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execution thofe great plans which he has formed, for the future, perhaps for the everlasting falvation of Great Britain. Was there any probability that either of the noble Lords propofed for cabinet employments, would have joined in any comprehenfive fcheme for fecuring the intereits and liberties of the colonies? Is it not more than probable, they would have divided from the late commoner, upon the fufpicion only of such a scheme? And, in that cafe, where would have been this boafted plan of union? But to come more clolely to the point; would the noble Lord who fpoke and wrote so ftrongly against the opinions of the late commoner, have fo readily and fully renounced his own, as to have come seriously into a fyftem which he had fo lately and fo warmly disapproved? Perhaps it will be faid, that measures were not entered into, nor so much as hinted at, in the conference; and I will agree to it. But in the arrangement of an adminiftration, it is necellary that the perfon to whom the power is delegated, thould have an eye to measures in his choice of men; and that this was the cafe in the late conference, is ftrongly evident, for the great patriot knowing what meafures were neceffary to be pursued, refolved to accept of only fuch men as were proper and fit for his purposes. Hence arole the difagreement between him and his

noble brother.

As to what the Enquirer fays, of widen ing and ftrengthening the bottom of the administration, it will be fufficient to remind him of the power of the crown; that is enough to fupport any minifter: there is likewife the collateral affistance of the treafury. But the former is the principal; and where it is in earnest, and fatisfied with its fervants, of which there is not now the least doubt, the unanimity in p—t, upon which the Enquirer lays a particular emphafis, will eafily be accomplished; it will come of itself, as it did


To the Examination and boafted difintereftedness of the late commoner, this gentleman replies, that the initability and fhort duration which this writer has given to the prefent ministry, may, with equal propriety and foundation, be faid of any miniftry, fince it is grounded upon no

thing but what he calls the probability of royal displeasure, and the treatment, (which, I think, was most highly deserved) which the two preceding fets of minitters met with. Can there be a fuppofition more abfurd? What! because our minifter infulted his f-vr-n, and his fucceffor was incapable of conducting the national bufinefs, and for thefe reafons both were difmiffed, must therefore the prefent ministry, who neither proscribe the king's friends, nor infult his perfon, nor are in any way unequal to the great talk they have undertaken, be difmiffed likewife? We fhall fee before the winter is over, that the prefent minifter will be as firm in and as fecure of the royal favour, as ever he was of the late king's. When the arrears of the council lift are difcharged, and provifion is made for the great perfonage's brothers, can it be doubted that these acts will not fufficiently ingratiate him to the royal efteem, and give permanency to his adminiftration? Then for the public, he will doubtless fecure great benefit; perhaps by fome important and judicious plan, for the receipt and appropriation of the immenfe revenues of the eaft, which will likewife fecure him the esteem of his fellow fubjects. And to what the Examiner fays of Lord Camden's penfion the Answerer very justly obferves, that all Chancellors have had a provifion made for them in cafe of their retirement from that high poft, and that the provifion made to Lord Camden has nothing new in it except, that it is smaller than what is usual on fuch occafions.


*This confifted of a reverfion of the first Teller's place in the exchequer for his fon, and for himself a penfion of 1500l. on the Irish establishment, in cafe he fhall quit the feals. And the late Chancellor the Earl of N-th-n before he was appointed to the precedency of the council had an addition of 1000l. to the 4000l. per ann. during life, to commence from the time of his quitting, alfo the reverfion of the office of clerk of the Hanaper in Chancery upon the death of the Duke of Chandois, for the term of any two lives which the Earl of N—th~n shall name,



NE of the King's tenders lying in the harbour of Louisbourg was about the middle of June last ftruck with light ening and instantly blew up; five of her people were killed, many were mangled in a terrible manner, and fome were only flightly hurt.

Murders begin to be frequent by the Cherokee Indians, upon the Virginians, occafioned, as it is alledged, by the affaf finations of fome of their brethren, last year in that province.

Mr. Wildman (fee p. 569.) who has a moft furprizing command over bees, has lately fhewn himself to divers of the nobility furrounded with bees. Thus fortified, bull-dogs have been fet at him by his own defire, whom he has repulfed by detaching a fingle bee, and fometimes two of them, to the astonishment of all that have feen him. His art, it is faid, is to be communicated to the public; for which the Society of Ars, is to allow him a premium: His power over bees is incredible, and therefore fhall forbear any more inftances till the fecret is difclosed.

The King of Portugal has iffued a decree, for putting a stop to the practice of obtaining teftamentary eftates, in favour of the clergy, in prejudice to the lawful heirs.

One of the water-carriers in the fuburbs of Paris, was lately taken from that employment, by a perfon in a fplendid coach, who upon enquiry happened to be his brother that had aquired an immenfe fortune in India, and having but one brother left at his return, fought him out, and liberally provided for him.

A French trading veffel was lately cut out of the port of Dominica, by a Guarda Cofta of her own nation.-The veffel has fince been demanded, and is returned, and fatisfaction made for the cargo.

The prohibition on the exportation of rice in South Carolina is taken off-Rice at this dear time would be a great help to

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King's armies, field marshal general, and one of the King's royal palaces for the place of his refidence during life.—If Prince Ferdinand thould be driven, says another writer. to close with the propofals of the French courts, fome fhare of reproach will certainly fall on the British minifters.

His ferene highness the prince of Brunf wic (nephew of prince Ferdinand) will not make so extensive a tour as he at first propofed, fays a third, an exprefs being arrived with an account of his intentions to be in England before the expiration of the enfuing month. The Prince's fudden determination for returning fo foon, gives room for various conjectures.

Another violent earthquake happened at Conftantinople on the 5th of last month, which was probably ftronger, and more fenfibly felt along the Propontis, and in the interior parts of the country. According to the accounts of the travellers, Seilvree, Rodofto, Gallipoli, all the intermediate towns and villages, are in a deplorable condition; all the stone buildings, and even the ovens where they bake their bread, being deftroyed or greatly damaged. At Adrianople, the fhock threw down feven minarets at that place; feveral mosques were deftroyed, and the walls of the town, and a great number of public baths much damaged. The inhabitants were in the greatest confternation, and all the people of property were encamped in gardens. The town of Bruffa, in Bithynia, received damage, and the earthquake was felt as far as Aidin.

A report having been spread, that M. Voltaire, alarmed at the execution at Abbeville, was going to take refuge in the king of Pruffia's dominions, that gentleman has thought fit to give the following explanation: what gave rise to the report you mentioned was, that upon the king of Prufia's writing me word that he would afford the Sorvens (a name given to the antient poets) an asylum in his dominions, I answered him, that I should be glad to accompany them thither; and without doubt he took my compliment for a defire of travelling."

In the fhip Peter, Captain Smith, from New-York, came paffenger one Mrs. Wil

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Son, upwards of 104 years old; fhe has her health and memory very perfect, and is very full of spirits. She is a native of Northumberland, where the married, had three children at one birth, who were all married in one day and all now alive, with upwards of twenty children. She went to America with her husband, who was in the army; and has bespoke a paffage next spring to return thither, after feeing her children, grand-children, &c. The village of Matthysewa, near Petersburg, confifting of about 250 houfes and cottages, was entirely confumed by fire, and feveral perfons perished in the flames.

The Royal Academy at Bourdeaux, has adjudged the prize to the Sieur Lazare Sieuve on the following, question; propofed in 1763" Whether, in preparing "woollens, there might not be found a "method, which without altering the "quality, might preferve them from beng attacked by moths; or, whether "fomething may not be mixed in the "different ingredients for colouring them, which, without fpoiling the colours, "might preferve the ftuffs effectually?" The Academy then propofed a prize queftion, "What is the best method of ana"lizing mineral waters; and if analiz ❝ing alone is fufficient to enable us to "determine exactly their virtues and "" properties ?"

On the 16th of Auguft, the city of Vienna was alarmed by the fhock of an earthquake. It was accompanied by a fubterranean noife, and about three hours after was followed by another thock, which was of less continuance and lefs violent. During the whole time the air was extremely calm, and happily no damage was occafioned by either of the fhocks.

The populace of Vienna affembled a few weeks ago at the Tobacco office, and were going to deftroy the house of the Jews. To prevent which, notice was given by found of trumpet, that if any one fhould offer to infult the Jews, or endeavour to deftroy their habitations, they should be treated as criminals.

Á courier from Paris is fet out directly for Stockholm; it is believed his difpatches concern the renewal of treaty of fubfidy between France and Sweden.

An accommodation is likely to take place between the republic of Genoa, and the Corficans; two ministers are expected in

that ifland, one from France, and the o ther from England, in order to put a finishing ftroke to this treaty, under the medi ations of their fovereigns.

The prefent difpute about Surinam makes a great noife in Holland, and they are afraid the fame may be productive of difagreeable confequences to the repub


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In the beginning of May laft as one Welch an Indian trader, was going from Fort Prince George to the Sugar Town, in the lower Cherokee country, with his half-breed daughter and her child, they were fet upon by fome Northward Indians, who killed and fcalped Welch and the child, but the woman, being on horfe back, got back to the fort, tho' not without being wounded by feveral darts the enemy threw at her in their pursuit.

About the fame time one Mr. Boyd, a trader, from Virginia, with two of his people named Fields and Bourke were found murdered near Broad River, on the road from the upper Cherokee country to Virginia. The friends of those Indians who were affaffinated last year in Virginia, have frequently dropt threatenings of revenge against the Virginians in general on that account, and tho' the Cherokees to a man, firmly deny their having any hand in the murder of Mr. Boyd and the other two, yet there are those who strongly suspect them.

Burlington, (New-Jersey) August 4. At a court of Oyer and Terminer, held at Burlington, on the 30th of July last, came on the tryal of James Annin, aged 54 years, and James M Kenzy, aged rg years, on an indictment for the mur der of two Indian women, who had long refided near the place where the murder was committed. It appeared that the murderers came to Moor's town, in Burlington county, on the 26th of June laft, begging for charity and obtaining relief: That while they were eating their dinners, the two young Indians who were


murdered, came to the place where they were; that the youngest of the men gave them abusive language; and that the Indians went off, and refted in a wood, near the fide of the road; they afterwards went to the Indians with intent to ravish them


if they should refufe their offers: each acknowledged that he was prefent at the murder, but charged the giving the ftroke on the other. The jury foon found them guilty, and they received fentence of death, and were hanged accordingly.


FRIDAY Aug. 29.

HE directors of the Eaft India company received a meffage from the miniftry, acquainted them, that an enquiry would, on the meeting of parliament, be made into the management of the company's affairs, and fignifying to them at the same time, that it would be expected the papers relative thereto would be in readiness for infpection. This meffage caused a fall in India stock, from 210 to 196, but it foon role again.

In the afternoon of the fame day the ceremony of the dedication of the new built fynagogue in Duke's Place, was performed with the greatest pomp and folemnity. The proceffions and other foJemnities on that occafion were accompanied by mufic and were very grand and folemn.

Wednes. Sept. 3. At Harwich, a smug gling cutter, together with a quantity of tobacco, and two cafes of foreign gold and filver lace, lately made prize off by Capt. Dagnet, were burnt.

At the circuit court at Aberdeen, came on the trials of the wife and fon of Alex ander Keith, for the murder of the faid Alexander ten years ago, when they were both found guilty; but the fon, on account of his youth, and the influence of the mother at that time over him, was recommended to mercy. This murder was fufpected by George Keith, the eldest fon, by a former marriage, at the time it happened; but from an excess of caution in bringing an accufation which he might not be able to make good, all enquiry was dropt till lately, when the mother and fon falling out, mutually and openly gave each other the name of murderer. This gave rife to a judicial profecution, which has ended in the above convicti


Thurf. 4. James Efdail, Efq; was unanimously chofen one of the fheriffs of Londen, for the year enfuing. This be

ing effected chiefly by the management of Mr. Beardmore, that gentleman lays claim to a promife of being under-sheriff, which Mr. Efdail, however, has not thought fit to admit, which, has occafioned fume altercation in the papers. It is faid the latter enjoys fome emoluments from government, to which it is supposed the former is not very acceptable.

At the anniversary feast of the natives of Gloucefter, refiding in Bristol, the collection for apprenticing poor boys, natives of the county, amounted to 1461. 15s. 98.

Sat. 6. Benjamin Stafford was executed at Guilford for forgery.

Mond 8. A violent storm of wind and rain came on at Eaft-row, near Whitby, where it carried away three dwelling houfes, with all the furniture, and it was with difficulty that the people were faved. Several other houses were alfo damaged, and it is believed almost the whole town would have been washed down and carried into the fea, if their new ftone bridge had not given way, and made room for the water's difcharging itself into the ocean. The new bridge at Sand's End was carried away.

The feffions of the Old Bailey, which began on the 3d inftantended; when four perfons received fentence of death; Rebert Lloyd for a robbery in Stepney-fields; Tho. Jacox for a robbery on Finchley common; John Hill for robbing his malter, Mr. Cook of Hayes, of plate and china; and Edw. Prophy for committing a rape on the body of Phillis Holmes, an infant under ten years of age.

Tuef. 9. The worshipful the Mayor of Liverpool, the deputy recorder, and many other gentlemen, laid the first stone of an obfervatory near that town, which is to be furnished with nautical inftruments of all forts for the inftruction of mariners. The infcription is as follows: Regnante Georgio Tertio, pio, humano, augufio, Li


bertatis Vindice, Artium & Scientiarum the clergyman: his coffin was carried beFautore, primarium Lapidem hujufce Edificii Ajironomia facri, Ære collatitio extructi, pojuit Johannes Crosbie, Prætor, 5° Lau. Septembris, A. D. 1766

Thurf. 11. The parliament which ftands prorogued to the 16th inftant, was further prorogued to the 11th of Nov. then to fit for the dispatch of divers weighty and important affairs.

A letter carrier belonging to the foreign office at the general polt-office, was taken into cuftody, charged with having defrauded feveral perfons, by altering the figure on letters from one fhilling to


Sat. 13. The brig Molly from Granada, with fugar, coffee, cotton, &c. was fet on fire by the careleffness of a cuftom-house officer, in the port of Liverpool, and, except a fmall part of the rigging, wholly confumed.

The following letter was found in the entry of Mr. How, one of the capital burgeffes of Tiverton in Devonshire.

"To the old Tom How.

"Mr. Roge-you must know yourself that you have been guilty of every thing that is bad, excepting murder, therefore we are determined that you taste fomething of hell here upon earth, as fhore as thee haft a foul in thy body thou shalt be roafted in thy bed before this winter is over, and as for thy fon we will fold him up one night or other- -we have fworn and will perform,"

His majesty is pleased to promise his pardon to any concerned in writing the faid letter, on discovering his accompli


Sund. 14 The purfer of the Kent Eaft-Indiaman, Capt. Mills, came to the India-Houfe with an account of that ship being fafe arrived in the Downs from Bengal. Her cargo confifts of piece goods, and alfo 2700lb. of cotton yarn, 32, 100lb. of raw filk, gr. lb. 67,500lb. red wood; and 562,500lb. faltpetre.

Mond. 15. A marine foldier was ordered to be shot at Plymouth-dock for defertion. The marine companies, and the 4th regiment were ordered to attend the execution. About nine in the morning the prifoner was brought out of the bar racks, after having received the facrament, and efcorted by an officer's guard, and DA. 1766.

fore his face, which made the proceffion appear more dreadful and folemn. About ten he got to the field of execution; he frequently kneeled and prayed. About eleven the commanding officer ordered him to march round the troops to admonifh them, and the clergyman dictated what he fhould fay, after which he returned to his place. There were nine men who were formerly deferters, ordered to fhoot him: he kneeled and was bid by the officer to pull his cap over his face, which he did, and whilft the officer turned round, dropped a handkerchief out of his hand, which was understood by the men as the fignal to fhoot him: and three of them inftantly fired through his body. The officer had a reprieve in his pocket, but by heightening the fcene of horror too much, and by fome unaccountable fatality the poor man loft his life. The terrible confufion of the officer, may be easier conceived than expreffed!

Wednef. 17. M. de Mello the Portuguese minifter, had a private audience of his majefty, to notify the death of the infant Don Emanuel, uncle to his moft faithful majefty.

The greatest quantity of new hops was brought into the borough that ever was known in one day; it is faid 93 carriages came from Kent and Surrey, and each of them brought upwards of two tons weight.

Friday 19. Eighteen prifoners were brought from Gofport to. Doctors Commons under a ftrong guard, being charged with having committed divers crimes and mifdemeanors on the high feas; they were, after examination before the judge of the high court of Admiralty, committed to the Marfaljeu prifon.

The committee for building Blackfryars bridge agreed to transfer 13,650 l. confolidated 3 per cents to the rulers of the watermens company, in recompence for the lofs of the Sunday's ferry; the intereft thereof to be appropriated as the profits of the ferry ufed to be.

Mond. 22. A perfon was committed to Newgate, for felonioufly forging two deeds, purporting to be two powers of attorney, from Capt. Thomas Bishop to the prifoner, to transfer 1050l. three per Cent. Bank annuities, and for publishing the fame, knowing them to have been



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