The Plays of William Shakspeare: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are Added Notes, Том 2J. Johnson, 1803 |
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Страница iv
... whose contemporaries , friends and foes , nay , and himself likewise , agree in his want of what is usually called literature - whose mistakes from equivocal tranflations , and even typographical errors , cannot poffibly be accounted ...
... whose contemporaries , friends and foes , nay , and himself likewise , agree in his want of what is usually called literature - whose mistakes from equivocal tranflations , and even typographical errors , cannot poffibly be accounted ...
Страница 11
... whose memory he honoured almost to idolatry : " and confcious of the worth of ancient literature , like any other man on the same occafion , he rather carries his acquirements above , than below the truth . " Jealoufy ! " cries Mr ...
... whose memory he honoured almost to idolatry : " and confcious of the worth of ancient literature , like any other man on the same occafion , he rather carries his acquirements above , than below the truth . " Jealoufy ! " cries Mr ...
Страница 21
... whose liquid furge refolves " The moon into falt tears . The earth's a thief , " That feeds and breeds by a composture stol'n " From gen'ral excrement : each thing's a thief . " " This ( fays Dr. Dodd ) is a good deal in the manner of ...
... whose liquid furge refolves " The moon into falt tears . The earth's a thief , " That feeds and breeds by a composture stol'n " From gen'ral excrement : each thing's a thief . " " This ( fays Dr. Dodd ) is a good deal in the manner of ...
Страница 22
... whose pieces were soon to be met with in almost every modern language . 2 It was originally drawn into Englishe by Caxton under the name of The Recuyel of the Historyes of Troy , from the French of the ryght venerable Person and ...
... whose pieces were soon to be met with in almost every modern language . 2 It was originally drawn into Englishe by Caxton under the name of The Recuyel of the Historyes of Troy , from the French of the ryght venerable Person and ...
Страница 24
... whose havings are ill . " and Daniel the historian uses it frequently . Having seems to be synonymous with behaviour in Gawin Douglas 5 and the elder Scotch writers . Haver , in the sense of possessor , is every where met with : though ...
... whose havings are ill . " and Daniel the historian uses it frequently . Having seems to be synonymous with behaviour in Gawin Douglas 5 and the elder Scotch writers . Haver , in the sense of possessor , is every where met with : though ...
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