The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison: The Spectator, no. 162-483G. Bell and sons, 1912 |
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Резултати 1 - 5 от 100.
... Letter from Leonora Consolation • 164. Story of Theodosius and Constantia 165. Introduction of French Phrases in the History of the War - Specimen in a Letter 166. Durability of Writing - Anecdote of an atheistical Author 169. On Good ...
... Letter from Leonora Consolation • 164. Story of Theodosius and Constantia 165. Introduction of French Phrases in the History of the War - Specimen in a Letter 166. Durability of Writing - Anecdote of an atheistical Author 169. On Good ...
... Letters • 223. Account of Sappho Her Hymn to Venus 225. Discretion and Cunning 227. Letter on the Lover's Leap 229. Fragment of Sappho 231. Letter on Bashfulness - Reflections on Modesty 233. History of the Lover's Leap 235. Account of ...
... Letters • 223. Account of Sappho Her Hymn to Venus 225. Discretion and Cunning 227. Letter on the Lover's Leap 229. Fragment of Sappho 231. Letter on Bashfulness - Reflections on Modesty 233. History of the Lover's Leap 235. Account of ...
... Letter on Fortune - stealers - Remarks on them - on Widows • 815. Criticista on Paradise Lost • 317. On Waste of ... Letter from a Monkey 345. Criticism on Paradise Lost 335 • 249 349. Consolation and Intrepidity in Death 351 ...
... Letter on Fortune - stealers - Remarks on them - on Widows • 815. Criticista on Paradise Lost • 317. On Waste of ... Letter from a Monkey 345. Criticism on Paradise Lost 335 • 249 349. Consolation and Intrepidity in Death 351 ...
... Letter on Gardening 486 · 488 491 494 497 499 481. Opinions on the Dispute between Count Rechteren and M. Mesnager 503 483. On attributing our Neighbours ' Misfortunes to Judg- 482. Letters from Hen - peckt Husbands - from a Woman ...
... Letter on Gardening 486 · 488 491 494 497 499 481. Opinions on the Dispute between Count Rechteren and M. Mesnager 503 483. On attributing our Neighbours ' Misfortunes to Judg- 482. Letters from Hen - peckt Husbands - from a Woman ...
Страница 1
... a way of life that is not the very best we might have chosen , than YOL . III . B 37 grow old without determining our choice , and go out THE SPECTATOR SPECTATOR Use of Mottos-Love of Latin among the Common People-Signature Letters.
... a way of life that is not the very best we might have chosen , than YOL . III . B 37 grow old without determining our choice , and go out THE SPECTATOR SPECTATOR Use of Mottos-Love of Latin among the Common People-Signature Letters.
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