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The Parts thereof. Skin.

filtred, and fent more pure, elaborate, and spirituous to the Seed for the Support and Growth of the tender delicate Embryo, or Plantule therein contained.

THE Compofition of the Fruit appears to be in general the fame as that of the other Parts of the Tree. Thus, (1.) The Cuticle and Skin of the Fruit is only a Production of the Skin or outer Parenchyma. Bark of the Tree. (2.) The Parenchyma, or Pulp of Fruit, is only an Expansion of the Blea or inner Rind of the Tree, fwoln and turgid with Juices. (3.) The Branchery or Ramification are only a Continuation of the woody Fibres of the Branch on which it grows. (4.) The Heart or Core of Fruit is faid to be produced from the Pith or Medulla of the Branch, indurated and ftrengthen'd by the Twigs of the Wood and Fibres inofculated therewith.



Parts of an

Nut, &c.

BUT a prodigious Variety obtains in this Part of Nature's Workmanship, each Species producing its Fruit and Seed in a different Way and Kind. Thus the Apple hath four Parts, viz. the Skin, Parenchyma, Branchery, and Core. The Pear hath five diftinct Parts, the Skin, Parenchyma, Branchery, Calculary (or ftony Part) and the Acetary. The three firft of these, and a Stone, make the Subftance of Cherries, Plums, &c. The Nut, Acorn, &c. confift of three Parts, the Cap, the Shell, and the Pith or Medulla, inclofing the Kernel or Seed. Concerning all which Authors fay a great deal with little Certainty.

The Falling off THE Fibres of the Branches being first exof the Flower. tended thro' the Parenchymous Part of the Fruit to the Flower, furnish the neceffary Matter for the Vegetation of it; but as the Fruit increafes, it intercepts the Aliments; and thus the Flower is


ftarved and falls off; while the Fruit proceeds to grow and haften to a State of Maturity.

THE SEED is that important Part which of the Seed is the Medium of all Vegetable Propagation and of Plants. Production; it is most intimately contain❜d in this Year's Plant, and the next Year's Plant is moft intimately contain'd in it. This is both the Beginning and End of the Vegetable State.

THE Parts of which the Seed of a Plant doth Its Parts. confift, are (1.) The Embryo or Plantule, being Embryo-Plant the future Plant in Miniature, and is call'd the

Gem or Bud; this adheres to (2.) The Placenta Placenta, or or Cotyledon, which ferves the fame Purposes as Cotyledon. the Secundines, i. e. the Chorion and Amnion in Ani

mals. (3.) The common Tunicle inclofing the Common Coat. whole Seed.

THE Seed receives its Fecundity, as I before hinted, from the Genital Parts in the Flower, and being now committed to the Earth, proceeds to vegetate as follows.


THE Plantule or Gem of the Seed being acted The Vegetation upon and moved by the genial Influence and of the Gem or Warmth of the two great Parents the Sun and Earth, begins to expand and protrude, or shoot forth its Radule or tender Root downward in the Earth, and the Plumule or Infant-Plant upwards; the fmall Radicles abforb the nutritious Juices, which causes the Plumule to grow and increase to the deftined Size of the Plant: But till the Root is fhot, and able to procure Nourishment, the Plantule is nourish'd from the Subftance of the Placente or Cotyledons, which it draws to itfelf by an infinite Number of little Filaments call'd Funes Umbilicales, or Navel-Strings, and by Botanifts the Seed-Root. By this means the EmbryoPlant receives the cruder Juices of the Earth prepared and purified, being strain'd thro' the very Subftance of the Placenta. When the Root is

[blocks in formation]

able to provide for a Plant, the Cotyledons, or
two Lobes of the Placenta, perifh, and the
Plant may be faid to be deliver'd of its Young
or Fatal Plant: So analogous is the Procefs of
Nature in the Vegetable and Animal Oeconomy!

The fourth THE fourth and laft Part of Botany is con-
Great Part of cerned in the following Particulars. (1.) To
give an exact Enumeration and the Names of all
the Plants yet known in every Part of the World,
which are at this time about 16000 in Number.
(2.) To fpecify the peculiar Notes, Marks, Pro-
perties and Characters of each Plant, by which it
may be known and diftinguish'd from any other.
(3.) The Place of its most common Growth, as
on Land or Water, wet or dry Ground, on Walls,
Trees, &c. (4.) The Time of Blooming, and their
Continuance in Bloom. (5.) To recite their Qua-
lities, and give a juft and true Account of the
Medicinal Virtues that are known to pertain to
each. (6.) To teach the Method of propagating
each Species in Gardens, &c. for the various Ufes
of Ornament, Food, Medicine, or Natural Philo-
fophy. But, as I at firft obferv'd, thefe Particu-
lars are of too general a Nature, and alone the
Subject of the largest Volumes, and confequently
can't be expected here.

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Of ANATOMY: Containing a brief Defcription of all the Parts of a HUMAN BODY.


NATOMY is the Art which ANATOMY teaches the true Knowledge of the defined. Human Body (principally, but of any Animal Body in general) as to the Structure and Component Parts thereof, by an artful and orderly Diffection, or Severing the Parts and Members of it from one another, by a proper


ftrument. This Art is divided into two great Is divided inParts, viz. (1.) Ofteology, or the Doctrine of the to Ofteology Bones in general; and (2.) Sarcology, which treats and Sarcology. of all the fleshy Parts of the Body.

OSTEOLOGY, (according to the learned Ofteology diBoerhaave) is divided into three Parts, viz. (1.) vided into Ofteogeny; which treats of the Origin of the Bones, Ofteogeny, of what Matter they confift, and the Condition. of the Bones in their proper Substance when actually form'd. (2.) Ofteography, which teaches Ofteography, the Knowledge of the Structure of the Sceleton or Fabric of the Bones, and the Diversity of Parts in the Bone itself now perfect. (3.) Synofteology, or Synoftrology. Synofteography; which explains all the Parts of a Bone, by means of which a Bone is connected or joined to a Bone, with Motion, or without Motion; with a Cartilage, or without it.

divided into


SARCOLOGY alfo has a threefold Divi- Sarcology is fion, viz. (1) Myology, which teaches the Doctrine of the Mufcles. (2.) Splanchnology, which treats of the Bowels (or Vifcera) and the great Splanchnology,

[blocks in formation]


Ofteogeny explain'd

A Bone defined.

Organs of Animal Life; as the Brain, Lungs, Stomach, Intestines, &c. fhewing their Nature, Connection, Parts, Figure, Site, &c. (3.) Angiology or Angiography; this exhibits a Defcription of all the various Veffels in the Body; as the Arteries, Veins, Nerves, &c. explaining their Natures and Ufes. Of all which take a concife Account in their Order.

OSTEOGENY being a Defcription of all the Mutations or Changes a Bone undergoes from its firft Conception in the Womb to its laft State of Perfection in the Adult Sceleton, it naturally falls under the following Confiderations, viz. (1.) The Definition of a Bone; which is faid to be, The hardest, whitest, and lightest Part of the Body, inflexible and infenfible; confifting of a complex Subfance of a vafcular, fibrous, membranous and carThe Genefis of tilaginous Nature. (2.) The Genefis of a Bone; this confifteth of various States and Gradations from its firft Origin to its laft Perfection. For

the Bones.

Their firft


Their fecond,

or Fibrous State.

State of Flui. (1.) The first State of a Bone is that of a terrefrial, nutritious, fluid Matter, flowing among the Fluids (in Ovo) defign'd for the Formation of the other Parts of the Body. (2.) The Parts of this original earthy Fluid at a proper Time begin to cohere, unite, and thus form themselves into very small or fine Capillaments, Threads or Fibres, foft and porous, which being fill'd with a Lympha of the fame Nature, they begin to increafe, harden, and grow close to one another. (3.) The Fibres thus form'd ftrike into various Directions, and being thus interwoven in the Manner of a Web, they conftitute a fort of harder, white, broad, elaftic Subftance, call'd a Membranc. (4.) Thefe Membranes, as their Fibres become gradually hard and dry, do themselves begin to confolidate, and form hard, thin, white Subftances, which lie on one another in the man

Their third, or

Their fourth, or Cartilaginous State.


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