manner to mention the fervices of that moft excellent officer Lieut. Brereton, of the royal artillery, for his unremitted attention to his duty, and the masterly ftile in which he kept up his fire on the enemy; as likewife Enfigns Cannon and Scott, of the 94th grenadiers; and I request, Sir, you will ftate to the Admiral how highly fenfible I am of the handfome manner in which Lieutenants Chapmian and M Pherfon, of the royal navy, and one or two others, whofe names I cannot now recollect, volunteered their fervices during the heaviest of the fire.

Mr G. Dobfon, midshipman of the Invincible, had charge of the feamen under my command during the whole tinie, and I beg you, Sir, to recommend him to the Admiral, as a very excellent and brave officer.

Herewith I fend a lift of killed and wounded; and among the former I am forry to return Major Lefebvre, of the royal engineers; he was killed clofe to me by a cannon ball; the lofs of fuch an excellent officer is deeply to be lamented.

I have the honour to be, A. MACLAINE. Captain of the 94th regt. late commander at Fort Matagorda. To Lieutenant-General Graham, &c. N. B. Hofpital-Mate Bennet, attached to the 94th regiment, and who was the furgeon attending the garrifon, I beg to recommend to your notice, as a most attentive and excellent profeffional man; he wishes much to be appointed affiftant-furgeon to the 94th regiment. I have omitted to mention Lieut. Wright, of the royalfartillery, who fucceeded to the command of the royal ar

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88th Regiment-2 privates killed. 94th Regiment-1 corporal, 3 privates, killed; 25 wounded.

Seamen-7 feamen, killed; 2 midshipmen, 10 feamen, wounded.

Total- Major, 15 feamen, marines, and foldiers, killed; 1 lieutenant, 2 midshipmen, 1 ferjeant, 53 feamen and privates, wounded. A. MACLAINE,

Capt. 94th grenadiers, late Commander of Fort Matagorda,

In addition to the loffes ftated in General Graham's dispatch, we are forry to have to communicate the following, derived from a private fource :---The enemy, on opening a battery on Fort Matagorda, a red-hot shot from one of their guns ftruck the magazine of the gun-veffel attached to the Temeraire, which produced an inftantaneous explosion, by which the Lieutenant and thirty men perifhed. Eight men, who had been precipitated into the water, were faved by the boats.

By the fall of Fort Matagorda, the French have made fome advances in the reduction of Cadiz.---Though we would give all due credit to the perfeverance of the Spaniards, it is but too evident, that the Spanish garri fon of the isle of Leon are by no means fo very enthufiaftic in its defence as fome accounts would lead us to fuppofe. No fooner had the enemy's batteries begun to play upon the fort juft mentioned, than the Spaniards retreated acrofs the river; and left the British troops to defend the poft, which they did with great gallantry, until it was no longer tenable.


PARTICULARS OF BONAPARTE'S MARRIAGE. In the chapel of the Louvre, where the ceremony was performed, an eftrade, furmounted by a canopy, was erected in front of the altar. At the distance of 30 feet from the altar were placed two chairs of state with a praying defk, for their imperial Majeflies. In two chandeliers clofe to the altar were put two large wax candles, each of them incrufting 20 pieces of gold. A

bafin, containing 30 pieces of gold, and the marriage ring was laid on the altar. At the bottom of the fteps were two cushions for their Imperial Majeflies, and at the top, three chairs, for the officiating Grand Al moner, and his two affiftant Bishops. The Cardinals were feated to the right of the altar, and the Bishops to the left. The Princes, Grand Dignitaries, &c. were ftationed,as at the civil ceremony,according to their refpective degrees of rank and precedence.

The Cardinal Grand Almoner of France, his affiftant the Grand Almoner of Italy, and the body of the clergy, received the Imperial pair, at the outer door of the chapel, and prefented them with the cenfor and holy water. Their Majefties and the whole of the proceffion having taken their places, the officiating Grand Almoner ordered the Veni Creator to be chaunted, all prefent being on their knees. At the conclufion of the first verfe, the Grand Almoner proceeded to the highest step of the fanctuary, and standing with his back to the altar, pronounced a benediction on the thirty pieces of gold and the ring.

This part of the ceremony being completed, the Grand Master of the Ceremonies made a bow to the Emperor and Emprefs, who taking off their gloves, advanced to the foot of the altar, and, there taking each other by the right hand, were thus addressed by the Grand Almoner :

"Sire-You declare, that you acknowledge, and you fwear before God, and in the face of his Holy Church, that you now take as your wife and lawful fpoufe, her Imperial and Royal Highnefs Madame Ma ria Louifa, Archduchefs of Austria, here prefent?" The Emperor answered, "Yes, Sir." The Minifter continued, "You promise and swear to be faithful to her in al things, as a faithful fpoufe ought to be towards his fpoufe, according to the commandment of God." The Emperor answered, "Yes, Sir."

The fame form was gone through with refpect to the Emprefs; with this diftinc tion only, that in compliment, no doubt, to her religious creed, the Minifter omitted, in the question put to her, the word "acknowledge," which he had introduced in addreffing Napoleon, to denote the validity of the prior civil marriage, according to the modern code of France.

The Minifter then delivered the ring and the pieces of gold, one by one, to the Em peror, who prefented the latter in like manner to the Emprefs. By her they were transferred to a Maid of Honour, ftanding behind her, who finished this part of the fcene

by handing them to an affiftant of the cere monies. The Emperor then put the ring on the ring finger of the Emprefs's left hand, faying, "I give you this ring in token of the marriage which we contract;" and the Minifter making the sign of the cross upon the hand of the Empress, pronounced them man and wife together, in the name of the Holy Ghost. The parties then kneeled, and continuing to hold each other by the right hand, the Minifter gave them the nuptial benediction, by repeating the two prayers, Deus Abrakam, c.; and Refpice quafumus Domine, &c.

The Imperial pair then refumed their feats on the throne, and went through the form of kiffing the gofpels; after which they advanced in fucceffion to the altar, each bearing one of the wax candles inclofing 20 pieces of gold, and delivering the fame as their offering to the Grand Almo


High mafs was then performed, during which the happy couple took the facrament, and were repeatedly perfumed with incense, and fprinkled with holy water. During the Propitiare, the Emperor and Emprefs kneeled on the cushions placed for them at the foot of the altar under a canopy of filver of brocade, held over them by the Archbishop of Rhoan, and the Bishop of Versailles.The Emperor and his spouse again knelt at the Ita missa est, and after another application of the holy water, and then kiffing the corporale,* Te Deum was fung, and the proceflion returned to the Imperial apartments.

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By veffels arrived from Goree and Sierra Leone, we are enabled to ftate, that fo late as the month of March laft, confiderable hopes were entertained that the celebrated and enterprising Mungo Park, so often reported to have loft his life, was ftill alive. The fhip Favourite, of London, Capt. Trueman, is arrived at Plymouth from Goree. Previous to the departure of that vessel, information had been received at Senegal by a native of the Mandingo country, who accompanied Mr Park as far into the interior as Sego and Sanfanding, that he was alive in the month of January. Col. Maxwell, the Governor of Senegal, had, in confe quence of this information, directed that a decked boat should immediately be fitted out to proceed up the river Senegal, for the


perpofe of giving affiftance to Mr Park in his indefatigable exertions in exploring the Continent of Africa. This account is farther corroborated by a letter, dated in March laft, received by a veffel from Siera Leone, from Dr Douglas, who writes as follows: "Permit me to lay before you fome information refpecting Mr Mungo Park, which I was favoured with from an intelligent Mahomedan, whom I met at Goree, and who had acted as a guide to Mr Park, from the time of his landing on the Continent of Africa to his embarkation on the Niger. He states, that the King of Sego had fhewn much favour to Mr Park, and that the report of his affaffination there was untrue. He had paffed far along the Niger without any molestation whatever from the natives. My informant could not recollect the date of his embarkation on the Niger, but thinks it must be about three years ago. Mr Park had taken four months provifions for himself and two followers, with whom he intended to proceed to the eastward, and onwards as far as the Red Sea. Some travellers, who had fallen in with this guide, informed him, that, about two or three menths fubfequent to Mr Park's embarkation, he had been severely scorched in his breaft by the bursting of a gun, while firing at fome birds; but that he paffed Tombucroo in the night by water."

In corroboration of the above, we fubjoin a paragraph taken from the annual report of the African Society, lately published:

"It appears, that a native of Africa, named Ifaacs, who had arrived at Sierra Leone, gave it as his opinion, that the celebrated traveller, Mr Mungo Park, was not dead, as had been generally fuppofed. He states, that he had been his guide thro' a part of the country; and must have heard of his death, had it happened. We underftand that Ifaacs had engaged to go in fearch of him; and, fhould he fucceed in finding him, is to obtain a reward of 1000 dollars."


It is with fentiments of the deepest regret that we announce to our readers the death of the gallant Lord Collingwood. He had obtained leave to return to England in confequence of the bad state of his health, and died of a stoppage of the pylorus, or inferior aperture of the ftomach, on the 7th March, two days after he left Minorca. For fome time previous to his death he was incapable of taking any fuftenance whatever. His Lordship's remains were brought to

England by the Nereus frigate, on the 14th of April, and interred in St Paul's on the 11th of May at twelve o'clock. His Lordship's brother was chief mourner, and the carriages were occupied by Lord Mulgrave, Earl St Vincent, the Lord Chancellor, Lord Cochrane, Hon. Thomas Grenville, Admiral Harvey, Sir Peter Parker, and feveral other Admirals and Captains who have ferved under the departed chief.

His Lordship left England early in 1805, and from that period till his death, was conftantly afloat and employed in the most active fervices. We have not room, nor indeed if we had, would it be neceffary to recapitulate the various atchievments of Lord Collingwood, which defervedly raised him to the highest honour of his profeffion, and to the dignity of the Peerage. It is unneceffary to recall to the recollection of our readers his gallant conduct in taking his ftation at the mouth of Cadiz Harbour, with four fail of the line, in 1805, when the combined fleet of 34 fail of the line were in that harbour, and in keeping that pofition, in the fight of the enemy fo immensely fuperior, until the British fleet was reinforced, and the enemy ultimately deftroyed in the battle of Trafalgar. His Lordship was the particular friend of Lord Nelfon; they ferved much together, and had ample opportunities of admiring each other's conduct, particularly in the memorable battle of the 14th February 1797.

In the battle of Trafalgar, Lord Collingwood, the fecond in command, led one of the British lines into action in the Royal Sovereign. His conduct on that day excited the admiration of the whole fleet, and Lord Nelfon frequently directed the attention of his officers to the Royal Sovereign, exclaiming with his ufual enthufiam which he always difplayed when in battle, "Look at Collingwood"-" See how that noble fellow Collingwood, leads his fhip into action." It is deeply to be lamented that neither of thefe heroes fhould have lived to revifit their native land, to have witnessed the admiration, and receive the applaufes of their countrymen.


The vote of the House of Commons for the committal to the Tower of Sir Francis Burdett, was productive of very serious confequences in the metropolis. As foon as the debate was over, Mr Jones Burdett proceeded to Wimbleton, to acquaint his brother with the refult; who, upon his arrival in


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town, found a note from the Serjeant at Arms, informing him of the warrant for his committal having been figned, and requesting to know what time he should wait upon him to accompany him to the Tower. Be tween five and fix o'clock, the Serjeant waited on Sir Francis, and exhibiting his warrant, required obedience to it. The Baronet replied, that he would not go with him. Mr Coleman urged the power of his warrant, and reminded Sir Francis that he could call in aid to enforce obedience to it. The Baronet replied, that the warrant was illegal, and that he could call in aid to refill the execution of it, which he would do if neceffary. The Serjeant, not being prepared with the neceffary means of enforcing obedience, fo large an affemblage of perfons being about the Baronet's houfe, withdrew.

The crowd about the Tower was parti cularly great, and there hundreds remained, amidst a torrent of rain, till night-fall.

In the meantime the crowd had increafed amazingly in Piccadilly, where the Baronet refided. They filled the whole street, and every carriage and waggon was flopped till the perfons in them took off their hats and cried out Burdett for ever.' The houfes of most of the Cabinet Minifters, and other public characters, who had rendered themfelves obnoxious to the populace, were affaulted, and all the windows broke in pieces. Thus paffed the night. By two o'clock on Saturday morning the crowd had nearly difperfed, and but few groupes were seen in the streets.

At eleven o'clock, on Saturday morning, a common meffenger from the Houfe of Commons, arrived at the houfe of Sir Francis in Piccadilly, and prefented the warrant into the hands of Sir Francis, which the Baronet immediately put into his pocket. He then ordered the man to withdraw, which he refufing to do, Sir Francis directed the fervants to fhew him out of the houfe, which the man left without regaining poffeflion of the warrant.

In the forenoon the Baronet took an airing on horseback, and on his return the mob faluted and hook hands with him. During the whole of the day the crowd was nume


At the bottom of Piccadilly, about ten o'clock, the mob availed themselves of an advantage which offered, to check the advance of the cavalry, who had been called out to difperfe them. A three ftory ladder, placed in front of a house under repair, was foon lowered, and being placed across the freet breast-high, proved a barrier. The

horfe were compelled to halt, and being unable to advance, the mob faced about, and pelted them with mud and ftones, until the arrival of the foot guards, when they were compelled to file off and retreat.

On Sunday the mob became more outrageous, and obliged the cavalry to make fome charges among them. Some dozens were cut with the horfemen's fwords, and feveral foldiers were hurt with ftones. From an alley near the top of St James's-ftreet, fome piftols were fired at the horse guards, and one man was wounded under the chin, another got a flug in the thigh. The horfe guards returned the fire with their piftols, and charged the mob with their ho f's even up the courts.

About ten o'clock on Monday morning, before the mob had affembled in any great number, the Conftables attempted to make their way in at a window of the Baronet's Houfe, but being baffled in the attempt, they forced open the area gate, and entered the houfe by the kitchen.

The Serjeant, and Meffengers, and Corftables, then took the Baronet into cuftody, and upon a fignal being given, a glafs coach approached the street door, and the cavalry made the greatest haste to furround the coach to the number of feveral hundreds. The Baronet was put in first, and was followed by the Serjeant at Arms, and another of ficer.

The coach escorted by the cavalry, now fet off at a quick rate up Albemarle-street, acrofs Bond Street, through Conduit-street, and Hanover-fquare, for the New Road, in in order to avoid paffing through the main freets, and arrived at the Tower about one o'clock.

Upon the return of the troops from the Tower, the mud and stones from the populace began to play on them in fhowers. Oppofite the Trinity-house they could endure the affault no longer, but charged the mul 'titude fword in hand. The firing of the carbines became now pretty general, and numbers of the people fell. The contest continued all the way up Fenchurch-street, where a fhot entering the fhop of Mr Goodeve, a boot-maker, killed a man in conver fation with Mr Goodeve at the time. Another hot penetrated into a carpet warehouse oppofite, but did no mischief.

Twelve or fourteen people were killed or wounded, among the former was a poor old bricklayer fhot through the neck. Of the wounded, there was one fhot in the groin, one through the foot, another in the arm, and many with fabre wounds.


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