Parliamentary Papers, Том 31H.M. Stationery Office, 1961 |
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22 страници от тази книга отговарят на pilots
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Резултати 1 - 3 от 22.
1 | 7 |
The future pattern of pilot training | 14 |
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Често срещани думи и фрази
1961 population 1975 population 31st December air traffic control aircraft approximate numbers atric nity Illness available on 31st Aviation Bank Notes Act Bank of England Board borrowing British Broadcasting Corporation Building Societies Act capital cent centre Cmnd complete the modernisation Convalescent Corporation Cottage district general hospital Electricity Borrowing Powers enable better provision Exchequer expenditure exports finance fixed investment following hospitals following major schemes geriatric Government Hospital Acute Geri Hospital Groups hospital services House income increase industry licence London MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE Maternity Home maternity unit Mental atric nity mental illness Mental Subnormality million Ministry Ministry of Aviation nity Illness Total numbers of staffed out-patient department output patients payments phase pilots production programme radiotherapy Region Royal Infirmary safety schemes are completed schemes are expected Scotland staffed beds available staffed beds expected stocks TABLE teaching hospitals Total rounded United Kingdom Victoria ward block