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ACUNA, Don Alonso de, summons Columbus to give an
account of himself, on his return from the New World,
i. 396

Address of an Indian of Cuba to Columbus, ii. 204
Adelantado, title of, given to Bartholomew Columbus, ií.
230; confirmed by the King, ii. 365

Admiral, the, a title granted to Columbus and his des-
cendants, ii. 359-61

Adrian de Moxica, iii. 15

Africa, essay on the navigation of, by the ancients, iv. 233
Aguado, Juan, recommended to the Spanish government
by Columbus, ii. 84; appointed commissioner to in-
quire into the conduct of Columbus, ii. 308; arrives at
Isabella, ii. 313; his insolent behaviour, ii. 314; his
interview with Columbus, ii. 317; the Caciques having
preferred complaints against Columbus, he determines
on returning to Spain, ii. 320

Alexander VI, Pope, famous bulls of, relative to the New
World, i. 439; letter of Columbus to, iii. 188
All Saints, discovery of the bay of, iv. 172

Alonzo, Don, heir apparent of Portugal, his marriage
with the Princess Isabella, i. 140

Alpha and Omega, the extreme point of Cuba, i, 299;
ii. 155

Alva, Duke of, Don Diego Columbus marries his daugh-
ter, iv. 82; he assists in obtaining justice for his son-
in-law, 83

Alvaro, Don, de Portugal, attack upon, in the royal tent,
i. 134

Amazons, an island of, supposed, i. 363-4; warlike women
of the Caribbee islands, ii. 19—27; 336—339

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river of, discovered by Vicente Pinzon, iii. 151
Amber, specimens of, among the mountains of Cibao,
ii. 107

Anacaona, wife to Caonabo, ii. 278; retires with her bro-
ther Behechio, after the great battle of the Vega, ii. 288;
composes legendary ballads, ii. 443; her admiration of
the Spaniards, ib. ; counsels her brother to conciliate the
friendship of the Spaniards, iii. 444; her reception of
the Adelantado, ii. 447; her wonder and delight at
seeing a Spanish ship, ii. 472; her grief at the departure
of the Adelantado, ii. 473; her conduct in respect to
her daughter and Guevara, iii. 78; her admiration of
the Spaniards turned into detestation, iii. 400; receives
a visit from Ovando, iii. 402; is seized, iii. 406; carried
in chains to St. Domingo, iii. 409; and ignominiously
hanged, ib.; her fine character, iii. 410

Anana, or the pine apple, first met with, ii. 13

Angel, Luis de St, his remonstrance with the queen re-
lative to the project of Columbus, i. 160; succeeds,
i. 163

Antigua, island of, discovered, ii. 25

Antilles, the, discovered, ii. 8; taken possession of, ii. 11

Antipodes, passages quoted and arguments brought
against the possibility of there being, i. 122-3; 125
Apparitions, ideas of the Haytians in respect to, ii. 125
Appendix, containing illustrations and documents, iv.


Araña, Diego de, left in charge of Hispaniola, during the
first absence of Columbus, i. 348; history of the disaster
which occurred to him after the departure of Colum-
bus, ii. 49-55

Pedro de, commander of one of Columbus' ships
on his third voyage, ii. 382

Architecture, first signs of solid, found in the New World,
iii. 236

Areytos, or ballads, of the Haytians, ii. 127-8

Aristizabal, Don Gabriel de, solicits the removal of the
remains of Columbus, iv. 67-8 *

Arriaga, Luis de, is shut up within the walls of Magda-
lena, ii. 244

Astrolabe, the, applied to navigation, i. 76

Atalantis, Plato's, observations on, iv. 319

Audience, royal, court of, established, iv. 88

Augustine, St, his arguments against the existence of An-
tipodes, i. 123

-, Cape of, discovered by Pinzon, iii. 151
Aurea Chersonesus, the place whence Solomon is supposed
to have had gold, iii. 265—266

Azores, the, when discovered, i. 36; arrival at by Colum-
bus on his return from his first voyage, i. 384


Babeque, a supposed island, Columbus goes in search of,
i. 292; ii. 160

Bahama Islands, discovery of, i. 247; cruise among the,

i. 250

Ballads of the Haytians, ii. 127-294

. Ballester, Miguel, his conduct during the conspiracy of
Roldan, ii. 485—487; receives a letter from Columbus,
iii. 13; his character, iii. 15; interview with Roldan, ib.;
second interview, iii. 28; sends advice to the Admiral,
iii. 29; is besieged in the fortress of Conception, iii. 31;
sails for Spain, iii. 54

Barbas, Las, islands of, discovered, iii. 308

Barrantes, Garcia de, his conduct during the conspiracy
of Roldan, ii. 485; sails for Spain, iii. 54

Barras, Joam de, his account of Columbus's proposition
to John II, King of Portugal, i. 80

Basil, St, his description of Paradise, iv. 420

Bastides, Rodrigo, of Seville, explores the coast of Terra
Firma, iii. 153; arrives at Hispaniola, where he is im-
prisoned by Bobadilla, ib.

Baza, surrender of, i. 138

Beata, Cape, sailors of Columbus climb the rock of, ii.

Behechio assists Caonabo, and kills one of the wives of
Guacanagari, ii. 251; the only Cacique who does not
sue for peace, ii. 288; receives a visit from Bartholomew
Columbus, ii. 445; his reception of him, ii. 446; con·
sents to pay tribute, ii. 451; invites the Adelantado to
come and receive it, ii. 468; his astonishment at visit-
ing a Spanish ship, ii. 472


Behem, Martin, his planisphere, i. 190; an account of,
iv. 209; the assertion relative to his having discovered
the western world, previous to Columbus, considered,
iv. 212

Belen, river of, discovered, iii. 256; abounds in fish, iii.
Columbus commences a settlement on its banks,
iii. 267


Bell of Isabella, the superstitious ideas of the Haytians in
respect to, ii. 260

Belvis, Pablo, sent to Hayti in the place of Fermin Zedo,
ii. 3ro

Berahona, condemned to death for having violated the
wife of the Cacique of the Vega, ii. 479; is pardoned,
iii. 480

Bernaldez, Andrez, a short account of his life and writings,
iv. 391

Bernardo of Valentia, his conspiracy at Jamaica, iii. 355
Blood-hounds, first use of in the New World, ii. 164; em-

ployed by Columbus in his wars with the Haytians, ii.

Bobadilla, Don Francisco de, charged with a commission
to Hispaniola to inquire into the conduct of Columbus,
iii. 101; his character, ib. ; instructions with which he is
charged, iii. 102; sails, iii. 105; arrives at St Domingo,
iii. 107; his judgment formed before he leaves his ship,
iii. 110; assumes power on landing, ib.; storms the
fortress of St Domingo, iii. t15; assumes the govern-
ment before he investigates the conduct of Columbus,
iii. 116; seizes his arms, goods, secret papers, etc., ib.;
summons Columbus to appear before him, iii. 123; his
baseness in collecting evidence, iii. 124; puts Don Diego
in chains, iii. 125; also Columbus, iii. 126; his fears in re-
spect to the Adelantado, iii. 127; puts him in irons, iii.
129; his mal-administration, iii. 163; a saying of his,
iii. 165; superseded in his government by Ovando, iii.
199; sails for Spain, and is lost, with all his crew, in a
violent hurricane, iii. 205-6-



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