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things paffing brought to Jezebel, &c. Laftly the 70 heads of Ahab's fons brought in, and meffage brought of Ahaziah's brethren flain on the way, c. 10.

Jehu Belicola, 2 Reg. 10.
Athaliah, 2 Reg. 11.

Amaziah Doryalotus, 2 Reg. 14. 2 Chron. 25.

Hezechias oλiopnýμevos, 2 Reg. 18, 19. Hefechia befieg'd. The wicked hypocrify of Shebna, fpoken of in the 11, or thereabout of Ifaiah, and the commendation of Eliakim will afford apopàs hóyou, together with a faction, that fought help from Egypt.

Jofiah Alagómenos, 2 Reg. 23.

Zedechiah vapilov, 2 Reg. but the ftory is larger in Jeremiah.

Solymar Halofis; which may begin from a message brought to the city, of the judgment upon Zedechiah and his children in Ribla, and fo feconded with the burning and deftruction of city and temple by Nebuzaradan; lamented by Jeremiah,

Afa or Ethiopes. 2 Chron. 14. with the depofing his Mother, and burning her idol.

The three Children, Dan. 3.

British Trag.

1. The cloister king Conftans fet up by Vortiger. 2. Vortiger poifon'd by Roena.

3. Vortiger immur'd.

The three following were added afterwards in the


Venutius husband to Cartifmandúa.


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Vortiger marrying Roena. See Speed. reprov'd by Vordin archbishop of London. Speed.

The maffacre of the Britons by Hengift in their at Salisbury plain. Malmesbury.


4. Sigher of the East Saxons revolted from the faith, and reclam'd by Jarumang.

5. Ethelbert of the Eaft Angles flain by Offa the Mercian. See Holiníh. L. 6. c. 5. Speed in the Life of Offa and Ethelbert.

6. Sebert flain by Penda after he had left his kingSee Holinfhed, p. 116.

7. Wulfer flaying his two fons, for being Chriftians. 8. Ofbert of Northumberland flain for ravishing the wife of Bernbocard, and the Danes brought in. See Stow. Holinfh. L. 6. c. 12., and efpecially Speed, L. 8. c. 2.

9. Edmund laft king of the East Angles martyr'd

by Hinguar the Dane. See Speed, L. 8. c. 2.

10. Sigebert tyrant of the Weft-Saxons flain by a Swineherd.

11. Edmund brother of Athelstan flain by a thief at his own table. Malmef.

12. Edwin, fon to Edward the younger, for luft depriv'd of his kingdom, or rather by faction of Monks, whom he hated; together with the impoftor Dunstan.

13. Edward fon of Edgar murder'd by his stepmother. To which may be inferted the tragedy stirr'd up betwixt the Monks and Priefts about marriage.

14. Ethelred, fon of Edgar, a flothful king, the ruin of his land by the Danes.

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15. Ceaulin, king of Weft-Saxons, for tyranny de-
pos'd, and banish'd, and dying.

16. The flaughter of the Monks of Bangor by
Edelfride stirr'd up, as is faid, by Ethelbert, and he
by Auftin the Monk, because the Britons would not
receive the rites of the Roman Church. See Bede,
Geffrey Monmouth, and Holinfhed, p. 104, which
muft begin with the convocation of British Clergy by
Austin to determin fuperfluous points, which by them
was refused.

17. Edwin by vifion promis'd the kingdom of
Northumberland on promife of his converfion, and
therein establish'd by Rodoald king of East-Angles.

18. Ofwin king of Deira flain by Ofwie, his friend,
king of Bernitia, through inftigation of flatterers. See
Holinfhed, p. 115.

19. Sigibert of the Eaft-Angles keeping company
with a person excommunicated, flain by the fame man
in his house, according as the bishop Cedda had fore-

20. Egfride king of the Northumbers flain in battel
against the Picts, having before wasted Ireland, and
made war for no reafon on men that ever lov'd
the English; forewarn'd also by Cuthbert not to fight
with the Picts.

21. Kinewulf, King of Weft-Saxons, flain by Ki-
neard in the house of one of his concubines.

22. Gunthildis, the Danish lady, with her husband
Palingus, and her fon, flain by appointment of the
traitor Edrick in king Ethelred's days. Holinfhed,

L. 7. c. 5. together with the maffacre of the Danes at Oxford. Speed.

23. Brightrick of Weft-Saxons poifon'd by his wife Ethelburge Offa's daughter, who dies miferably also in beggary after adultery in a nunnery. Speed in Bithrick.

24. Alfred in difguife of a miniftrel difcovers the Danes negligence, fets on with a mighty slaughter; about the fame time the Devonshire men rout Hubba and flay him.

A Heroical poem may be founded somewhere in Alfred's reign, especially at his iffuing out of Edelingfey on the Danes, whose actions are well like thofe of Ulyffes.

25. Athelstan expofing his brother Edwin to the sea, and repenting.

26. Edgar flaying Ethelwold for false play in wooing, wherein may be fet out his pride, luft, which he thought to close by favoring Monks and building Monasteries: alfo the difpofition of woman in Elfrida towards her husband.

27. Swane befieging London, and Ethelred repuls'd by the Londoners.

28. Harold flain in battel by William the Norman. The first scene may begin with the ghost of Alfred, the second son of Ethelred, flain in cruel manner by Godwin Harold's father, his mother and brother diffuading him.

29. Edmond Ironfide defeating the Danes at Brentford, with his combat with Canute,

30. Edmond


Edmond Ironfide murder'd by Edrick the traitor, and reveng'd by Canute.

31. Gunilda, daughter to king Canute and Emma, Wife to Henry the third Emperor, accus'd of inchaftity, is defended by her English page in combat against a giant-like adverfary; who by him at two blows is flain, &c. Speed in the Life of Canute.

32. Hardiknute dying in his cups, an example to


33. Edward Confeffor's divorceing and imprisoning his noble wife Editha, Godwin's daughter; wherein is fhowed his over-affection to ftrangers the cause of Godwin's infurrection, wherein Godwin's forbearance of battel prais'd, and the English moderation on both fides magnified. His flackness to redrefs the corrupt Clergy, and fuperftitious pretence of chastity.

ABRAM from MOREA, or ISAAC redeem'd. The Oeconomy may be thus. The fifth or fixth day after Abraham's departure, Eleazer Abram's steward, first alone, and then with the Chorus, discourse of Abraham's ftrange voyage, their miftrefs' forrow and perplexity accompanied with frightful dreams; and tell the manner of his rifing by night, taking his fervants and his fon with him. Next may come forth Sarah herself; after the Chorus, or Ifmael, or Agar; next some shepherd or company of merchants paffing through the mount in the time that Abram was in the midwork, relate to Sarah what they faw. Hence lamentation, fears, wonders; the matter in the mean

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