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TEN Bookes of

Homer's Iliades translated out of French, by Arthur Hall, Esquire. At London. Imprinted by Ralph Newberie, 4to." 1581 The Shield of Achilles from the 18th Book of

Homer, by Geo. Chapman, 4to. Lond. 1596 Seven Books of the Iliades, by ditto, 4to. Lond.




• This List was drawn up by Mr. Steevens. I have made a few inconfiderable additions to it, which are distinguished by this mark. MALONE.

7 In the first Vol. of the books of entries belonging to the Stationers' Company, is the following:


"Henry Bynneman.] Nov. 1580, lycensed unto him under the wardens' handes ten bookes of the Iliades of Homer." Again, " Samuel Macham.] Nov. 14, 1608. Seven bookes of Homer's Iliades tranflated into English by Geo. Chapman.-[By assignment from Mr. Windett.]" Again, "Nathaniel Butter.] April 8, 1611, A booke called Homer's Iliades in Englishe, containing 24 Bookes." Again, "Nov. 2, 1614, Homer's Odisses 24 bookes, translated by George Chapman."

8 Meres, in his Second Part of Wits Commonwealth, says that Chapman is " of good note for his inchoate Homer."

Thomas Drant, (the translator of two books of Horace's Satires, 1566,) in a miscellany of Latin poetry, entitled SYLVA, informs us, that he had begun to tranflate the Iliad, but had gone no further than the fourth Book.

+ Homer Prince of Poets: tranflated according to the Greeke in Twelve Bookes of his Iliads: By Geo. Chapman, small folio. Lond. printed for Samuel Macham. No date.

[This, I believe, was published in 1609. There are several Sonnets at the end, addressed to different noblemen; among them one, to the


Lord Treasurer, the Earle of Salisbury." See also the entry below.]

Fifteen Books of Do. thin folio


[The Iliads of Homer, Prince of Poets. Neuer before in any languag truely translated, with a Coment uppon some of his chiefe places; Donne according to the Greeke. By George Chapman. At London, printed for Nathaniel Butter. William Hole sculp. (This edition contains the 24 Books.]

[At the back of the engraved title-page (for the Head of Chapman was not placed there, till the edition of 1614,) in Mr. Steevens's copy is the following inscription in the hand-writing of the Tranflator: "In wittness of his best Loue, borne to his best-deferuing freinde, Mr. Henrye Jones; Geo: Chapman giues him theise fruites of his best Labors, and defires Loue betwixt us, as longe-liu'd as Homer."] [From the Stationers' Register it appears that this book, small folio, was printed in 1611. See note 7. The Prince of Wales, to whom the work is dedicated, died Nov. 6, 1612. In the republication (1614) it is inscribed, on an additional engraved frontispiece, to his Memory.] The whole Works of Homer; Prince of Poetts. In his Iliads and Odyffes. Tranflated according to the Greeke, by Geo. Chapman. De Ili: et Odiss:


Omnia ab his; et in his funt omnia : five beati
Te decor eloquii, feu rerū pondera tangunt.

Angel. Pol.

At London, printed for Nathaniell Butter. William Hole, sculp.

[This book was probably printed in 1614.] The large head of Geo. Chapman is placed at the back of the engraved title-page.

The Crowne of all Homer's Works, Batrachomymachia, &c. *[By Geo. Chapman, with his portrait by W. Pass, in the title-page.] thin folio; printed by John Bill. No date.9

The strange wonderfull and bloudy Battel between Frogs and Mise; paraphraftically done into English Heroycall Verse, by W. F. (i. e. Wil

liam Fowldes,) 4to.




The Georgicks of Hefiod, by George Chapman; Tranflated elaborately out of the Greek: Containing Doctrine of Hufbandrie, Moralitie, and Pietie; with a perpetual Calendar of Good and Bad Daies; Not fuperftitious, but neceffarie (as farre as naturall Caufes compell) for all men to observe, and difference in following their affaires. Nec caret umbra Deo. London, Printed by H. L. for Miles Partrich, and are to be folde at his Shop neare Saint Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet.


[This title-page is given at full length, because the existence of the book it belongs to (which

In the first Volume of the Entries of the Stationers' Company is the following :

"T. Purfoote.] The Battel of the Frogges and Myce, and certain orations of Ifocrates." Jan. 4, 1579.

is in Mr. Steevens's poffeffion) has been questioned by the late Mr. Warton, History of English Poetry, Vol. III, p. 446.]


Marlowe's Hero and Leander, with the first Book



of Lucan, 4to. There must have been a former Edition, as a fecond Part was published by Henry Petowe, 1598 Musæus's Poem of Hero and Leander, imitated by Chriftopher Marlow, and finished by Geo. Chapman, 4to. Lond.



Jocasta, a tragedy, from the Pheniffe of Euripides, by Geo. Gascoigne, and Mr. Francis Kinwelmershe, 4to. Lond. 1556

* This tranflation, or at least Marlowe's part in it, must have been published before 1599, being twice mentioned in Nath's Lenten Stuff, &c. which bears that date. " Leander and Hero, of whom divine Museus fung, and a diviner muse than him, Kit Marlow." Again, "She sprung after him, and so refigned up her priesthood, and left worke for Mufæus and Kit Marlow."

Among the entries at Stationers' Hall I find the following made by John Wolfe in 1593, Sept. 8th. "A booke entitled Hero and Leander, being an amorous poem devised by Chriftopher Marlow."

At the same time, "Lucan's first book of the famous Cyvill Warr betwixt Pompey and Cæfar. Englished by Chriftopher Marlow."

Again, in 1597, "A booke in English called Hero and Leander."

Again, April 1598, "The seconde Parte of Hero and Leander by Henry Petowe." Andrew Harris entered it.

Again, in 1600, "Hero and Leander by Marlowe."
In 1614 an entire tranflation of Lucan was published by Şir

Arthur Gorges, and entered as fuch on the fame books.


Axiochus, a Dialogue, attributed to Plato, by Edm. Spenser, 4to.2 1592


The three Orations of Demofthenes, chiefe Orator among the Grecians, in favour of the Olynthians, with those his fower against Philip of Macedon, &c. by Tho. Wylson, Doctor of the Civill Lawes, 4to.



Ifocrates's sage admonition to Demonicus, by R. Nutthall, 8vo. Lond. 1557, 12mo. and 1585 Ifocrates's Doctrinal of Princes, by Syr Tho. Elliot, Lond. 8vo.


Ifocrates's Orat. intitled Evagoras, by Jer. Wolfe,




Three Orations of moral Instructions, one to Demonicus, and two to Nicocles, King of Salamis,

translated from Ifocrates, by Tho. Forrest, 4to.



Necromantia, a Dialog of the Poete Lucyen between Menippus and Philonides, for his Fantesye faynd for a mery Pastyme, in English Verse and Latin Profe.

* This book was entered in May, 1592, at Stationers' Hall.

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