Графични страници
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Angus, Joseph, 162.
Anthropomorphites, 50.
Antinomians: reject moral law,
171; doctrine defined, 172.
Apollinarians, 69.
Apollinaris, 69.
Arianism, 48.

Arians, 69.

Arius, 48; deposed, 49.
Articles of Anglican Church,
Ten, 3; Thirteen, 3; Forty-
two, 4; Thirty-eight, 4:
Thirty-nine, 5; abridgment
of, to Methodist Twenty-five,
8, 9; not the work of Coun-
cils, 5; objections to, an-
swered, 12; omitted, changed,
reasons for, 15-46.
Asbury, Francis, 9.
Ascension of Christ, 101-106.
Athanasius, 110, 224.

Atonement in Christ real, 347;
undefined, 347.

See Con-

Augsburg Confession.
Augustine, on eternity of God,
56; on the Trinity, 66; on
sacraments, 279; on baptism,
310, 347.

Backsliding, warning against,
235; recovery from, 235.
Baptism, Article on, 295; de-
clared a remedy for sin, 174;
errors on, rejected, 295; a sign
of profession, 298; baptismal
regeneration denied, 304; of
children to be retained, 304;
indicated in Scripture, 305;
practiced in primitive Church,

Barneveldt, 198.
Beecher, H. W., 82.
Beveridge, Bishop W., on purga-
tory, 261.

Binney, Amos, 59, 95.

Blasphemy against the Holy
Ghost, what it is, what it is
not, 227.

Book of Common Prayer, 18.
Buckley, J. M., 12.
Burnet, Bishop, 51, 84.

Cælestius, 174.
Calvin, 295.

Canon, Old Testament, 127;
Council of Trent on, 139; New
Testament, 141; importance
of, 148; inspiration of makers
of, 148.
Ceremonies. See Rites.
Charnock, on God, 58.
Chillingworth, W., 123.
Christ, death of, propitiatory,

344; Eucharist commemora-
tive of, 346; atonement in,
Christian men's goods, Article
on, 372; not common, 373.
Christian men's oath, Article
on, 378; rash swearing con-
demned, 380; judicial oaths
commended, 380; example of
Christ, 381. See Jesus.
Christlieb, T., 96, 100, 101.
Church, origin of the Word, 237;
visible, 237; founded by
Christ, 239; invisible, 240,
241; born of a miracle, 241;
Roman, Greek, and Anglican
view of, 242; Protestant view
of, 243; a living organism,
244; signs of, 244; can exer-
cise discipline, 244.
Cicero, on death, 90; on immor-
tality, 165.

Clarke, Adam, 61, 63, 128, 161,

182, 191, 192, 225, 227, 238.
Clement of Alexandria, 324, 327.
Clement of Rome, 255.

Cleveland, C. D., 166.
Coke, Thomas, consecrated
bishop, 8.

Comfort, Silas, 54, 58.
Confession, Augsburg, 1, 2, 47,
68, 109, 175, 223, 237, 278,
315; Westminster, 222; Wür-
temberg, 2, 68, 109, 190.
Confirmation, origin of, 285; not
a sacrament, 286; in Roman
Church, 286; in Anglican
Church, 286; Lutheran and
Reformed Churches, 285; in
Methodist, something analo-
gous, 286.
Congregation, Article on, 272;
definition of, 243; speaking in
unknown tongue, 272.
Councils: Carthage, 179; Con-
stantinople, 112, 262; Ephe-
sus, 71; Florence, 259, 280;
Nice, 112; Trent, 123, 139,
154, 174, 196, 202, 264, 280,
287, 289.

Cranmer, 3, 4, 68.
Creed, Nicene, 49.
Cyprian, 310.

D'Aubigné, J. H. Merle, 200,

Davison, W. T., 64.

Death, definition of, 90; soul
lives after, 91.

Deity of Jesus, denied by Jews,


Döllinger, John von, on Angli-
can Church, 6.

Dupin, L. E., 179, 224, 280.

Elliott, Charles, 123.
Essenes, 93; celibates, 350.
Eutyches, doctrine of, 70; de-
posed, 70.
Eutychians, 69.

Extreme unction, 291; decreed
a sacrament, 292; Council of
Trent confirmed it, 292; not
instituted by Christ, 292; not
a sacrament, 293.

Faith, important in plan of sal-
vation, 207; natural gift, 208.
Fletcher, John, 172, 184.
Free will: will, the seat of re-
sponsible power, 191; man

never lost power of choice,
191; will, bent toward sin, 192;
weak, 193; cannot initiate
effort for salvation; the grace
of God goes before good will,
194; grace works with us, 196;
Christ a cure for corrupt na-
ture, 197.

Gibbon, 79.

Gibson, E. C. S., 203, 220, 231,
289, 327, 336.
Gieseler, J. Č. L., 147.
Gnostics, errors of, 69.
God, existence of, 51; taught by
nature, 51; power to appre-
hend, a natural endowment,
52; unity of, 53; Scripture
proofs, 54; eternity of 55;
Scripture proofs, 56; without
body, 57; infinity of, 58;
Scripture proofs, 60, 61. See

Good works, 212; depreciated,
214; fruits of faith, 214; fol-
low justification, 214; cannot
atone for sin, 216; evidence of
salvation, 216.
Green, E. T., 337.

Hades, two regions, 254.
Hagenbach, 90, 110.
Harman, H. M., 129.
Heraclius, Emperor, 71.
Hermann, Bishop, 200.
Hermas, 147-
Hippolytus, 65, 350.
Hodge, A. A., 53.

Holy Ghost, errors in regard
to, 109; divine energy, 110;
celestial virtue, 110; addition
to Article, 110; procession of,
III; twofold procession of,
114; divinity of, 115; distinct
personality of, 117.

Holy Scriptures, sufficiency of,
120; rule of faith, 121; Old
Testament canon, 127; tri-
partite division, 129; canon-
icity, how determined, 143;
New Testament canon, 141.
Hooker, R., on sacraments, 328;
on rites and ceremonies, 363.
Horne, T. H., 146.

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Jerome, 129.
Jesus Christ, Son of God, suffer-
ing not limited to human con-
sciousness, 85; was crucified,
dead, 86; a sacrifice for orig-
inal and actual sin, 86;
salvation comes by death of
Christ, 88; arose, 91; exalted,
91; resurrection an inspira-
tion, 92; predicted his own
resurrection, 94; opening of
new dispensation, 97; nature
of resurrection body, 97;
resurrection attributed to Fa-
ther and Son, 101; ascension
of, 102; will return to judge
mankind, 106.
Jimeson, A. A., 105.
Josephus, 137.

Justification, 199; by faith, 200;
an act of God, 200; same as
forgiveness, 201; Council of
Trent's definition, 202; a fact
of experience, 203; not of
works, but by faith, 205; full
of comfort, 207; excited no
controversy in early Church,
209; an original theory of sal-
vation, 210.

Justin Martyr, 65, 275, 309, 317.

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Old Testament, 153; not con-
trary to the New, 154; both a
revelation from God, 155;
unity of purpose in both, 156;
attributes of God the same in
both, 157; same in doctrine,
159; subjective effect the
same, 161; eternal life by
Christ offered in both, 162;
one Mediator, 164; immor-
tality taught in both, 169;
ceremonies of the Old not
binding on Christians, 170;
obedience to the moral law
demanded of all, 172; written
upon the heart, 173.

Orders, 289; Council of Trent
on, 289; Protestant theolo-
gians on, 289.
Origen, 224, 239, 276, 310.
Original sin, 174; origin of
evil, 175; dualistic theory,
175; sin not a necessity, 176;
man's disobedience, 177; pos-
terity does not inherit guilt,
it is the corruption of man's
nature, 181; effect of Adam's
sin on himself, 183; on pos-
terity, 183; original guilt de-
nied, 184; depravity not total,
187; efficacy of the blood of
Christ greater than the stain
of sin, 188.

Paley, W., 6.

Paradise, Christ in, 91; a section
of Hades, 254.
Pelagianism condemned, 174,
179, 180, 190.
Pelagius on baptism, 310.
Penance, 286; outward expres-
sion of sorrow for sin, 286;
applied to sin after baptism,
287; Council of Trent on, 287;
not a sacrament, 288; opposed
to justification by faith, 288.
Photinus, 110.

Pilate, Pontius, weak, con-
demned Jesus for treason, 74.
Plato on state of the soul, 255.
Pliny, 275.

Pope, W. B., on existence of
God, 52; on incarnation, 81;
on sufferings of Chirst, 83;
other quotations, 85, 86, 115,
222, 288, 294.
Pressensé, 241.
Purgatory, Article

on, 252;
difinition of term, 252; Coun-
cil of Trent on, 253; Roman
doctrine, 253; concept bor-
rowed from heathen, 254;
Protestant view of, 268.

Queen Elizabeth, 4, 5.
Queen Mary, 4. 5.

Raymond, M., 66, 177, 181,

Regeneration, 203, 303.
Ridley, 4.

Rites and ceremonies, Article
on, 357; not always the same,
359; definition of, 359; no
form of worship prescribed,
360; prayer, singing, thanks-
giving, reading Scriptures, ex-
position, 360; breaking rites
condemned, 361; each Church
makes its own, 362; power to
enforce, 362; may ordain,
change, or abolish, 364.
Rulers, Article on, 365; defined,
366; duty of citizens in select-
ing, 368; relation of Church
to civil government, 368;
prayer to be offered for, 368;
independence of nation de-
clared, Christians must sub-
mit to the supreme authority
where they live, 370.
Ryle, Bishop H. E., 131, 133.

Sabellius, doctrines of, 48; ex-
communicated, 48.
Sacraments, Article on, 278;
sacramental absolution, 270;
Swiss view condemned, 279;
Rome decreed holiness of
spurious sacraments, 279;
scholastic definition of 279;
Rome determined the number
seven, 280; confirmed by
Council of Florence, 280;
Protestant view, 280; defini-
tion, 281; baptism a sacra-
ment, 283; the Lord's Supper
a sacrament, 283; five so-
called sacraments are con-
firmation, penance, orders,
matrimony, extreme unction,
285-293; not to be gazed
upon, 293; elevation of host
condemned, 293; not phys-
ical but moral instruments,

Sacrifice of the mass, a fable,
348; Council of Trent on,
Sadducees, 93.

Saints, invocation of, 264; not
known in primitive Church;
confirmed by the Church in
fourth century, 266; decree,
Salmon, 148.

Sanctification, 203.
Secker, Archbishop, on orders,
289; on matrimony, 290.
Semi-Pelagianism, 179; origin
of, 180; antagonized, 190.
Septuagint, 138.

Sin, after justification, Article
on, 223; against the Holy
Ghost, 225;
venial, 267;
deadly, 267.

Sins, actual, of all men, 86.
Socialism, disturbing force, 373.
Son, meaning of the term, 72;

of God, 72; proof texts of
divine Sonship, 73; preexist-
ence of, 74; uncreated, self-
existent, eternal, 76; attri-
butes of the Father ascribed
to the Son, 77.

Stevens, Abel, 11, 31, 32, 39.
Strauss, 100.
Supererogation, works of, Arti-

cle on, 218; origin of doctrine,
219; treasury of merit, 220;
led to sale of indulgences, 220;
condemned, 220; Rome's ex-
planation, 221; such works do
not exist, 222.

Supper of our Lord, Article on,
314; names, breaking of bread,
317; Eucharist, 317; mass,
318; Lord's Supper, 318; more
than a sign of love, 319; sac-
rament of redemption, 320;
superseded Passover, 320; a
memorial of Christ's death,
321; a partaking of Christ's
body and blood, 322; Council
of Trent on, 329; Methodist
view, 332; not to be wor-
shiped, 335; cup not to be
denied the laity, 339; with-
holding it condemned, 339;
approved by Council of Con-
stance, 340; Council of Trent,
341; primitive Church gave
cup to laity; testimony of
Justin, Cyprian, Cyril of Jeru-
salem, 342, 343.
Swedenborgians, 98.
Synagogue, Great, 134.
Terry, M. S., 132.

Tertullian, on eternity of God,

56; on infinity of God, 58; on
the Trinity, 65; on death, 90;

on antichrist, 94; on baptism,
310, 327.
Theophilus, 326.
Thirty-nine Articles, 5; assent to
required, 6.

Tomline, Bishop, 21, 23, 31, 64.
Townsend, L. T., 256.
Tradition and Scripture, 125.
Transubstantiation: term de-
fined, 314; cannot be proved
by Scripture, 324; primitive
Church knew nothing of it,
326; overthrows the nature of
a sacrament, 330; occasion of
many superstitions, 330.
Trinity, the Holy, 62; found in
Old Testament, 62; traces of
it in Greek philosophers, 62;
in the commission of Christ,
64; in bestowment of gifts, 64;
in formula of baptism, 64;
taught by Justin Martyr,
Irenæus, Tertullian, Augus-
tine, 65, 66; incomprehensible,
essential to Christianity, 67.
Twenty-five Articles, 9; stand-
ard of doctrine, 9; Constitu-
tion of the Church, 9; kept
without change, 10; assent
to, required of all, 10; link
Methodism to the great his-
toric Church, 11; omissions
and retentions equally sig-
nificant, 14.
Tyerman, L., 7.

Unknown tongue, 272; its use
repugnant to the Word of
God, 273; against the custom
of the primitive Church, 274;
testimony of the fathers, 275;
Latin language dead, 277.
Warren, W. F., 198.
Waterland, D., 195, 217.
Watson, R., 52; on the Trinity,
66; on imputation of Adam's
sin, 182; on baptism, 303.
Wesley, John, quoted; 22, 23,
26, 27, 28, 37, 58, 60, 62, 67,
171, 173, 194, 203, 213, 214,
216, 221, 234; opposed, 8; his
abridgment compared with
Thirty-nine Articles, 14; his
Arminianism, 31; on infinite
wisdom, 60, 61; on sin against

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