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one, 69; full of metaphorical deaths,
iii. 354.

Romans, old, their habit, i. 308; modern,
their aversion to the king of France,
374; their generous virtue, ii. 86; the
patriotism of their ladies, 391; abound-
ed in honorary rewards for national
services, iv. 166; their rule in bestow-
ing medals, 167; their ideas of honour
and virtue, 310, note; how reconciled
to the Sabines, 410; their virtue na-
turally produced patriotism, 413; their
scrupulous observance of oaths, 418;
their generous spirit in making con-
quests, 470; appeal of their matrons to
the senate against a supposed decree
for every man to have two wives, v. 20;
their usual birthday salutation, 67; few
of their writings have come down to our
time, 105; their corporations, armies,
senate, &c., filled with Christians, 117;
delight they must have felt in the local
descriptions and characters of Virgil, 220.
Rome, its antiquities and ruins described,

i. 33; the symbols of its divinity and
power, 310; its commonwealth repre-
sented by a vessel in distress, 315; figure
of, on a medal, 328; described, 417;
modern, stands higher than the ancient,
458; the grandeur of the commonwealth
and magnificence of the emperor dif-
ferently considered, 459; antiquities,
Christian and heathen, ib.; statues,
460; two sets of figures of gladiators,
467; abundance of remains relating to
sacrifices, 468; clothed statues, ib.;
many pieces of sculpture still undis-
covered, 469; undertakers who dig for
antiquities, 470; the bed of the Tiber a
magazine of treasures, 471; coins re-
lating to buildings and statues still ex-
tant, 474; variety of ancient pillars in
many kinds of marble, 476; obelisks
and triumphal arches, 480; manuscript
of Henry VIII. of England in the Vati-
can, 481; towns within its neighbour-
hood, 482; why more frequented by the
nobility in summer than in winter, 487;
Mr. Ironside's lion obeyed there, iv. 225;
a citizen of, analogous to a British free-
holder, 397; its commonwealth, in what
points defective, 458; power of dictators
and consuls, 458, 459; how far a political
example to modern states, v. 86; church
of, why pleased with the success of the
Tories, 97; its future seat wonderfully
described in the Eneid, 220, 221.
Rome, Church of, why pleased with the
success of the Tories, v. 97.
Romulus, his cottage on Mount Capitol,
described by Virgil, i. 409; and Remus,
medallion of, 305.
Rope-dancer, account of one, by birth a
monkey, ii, 287.

Rosalinda, a Whig partisan, mistakes oc-
casioned by a mole on the Tory part of
her forehead, ii, 390.

Rosamond, an opera, i. 55; comic scenes
in, entertaining, 57, note; copy of verses
to the author, 55.
Rosamond's Pond, v. 61.

Roscommon, Lord, a poet and critic, i.
26; referred to, on Paradise Lost, iii.
240; his observation on learning and
good breeding, iv. 338.
Rosicrucian, his descant on his pretended
discovery, iv. 116; his secret found to
be nothing else but content, 117.
Ross, Alexander, a commentator on Ovid,
discovers in him the mysteries of the
Christian religion, i. 141.

Ross, General, his sentiments on the Se-
cret Committee's Report, v. 659; his
speech on the impeachment of Lord
Bolingbroke, 664.

Rostrum, of a ship, represented on a me-
dal, i. 296; of a Roman ship, over the
arsenal at Genoa, i. 363.

Rottenburg in the Tirol, its strong castle,
i. 537.

Rotunda, said to be the most valuable an-
tiquity in Italy, i. 266; a little church
near Ravenna, described, 399; at Rome,
described, 418.

Rowe, Mr., his specimen of a translation

of Lucan's Pharsalia praised, v. 48;
Addison's opinion of, 742.

Royal Exchange, v. 72; contemplated, ii.
370; its scenes afford a fund of entertain-
ment, 371; Charles II.'s statue there,
its effect on the Tory fox-hunter, v.

Royal Quarrel. See Prince of Wales.
Royal Society, a wish for them to compile

a body of natural history, ii. 464; de-
sign of its first institutors, iii. 172.
Rubens, a collector of medals, i. 259; vi-
sion of his pictures, ii. 394.
Rubicon, river, now called Pisatello, de-
scribed by Lucan, i. 401.

Rudis or Vindicta, the wand of liberty, i.
291; ceremony of its use, 292.
Ruff and collar-band, probable disputes
of future antiquaries respecting, i.

Rufus, William, a saying of his on cle-
mency, v. 6.

Rural knights and squires, ridicule of
them censured, ii. 20, note.
Rural wits in conversation, termed hunt-
ing-horns, ii. 117.

Rushout, Sir Jas., under the tuition of
Addison, at Oxford, v. 675.
Russel, Admiral, his bravery, i. 8.
Russia fleet, English losses on, v. 362.
Russian ambassador arrested, v. 371.
Rust, various kinds of, observable on old
coins, i. 265; distinguished by the fla-
vour, 339.

Ruyter, Admiral, how praised and pitied
by the governor of Sallee, v. 508.
Rycaut, Sir Paul, his account of a curious
Mahometan custom, iii. 335.
Ryswick, Peace of, Addison's Latin Poem


on, i. 233; translation of, v. 549; reduced
population of France at that period, iv.

8. that letter too frequent in the English
tongue, ii. 497.

Sabbath of heaven, speculations on, iv.


Sabine women, their interference termi-
nated a war with the Romans, ii. 391.
Sabines, how reconciled to the Romans,
iv. 410.

Sacheverell, Henry, a poem of Mr. Addi-
son's inscribed to, i. 22.

Sacks, women to be sold in, a proposal of
Will. Honeycomb's, iv. 29, 30.
Sacrifice, ancient, a representation of, in
the library of the arsenal at Berne, i. 519.
Sacrifices, abundance of Roman antiqui-
ties relating to them, i. 468.

Saffold, Dr., the successor of Dr. Lilly in
physic and astrology, ii. 179.
Sagacity in animals, exemplified, ii. 461.
Sagulum, a dress of the ancient Gauls,
mentioned by Virgil, described on a
medal, i. 327.

Saints, our country once called a nation
of, v. 34.

Salamanders, a species of women, so dis-
tinguished, iii. 67.

Salaries and Payments to Addison; Tra-
velling Grant, v. 636; as keeper of the
Irish Records, v. 427, 632, 637; Patent
Fee, 640; as Secretary of State, 639;
Retiring Pension, 641; Grant of Plate,
642; Secret Service Money, 640; Official
Entries of Payments, 643.

Salernum, its bay divided from that of
Naples by the promontory of Sorren-
tum, i. 427.

Salforata, a stinking river, i. 482.
Salisbury, its inhabitants vie with those
of London in politics, v. 93.
Sallee, the governor of, praised and pitied
Admiral de Ruyter, v. 508.
Sallust, his contrast of the characters of
Cæsar and Cato, iii. 20; his remark on
Cato, 157; his excellence, 389; his ac-
count of the motives to Catiline's rebel-
lion, iv. 446; defines the power given
to the consuls, in the time of a con-
spiracy, 459; his remark on the fickle
wills of kings, 490.

Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, the story
of, i. 136.

Salmon, Mrs., erects the figure of her
namesake for a sign, ii. 286.
Salmoneus, a theatrical one, iv. 148.
Salt of the island of Tortuga, report on
the British trade in, v. 51.
Salt-spilling, portentous, ii. 244.
Salt-works at Hall in the Tirol described,
i. 537.

Saltera's museum at Chelsea, ii. 172.
Salutation, a chapel so called at Fribourg,
i. 517.

Salutes, used for salutations, ii. 471, note.

Salver of Spectators, a present for young
ladies, iv. 6.

Salvini, the abbot, his Italian translation
of the letter from Italy to Lord Halifax,
i. 28.

Samnite gladiator represented in mosaic,
i. 467.

San Marino, Republic of, described, i.
103; see Marino (San); its treatment
of Cardinal Alberoni, v. 439.
Sanctity, when fashionable in England,
iv. 10.

Sanctorius, his balance, used by a vale-
tudinarian, ii. 279.

Sanctum Sanctorum, in Solomon's temple,
iv. 129.

Sandwich, use of the term, v. 676.
Sanguine temper, often the occasion of
misfortunes, iii. 63.

Sannazarius, celebrates the city of Venice,
i. 396; his tomb at Naples, 426; verses
on a temple in Naples, ib.
Sansom, Mr., letter to, v. 323.
Sant Ander, treaty of privileges between

its magistrates and the British mer-
chants trading at Bilboa, v. 52.
Sappho, fragments of her poetry beautiful,
iii. 105; called by ancient authors the
tenth muse, ib.; her Hymn to Venus
and Lover's Leap, 106; another frag-
ment of hers, as great a model to poets
as the Torso to sculptors and painters,
115; translated by Catullus, ib.; by
Boileau, 116; and by Mr. Philips, ib.;
circumstance respecting it related by
Plutarch, 117; takes the Lover's Leap
and dies, 123, 124.

Saraband, Mrs., her puppet-show and sale
of jointed babies, ii. 2; her rake-hell
punch disposed of, ib.

Saracen's Head, a country sign, the por-
trait of Sir Roger de Coverley, ii. 467.
Sarcophagi, devices on, from the Rape of
Proserpine, i. 473.

Sartre, Dr., married Addison's sister, v.
412, 430.

Satan, a principal actor in Paradise Lost,
iii. 183; his first speech wonderfully
proper, 205; his person described with
great sublimity, 206; his meeting with
Sin and Death, 211, 216; his approach
to the confines of creation, 220; his sur-
vey of its wonders, 222; his discourse
with the Angel in the Sun, ib.; opening
of his speech to the Sun, 225; his trans-
formations and encounter with Zephon
and Gabriel, 226; wounded by the sword
of Michael, 240, 241; assumes the form
of a serpent, 258; beguiles Eve, 260;
returns to hell, 265; his disgraceful
transformation, ib.

Satiety of joy, the expression corrected,
iii. 365, note.

Satire, what it delights in, i. 462; on pro-
jectors, iii. 285; when general how ren-
dered personal, iii. 153, note; most po-

[blocks in formation]

Satirists, why they best illustrate ancient

manners, i. 385; their custom of omit-
ting the vowels of a great man's name,
iv. 106.

Saturday's papers of the Spectator, afford
great comfort to a sick man, iv. 34.
Saturnine, a class of readers so termed,
iii. 38.

Savage, an anecdote of him, Phillips, and
Steele, v. 375, 376.

Saviour, his submission to the Divine will,
iii. 84; reasons why Pagan contempo-
rary writers make no mention of his
life and miracles, v. 104; books and re-
cords relating to him now lost, 105; ac-
count of him from Pontius Pilate to the
Emperor referred to by Justin Martyr,
ib.; his supposed correspondence with
Agbarus, King of Edessa, 106; facts in
his history noticed by Pagan authors,
108; his miracles attributed to magic by
Celsus, 110; and by the other uncon-
troverted heathens, 109; fallacy of the
assertion proved, ib.; a second list of
Pagan authors who testify of him, 113;
passage from a learned Athenian, 114;
another Athenian philosopher convert-
ed, ib.; their belief at first founded on
historical faith, 115; testimonies ex-
tended to all the particulars of his his-
tory as related by the evangelists, 116;
this was the motive to the conversion
of many learned men, 118; means by
which they might inform themselves of
its truth, 119; the tradition perpetuated
by his apostles and their disciples, 120,
121; five generations might derive it
from him, to the end of the third cen-
tury, 122; writings of the evangelists
agree with the tradition of the apostles,
127; his worship and doctrines propa-
gated throughout the world, 128; mira-
cles performed by prayers and adjur-
ations in his name, 130; completion of
his prophecies confirmed Pagans in
their belief of the gospel, 125; his life,
history, and the Jewish prophecies re-
lating to him, an argument for the
strengthening of their faith, 138, 139.
Savoy, the duke of, his territories on the
lake of Geneva, i. 510; why disappointed
of taking Toulon, iv. 354.
Savoy, exhausted by the war, iv. 361.
Savoyards, their animosity to the King of
France, i. 375.

Sawney, a second-sighted Highlander, his
vision, iv. 495, 496.

Scale of being, infinite, ii. 445; reflections
on, iv. 41; a consequence deducible
from them, 42.

Scales, on old coins, an emblem of justice,

i. 297; golden, in Paradise Lost, a re-
finement on a thought in Homer, iii.
227; a vision of them, 477.

Scaliger, on the vestis trabeata of the Ro-
mans, i. 261; his censure of Lucan's
digressions, iii. 201; the younger ridi-
cules the egotism of Montaigne, iv. 99,
100; says Tilenus speaks and writes
well for a German, 507.

Scandal, private, reprobated, ii. 266;
printed, effectual mode of suppressing,
iii. 457; in writings, a great help to the
sale of them, iv. 106; a never-failing
gratification with the public, v. 67.
Scandalum magnatum, Goodman Fact
accused of, by Count Tariff, iv. 366.
Scaramouch, at a masquerade, iv. 281.
Scarron, relates a curious expedient for
keeping the peace, iv. 483.

Schacabac and the Barmecide, an Arabian
tale, iv. 313, 314.

Scheil, Danish envoy in England, v. 245.
Schellenberg, battle, celebrated, i. 45.
Schism in the church during the papacy
of Eugenio IV., i. 511.

Scholar's egg, a Greek poem, ii. 344.
Scholiasts, of service in explaining the
familiar phrases of ancient authors, iv.

Schomberg, the Duke of, buried at Lau-
sanne, i. 514; his advice to an eminent
historian, v. 28.

School frolic of Addison's-the barring
out, v. 674.

Schoolmaster, attempt of one to revive the

worship of the heathen gods, v. 86.
Schoolmen, their ludicrous case of an ass
between two bundles of hay, iii. 60; a
question started by one of them on hap-
piness and misery, iv. 121.
Schuldham, the affair of, v. 647.
Science, best cultivated in a free state, iii.

Scolding heroes of Homer, more tolerable
than bullies in petticoats, v. 38.

Scolds, made up of canine particles, iii. 87.
Scomberg, Duke, v. 548, note.

Scorn, a commander in the war of the
sexes, iv. 274.

Scotch, a saying of theirs, on natural parts
and learning, iii. 478.

Scotch parliament to be called by the
Pretender, iv. 434.

Scotchman and the parrot, a story, iv.

Scotists, their contests with the Smiglesi-
ans at Oxford, iii. 131.

Scotland, provision in the Act for En-
couraging Loyalty there, iv. 308. See

Scott, Dr. his Christian Life, its merit,
iii. 456.

Scottish elective peers, on the making
them hereditary, v. 301.
Screech-owl, superstitious terrors од
hearing one, ii. 245.

Scribblers of lampoons and satires, their
inhuman barbarity, ii. 277; why neg-
lected by the Spectator, iii. 449.
Scribendi Cacoëthes, an epidemical dis-
ease, iv. 132.

Scriptures, medallic legends taken from
the, i. 351.

Scudery's Romances, relate a curious ex-
pedient of two absent lovers, iii. 135.
Sculptors, ancient, more skilful in work-
ing marble than the moderns, i. 476.
Sculpture, a notion concerning, applied
to education, iii. 96.

Scythian, his reply on being asked how
his countrymen could bear to go naked,
ii. 186.

Scythian winter-piece in the third Georgic
of Virgil, i. 260.

Scythians, made perjury a capital crime,
iv. 418,

Sea, on sale, ii. 4; a certain species of
females made from, iii. 87; generally
filled with monsters, when there are no
fleets on it, iv. 495.

Seamen, their mode of judging of fruit by
the peckings of birds, ii. 461.
Seasons, the Spectator's choice of coun-
tries to pass them in, iii. 370.
Secret Committee, v. 648, 649; Report of
the, 650; the Speaker's warrant issued
for the apprehension of persons named
by the, 652; the Report read by Mr.
Walpole, and the names given of the
political personages mentioned therein,
653; details of the Report, 654, 655; im-
portant parliamentary debates on bring-
ing up this Report, 656-668.

Secret faults, methods for each person to
discover his own, iii. 377.

Secret Service Money, royal warrant for,
v. 640.

Secretary of State, regulation respecting
appointment, v. 354; Addison's appoint-
ment, 436; royal warrants for his salary,

Secrets for widow-hunters, iv. 95.

Sectaries, during the rebellion, tendency
of their hypocrisy, iii. 472.
Sects, in religion, tinctured with enthusi-
asm, iii. 72.

Security, described on a medal, i. 279, 314.
Sede vacante, never known in the Ever-
lasting Club, ii. 379.

Sedentary, the word misapplied, ii. 449,


Seditious attempts to calumniate his Ma-

jesty's person and family, iv. 421.
Seducers, a loose tribe of men, noticed,
iii. 73; how to be punished, 75.
Seduction, exemplified in the story of a
Castilian, iii. 68, 69; its heinousness
exposed, iv. 245.

Segrais, Mons., his threefold distinction of
the readers of poetry, ii. 361.
Bejanus, his fall probably commemorated
on a stone at Terni, i. 411.

Self, Samuel, recommends the Spectator's
Essay on Good-nature as an excellent
sweetener of the blood, iv. 76.
Self-examination, a precept for, iii. 343;
recommended, iv. 300.

Self-knowledge, how attainable, iii. 378.
Self-murder among females, mode of pre-
venting it in Greece, iii. 120.
Self-sufficiency, proceeds from inexperi-
ence and ignorance, iv. 505.
Selkirk, Alexander, v. 477.

Semele, consumed in the embraces of
Jupiter, i, 124.

Semiramis, figure of, cut from a huge
rock, iii. 407.

Sempronia, a fine lady, ii. 320; on what
occasion she holds her tongue, ib.
Sempronius, a senator, (in Cato,) i. 175,
177, 187, 191, 199, 207, 209, 210, 212.
Senate, Roman, analógous to our nobility,
iii. 297.

Seneca, his remark on the waste of time,
ii. 411; his style faulty, 419, note; his
opinion of modesty, iii. 120; stricture
on a great author's style applied to Mil-
ton, 202; a pattern for essay-writing,
497; a saying of his on drunkenness,
with more of turn than of truth in it, iv.
112; a remarkable passage in his epis-
tles, on the Holy Spirit, 116; his nos-
trum for raising love, v. 37; his style
and subjects, 598.

Seneca, de Beneficiis, inferior in illustra-
tion to the device of gratitude on a
medal, i. 269; his invocation to concord
from the Medea, 275; his allegorical
description of happiness, 293; his pic-
ture of the Trojan matrons bewailing
their captivity, 331.

Sensoriola, of brutes and men, iv. 104.
Sensorium of the Godhead, what, iv. 104.
Sentences, legal, not to be influenced by
passion, iv. 177.

Sentiments, in an epic poem, how to be
considered, iii. 185; two kinds, the
natural and the sublime, 187; in Dry-
den's plays, out of character, iv. 208.
Sentry, Captain, account of him, ii. 234;
cautions the Spectator not to touch on
the army, 296; satisfied by the argu-
ments of the clergyman, 297; accom-
panies the Spectator and Sir Roger to
the play, iii. 333.

Septennial bill, commended, v. 36.
"Serve God, and be cheerful," the motto
of a bishop, v. 66.

Septimius Severus, medal in compliment
to his wife Julia, i. 304; an excellent
bust of him at Florence, 497.
Serenade of cat-calls, for what purpose
performed, iii. 347.

Serenity, a title given to princes, iii. 99.
Seraphim, a set of angels who love most,
iv. 156.

Serini, Count, a prisoner in the castle of
Rottenburg, i. 537.

Seriousness, when commendable, iv. 511. | Shepherd, an Italian, his extraordinary
Sermons, illustrated by Quæ genus and

As in præsenti, iii. 103.

Sermons of Sir Roger's chaplain, how
chosen, ii. 436.

Serpent, hyperbole in Ovid's description of
one, i. 146; story of, from Scripture,
how treated by Milton, iii. 258.
Servius, the scholiast, his remark on a
passage in Virgil, v. 226.

Sesostris, his character, how drawn in
Telemachus, ii. 131.

Settala, Canon, his cabinet of curiosities
at Milan, i. 371.

Settlement act, hung up in the Hall of
Public Credit, ii. 237.

Seven stars, an oversight of Ovid respect-
ing, i. 143.

Sewell, G., his remarks on Addison's Latin
Poems, v. 549; his translation of the Ba-
rometer, 555; Puppet Show, 580; declares
Addison the author of "Skating," 585.
Sexes, their respective duties, ii. 339;
their mutual regard tends to the im-
provement of each, iii. 431; contending
for superiority, an allegory, iv. 273.
Sextus Quintus, his severe treatment of a
satirist, ii. 276, 277.

Sfondrati, Cardinal, the last abbot of St.
Gaul, i. 522.

Shadows and realities not to be mixed in
the same piece, ii. 240.

Shadwell, Mr., trait in the character of a
rake in one of his plays, ii. 298.
Shaftesbury, Earl of, his taciturnity in
parliament, v. 725.

Shake of wind, why a bad expression, iv.
397, note.

Shakspeare, his allusion in Hamlet to the
cock-crowing, ii. 57; his style, wherein
faulty, 306; his tragedy of Lear ad-
mirable, 309; his tragedies abounding
in puns, 354; an instance of the first
kind of great geniuses, 505; excels in
"the fairy way of writing," iii. 423; and
in ghosts, 424; compared to the stone
in Pyrrhus's ring, iv. 150; the prettiest
and justest compliment ever paid to our
great poet. ib., note.

Shallow, Josias, indicted in the Court of
Honour, ii. 212; John, Esq., his letter
on cat-calls at the theatre, iii. 344, 345.
Shalum and Hilpa, an antediluvian novel,
iv. 138, 140.

Sham-doctor, second part of that farce, ii.

Shapely, Rebecca, indicted in the Court of
Honour, ii. 219.

Sheep, the emblem of France, i. 326.
Sheep-biter, why a term of reproach, ii. 107.
Sheer-lane, the abode of Mr. Bickerstaffe,
ii. 20.

Shekinah, descent of, at the dedication of
Solomon's temple, v. 97.

Shell-fish, a species of, the lowest in the
scale of animals, iv. 41.

genius in tossing of eggs, ii. 506.
Shepherd's pipe, a species of minor Greek
poetry, ii. 344.

Sherlock on Death, why so generally per-
used, iii. 301; has improved the notion
of Heaven and Hell, 456; his represent-
ation of the state of the soul on its first
separation from the body, iv. 34.
Sherlock, Mrs., her petition, v. 484.
Shewbridge, Mr., recommended as an
honest man, v. 652.

Shield, on an emperor's coin, designed as
a compliment from the senate, i. 270.
Shifts, resorted to in a dearth of news,
ii. 5.

Shilling, the Adventures of one, ii. 185,&c.;

the occasion of a burlesque poem, 188;
a crooked one, the talisman of absent
lovers, iii. 141.

Ship in a storm, described by the Psalm-
ist, iv. 8; how preferable to the descrip-
tions of the heathen poets, ib.

Ship under sail, an emblem of happiness,
i. 298.

Shippen, Wm., M.P. for Newton, his re-
marks on the Mutiny Bill, v. 649, 650;
a firm adherent of the Stuarts, 649;
sent to the Tower, ib.; designated by
Pope as "honest Shippen," ib.; his
speech in the Committee of Supply, 668.
Ship-timber, in England, its approaching
scarcity, iv. 135.

Ships of the ancients, generally under the
guardianship of some god, i. 295.

Shire Lane, the Kit-cat Club established
in, v. 676, 677.

Shirts, Hanoverian, occasion a riot, and
are publicly burnt, v. 651.

Shoeing-horns, a set of fellows useful to
the ladies, iv. 62.

Shops of London open, v. 740.

Short Club, remonstrance on, from the
secretary of the Tall Club, iv. 202;
threatened, 203.

Short-sightedness, how remedied, ii. 46.
Shoulder-knot, a topic for profound dis-
quisition among the learned in future
ages, i. 261.
Shovell, Sir Cloudesley, his monument ill-
designed, ii. 283; reply of the emperor
of Morocco to him, on his reprisals for
English captives, iv. 439; arrival of his
fleet at Lisbon, v. 351; fired on at Lis-
bon, 358; his shipwreck and death,

Shows and diversions, the peculiar pro-
vince of the Spectator, iii. 124.
Shrew in domestic life is a scold in poli-
tics, iv. 483.

Shrewsbury, Duke of, Addison's three
days' conversation with him at Florence,
v. 336; probability of his resignation,
395; accused by the Secret Committee,

Shuckborough, Mr., v. 651, 652.

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