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We feel that an apology is due to our patrons for the delay in the publication of this number
of the Repository. At the time Mrs. Sawyer took the editorial charge of the work, she was en-
gaged in moving from New York city to Clinton. The cares of moving, and the increase in the
quantity of reading matter in the Repository, for which an exact calculation could not be made,
have delayed the reception, until late in this month, of a sufficient quantity of copy to fill the

An article from Mrs. Soule, which we expected for this month, has not yet been received, prob-
ably on account of ill-health. Our readers may expect it in the August number.

Changes in the subscription list consequent on the commencement of the volume, must also be
taken into consideration, as we regulate the edition in accordance somewhat with the number of

Considering the condition of business throughout the country, we have every encouragement
to believe that the Repository has suffered as little as any other publication in our order. We
have received many new subscribers, and the number is fast increasing.

For the words of encouragement we have received from those who have felt the pressure of the
times so much as to be compelled to stop their subscription, we would say that we trust they will
soon be able to renew their patronage, and for their kind words of encouragement we are truly

We trust this number will meet the expectation of our many kind patrons, and that they will
labor with us to extend its circulation, while they accept our thanks for past favors.
A. TOMPKINS, Publisher, 25 Cornhill, Boston.

Our friends will not forget that the terms are $2.00 per year, in advance. There never
was a time when we needed them carried out more than we do now. Please remit on receipt of
this number, and you will receive our heartfelt thanks.

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"There's the door-bell! Run up and answer it, Jane, and I'll wait on table while you're gone."

The brisk little servant tripped away to obey orders, leaving the young husband and wife to themselves, but was back presently, saying, "It's somebody that wants to see you, Mrs. Ross; she's waiting in the back parlor."

"A lady! who is she? did she send her card or name?"

"No, ma'am; she's a poor body, small and sick-like; she wants help, I guess." "Like enough; I'll go up in a moment."

"What a pity you were not elected city poor-mistress, Kitty," said her husband; "you seem endowed with miraculous executive ability in the management of the poor."

"I've no aspirations for the office, but I promise you I would do better than some of the present incumbents, were I to fill it."

"No doubt of it, my dear: let me see -how many poor women have you on your hands at the present time?"

"Less than a dozen." "And how many poor children?" "O, don't ask me! It cuts me to the heart to remember the poor, neglected children of this great city."

"Have you no bowels of compassion for the neglected husbands of this city? When do you receive applications from

them? I have a case on hand requiring immediate attention."

"You may report it now, if you please; what's the newest grief? Is there a button off your shirt, or a hole in your stocking?

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"Neither of these misfortunes has befallen me; but my coffee was not sweetened by a kiss, this morning, nor

"Your beef-steak peppered with hot words; I see you are right; your case does require immediate attention. But excuse me, now; 'first come, first served,' and I'll go and see this poor woman, up stairs."

"Hold on, Kitty; first come, first served,' is my motto, and I believe I'm the first comer by two years; and putting his arm around the waist of his wife, they passed up stairs, and I'm very certain that Jane, who stood in the basement hall, heard the echo of kisses all the way


Pardon them, dear reader, they were but two years married, and had made slow progress out of the honey-moon.

"Don't go down town till I see you again," said Mrs. Ross, as she passed into the parlor, while her husband went on to the library.

A sad sight awaited the kind hearted. lady in the parlor. A once beautiful, but now pale, wasted, hollow-eyed, young woman, drained of vitality and happiness, whose incessant cough and sepulchral voice told of the ravages of consumption, and whose grave was but a little way off in the future, rose to meet her. Her appearance instantly enlisted the sympathies

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