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The laborious Author has in this Table incorporated the Supplements with the work in the proper places;-he has connected the volumes of Plates with thofe of the Difcourfes + much better than they are connected in the work itself:-he has fometimes fubftituted vulgar denominations in the place of technical terms, added new articles from materials fcattered in the original work, and placed together the articles that have fuch a mutual affinity, as to illuftrate each other. He has analyzed feveral of the philofophical and metaphyfical articles, (which are of an enormous length) in fuch a manner, as to give the Reader a general view of the fubject, to prefent to him a notion of the concatenation of the principal ideas that are unfolded in the text, and to put him in a way of finding, with facility, any thought, fact, or particular obfervation that he is defirous of recollecting. The tranfpofitions, which were inevitable in the original work, from the impoffibility of placing under each word, every thing that related to it, are attended with inconveniencies, which our Author has remedied, not only by indicating often under a fingle word, all that is to be found in the different volumes, relative to it, but alfo by references, both to the Encyclopedie and his Table, which furnish the Reader with a compendious method of fatisfying his curiofity. The contradictions of the famous dictionary are here alfo drawn together, and make a curious figure in the part they occupy of our Author's Analytical Table. At the head of this work (which may be of the greatest utility to those who have purchased the Encyclopedie, and which may, in fome measure, fupply its place to those who have not) we find a Genealogical Table of the Sciences, and another of the Arts and Trades, that are treated in the great work and its supplements.

III. Compofition du Remede de M. DARAN-i. e. An Account of the Compofition of the Remedy, fuccessfully employed by M. DaRAN, Counsellor and Surgeon to the King of France, during the Space of Fifty Years, for the Cure of Suppreffion of Urine, and the Removal of the Caufes that give rife to that Disorder-Publifhed by himself. To this Work is prefixed a Preface, containing the Reafons why it was published no fooner, and why it is published now; alfo a Difcourfe concerning the Theory of the Disorders of the Urethra, the Proofs that afcertain the Efficacy of the Remedy, and the Methods

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*This Author is M. MOUCHON, Minifter of the French church at Bafil, who has employed eight years in analyzing and combining the contents of 33 folio volumes.

+ Our Author calls the articles of the Encyclopedie, Difcourfes: fuch indeed they are; they are even pieces of eloquence, and fo far they depart from the plain and didactic tone, that belongs to a dictionary.

by which the Perfons afflicted with the Disorder in quefiion, may be acquainted with its Nature and Symptoms. 12mo. Paris. 1779. 360 Pages-Price 2 Livres in Sheets.It is a great recommendation of the book, ufhered into the world under this clumfy title, that its Author, in the course of his practice, completely cured near fix thousand perfons of diforders in the urethra; and it is an unquestionable mark of generofity and humane publicfpirit in M. DARAN, that while his fortune has been hurt by an unexpected incident, and his advanced age exposes him to the infirmities which generally attend that period, he has publifhed his fecret, without an eye to any recompence except the pleasure of doing good. It is well known, that this remedy, as to its outward form, confifts of bougies, i. e. fomething like fmall waxen tapers. In order to understand their compofition thoroughly, it is neceffary not only to know their ingredients, but alfo to perufe the obfervations that accompany them, and the preliminary difcourfe on the diforders of the urethra, which takes up two-thirds of the volume before us: we therefore refer the Reader to the work itfelf, at the end of which there is a refpectable lift of teftimonies in favour of the efficacy of M. DARAN's remedy.

IV. L'Action du Feu Central banni de la Surface du Globe, &c.— i. e. The Action of the Central Fire banished from the Surface of the Globe, and the Sun re inftated in his Rights and Prerogatives, in Oppofition to the Affertions of Meffrs. Buffon, Bailly, de Mairan, &c. By M. R D. L. Member of feveral Academies. 8vo. pp. 84 (Price 1 Livre 16 Sous). Paris. 1779.-The initial lettters denote M. ROME DE LISLE, who is the Author of this fenfible and fpirited piece. By its title it seems to announce a flaming and furious attack on the three celebrated philofophers, who have perhaps exaggerated in their works the action of the central fire; but M. DE LISLE encounters these enemies of the Sun with modefty and politenefs: we even think, that there is more temper than evidence in feveral parts of his work. He is perhaps as much mistaken in attributing too little influence to the centra! fire, as his adverfaries are in giving it too much. They both appeal to the thermometer, and this oracle feems to pronounce (though in different places) in favour of them both but the decifions of this oracle are not always infallible, M. Darcet, Profeffor of Chymiftry in the Royal College, relates, that on one of the Pyrenean mountains, on the fide of Bagnères, he observed, in the month of June, that the liquor of a thermometer, which was placed at the top of a fixed pole, rofe to 22 degrees above the freezing point, while he was so affected with the bitter cold, on that mountain (though fheltered, by one ftill higher, from the north wind),

that neither he nor his companion could bear it above half an hour. So much for the infallibility of the thermometer.


V. PYROMETRIE oder vom maale des Feuers und der Waerme, &c.-i. e. A Treatife concerning PYROMETRY, or of the Method of meafuring Fire and Heat. By the late M. LAMBERT. Berfin. 4to. 359 Pages, with Plates.-The learned Author of this Work was one of the principal ornaments of the Academy of Berlin, and his reputation is fufficient to prepoffefs the Public in favour of this, his last, production, which was finished but a few months before his death. It is divided into eight parts. The First treats of fire and beat in general, of what we call heat in confequence of fenfation and experience, and of the terms by which the Greeks expreffed the phenomena of fire. The Second, of the rarefaction caufed by heat,-of the thermometers of Drebbet and of Florence-and of the laws of the condenfation of the air, according to Sulzer, Muller, and Mariotte.— The Third, of the heating and cooling of bodies.-The Fourth, of the motion of heat, of its expanfion, repercuffion, and exaltation. The Fifth, of the power of heat to unite or join, and to difunite bodies, as alfo of fufion. The Sixth contains observations relative to the measure of the force of heat, and of the quantity of the particles of fire. The Seventh treats of the fenfation of heat; and the Eighth, of the heat of the fun.

VI. Fundamenta Geographia et Hydrographiæ ad Naturæ Ductum pofita. A JOAN. GUIL. BAUER. 8vo. with five Plates. Gieffen. 1779. This piece of fubterraneous geography contains a defcription of the interior and exterior ftructure and formation of our globe, with obfervations and remarks of a practical and ufeful kind. The articles relative to inflammable matter, and earth-coal, are both curious and inftructive. The fubterraneous hydrography is comprehended in feveral differtations concerning the origin, motion, and conftituent parts of fpring water, rain water, fea water-of those waters that are faline, acidulous, bitter, &c. together with circumftantial details relative to fprings and fountains in England, France, Italy, Sicily, Switzerland, Germany, Bohemia, Silefia, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, Afia, Africa, and America.

VII. Grundliche, &c.-i. e. A Philofophical Defence of the new Obfervations of the Satellites of the Fixed Stars, made in the Electoral Obfervatory at Manheim by M. CHRISTIAN MAYER, Ecclefiaftical Counsellor and Aftronomer to the Elector Palatine, and Ordinary Profeffor of Aftronomy in the Univerfity of Heidelberg, &c. 8vo. Manheim. 1779. This controverfial work contains a refutation of the reinarks, which the Abbé HELL, of Vienna, published fome time ago, relative to the difco


very of M. MAYER. The latter affirms, that there is not in the Southern Hemisphere, perhaps, one fixed star of a certain magnitude, which is not accompanied with one or more ftars of a smaller fize. M. MAYER was affifted, in this difcovery, by aftronomical inftruments carried to a very high degree of perfection, and more efpecially by an achromatic telescope, which is the only one of its kind in Europe, or, at least, was fo when he made his obfervations.

VIII. Nova Species Quadrupedum, e Glirium Ordine, cum Illuftrationibus variis complurium ex Ordine Animalium.-i. e. A New Species of Quadrupeds of the Class of the Glis, together with feveral Illuftrations relative to Animals of that Clafs. By M. P. S. PALLAS. Part I. Erlang. 1779.-This firft part, or bundle (as it is called, fafciculus), of the celebrated M. Pallas, relates to the class of hares, of which he defcribes five kinds hitherto unknown. M. PALLAS'S defign was to communicate to M. SCHREBER the obfervations he might have occafion to make in his travels, in order to affift the latter in completing his hiftory of that clafs of animals that are provided with paps. But M. SCHREBER found these materials too rich and abundant, to melt them down into his work he has therefore published them feparately, and they are, indeed, worthy of the attention of connoiffeurs in natural hiftory.

IX. Acta Ofnabrugenfa, &c.-i. e. Memoirs relative to the Jurifprudence, Government, and History of Weftphalia, and more especially of the Bishopric of Ofnabrug. 8vo. Ofnabrug. 1779. First Part.-Thefe Memoirs are intended to convey an accurate account of the civil and ecclefiaftical state of Weftphalia, of its various governments and jurifdictions, of its laws, revenues, revolutions, cities, cloifters, families, &c.The Editor, M. LODTMANN, has published, in this volume, a memorial relative to the bishopric and principality of Ofnabrug, its bishops, its imperial privileges and conftitution, as alfo an ancient register of its feudal tenures and vaflals, and the beginning of a topographical description of that bishopric, whofe population, according to an accurate lift, amounted, in the year 1772, to 116,664 fouls.

X. FERBERS, Neue Beytrage zur Mineralgefchichte verfchiedner Lander, &c.-i. e. New Additions to the Mineralogical History of Several Countries: Part I. which contains also an Account of feveral chymical Elaboratories. By M. FERBER. 8vo. Mittau. 1779. M. FERBER's labours in natural hiftory and mineralogy have been formerly mentioned by us with the high esteem they fo juftly deferve. The first thing we meet with in these inte refting additions, is a feries of obfervations relative to the mineralogical hiftory of Bohemia. This is followed by an account of fome extinguished volcanos, and of the method in which porphyry

porphyry is formed. After fome obfervations on the mountains of Saxony, M. FERBER treats of chymical laboratories, fuch as thofe of England, in which oil of green vitriol, the vitriolic acid of fulphur, aqua regalis, and Spirit of falt are diftilled,in which flower of fulphur, cinnabar, corrofive fublimate, and fweet mercury are fublimated, and camphor is refined,-thofe of Montpellier, where verdegrife is prepared, &c.



For AUGUST, 1780.


Art. 13. Le Deftin de l'Amerique, &c. The Fate of America; or, Picturefque Dialogues, unfolding the Caufe of late Events, the Policy, Interefts, Refources, of the Powers of Europe, confidered in Relation to the prefent War; and the Effects which this War is likely to produce on the Happiness of Mankind. 8vo. 124 PP. London †.


HE principal perfonages introduced in thefe Dialogues are, the K. GB-, Lord North, Lord Weymouth; the Duke of Richmond, Lord G. Germaine Lords Bute, Sandwich, and Shelburne; the Minifters of France, Ruffia, and Holland; a Projector and a Philofopher.

This work is by no means deftitute of merit, in point either of information or of compofition. We meet with fome forry jokes, and a few weak paffages; but in general, the characters are well fupported, the language is accurate and perfpicuous, and the observations are just and important.

The main fcope of the reasoning is to prove, that Great Britain has little friendship to expect from the Dutch, or from any European power. That there is fmall profpect of her conquering America by her own internal ftrength. But that fhould this be effected, the acquifition would not be worth the price. That it is the intereft of Great Britain, as well as of humanity, to declare the Thirteen Provinces independent; to enable the fouthern Continent to throw off the yoke of Spain; to give liberty to all the islands French, Spanish, and English; to declare herfelf the patronefs of general freedom, univerfal toleration, and unrestrained commerce. Britain would then become the idol of nations; and acquire by her moderation a voluntary empire over the minds of men, far more beneficial, more honourable, and more lafting, than any that can be obtained by arms. Art. 14. An Inquiry into the legal Mode of fuppreffing Riots; with a Constitutional Plan of future Defence. 8vo. Is. Dilly. 1780.

It is impoffible to fay too much in praife of this concife Inquiry. It befpeaks the hand of a master, deep in legal knowledge, and the

So fays the title page; but we are informed, that this tract was printed in Brabant, and that its circulation has been extenfive. heart

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