The hands dispatch of two gard'ning fo wide. Adam, well may we labor ftill to drefs This garden, fill to tend plant, herb, and flower, 220 Our day's work brought to little, though begun 225 Compare above all living creatures dear, Well haft thou motion'd, well thy thoughts employ'd How we might beft fulfil the work which here 230 In In woman, than to ftudy houfhold good, Refreshment, whether food, or talk between, Of looks and fmiles, for fmiles from reason flow, Love not the lowest end of human life. 235 240 For not to irksome toil, but to delight He made us, and delight to reafon join'd. These paths and bow'rs doubt not but our joint hands 245 As we need walk, till younger hands ere long Affift us: but if much converse perhaps Thee fatiate, to fhort abfence I could yield: Befall thee fever'd from me; for thou know'k 250 255 260 Conjugal Conjugal love, than which perhaps no bliss Or this, or worse, leave not the faithful fide That gave thee be'ing, still shades thee and protects. Safeft and feemlieft by her husband stays, Who guards her, or with her the worst indures. 270 As one who loves, and fome unkindness meets, Offspring of Heav'n and Earth, and all Earth's Lord, 275 Just then return'd at shut of evening flowers. But that thou shouldst my firmness therefore doubt To God or thee, because we have a foe 280 May tempt it, I expected not to hear. His violence thou fear'ft not, being fuch As we, not capable of death or pain, Can either not receive, or can repel. His fraud is then thy fear, which plain infers 285 Thy equal fear that my firm faith and love Can by his fraud be shaken or feduc'd; Thoughts, which how found they harbour in thy breast, To whom with healing words Adam reply'd. 290 Daughter of God and Man, immortal Eve, Not Not diffident of thee do I diffuade Thy abfence from my fight, but to avoid Th' attempt itself, intended by our foe. 295 For he who tempts, though' in vain, at least afperfes Not incorruptible of faith, not proof Against temptation: thou thyself with scorn anger And wouldft refent the offer'd wrong, From thee alone, which on us both at once 300 305 310 More wife, more watchful, ftronger, if need were Of outward ftrength; while fhame, thou looking on, Shame to be overcome or over-reach'd Would utmost vigor raife, and rais'd unite. Why shouldft not thou like sense within thee feel 315 When I am prefent, and thy trial choofe With me, best witness of thy virtue try'd? So fpake domestic Adam in his care And matrimonial love; but Eve, who thought 320 Thus her reply with accent fweet renew'd. If this be our condition, thus to dwell In narrow circuit ftraiten'd by a foe, Subtle or violent, we not indued Sticks no difhonor on our front, but turns Foul on himself; then wherefore fhunn'd or fear'd From his furmife prov'd false, find peace within, Favor from Heav'n, our witness from th' event. And what is faith, love, virtue unaffay'd 335 Alone, without exterior help fuftain'd ? To whom thus Adam fervently reply'd. 340 O Woman, best are all things as the will Of God ordain'd them; his creating hand Nothing imperfect or deficient left 345 Of all that he created, much less Man, 350 But |