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troops detached from the marine, the royal grenadiers, cannoniers, bombardiers, and Swifs; the different detachments of the militia and freebooters, and the other volunteers, with the honours of war, drums beating, lighted match, colours flying, two pieces of cannon, and three rounds of ammunition each. The troops of his most Chriftian majefty in garrifon fhall march out with drums beating, colours flying, and two pieces of cannon, two rounds of ammunition, and fhall be embarked and fent to France as foon as poffible, at the expence of his Britannic majefty. The militia, freebooters, and others belonging to the island, fhall lay down their arms, and be prifoners of war, until the fate of it is determined.

II. The garrifon shall be sent to the port of Rochfort in France, by the most short and expeditious way, at the expence, and in the fhips of his Britannic majefly. -Answered

in the first.

III. The faid garrifon fhall be lodged and maintained in the town of Fort Royal, till their departure, at the expence of his Britannic majefty. They fhall be maintained at the expence of his Britannic majefty, and fhall be embarked as in the first article.

IV. That it fhall be lawful for the officers, Creoles, and others, to go into the island, and ftay there as long as it fhall be neceffary to fettle their affairs.- -A reasonable time will be allowed to the officers to fettle their affairs, they behaving according to the rules of war.

V. That the officers and others, who have effects in the country, fhall keep them.- Granted.

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VIII. That the volunteers of St. Vincent, who came here to the fuccour of the place, fhall be furnifhed with a boat and provisions, to carry them home again, with their fervants, arms, and baggage, as foon as poffible. -To remain prifoners of war.

IX. That the inhabitants likewife fhall be furnished with fhallops, or boats, to carry them to the diffe rent quarters of this ifland. Refufed.

X. That the fick and wounded fhall be removed to the hofpital of this city, to be there taken care of by our own furgeons, till they are perfectly recovered; and that the commiffary of his Britannic majefty fhall take care to furnish them with fubfiftence. They fhall be taken the fame care of as our own, and may be attended by their furgeons.

XI. That the faid hofpital fhall take away with them their medicines, and all their utenfils and effects in general. -Granted.

XII. That the chaplain of the fhall be permitted to adminifter fpiritual fuccours to the fick, as well as others of the troops, and publickly to bury the dead without moleftation.s -Granted.

XIII. That the faid fick fhall, after their recovery, follow the fortune of their refpective corps, as well as thofe who fhall be actually in the hospitals without the town.—. Granted.

XIV. That

XIV. That there fhall be a general inventory taken by commiffaries named by each party, of the artillery, ammunition, provifions, and all other effects within the place. Granted.

XV. That the English prifoners detained in this citadel fhall be exchanged for ours. Among others, M de Caponé, major of this citadel and island, fhall be included in the exchange, to follow the fortune of the officers of the place.- -Refufed.

XVI. That the effects of the officers and men belonging to the royal grenadiers, which were left upon Morne Garnier, fhall be reftored to them. -It cannot be complied with, as it will be impoffible to recover them.

XVII. That the armed free Negroes and Mulattoes, that entered into the citadel as attendants on the

companies of militia, fhall go out likewife with the faid companies.They fhall remain prifoners of war, until the fate of the island is determined.

XVIII. That three days fhall be granted for the evacuation of the place, at the end of which time, the gate fhall be given up to the troops of his Britannic majefty, whilst the garrifon fhall march


The gate of the fort fhall be given up to the troops of his Britannic majefty this evening at five o'clock, and the French garrifon fhall march out at nine to-morrow morning.

XIX. That before the capitulation is fettled, the commanding officer of the place fhall be permitted to communicate it to the general, and in the mean time there fhall be a fufpenfion of arms, and that all the works fhall ceafe on

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both fides.- -After the capitulation is figned, and the gate of the fort poffeffed by the British troops, the commandant fhall be allowed to acquaint his general with it.


Capitulation demanded by the inhabitants of the island of Martinico, reprefented by Meff. D. Aleffo, knt. Jeignior Defragny La Pierre, captain of horse, and Feryre, captain of infantry of militia, furnished with full powers from nine quarters of this ifland.

To their excellencies Meffrs. Monckton and Rodney, generals by land and fea of his Britannic majefty. ARTICLE I.

THE inhabitants fhall quit

their pofts with two field pieces, their arms, colours fiving, drums beating, matches lighted, and fhall have all the honours of war. The inhabitants fhall march out of all their garrifons and posts (none excepted) with their arms and colours flying, upon condition that they afterwards lay them down; and that all the forts, garrifons, pofts, and batteries of cannon and mortars, with all arms, ammunition, and implements of war, be delivered to proper perfons appointed to receive them.

II. The inhabitants of the islands of St. Lucia, and St. Vincent, who are come to the affiftance of this ifland, fhall have the liberty to retire with their arms and baggage, and fhall be furnished with a veffel to carry them to their own islands, with their fervants which they have


brought with them, as alfo with provifion neceffary for their voyage. They muft remain prifoners of war, as thofe of St. Vincent, in the capitulation of Fort Royal.

III, The inhabitants fhall have free exercise of their religion, the priests, friars, and nuns, fhall be preferved in their cures and convents, and it fhall be permitted to the fuperiors of the order, to fend for any of them from France, delivering their letter to his Britannic majefty's governors. Granted.

IV. They shall be strictly neuter, and fhall not be obliged to take arms against his moft Chriftian majefty, nor even against any other power. They become fubjects of his Britannic majefty, and must take the oath of allegiance; but fhall not be obliged to take arms against his moft Chriftian majefty, until a peace may determine the fate of the island.

V. They shall preferve their civil government, their laws, customs, and ordonnances; juftice fhall be administered by the fame officers who are now in employment; and there shall be a regulation made for the interior police between the governor of his Britannic majesty and the inhabitants; and in cafe that at the peace the island should be ceded to the king of Great Britain, it shall be allowed to the inhabitants to preferve their political government, and to accept that of Antigua or St. Chriftopher's. -They become British fubjects (as in the preceding article) but fhall continue to be governed by their prefent laws, until his majefty's pleasure be known.

VI. The inhabitants, as alfo the religious orders of both fexes, fhall be maintained in the property of

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VII. They shall not pay to his majesty any other duties than those which have been paid hitherto to his moft Chriftian majesty; and the capitation of negroes on the fame footing it is paid at prefent, without any other charges or imposts; and the expences of juftice, penfions

to curates, and other occafional expences, fhall be paid by the domain of his Britannic majefty, as they were by that of his moft Chriftian majefty. Anfwered in the 6th article in what regards the inhabitants.

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VIII. and IX. The prifoners taken, during the fiege, fhall be restored on both fides; the free mulattoes, as well as the negroes, which fhall have been taken, fhall be restored as prifoners of war, and fhall not be treated as flaves. The inhabitants and mulattoes, now prifoners, will become British fubjects, upon the fubmiffion of the whole ifland, and will enjoy the benefit of it. The negroes which have been taken in arms are deemed flaves.

X. The fubjects of Great Britain, who have taken refuge in the island for crimes, or condemned to punishments, fhall have liberty of retiring.- Refufed.

XI. No others than the inhabitants refident in this ifland, shall,


till the peace, poffefs any eftates, either by acquifition, agreement, or otherwise; but in case, at the peace, the country fhall be ceded to the king of Great Britain, then it fhall be permitted to the inhabitants who fhall not be willing to become his fubjects, to fell their eftates, moveables and immoveables, to whom they pleafe, and retire where they fhall think proper, in which cafe they fhall be allowed convenient time. All fubjects of Great Britain may poffefs any lands or houfes by purchase. The remainder of this article granted, provided they fell to Britifh fubjects.

XII. In case any exchanges fhall be thought of at the peace, their most Christian and Britannic majefties are intreated to give the preference to this island. -This will depend upon his Britannic majefty's pleasure.

XIII. The inhabitants fhall have liberty of retiring; we fay, of fendtheir children to France for their education; the wives of officers and others, out of the island, fhall have liberty of retiring with their effects, and the number of fervants fuitable to their rank. The liberty of fending their children to France to be educated, depends upon the king's pleasure. The reft granted.

XIV. The government fhall procure for the inhabitants the vent of their commodities, which shall be looked upon as national commodities, and of confequence fhall have entry in England.- -Granted; the ifland producing nothing but what may be imported into England.

XV. The inhabitants fhall not be obliged to find quarters for the troops, or to do any works on the fortifications. -The inhabitants muft furnish barracks or quarters

for the king's troops in the feveral diftricts of the ifland.

XVI. The widows and others, abfent by fickness, who shall not have figned the capitulation, fhall have a time fixed for doing it.Granted, on condition that they fign the capitulation in one month from this date.

XVII. Veffels fhall be granted to the freebooters and others who have no effects in this country, and are willing to leave it, to retire. Granted, to go to France, but no where else.

XVII. It fhall be permitted to give freedom to negro and mulatto flaves, as a recompence for their good fervices, according to cuftom. Granted to fervants.

XIX. The inhabitants and merchants fhall enjoy all their privileges of commerce, as the fubjects of Great Britain. -Granted, fo that it does not affect the privileges of particular companies eftablished in England, or the laws of the kingdom, which prohibit the carrying on trade in other than British bottoms.

XX. It fhall always be permitted to the inhabitants, to continue to make white and clayed fugar, as they have been used to.-Granted, they paying duty in proportion to their fuperior value to the common quality of the Muscovado fugar.

XXI. The fea veffels, as well fhips as boats or fchooners, which are funk or afloat, and which have not been taken, fhall remain to their owners. -Refufed to all privateers and ships, trading to diftant ports. Granted to fuch as are employed in paffing to and from the different ports of the island.

XXII. They money which is now made ufe of, fhall remain upon the fame footing, without be



ing fufceptible either of augmenta
tion or diminution. Granted.
(D'Aleffo.) (Lapiere.)
(I'feriere.) (Mauboix.)
(Dorienterfack for)
(Dorient Hubert, and)
(Dorient Campagne.)
Demanded, All archives and
papers, which may be neceffary or
relative to the government of the
ifland, to be faithfully given up.
Leave is granted to the gentlemen
of the island to keep neceffary arms
for the defence of their plantations..
Settled, agreed, and closed by us
the deputies reprefentative and bear-
ers of the powers from the major
part of the quarters compofing this
colony; in the city of Fort Royal,
Martinico, this feventh day of Feb-
ruary, 1762.

D'Aleffo. I'feriere. Rob. Monckton.
G. B. Rodney.
(Dorienterfack) (Berland) (Mauboix)

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pofts as his Britannic majesty's general fhall think fit.

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Art. I. All the forts and pofts of the island shall be evacuated by the troops of his moft Chriftian majesty', whether regular or militia, or independent companies of freebooters, or livery fervants; they fhall march out with four field pieces, their arms, two rounds per man, their enfigns or colours flying, drums, beating, and all the honours of war; after which the faid forts and pofts fhall be occupied by the troops of his Britannic majefty.- -The troops and inhabitants fhall march out of all their garrifons and pofts with their arms, drums beating, colours flying, and the troops to have four pieces of cannon, with two rounds each, and two rounds per man, upon condition that the inhabitants afterwards lay down their arms; and that all the forts, garrifons, pofts and batteries of cannon, or mortars, with all arms, ammunition and implements of war, fhall be delivered up to proper perfons appointed by us to receive

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