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Apparently the souls were thought not only to feed themselves, but also to carry away some food for those of their mates who had stayed behind in Hades. And it is in this way that the queen sends her offerings to Bellerophon.

Ion fg. 54 N2:

ἐξῆλθον ὑμῶν ἱκέτις ἡβώντων τροφὸς
παίδων, βόθρους λιποῦσα πενθητηρίους.

These lines are quoted by Plutarch, consol. ad Apollon. c. 2, p. 113 B, in support of an alleged (ioтopovσw) rite of mourning. "Some," he says, "hide themselves in pits and remain there several days, unwilling to see the light of the sun, since the dead, also, has been deprived of this boon." We may pass over Plutarch's explanation. But does this entitle us to think lightly of the rest of this account, as, to my knowledge, every one has done who has hitherto treated of burial rites? Notwithstanding this general and silent condemnation, I am inclined to find here a survival of a very old ceremony. It has been established beyond a doubt that among Aryan peoples originally the widow and the favorite slaves of the dead were killed at his tomb.1 Traces of this are found in the human bones existing alongside of the dead bodies in Mycenean tombs.2 It is further well known that in a milder age substitutes for the cruel sacrifice were introduced, as hair offering and so forth. Another substitute for this, I think, has been preserved in the rite mentioned by Plutarch. Here a temporal burial, first, perhaps, compulsory and afterwards voluntary, has replaced the lasting deposition. I hesitate, however, to put this view forth as more than a hypothesis, as long, at least, as no proof is forthcoming from other sources.

Schrader, Sprachvergleichung und Urgeschichte, 565.

2 Rohde, Psyche, 16, 31 ff.

3 Rohde, ibid. 16, 1. As to substitutes for the so-called 'suttee,' see Tylor, Early Culture, 1. 465 ff.



[blocks in formation]

ayvos, fg. ad. 396 N2; s. sympathy.
amulet (lions' claws): Aeschyl.

Sisyph. fg. 225 N2; s. bells.
(lions' heads) fg. ad. 230 N2.
(snakes), Eurip. Ion, 24-6, 1427-

(horses), (Eurip.) Rhes. 306; s.
Gorgo.; (Eurip.) Rhes. 308;
s. bells.
'AvTaía (spectre), Aeschyl. Semele,
fg. 223 N2; Sophokl. fg. 69 N2,
311 N2, 368 N2; schol. Eurip.
Or. 1454.
åvτíleos, Sophokl. fg. 181 N2; s. p.


ȧmaιóλnua (spectre), Sophokl. fg.
915 N2.

apotropaeum, Eurip. Phoen. 631
and schol.
άлотρожιασμós (of dreams), Aeschyl.

Persae, 201 ff.; Sophokl. El.
424-5; Eurip. Hecub. 68-82
(άπожéμжоμα); Iphig. Taur.


Asia (seat of witches), Eurip.
Androm. 159-60: s. women,

astrology, Sophokl. fg. 671 N2
(doubtful); Eurip. Melanippa
f. 482 N2.


Barbarians' speech like that of birds :

Aeschyl. Agam. 1003-4; fg.
450 N2; Eurip. fg. 907 N2; Ion,
fg. 33 N2; s. birds.
Báoκavos, Sophokl. fg. 931 N2; fg.
ad. 533 N2; s. evil eye.

bat, uncanny? fg. 681 N2.
bells (as amulet), Aeschyl. Sept.
368-9; (Eurip.) Rhes. 308; s.

Bialobávaro (spectres), Aeschyl.
Eumen. 98 (doubtful).

excite mania, Eurip. Herc. fur.

birds, speech like barbarians'; s.

mantic from ; s. οἰωνιστική.
black, color of the Erinyes, Eurip.
Or. 321.

blood, love charm, Sophokl. Trach.

stains after murder? Aeschyl.

Choeph. 1009-10.

wiped off on the corpse, Sophokl.
Εl. 445-6; s. μασχαλισμός.
blowing, Aeschyl. Suppl. 43; 555 ff.;
cp. 552.

burial, of drowned people forbidden,

Eurip. Hel. 1065-6; s. p. 25.
of those killed by lightning, Eurip.
Suppl. 934-38; Phaeton fg.
786 N2.
unburied corpses as spectres,
Eurip. Hecub. 1-54.


Castor as St. Elmo's fire, Eurip. Or.

charms, Eurip. Androm. 32-3; Med.

384-5, 787-9, 1168 ff.; fg. ad.
317 N2.

of Orpheus, Eurip. Alc. 966–9.
against fire, Eurip. Androm.


against snake bites, Eurip.
Androm. 269 ff.

against sterility, Eurip. Med.

charms against love, Eurip. Hippol.

387-9, 509-12, 516.

excite hatred between husband and wife, Eurip. Androm. 157-8; cp. 205; s. love-charms. charm-song, Aeschyl. Agam. 973-5; 1372; Eum. 327; 338; 639; Prom. 174-6; Sophokl. O. C. 1192-4; fg. 87 N2, 491 N2, 492 N2; Eurip. Bacch. 234; Cycl. 646-8; Hecub. 1272; Hippol. 478-9; Phoen. 1036 and schol. Phoen. 1260.

healing, Sophokl. Ai. 581-2;

Trach. 1001-3; fg. ad. 364 N2. causes eclipse of the moon, Sosiphanes, fg. I N2.

in necromancy, Sophokl. El.


copper, used in herb-gathering, Sophokl. 491 N2.

Corinthians, a people of wizards,

schol. Eurip. Med. 11.

covering, of implements in gathering herbs, Sophokl. fg. 491 N2. crib, snakes on it, as amulet, Eurip. Ion, 24-26.

crumbs under the dinner-table, Eurip. fg. 664 N2; s. p. 25. curses, against the evil eye, Agathon, fg. 23 N2.

cyclamen, magical herb, Sophokl. N2, p. 248.


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Aapovileoba, Sophokl. fg. 173 N2; xidva, Aeschyl. Choeph. 991-2; s.

s. evil eye.

dead, as spectres, Eurip. Alc. 1127;

Phoen. 1543-5.

harm men, fg. ad. 370 N2.

drink blood, Sophokl. O. C. 621-2; Eurip. Hecub. 535-8.

death, and prophecy, Aeschyl. Agam.


makes unclean, Eurip. Alc. 22-3.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

name not to be mentioned, Sophokl. O. C. 129; Eurip. Or. 37-8; s. name, souls.

as beast, Eurip. Iph. Taur. 291-4; Or. 260.

as snake, Aeschyl. Eum. 128;

Eurip. Iph. Taur. 285-7; Or. 256.

dog-shaped? Sophokl. El. 1386–8. brass-footed? Sophokl. El. 48891.

of black color, Eurip. Or. 322; s. black.

cannibalic, Aeschyl. Eum. 301; Eurip. Or. 256-61 and schol. sucks blood, Aeschyl. Eum. 181– 2; 260-3; 297-8 and schol. ; Sophokl. Ai. 843-4; Eurip. Androm. 978; Iph. Taur. 9345; Or. 256.

evil eye works "possession," Soph

okl. fg. 173 Ν' ; s. δαιμονίζεσθαι. falls on prominence or riches, Sophokl. Ai. 157; fg. ad. 547 N2.

protection against, Sophokl. O. T. 159-64.

curse against, Agathon, fg. 23 N2. falls back on the possessor, Karkinos, fg. 8 N2; s. Báσκavos.


Face, turned away in herb gathering, Sophokl. fg. 491 N2.

fascination, Aeschyl. Agam. 447-50 ("becried "); Sophokl. fg. 433 N2; s. "Ivy.

by gifts, Sophokl. Ai. 661-5; cp. 817-8; s. p. 19.

fire, purifying, Eurip. Or. 40 and schol.

gods appear in it, Eurip. Bacch.
1082-5; fg. ad. 33 N2.
breaks charm? Sophokl. Trach.
607 and schol.

invoked in charming? Sophokl.
fg. 492 N2.

charm against? Eurip. Androm. 271-3.


Gods, appear in fire, Eurip. Bacch. 1082-5; fg. ad. 33 N2; s. fire. secret names of, Eurip. fg. 781 N2. gold, and spectres, Eurip. Hecub.


and death, in ritual, Eurip. Hecub. 152 and schol. (doubtful).

midnight their time, Aeschyl. Gorgo, as headless spectre, Eurip.

Eum. 109.

evil eye, Aeschyl. Agam. 910-11;

Eum. 361-2; Prom. 360 ; 900−1 ; Suppl. 970-2; Eurip. fg. 209 N2; fg. 294 N2; fg. 403 N2; fg. 933 N2? Hippothoon, fg. 2 N2; fg. ad. 167 N2; fg. ad. 533 N2.

Alc. 1118.

as amulet (Eurip.) Rhes. 306; s. amulet.


Hades, huntsman, Aeschyl. Agam. 1069 (doubtful).

horses, shorn in sign of mourning, Eurip. Alc. 428–9; s. p. 23.

Hades, cannibalic, Sophokl. El. 542-3.

fetches his victims, Eurip. Alc. 259-61; Sosiphanes, fg. 3 N2; fg. ad. 127 N2.

sends spectres, Eurip. Phoen. 810-11.

= Thanatos, Eurip. Alc. 225. mother of, Aeschyl. Agam. 1189. hands, both used in purification,

Sophokl. O. C. 483. haruspication, Sophokl. fg. 910 N2? Eurip. El. 827-9; Ion, 374-7 ; Suppl. 212-3; s. μvoμavTεía; s. p. 22.

hearth, cult of, Aeschyl. Agam. 1009-10; Sophokl. Philoct. 533-5 and schol.

and dining-table, Aeschyl. Atham. fg. I N2.

seat of the house-elf, Eurip. Hel. 819-20; s. elves.


'larρóμavris, Aeschyl. Agam. 1593-4; Eum. 62? Suppl. 250-6? fg. 460 N2.

ivy, chthonic plant, Iophon, fg. 3 N2.

used for drinking-cups? Eurip. Alc. 756; s. p. 24.

vys, of the love-exciting force of the eye, Sophokl. fg. 433 N2; s. evil eye.


Kipes, cannibalic, Aristias of Phlius, fg. 3 N2.

as dogs, Eurip. El. 1252-3; 1342-3.

Kλndov, Aeschyl. Prom. 489; Sophokl. El. 1108–10.

Hekate, image of, in front of house, Kλŋpoμavтeía, Eurip. Phoen. 838.

Aeschyl. fg. 388 N2.

swarm of, Eurip. Hel. 570; fg.

ad. 375 N2.

sends spectres, Eurip. Hel. 569. goddess of witches, Eurip. Med. 394-6.

invoked in charm-song? Sophokl.

fg. 492 No.

Helen, as St. Elmo's fire, Eurip. Or.

1637; s. St. Elmo's fire. herbs, rites in gathering of, Sophokl.

fg. 491 N2; s. charm-song, copper, covering, face, nudity, poróμo. Hippalectryon, apotropaeic, Aeschyl. fg. 134 N2.

honey, in purification, Sophokl. O. C. 481.

-cakes appease the dead, Eurip. Iph. Taur. 165-6.

horses, protected by amulets (Eurip.) Rhes. 306; 308; s. amulet, bells, Gorgo.


Lamia, Eurip. fg. 922 N2. laurel, incites to enthusiasm,

Sophokl. fg. 811 n2. laws against witchcraft, Eurip. Androm. 355-60.

left, unlucky, Sophokl. Ai. 183. lightning, and paradise, Aeschyl. ̓Αργεῖοι, fg. 17 N2.

locked up, Aeschyl. Eum. 812-14. and burial, Eurip. Suppl. 934-8; Phaethon, fg. 786 N2; s. burial. love-charm, Sophokl. Trach. 575; s. blood; Trach. 1138-9.


Magic, Eurip. Or. 1497-8; F. T. G.2 p. 550–1; s. Thessaly; fg. ad. 592 N2.

magician, contemptible position of, Sophokl. O. T. 387-9.

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