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It will end, I trow, like our Henry the 8th, in a general resumption.

If your lordship has not read Le compte rendu de Constitutions de Jusuists, 'tis well worth your perusal. By this time, I suppose, it must have got to England. I hope your Lordship has had your health this winter. I wish it, as I do every other blessing to you and your family, with the zeal and truth which becomes me.



To Mr. Becket

PARIS, [April?] 12, 1762. DEAR SIR, The Gentleman who gives you this Letter, will likewise put into yr hands, a Play translated from one of Mons! Diderots, by a Lady who resides here, who is a friend both to him & me- If You like it, I suppose 'twil be at y service, because I have recommended it to be sent to You I have read it over & think it will not do for our stage-'tis y! business to consider whether it will do for * 1_ if so the preference is given


to You.

I have desired Mr. Foley, (who used to deal with D. Wilson) to send to You for whatever Books He wants or his friends in Paris or France send him Commissions to buy:-in Peace this is sometimes considerable.

By the same Carrier who takes my Wifes Baggage from London to Dover, You may

1 [A word here is not decipherable. It is probably print or printing, though it may be Paris.]

send over the underwritten Books to Mr Foley they are for Mon Diderot — but Mr Foley will receive money for them & then order M Selvin to pay you.

All the Works of Pope -the neatest & cheapest Edition (therefore I suppose not Warburtons)

The Drumstick Works of Cibber- &
Cibber's Life - Chaucer.

Tillotson's Sermons & the small edition.
All Lock's works.

the 6 Vols of Shandy NB. These place to my Acct for they are for a present to him— and all the works of (Vide Card)

These must be pack'd up in a Box and Directed to Mr Minet & Co: at Dover, to be forwarded to Madame Morrel in Calais - they will by this means go with the Cartel Ship wch brings over my wife-send a Bill along with them directed to Mr Foley.

Mrs Sterne will be in London at Midsummer and If you will be so good, betwixt & then to collect what is due from the Trade on my Acct & after paying my Printer & Stationer & y' self to pay what remains into Mrs Sternes hands her Rect will be sufficient for what money you pay her I suppose there are 3000

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disposed of by this time-so that the remainder may remain selling, but I hope will be sold off, by the beginning of the next Year, when I shall have something ready to send, or bring with me to Town.

I wrote Mr Edmundson a Letter last post upon this, In which I told him, In Order to settle the Acct at once, I was willing to sell the remainder of the Edition to You, with a handsome allowance for the Chances & Drawbacks on y side — If you have any thoughts of this- You may write me a Line by the return what You will give per hundred & in one word I will answer You whether I will take it or no

When Mrs Sterne is in London, send by her 3 sets of Shandys, & 3 Sets of Sermons, to be put up with her own things.

I am forced to inclose the Card itself wch We have recd from Mr Diderot - because I have not been able to make it all out— - tis the last article but one

Mr Follett the Gentleman who does me the favour to deliver You this will give you two Snuff Boxes - they are of Value - in one is my Portrait, don here & the Other full of Garnets I beg you will pack them up some

how or other with a quire or two of paper, so as to make such a Packet, as is not likely to be lost & send it by the first York Stage coach (with Care)-directed to Mrs Sterne in the Minster Yard. York:- I have recd Mr Cambridge's Book safe-it was bought by Commission, so you did well to send me the Price. My Service to all friends

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