All this toil for human culture?) Through the cloud-rack, dark and trailing, Must they see above them sailing O'er life's barren crags the vulture? Such a fate as this was Dante's, By defeat and exile maddened; But the glories so transcendent That around their memories cluster, And, on all their steps attendant, Make their darkened lives resplendent With such gleams of inward lustre! All the melodies mysterious, 1 Through the dreary darkness chaunted! Thoughts in attitudes imperious, Voices soft, and deep, and serious, Words that whispered, songs that haunted! All the soul in rapt suspension, Ah, Prometheus! heaven-scaling! Even the faintest heart, unquailing, Round the cloudy crags Caucasian! Though to all there is not given Strength for such sublime endeavor, Thus to scale the walls of heaven, And to leaven with fiery leaven And the hearts of men for ever; Yet all bards, whose hearts unblighted THE LADDER OF ST. AUGUSTINE. SAINT AUGUSTINE! well hast thou said, All common things, each day's events, The low desire, the base design, That makes another's virtues less; The revel of the ruddy wine, And all occasions of excess; The longing for ignoble things; The strife for triumph more than truth; The hardening of the heart, that brings Irreverence for the dreams of youth; All thoughts of ill; all evil deeds, The action of the nobler will; All these must first be trampled down We have not wings, we cannot soar; The mighty pyramids of stone 1 The distant mountains, that uprear 1 The heights by great men reached and kept : Standing on what too long we bore We may discern - unseen before - Nor deem the irrevocable Past, : 1 THE PHANTOM SHIP. - IN Mather's Magnalia Christi,T May be found in prose the legend/ A ship sailed from New Haven, "O Lord! if it be thy pleasure" But Master Lamberton muttered, 1 And the ships that came from England, When the winter months were gone, Brought no tidings of this vessel : Nor of Master Lamberton. This put the people to praying What in his greater wisdom He had done with friends so dear. |