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from Fort London, apprehended fome of these lawless people, but they were foon refcued The fol diers afterwards picked up three others, and carried them into the fort; but the rioters affembled about in fuch numbers, as to render it dangerous for the few foldiers in it to hold out against them; and threatening fire and fword, if their companions were not given up, which was complied with, on their promifing to appear at the next court.

The following plan for introducing epifcopacy in North America, as laid down by Bishop Butler in 1750, has been for fome time paft, it is faid, under confideration of the government.

1. No coercive power is defired over the laity in any cafe; but only a power to regulate the behaviour of the clergy who are in epifcopal orders; and to correct and punish them according to the laws of the church of England, in case of misbehaviour or neglect of duty, with fuch powers as the commiffaries abroad have exercifed.

2. Nothing is defired for fuch bithops, that may in the least in terfere with the dignity or authority or intereft of the governor, or any other officer of ftate. Probates of wills, licences for marriages, &c. to be left in the hands where they are; and no thare in the temporal government is defired for bishops.

3. The maintenance of fuch bihops not to be at the charge of the colonies

4. No biflops are intended to be fettled in places where the government is in the hands of diffenters, as in New England, &c. But

authority to be given only to ordain clergy for fuch church of England congregations as are among them, and to infpect into the manners and behaviour of the faid clergy, and to confirm the members thereof.

The wife of a collier at Sitzeroda, near Torgua in Saxony, was lately delivered of five daughters, who were all baptized, but died foon after. In the year 1732, a woman of the fame village was twice delivered, in the fpace of eleven months, of three children at a birth.

Died lately. At Wells, Mrs. Deverel, aged 105.

Near Bafingfioke, John Edwards, a ploughman, aged 105,

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field, at Guildhall; when it appearing that the fhip was not feaworthy to undertake the voyage, the caufe was determined in favour of the infurer. By this decifion it appears, that, when a thip proceeds on a voyage, for which the is not fufficient, all policies of infurance, whether on the fhip or goods, are difcharged; and that it is to the owners of the thip the owners of the goods on board her muft in that cafe apply for the fatisfaction of their loffes. This determination, it is to be hoped, will have the good effect of making owners of thips more attentive to the goodness of their hips, thereby to prevent very heavy loffes.

At the anniversary fermon and feaft of the city of London lyingin hofpital, 350l. was collected for that charity.

Seven female quakers, very neatly dreffed, being defirous to fee their majefties come to court, were admitted into the royal apartments; when her majefty was fo condefcending as to order the lady in waiting to make each of them a compliment, which they returned in a very fenfible and modett man


The jury fat on the body 6th. of the D. of B. at the King's Arms tavern in Bond-ftreet, and brought in their verdict lunacy. It appeared on the inqueft, by the teftimony of an eminent phyfician, who attended H. G. that he had for fome time paft been afflicted with a nervous diforder, which preyed greatly upon his fpirits. The ball went in at the right ear, came out at the upper part of the left fide of the head, and was found in the night-cap.

At the admiralty feflions held at

the Old Bailey, Captain Loredo, late mafter of the veifel called the Principe de Efpagna, was tried for wilfully cafting away the faid fhip on the high feas, within the jurif diction of the admiralty of England, with intent to defraud divers merchants who had underwrote policies of infurance on the faid veilel, and her cargo, confifling of woollen cloths and hides, to the amount of above 5000l. when it appearing that the thip, though run on a reef of rocks about a mile from Falmouth harbour, in her voyage from Exeter to Spain, was not caft away or destroyed, in the ftrict fente of the word, purfuant to the ftatute 11 George II. fhe having been afterwards recovered and brought into Falmouth harbour, by the people of that place; and it being the particular prerogative of that court either to condemn capitally or wholly to acquit, he was acquitted, and immediately difcharged. A new charge, however, was immediately preferred against him for a misdemeanor, but he found means to escape, and get back to Spain, where, as foon as difcovered, he was condemned to a dungeon for life.

A great council was held 10th. at St. James's, when a general alteration in the miniftry took place.

Was tried at Guildhall, before the right hon. Lord Mansfield, a caufe, wherein Meirs. Carr, Ibbetfon, and Co. eminent mercers on Ludgate-hill, were plaintiffs, and feveral cuftom-houfe offcers defendants, for entering and fearching the houfe of the plaintiffs, under pretence of their having a large quantity of prohibited goods in their poffeffion: when it


appearing, that the officers had not the leaft foundation for fuch fearch, the jury, which confifted of merchants, found a verdict against the cutiom-house officers, for 10cl. damages, with cofts of fuit.

A lad about feventeen years old, apprentice to Mr Maxwell, a waterman on the bank-fide, lately eat a fhoulder of lamb, that weighed upwards of five pounds, and two quarts of green peafe, without either bread or beer, in lefs than fifty minutes, for a wager of half a guinea.

His royal highnefs the 11th. duke of Gloucefter fet out on a tour through the Weft of England. 12th.

The act took place, which prohibits all thips under 100 tons burthen, from taking fpirituous liquors on board, on pain

of feizure.

The new pavement from Charing-crols to Temple-bar, which was begun at the first of thefe places, was this day ended at the latter, and the communication opened for carriages. Thofe, who have not feen this new pavement, can scarcely imagine the alteration made by it, the taking down of figns, and fixing up of lights in a regular manner. It may be faid, that no ftreet in London, paved, lighted, and filled with figns fixed in the old way, ever made fo agreeable an appear ance, or afforded better walking than the Strand does in the new. But great as the alteration in the Strand may be, that in St. James'sfireet greatly furpaffes it. In fhort too much cannot be faid in praise of thofe noblemen and gentlemen, who firft promoted this improvement, and have fo fteadily car

ried it on, in fpite of all the obitacles thrown in their way, and all the cavils against their proceedings.

Ended the feffions at the Old Bailey, when one for a 13th. highway lobbery, one for a footpad robbery, a woman for private. ly ftealing a watch, Anthony Vacheron, for felonioufly publishing as true, a certain promiffory note of hand from his grace George duke of Marlborough, for 20,000l. payable to the order of the faid Anthony Vacheron, with intention to defraud the faid duke of Marlborough; one for horfe-ftealing, one for defrauding a failor of his wages, Barny Carroll, for unlawfully, on purpofe, and with malice aforethought, and with laying in wait, flitting the nose of Crawley Thomas Kirby, Efq; with intention to main and disfigure him, and William King, his accomplice, received fentence of death; thirty-fix to be tranfported for feven years; one for fourteen years; one to be whipped; and five were branded. The highway robber, the defrauder, Carroll, and King, were executed the laft day of the month.

As the cate of Carroll and King is in fome refpects curious, we fhall give it in the Appendix to this part of our work.

A moft violent earthquake, happened at Lula in Both-14th. nia, which lafted three minutes. with a fubterraneous noife from Weft to Eaft; and on the 23d day following, at the fame place, there was a great motion in the waters, attended with a ftorm of thunder, lightning, and rain, which continued the whole day,


when the waters ebbed and flowed about twenty times in a fhort fpace.

About eight in the evening, prince Frederick William of Pruffia, and the princess Elizabeth Christina Ulrich of Brunfwick, received the nuptial benediction at the caftle of Berlin. After the ceremony, which was performed with great pomp, the king and queen of Pruffia, the duke of York, the princes and princeffes of the blood, of the house of Brunswick, the duke of Brunswick Bevern, the reigning prince of Anhalt Deffau, the nobility and foreign minifters, who had all aflifted at it, fupped at four tables, each of two hundred covers; at one of which were the king, their royal highneffes, and the foreign princes; at the fecond, the minifters of ftate, and thofe of

foreign powers; at the third, perfons belonging to the court; and at the fourth, the generals and officers of the ftate major. At eleven o'clock, the prince and the new princess of Pruffia opened the ball, in which the king, the duke of York, and the princes and princeßes danced. The ball, which continued till late at night, was performed by torch-light, to the found of two choruffes of trumpets and kettle drums. The day following the new-married pair received compliments on the occafion.

The king has been pleafed 16th. to grant unto the right hon. Sir Charles Pratt, knt. chief justice of the court of Common Pleas, and the heirs male of his body Jawfully begotten, the dignity of a baron of the kingdom of Great Britain, by the name, ftyle, and title of baron Camden, of Cam

den-place in the county of Kent.

London Gazette.

At the adjourned feffions of the peace at Guildhall, before the lord mayor, when a great number of debtors were difcharged pursuant to the late act, a very intricate point was learnedly debated, Whether, according to a notion long received, fpunging-houses were to be deemed prifons? when it was determined, that they were only houfes of fafety, and in no fenfe to be looked upon as prifons; and accordingly none but those who were actually in prifon or beyond fea, or upon bail on the first of January laft, and had surrendered to their bail, on or before the 12th of February, were adjudged capable of receiving the benefit of that act.

At the Society of Arts, &c. a letter was read from 17th. the mayor of Liverpool, importing, that the corporation over which he had the honour to prefide, had ordered 100l. to be paid towards aflifting in the general views of the fociety; for which the fecretary was defired to return thanks.


The infant don Philip, duke of Parma, who had been taken ill of the fmall-pox at Alexandria, the roth inft. and appeared to be in a fair way of doing well at the beginning, grew fuddenly worfe this day, and was carried off by it. As foon as it was known at Parma that the duke their fovereign was ill, count Ponticelli and other phyficians fet out for Alexandria to attend him. They had no apprehenfions of the finallpox, because the prince had already had that distemper, but imagined he had a fever, attended with an obstruction or coftiveness; however,

however, before he died, the fmal pox had manifested itfelt by very evident tokens.

His royal highness was born the 15th of March 1720. He has left ifue by the late madame of France, a prince and princefs, viz. Ferdinand, born January 20, 1750; and Louisa Maria Therefa, born Dec. 9, 1751, fince married to Charles Anthony, prince of Afturias, heir to the crown of Spain.

A board of longitude was held at the admiralty, when the marinetable for finding the longitude at fea, by the lunar method, invented by Mr. Witchell, was taken into confideration, and approved, and a thousand pounds ordered to be advanced to enable the inventor to carry it into execution; and that gentleman, Mr. Ifrael Lyons, jun. Mr. William Wales, of Greenwich, and Mr. Maplon, were appointed computers of a Nautical Ephemeris, for the ufe of navigation and afronomy; and Mr. Richard Dunithorne to compare and correct the fame from the prefs.

In Lapland, 120 head of 23d. rein deer, in one herd, were ftruck dead by lightning.

The centre of one of the middle arches of the new bridge at Blackfriars was entirely ftruck, and the arch cleared. This arch is

22 feet wider than the wideft arch of Westminster-bridge, 28 feet wider than the great arch of London-bridge, 3 feet wider than the boatted Rialto at Venice, yet 2 feet lefs than the wideft arch of the fame bridge, whofe diameter is 100 feet.


Was read in common council, a petition from the

magiftrates of the city of Konigfberg, in the dominions of Pruffia, addressed to the most illuftrious, noble, learned, and venerable, the Lord Mayor and Senators of the mott renowned city of London, fetting forth the immenfe lofs that city fuftained by the dreadful fire that lately raged there, praying affiftance; when it appearing, that the lofs amounted to 600,000l. fo as to be above the faculties of any fingle corporation, their agent was advised to apply for a general brief. The collection made for their relief in the city of Hamburgh amounted to 1118.

Letters dated this day 28th.

twelvemonth, from Truxillo, about fifty miles from Vera Crux, in Mexico, bring a most thocking account of the mountain Mano Blanco, in that neighbourhood, opening and throwing out flames, inflamed matter, and black fioncs, fome of great fizes. As there never was a volcano there before, it terrified the inhabitants to fuch a degree, that a great number died of the fright. Many people were deftroyed, with 118 Indian huts. Lions, tygers, deer, &c. left the foretts, and came for refuge into the town, where fixtythreeofthem were thot in theftreets.

A violent hurricane happened at St. Euftatia; the 31ft. imali veffels got to fea in time; but the ftorm reaching to Martinico, thirty-three thips were loft; at Guadalupe, fix fhips and ten small veffels, with a large quantity of coffee on board, were drove on thore and loft.

The power of juries having been to often and fo much con


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