Mallebranche, his notion concerning thought and duration, ii. 416; visited by Addison, v. 332.
Mallia Scantilla, her bust at Florence falsely inscribed Julia Severi, i. 496. Malmesbury, Addison elected for, v. 425. Mammon, in Paradise Lost, a finely drawn character, iii. 208; his speech in the second book, 213.
Man, a sociable animal, ii. 249; made for immortality, 444; aggravates the cala- mities of life, iii. 18; the merriest spe- cies of the creation, 146; his dependence on his Creator, 444; distinguished from all other creatures by the faculty of laughter, iv. 13; considered as the mid- dle link in the chain of being, 53; a creature designed for two states of be- ing, 120; three reasons why he should not be proud, 276.
Management of a husband, doctrines of the Widow Club on, iv. 98. Manchester, Earl of, v. 334; arrives in Venice, 365; affront offered him there, 369, 371; letters to, 362-364, 371. Manchester, Countess of, lines to, v. 228. Mandeville, Sir John, some of his re- mains, ii. 194.
Manilius, his allusion to Libra, the reign- ing constellation of Rome, i. 297; his description of Africa, 320.
Mankind, divided into the merry and the serious, iv. 151; the two classes have an aversion to each other, ib.
Manley, Mrs., her "Memoirs of Europe," ν. 392.
Manner, greatness of, in architecture, iii. 408; illustrated from Mons. Freart, 409.
Manners of town and country contrasted,
Manners, in Epic poetry, signify the fable and the characters, iii. 181. Manni, Nicolo, v. 438, 467.
Man's, Jenny, reflections there on the French king's death, iii 380, 381. Mantua-maker, proposes herself as a lion- ess, iv. 228, 229.
Maple, Will., genealogy of his illegitimate children, iii. 74.
Marble, various sorts, too hard for the in- struments now in use, i. 476.
Marcia, daughter of Cato, i. 183, 184, 211, 213, 222.
Marcus Aurelius, equestrian statue of, copied on ancient medals, i. 266; ex- planation of three of his coins, 314, 316; a medal of, 447; his equestrian statue described on coin, 475; an excellent bust of him at Florence, 497; levity of his wife Faustina, ii. 486; his letter, now lost, a testimony of a miracle per- formed by the prayers of the Christians, v. 130.
Marcus, son of Cato, i. 172, 201, 206. Marcus Tullius, inscribed on a public
monument, with the figure of a vetch instead of Cicero, ii. 347.
Mardyke, spacious canal made by the French, in evasion of the Treaty of Utrecht, v. 454; commissioners to in- spect the demolition, 462; letter to, with instructions, 465, 472; difficulties in the way of demolition, 475; its progress, 499. Mare, its nature transfused into the souls of some women, iii. 87.
Marecchia, river, its mouth the spot where St. Anthony preached to the fish, i. 379. Mariamne and Herod, story of, iii. 28, 29. Mariners transformed into dolphins, i. 131. Marino, St., its town and republic describ- ed, i. 403; account of its founder, ib.; his statue, 404; short history of the re- public, ib.; its form of government, 405. Mark Antony summons Herod to Egypt for his barbarity, iii. 28.
Marks worn by the Pretender's adherents on his birth-day, v. 90. Marlborough, the Duke of, poem of the Campaign in honour of him, i. 42; his arrival at the Moselle, 43; progress of his arms, 44; his alliance with Prince Eugene, ib.; besieges Schellenberg, 45; his victory at Blenheim, 49; returns to the Netherlands, 53; received in London with acclamation, v. 352; sets out for Holland, 359; remains at Margate, 360; godfather to Lord Sunderland's son, 365; prevents the junction of the Dukes of Vendome and Berwick, 372; surrender of Bethune, 396.
Marlborough, Duchess of, opera of Rosa- mond inscribed to her, i. 55; invites Lady Peterborough to dine with her, v.
Marriage, how men's minds and humours may be changed by it, ii. 8; a counter- apotheosis, 384; the first offer to be re- fused, like that of a bishopric, 404; without consent of parents, unfortunate, iii. 41; those most happy which are preceded by a long courtship, 161; im- portance of a right choice, ib.; qualities desirable in a companion for life, 169; rules before and after marriage, ib.; fruits of a happy one, 170; unequal, cannot be happy, 307; its pleasures and advantages, iv. 19; how rendered un- happy by flattery in courtship, 217. Marriage-life, caprices and hazards of it,
Marriage-state, its duties reciprocal, ii. 485; female levity fatal to it, 486; in- stanced in the character of a country gentleman and his lady, 487; happiness of Aristus and Aspatia, ib.
Married state, compared to purgatory, iii.
Marrowbones and cleavers, who are such | Matilda, the empress, particularly favour- in conversation, ii. 118.
Mars, the father of Romulus and Remus, by Ilia the vestal, i. 465; burlesque story of his amour with Venus, ii. 214; his outcry when wounded, iii. 241. Marseilles, said to have been visited by Mary Magdalene, Lazarus, and Joseph of Arimathea, i. 359.
Marsyas, the satyr, allusion to his contest with Apollo, i. 463.
Martha, Mrs., her thirty years' courtship with Sam. Hopewell, ii. 402.
Martial, ridicules the study of architecture, i. 268; his attribute of glory, 274; his allusion to the Cap of Liberty, 291; his description of the cap of the Parthians, 312; his satirical reflection on Domitian censured, ib.; celebrates the fertility of Spain, 326; his allusion to the ancient history of Ravenna, 398; his epigram on Mount Vesuvius, 444; his description of lawyers, ii. 272; his epigram on a capricious friend, 369, 370; his epigram on physiognomy, 399 his epigram on Cato, at the theatre, ini. 451.
Martyrdom, a standing miracle among the primitive Christians, v. 130; the mar- tyrs supported by a miraculous power, 131; their deaths and sufferings induced the Pagans to embrace Christianity, 132. "Marvellous," a necessary ingredient in newspapers, iv. 495.
Mary, (King William's queen,) her death lamented, i. 9.
Mary Magdalene, her penance in the de- serts of Marseilles described by Clau- dian, i. 359.
Mary, queen of Scots, her portrait at In- spruck, i. 534.
Mary of Medicis built the Luxembourg at Paris, i. 495.
Masking, the great diversion at Venice on all high occasions, i. 392. Masks, custom of exhibiting them on the stage, whence borrowed, i. 394. Masquerade, an irregular assembly, ii. 247; deceptions practised at, 248, 249; the Spectator's intention of visiting one, 249.
Masquerade, poetical, iv. 222; late one at the ambassador's, 279. Massianello, consequences of his rebellion at Naples, i. 429.
Master of a house, ought to be wise and virtuous, iv. 320.
Masters in painting, why they dislike drawing people of fashion, ii. 487. Material world, compared with the world of life, iv. 40.
Match out of Newgate, a farce now writ- ing, on General Forster's and Lord Nithisdale's escape, v. 26. Mathematical demonstrations, the cathar- tics of the soul, iv. 25. Matidia, her bust at Florence, i. 496.
ed by the Oxford University, v. 23. Matthew, St., mentions the countries through which the fame of our Saviour was spread, v. 105.
Matthews, John, an idle fellow, reproved by Sir Roger at church, ii. 4. Maud the milk-maid, her marriage to Sir Walter Bickerstaffe, ii. 8.
Maundrell, his account of the river Adonis, and idolatrous rites performed there, iii. 207.
Mauro, St., the modern name of the island of Leucas, iv. 112.
Maxim, on what constitutes a good table, ii. 109; a frugal one, of Sir Andrew Freeport, 234; in criticism, ridiculous use made of one, iv. 149, note. Maxims on morality and faith, iii, 474. Maximilian I., his monument in the Ca- puchin convent at Inspruck, i. 534; considered as the founder of the Aus- trian greatness, 535.
May Fair, its downfal sunk the price of many curiosities, ii. 1. Maynwaring, Arthur, v. 340. Mazarin, his behaviour to Guillet, who had reflected on him in a poem, ii. 276. Medal, to Trajan, for his beneficence to Ancona, described, i. 407; in honour of Tiberius by the fourteen cities of Asia, 434; of the port of Ostia examined, 457; medals and statues illustrate each other, 475; of the younger Brutus at Bolonia 503; medallion of Pescennius Niger at Parma, 504; one struck by Queen Eli- zabeth on the defeat of the Armada, iii. 305.
Medalists ridiculed, i. 256.
Medallions, how distinguished from me- dals, i. 341.
Medals, Ancient, Dialogues on their use- fulness, i. 253; Pope's verses on the treatise on Medals, ib.; the subject re- commended, 257; mode of estimating them, not by their intrinsic value, but by their erudition, 258; their uses, ib.; to history-painters, 259; struck in hon- our of victory at the Olympic games, 260; the various interesting subjects they illustrate, 262; their comprehen- sive brevity, 263; develop the annals of an emperor's reign, 264; show the pro- gress of ancient architecture, 265; va- rious kinds of rust observable on them, ib.; the most beautiful ancient statues represented on them, 266; analogy of their representacions with those of po- etry, 271; representation of virtue, 273; honour, 274; concord, ib.; peace, 275; fidelity, 277; hope, 278; chastity, 281. piety, 282; equity, 283; eternity, ib.; time, 287; other representations of eter- nity, 288; of victory, 289, 290; liberty, 291; happiness, 293; scales, an emblem of justice, 297; thunderbolt, a reverse of
Augustus, 297; oaken garland, a re- verse on many imperial coins, 299; two cornu-copiæ, to what relating, ib.; two children's heads, pledges of peace, 301; two joined hands, emblems of fidelity, ib.; the giving of the hand expresses good-will, ib.; an emblem of fruitful- ness in compliment to the wife of Sep- timius Severus, 304; on the marriage of Nero and Octavia, 306; of Commo- dus, ib.; of the cross in commemora- tion of Constantine's battle with Max- entius, 308; on Trajan's victory over the Daci, 309; on a victory of Lucius Verus over the Parthians, 311; on the peace procured to the empire by Vespa- sian, 313; on the delivery of the com- monwealth by Trajan, 315; a reverse of Marcus Aurelius, 317; to the memory of Augustus, ib.; Roman medals, illus- trated by the Latin poets, 320; emblem of Africa, 321; Egypt, 323; Maurita- nia, 324; Spain, 325; France, 326; Italy, 327; Achaia, 328; Britannia, 329; Sicily, 331; Judea, ib.; Parthia, 333; Antioch, 334; Smyrna, ib.; Ara- bia, 335; parallel between ancient and modern ones, 338; why the ancients made them of brass or copper, 339; when they passed as current coin, 341; medallions how distinguished from me- dals, ib.; different occasions and sub- jects of ancient and modern medals con- sidered, ib.; among the Romans chiefly struck in compliment to the emperors, 343; raillery never used in them, 344; their mottoes or inscriptions inquired into, 345; legends on ancient coins-on one of Gustavus Adolphus, 346; on Charles V., 347; on the peace between England and Holland, ib.; quotations used as legends, 348; chronogram of Gustavus Adolphus, ib.; ancients excel the moderns in consistency of represent- ation, 349; medallic history of Louis XIV., 350; instances of legends from the Scriptures in the medallic history of the popes, 351; enumeration and titles of the first series, 353; of the se- cond, 354; of the third, 355; cheap and estimable honorary rewards, iv. 166; the modern manner of bestowing them, less effectual than that of the Romans, 167; a project by a friend of the Guardian, ib.; copy of a paper presented to the late lord treasurer, 167, 168.
Mede, Mr., his book on the Revelations, recommended to the ladies, ii. 409.
Medicina Gymnastica, a book, recom- mending the exercise of riding, ii. 451. Medicis, account of that family, i. 500; a branch of it at Naples, 501. Meditation, religious, strengthens faith,
Medlar, Mrs., a wife, why a member of the Widow Club, iv. 95.
Medley, The Weekly, v. 266. Melancholy, its fields, described by Virgil, ii. 122; incident to merry persons, iii. 356; a dæmon that haunts our island,
Melancholy thoughts arising from the con- templation of the universe, iv. 103; ex- tinguished by reflecting on the Divine nature, 104.
Meldingen, a little republic in Switzer- land, the model of its government and the business of its councils of state, i. 521; revenue arising from its bridge, ib. Meleager, his statue, i. 462; probably the
patron of pagan hunters, ib. Melesinda, shows her temper by her head- dress, iii. 175.
Melissa, her letter, complaining of her drone of a husband, iii. 90; her leap from the promontory of Leucate, 122; her motive for asking advice in marri- age, 495.
Memminghen, the French driven from, after the battle of Blenheim, i. 51. "Memoirs," of French officers, by what characterized, iv. 403; of one of the Preston heroes, ib.
Memory, its relief to the mind, iii. 491. Men styled in Scripture strangers and
sojourners on earth, iii. 100. Men of the town great pedants, ii. 432. Menage, his remarks on Bouts Rimez, ii. 352, 353.
Menippus, the philosopher, fable respect- ing, iii. 367.
Menetes, the only instance of pleasantry in the Æneid, iii. 188.
Men's, as the genitive plural of man, not allowable, iii. 171, note.
Mentor, a contemporary of Homer, how celebrated by him, v. 205.
Mercator, a witness called by Count Tariff, iv. 367.
Merchant, an eminent one, his remark on the diet and dress proper for British ladies, v. 17.
Merchants most useful members of the commonwealth, ii. 373. Merchantmen, fleets of, styled floating shops, ii. 274.
Mercure Galant, a French work, abound- ing with Bouts Rimez, ii. 352. Mercurial, a class of readers so termed, iii. 38.
Merry-andrew, how employed at a whis- tling match, iii. 40.
Merry fellows, account of an establish ment of them, iii. 441; when a charm and when a grievance in society, iv. 151. Merry men, an expression of fellowship in the feudal times, ii. 377. Merry-thought, the plucking
of one, por- tentous to a lover, ii. 245. Mesnager, Mons., his controversy with Count Rechteren, iii. 503.
Messiah, the true hero of Milton's poem, iii. 200; his chariot, 233; his commis- sion to extirpate the rebel angels, 242; grandeur and majesty of his deeds, 243; accomplishes the work of creation, 245, 249; his intercession for Adam and Eve, 271; accounts of him by the prophets and evangelists agree, v. 139. (See Saviour.) Meta sudans, old medals describing it rejected as spurious, i. 474. Metamorphoses of Ovid, their effect on the imagination, iii. 417. Metaphor, boldness of, in the Georgics, i. 160; its use in discourse, iii. 428; pre- cepts for conducting one to advantage, 468, note.
Metaphors, in epic poetry, their use, iii. 191.
Method, its advantage in writing, iii. 497; in conversation, 498.
Methoughts, the expression corrected, ii. 238, note.
Methuen, Paul, v. 351; about to be ap- pointed ambassador, 353, 355; his treaty, 354; his character, ib.
Mevania furnished all Italy with herds for sacrifices, i. 410.
Mexico, expresses sent to the emperor in paintings, iii 412. Mezentius, trophy of, from Virgil, i. 313. Mezeray and other French authors in- veigh against the manners of our coun- try, iv. 506.
Micconi, his collection of shells at Genoa, i. 363.
Michael, his sword, iii. 240; employed to expel Adam and Eve from Paradise, 272. Michael Angelo, a maimed statue at Rome, called his school, iii. 115. Microscopes, discoveries made by their help. ii. 71.
Middle condition, most favourable to the gaining of wisdom, iii. 480.
Midnight mask, an irregular assembly, ii. 247; its rules contrived for the ad- vancement of cuckoldom, 248.
Milan, its great church described, i. 367; very rich in relics, 369; number of its convents and churches, ib.; its citadel, 372; its territory like a vast garden, 373; manners of its people, ib.; de- scription of it by Ausonius, 375; castle of, inscription on a bullet shown there,
which shot the Mareschal de Crequi, iv. 468.
Military fury, chained in the temple of Janus, i. 311.
Military eloquence, a specimen of, iii. 14, 15.
Military pedants, described, ii. 433. Milk-score of three years standing con- tracted by the Pretender, v. 32. Milord Anglois, always represented fat, on the French stage, iv. 506. Milton, his poetry celebrated, i. 24; his style imitated in a translation from Virgil, 38; probably applied a passage on the story of Narcissus to Eve, 151; censured and excused for punning, 152; his fine description of female virtue, ii. 43; turn of words in his poetry, 63; his beautiful simile of a walk in the country, 158; his description of the communion of men and spirits in Para- dise, 259; his description of the cre- ation of Eve, 404; placed in the second class of great geniuses, 506; his descrip- tion of the colloquial amusements of the damned, iii. 128; his poetical figure of laughter, 148; considered the first of our English poets, 173; introduces into his fable every variety of character of which it is capable, 182; his characters mostly his own invention, 186; his chief talent, sublimity, 187; his errors in syntax, and use of vulgar expressions, 190; boldness of his metaphors, 192; his use of foreign idioms, ib.; intro- duces several words of his own coining, 193; said to have copied Homer rather than Virgil, 194; his expedients to cure the imperfection of his fable, 199; where- in his majesty forsakes him, 217, 218: excels other poets in his battle of the angels, 238; indebted to the Jewish writers for his account of the creation, 244; employs in this description the whole energy of our tongue, 247; force of imagination in Adam's story to Ra- phael, 250; his frequent instances of pro- sopopœia, 269; improves upon Ovid's ac- count of the deluge, 276; his judgment in concluding his poem, 279; his de- scription of the delights of spring, 371; his great power over the imagination, 418; a scene from, affording a plan for a fire-work, iv. 188; his description of Eve's hospitality to the angel, 263; a speech from, describing the power of beauty over reason, v. 19; his poem interesting to all mankind, 222.
Mimicry, the offspring of false humour, ii. 299 why it affords delight, iii. 412. Mincio, river, celebrated, i. 30; described by Virgil and Claudian, 376, 377. Mind, how supplied with materials for thinking, iii. 491.
Minds of wise men and fools, little differ ence between them, iii. 108.
Minerva, a statue of, beside Sannazarius's | Modena, its principality described, i. 504;
tomb, i. 426; a candidate for the guard- ianship of Athens; elected, v. 22; alle- viates the curse of Neptune, the other candidate, ib.
Minister, of Morocco, bastinadoed to death by the emperor, iv. 437; of state in this country, the condition of, to whom suited, v. 74; impossible for one to gratify all the demands of his friends for places, 76; subject to many peculiar hazards and difficulties, ib.; additional burdens and vexations arising from the rebellion, 77.
Ministry, changes in the English, v. 394. Minor, grieves at the shortness of time, ii. 412.
Minor Greek poets, false wit in their pro- ductions, ii. 344.
Minos, the judge of the dead, ii. 131. Minutes of the Spectator, read at Lloyd's Coffee-house, ii. 322. Miracles, in poetry, how to be reconciled with credibility, iii. 220; those wrought by the primitive Christians, their credi- bility, v. 129.
Mirror of Truth in the hand of Justice, ii.
Mirth, the mother of humour, ii. 299; contrasted with cheerfulness, iii. 356; an inexhaustible fund of it in politics, v. 67.
Mirzah, his vision, ii. 499, 500, &c. Miseno, Cape, a port made in, by Agrippa for the Roman fleet, i. 450. Misenum, its ruins, i. 450. Miser on his death-bed, ii. 183. Misery, the Valley of, ii. 500.
Miseries of this life, outbalance its happi-
ness, iii. 4; how to be alleviated, 19; heightened by reflection on the past and fear of the future, iv. 22; vision of, 89, 91.
Mishpach, his courtship of Hilpa, iv. 141, 142.
Mistake of Mr. Addison on a passage in
Milton, iii. 217, note.
Mistress, an interested one, exhibited as a harpy, ii. 40.
Mite, dissection of one, ii. 73. Mixed communion of men and spirits in Paradise, as described by Milton, ii.
Mixed wit, in what authors abounding, ii. 358.
Mnesarchus, an eminent philosopher, son of Pythagoras, iv. 320. Mobs, can never overturn a good govern- ment, iv. 499.
Mock-heroic poems, heathen mythological allusions excusable and even graceful in, iv. 45.
Mock-patriots, must be despicable in the eyes of posterity, iv. 399.
Mode; a standing mode of dress recom- mended, ii. 488.
condition of its inhabitants, 505. Moderate Man, D'Urfey's last song, prais- ed, iv. 160.
Moderation, religious, personified, ii. 210; leads Religion into the hall of Public Credit, ii. 239; an indispensable rule in life, iii. 63.
Moderns, exceed the ancients in the arts of ridicule, iii. 147; in what points the contemporaries of ancient writers had the advantage over them, v. 214, 217, 219-223; have no notion of the sound and harmony of the ancient languages, 223; have the advantage of finding in works of ancient authors certain beau- ties which arise from their antiquities, ib.
Modesty, a disadvantage to public per- sons, iii. 119; an embellishment to great talents, ib.; an ornament and guard to virtue, ib.; a defence against suicide, and a guard of female virtue, 120; vicious modesty exposed, 121; false, distinguished from true, 470; its evil tendency, 471; essay on, in the Spectator, called the Britannic Beauti- fier, iv. 75; an ornament to the maid, the wife, and the widow, 181; described as a young officer in the war of the sexes, 274.
Modesty-piece, an article of female dress, iv. 224.
Modish, the term discarded from polite writing, ii. 455, note.
Moisture, decay of, on the globe, how ac- counted for, iv. 111.
Mole, its formation, a palpable argument of Providence, ii. 463; degree of sight given to it, ib.
Molehill, a comparison of, to the earth, equally a favourite with the religionist and the free-thinker, iv. 277, note. Moles, a certain class of readers, why so termed, ii. 474.
Molesworth, Robert, Lord Viscount, his account of Denmark, v. 245. Moliere, an agreeable surprise in one of his plays, ii. 171; used to read all his comedies to an old woman, 374; his thoughts on popular ballads alluded to, 398.
Moll White, a reputed witch, account of her, ii. 453.
Molly and Betty, their history, proving the value of knowledge to women, iv. 301, 302.
Moloch, his appropriate character, iii. 211; his rash and furious speech, 212; wounded, the idea taken from the Iliad, 241.
Moluc, Muly, his magnanimous death, iii. 341.
Momus, why the son of Darkness and Sleep, iv. 149; many critics of the same family, ib.
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