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Etymology of Word " Chancellor," Page 1. Antiquity of the Office in England, 2.

Original Duty of Chancellor to frame Writs, 2. And Royal Grants, S. Custody

of Great Seal, 3. Chancellor Keeper of King's Conscience, 3. Chancellor for-

merly subordinate Officer, without judicial Power, 4. Common-law Jurisdiction

of Chancellor, 5. Equitable Jurisdiction, 6. Objections to Antiquity of

Equitable Jurisdiction, 7. Definition of Equitable Jurisdiction, 7. Extension

of Equitable Jurisdiction of Chancellor, 8. From Inrolments in Chancery

under Recognizance, 9. Fees, &c., 9. Harmony between Common Law and

Equity, 10. Discretion of Chancellor, 11. Appeal from Chancellor as Equity

Judge, 12. Habeas Corpus and Prohibitions, 12. Ne exeat Regno, 13. Juris-

diction over Coroners, 13. Criminal Jurisdiction, 13. Bankruptcy, 13.

Lunacy, 14. Chancellor not ex officio Privy Councillor, 15. Speaker of

Lords, 15. Protection and Precedence, 16. Chancellor no Vote or Voice in

Lords unless a Peer, 16. Anciently addressed two Houses at Meeting of Parlia-

ment, 17. Trial of Peers, and Impeachments, 17. Star Chamber, 17. Chan-

cellor appoints Justices of Peace, 18. Patronage, 18. Visitor, 19. Other

Functions, 19. Office of "Keeper of the Great Seal," 19. Lords Commissioners

of Great Seal, 20. Present Title of Lord Chancellor, 21. Mode of Appoint-

ment, 21. Tenure of Office, 22. Mode of using Great Seal, 22. Negotiation

of Marriage of Henry VI. under Great Seal, 23. Use of Great Seal by Edward

IV., 24. Times of Tudors and Stuarts, 25. Use of Great Seal since the

Revolution of 1688, 25. Origin of expression of "The Seals," 25. Adoption

of new Great Seal, 25. Care in keeping the Great Seal, 26. Emoluments of

Office, 26. Etiquette, 27. In Parliament, 27. When administering Oaths to

Prince of Wales, 28. To King's younger Son, 28. To Peers in Chancery, 28.

Lord Mayor's Day, 28. Statute respecting Apparel of the Chancellor, 28.

His Parentage, 60. Story of his Mother being the Daughter of an Emir, 60. Educa-

tion, 61. Holds Office under Sheriff of London, 62, Patronised by Theobald,

Archbishop of Canterbury, 62. Made Archbishop of Canterbury, 62. Missions

to Rome, 63. Appointed Chancellor, 63. Intimacy with Henry II., 63.

His Duties as Chancellor, 65. Fitzstephen's Account of his Habits, 65. Story

of the King, the Chancellor, and the Beggarman, 66. His Conduct as Chan-

cellor, 68. Becket Tutor to the Prince, 68. Becket's Embassy to France, 68.

Origin of Scutage, 71. Becket's Military Prowess, 71. Siege of Toulouse, 71.

Single Combat with Engleran de Trie, 72. His judicial Merits, 72. His Views

and Intentions, 73. Conversation with Prior of Leicester, 74. Death of Arch-

bishop Theobald, 74. Objection to Becket's appointment as Archbishop, on

the ground of his being hostile to the Church, 75. Foliot, Bishop of Hereford,

Rival of Becket, 75. Becket elected Archbishop of Canterbury, 76. Becket

consecrated Archbishop, 76. Sudden Alteration in Becket's Character and

Conduct, 77. He resigns the Great Seal, 77. The King and Becket meet and

quarrel, 78. Struggle between Civil and Ecclesiastical Authority, 79. Con-

ference between the King and the Prelates, 79. Constitutions of Clarendon, 80.

Becket swears to Constitutions of Clarendon, 81. Great Council at Northamp-

ton, 82.
Trial of Becket, 82. Found Guilty, 83. Further Proceedings against

him, 83. He escapes to the Continent, 84. Becket takes refuge in the Abbey

of Pontigny, 85. Measures of the King, 85. Becket goes to Rome, 85. Coro-

nation of King's son by Archbishop of York against Papal Bull, 86. Interview

between Becket and Henry at Fereitville, 87. Peace of Fereitville, 88. Henry

refuses Becket the Kiss of Peace, 88. Henry breaks his Engagement, 89.

Becket resolves on Vengeance, 89. Becket returns to England, 90. Reception

[blocks in formation]



Marisco, 126. Confirmation of the Great Charter, 126. Ralph de Neville,
Vice-chancellor, 126. Misconduct of Vice-chancellor De Neville, 127. Letter
of Remonstrance from the Chancellor to the Vice-chancellor, 127. De Neville,
Chancellor, 128. Grant to him of Office of Chancellor for Life, 129. He

Keeper of Great Seal, 157. Character of Chancellors during reign of Hen-
Abolition of Office of Chief Jus-

ry III., 158. Bracton, Merits of, 158.

Chancellor now Head of Law,

ticiary, 159. Disruption of Aula Regia, 160.


Accession of Edward II., 188. John de Langton, Chancellor the second Time,

188. King abroad, 189. King goes to Boulogne, 189. King himself uses the

Great Seal, 189. Revolution in the Government, 190. The Chancellor resigns,

190. His Character, 190. Office of Chancellor in Abeyance, 190. Walter

Reynolds, Chancellor, 191. Tutor to Edward II., 191. His conduct as Chan-

cellor, 191. His Resignation, 191. Execution of Gaveston, 191. Reynolds,

the Ex-chancellor, made Keeper of the Great Seal, 192. Battle of Bannock-

burn, 192. Council at York, 193. Resignation of Reynolds, 193. His sub-

sequent Career, 193. His Death, 193. Chancellor still Chief of Chapel

Royal, 193. John de Sandale, Chancellor, 194. Keepers of Seal concurrently,

De Sandale removed, 194. Epicurism of Lord Chancellor De Sandale,

195. John de Hotham, Chancellor, 195. Ascendency of Earl of Lancaster,

195. Resignation of Chancellor, 196. John de Salmon, Chancellor, 196.

Chancellor goes to France with King, 196. Surrender of Great Seal by De

Salmon, 197. Great Seal in Custody of Queen Isabella, 197. Isabella not

"Lady Keeper," 197. De Salmon again acts as Chancellor, 198. Chancellor

opposes Earl of Lancaster, 198. Execution of Earl of Lancaster, 198. Ed-

ward's incurable Love of Favourites, 198. Resignation of the Chancellor, 198.

Robert de Baldock, Chancellor, 199. Civil War, 199. Landing of Queen,

199. The Bishop of Exeter beheaded by the Mob, 200. Fate of the Spensers,

Sentence on younger Spenser, 200. Chancellor Baldock seized by the

Mob, and thrown into Newgate, 201. Dies of his Wounds, 201. Prince Ed-

ward chosen Custos of the Kingdom, 201. Imprisonment of Edward II., 201.

King sends Great Scal to Queen, 202. Queen's Proclamation, 202. Edward

II. deposed, 202. Murder of Edward II., 203. Adam de Orleton acts as

Chancellor, 203. His equivocal Line respecting the Murder of the King, 203.

Origin of Office of Master of the Rolls, 203. Complaints in Parliament of the

Court of Chancery, 204. Jurisdiction of the Court in Reign of Edward II., 204.

Letters of Marque and Reprisals granted by Chancellor, 205. Year Books, 205.

Establishment of Inns of Court, 206.

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