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Leeward Islands, a Protestant war with
the Pope beneficial to, ii. 127; in danger,
v. 360; a Commission to search into
losses in, 361.

Legends, on medals examined, i. 345, &c. ;
of the saints, a branch of princely learn-
ing, v. 32.

Legerdemain of state, where taught, iii.


Leges Convivales of Ben Jonson, a pa-
rallel to them, ii. 252.

Leghorn, a free port, and the great resort
of other nations to it, i. 490; profits it
yields to the Duke of Tuscany, ib.; Ga-
bels and impositions, 491.
Legislature, implies a power of changing,
repealing, and suspending, as well as of
making laws, iv 459.

Leman lake described, with the towns on
it, i. 509, 510.

L'Envoye de Danemarc, letter to, v. 482.
Leo, the sign, why it precedes Virgo, iv.
270; affects the legs and neck, ib.
Leo the Second, of Cambridge, proposes
himself as under-roarer for that uni-
versity, iv. 247.

Leo X., a great patron of learning; poet-
ical entertainnient performed at his villa,
iv. 222.

Leonilla, the daughter of Leontine, ii. 470;
her secret passion for Florio, 471; is in-
formed of the secret of her birth, and
married to him, 472.

Leonora, a lady of quality, her library de-
scribed, ii. 301; her romantic character,
303; her friendship for Sir Roger de
Coverley, ib.; her letter to the Spectator,
reminding him of his promised cata-
logue of books for the female sex, 408;
a young lady, her letter on the death of
her lover, iii. 4, 5; arguments for her
consolation, 6; personates an Indian
king, at a masquerade, iv. 282; marries
Lucifer, ib.

Leontine and Eudoxus, story of, ii. 469.
Leopold, the archduke, an equestrian sta-
tue of him at Inspruck, i. 534.
Leos, the best of the popes, iv. 219.
Lesbia, Catullus's Ode to, iii. 115.
Lesbian fable of Lucian, finely varied and
improved, iv. 173, note.

L'Espagnol, Mons., letter to, v. 328.
L'Estrange, Sir Roger, application of his
Fable of the Boys and Frogs, ii. 278.
Lethe, use of its waters, ii. 124.
Letter from Italy to Lord Halifax, i. 29.
I etters to the Tatler: from Amsterdam, ii.
3; from Nicholas Humdruin, 119; from
the Upholsterer to Mr Bickerstaffe, on
the good news, 136, 137; from a chap-
lain, on being dismissed for eating a
jelly, 198.

Letters to the Spectator: complaining of the
masquerade, ii. 248; from Mr Charles
Lillie, 268; from a valetudinarian, 278;
from a projector respecting sign-posts,

285; from the master of the show at
Charing Cross respecting a rope-dancing
monkey, 287, 288; a husband plagued
with a female gossip, 324; from an
ogling-master, 325; from Sam. Hope-
well, on his long courtship, 402; from
Leonora, reminding the Spectator of the
catalogue, 408; from Will. Wimble to
Sir Roger de Coverley, with a jack, 437;
to the Spectator, describing the state of
the town, during the Spectator's ab-
sence, 482; from a lawyer on the cir-
cuit, giving an account of the progress
of the fashions in the country, 488;
from Will. Honeycomb, inviting the
Spectator back to town, 495; from a
lady, on the recent death of her lover,
iii. 5; of Theodosius to Constantine, 8;
of Father Francis, 11; from a gentle
man in the army, filled with French
phrases, 14; on an unfortunate marri-
age, 41; describing a periodical sleeper,
49; exposing paternal cruelty, 58; from
George Gosling, respecting a number in
the lottery, 62; from a bastard, com-
plaining of his illegitimacy, 76; from
Belvidera, on female libertines, 77, 78,
&c.; from Robin Goodfellow, correcting
Sir W. Temple's rule for drinking, 80;
from Melissa, who has a drone for her
husband, 90; from Barnaby Brittle, de-
scribing his wife as a mare, 91; from
Josiah Henpeck, who is married to a
grimalkin, ib.; from Martha Tempest,
complaining of her witty husband, ib. ;
on the Lover's Leap, from Esculapius
and Athenais, 112, 113; from Davyth ap
Shenkyn, 114; on diffidence in public
company, 118; from Asteria, on her ab-
sent lover, 133, 134; from Mr. Timothy
Doodle, on innocent sports and pas-
times, 140; from T. B., on the consola-
tions of absent lovers, 141; from Troilus,
on the University Greeks and Trojans,
142; from Ralph Crotchet, on the cries
of London, 149; from correspondents, a
double advantage to the Spectator, 287;
from Tom Trippet, on the Spectator's
Greek quotations, 287, 288; from C. D.,
on Sir Roger de Coverley's coming to
town, 288, 289; from a showman, 289,
from Josiah Fribble, on pin-money, 306,
307; from Jack Anvil, 310; from Tim.
Watchwell, on fortune-stealers, 317,
318; from Pug, the monkey, to his mis-
tress, by Jack Freelove, 336, 337, &c.;
to the Spectator, from 'Squire Shallow,
on cat-calls at the theatre, 344, 345; on
whims and humourists, 350; from Co-
penhagen, describing the seasons there,
370; on the merry fellows, and their in-
firmary for the cure of ill-humour, 441,
442; from a projector, with a ludicrous
specimen of news, 462; a news-letter
of whispers proposed, 467; from B. D.,
about her lover, Mr. Shapely, 496; from

a humourist in gardening, 499, 502; a de-
scription of a cot-quean, 507; from Will.
Honeycomb, on conjugal affection, with
a vision of a female procession from a be-
sieged town, iv. 16, 18; from Philogamus,
in praise of marriage, 19, 21; from Titus
Trophonius, the Moorfields oneirocritic,
23, 24; from Will. Honeycomb, on fairs
for the sale of unmarried women, &c.,
28; containing a thought in sickness,
34; from Edward Biscuit, giving an ac-
count of Sir Roger de Coverley's illness
and death, 38, 39; from Will. Honey-
comb, on his marriage to a farmer's
daughter, 51; from a young lady, pro-
posing a new employment for beaux,
60, 61; describing a set of insignificant
fellows called shoeing-horns, 62; from
Philo-Spec., proposing an election of
new members to the Spectator's club,
69, 70; praising the Spectator in a con-
cealed but diverting way, 74; from Sir
Andrew Freeport, on his retirement
from the world, and his future scheme
of life, 78; from the ambassador of Ban-
tam to his master, on English compli-
ments, 87; to the Spectator from a
widow-hunter, with an account of the
Widow Club, 95; on the condition of
intellectual beings under a sense of
God's omnipresence, 112, 113; on the
Deity's presence in heaven, 128; from
Shalum to Hilpa, 139; from Hilpa to
Shalum, 140.

Letters to the Guardian: from Simon
Softly, on his courtship of a rich widow,
iv. 169; from Paris, describing the
king's palaces, 182; from Blois, de-
scribing the French nation, 183, 184;
another from Blois, interesting to those
who are versed in British antiquities,
190; on the manners and language of
the French, 192; from Feter Puzzle,
with the vision of a window in a lady's
bosom, 196; from a projector, on no-
menclators, 199; from Messrs. Whiston
and Ditton, on the means of determin-
ing the longitude, 200, 201; of remon-
strance, from the secretary of the Tall
Club, 202; from half a dozen super-
annuated beauties, approving the paper
on tuckers, 205; from Olivia, on the
same subject, 206; of criticism on Dry-
den's plays, 207; from Alexander to
Aristotle, 211; to Mr. Ironside from
Dædalus, on the art of flying, 214;
from an honest citizen in his honey-
moon, 216; from Tom Plain, on petti-
coats, 220; from Tom Tremble, a Quak-
er, on naked bosoms, 224; from Leonilla
Figleaf, proposing herself as a lioness,
228; from Jackall, 229; from N. R.,
offering himself as an outriding lion,
230; a bit for the lion on female game-
sters, 231; from Ned Mum, of the Silent
Club, 234; from an obedient ward of

Mr. Ironside's, 236; enclosing one from
a mother to a person who had abused
her daughter, 245; from Leo the Second
of Cambridge, 247; ; from Humphrey
Binicorn, 248; a song for the lion's
mouth, ib.; from P. N., praising the
lion, 249; on fashionable nakedness,
251, 252; containing the story of An-
drocles and the lion, 267; from Mr.
Ironside to Pope Clement VIII., on
tuckers and petticoats, 271; to Mr.
Ironside from Lucifer, describing a
masquerade, 279; relating an instance
of the value of knowledge to females,
301; from two daily readers and Will.
Wasp, on the ants, 305; one relating
the comments of an angry gentleman
on the same subject, 305, 306; recom-
mending French wines, 307; from a
chaplain in a noble family, 316; with an
extract of a Latin poem by Sir Thomas
More, 317; from an alchymist, who had
deluded Mr. Ironside, 324.

Letters sent to the Spectator commended
by the public, iv. 67.

Letters to and from Addison. See Addi-
son, and the names of his respective cor-

Letter-droppers of antiquity, ii. 346.
Leucas, an island of the Ionian Sea, for-
merly joined to Acarnania, iii. 112.
Leucate, a promontory of Acarnania, why
famous, iii. 106.

Levant trade of England, its prosperity on
what depending, iv. 344.

Levee-hunting, cured by a pennyworth of
the Spectator, iv. 75.

Leviathans, in a spoonful of vinegar, ii. 72.
Levity, personified, in the vision of hu-

man life, ii. 78; female, no less fatal
after marriage than before, 486.
Lewis, Mr. Erasmus, v. 348; Mr. Stepney's
legacy to him, 363; letter to, 348.
Leyden, its Anatomical Museum, v. 339.
Libel, most approved when aimed at great
men, iii. 160; punished by the Romans
with death, 458; specimen of a curious
one, iv. 106; often used when argument
fails, 469.

Libertines, female, a letter on, iii. 77, 78,
&c.; ashamed of decency, 121; those of
Charles II.'s reign, almost put Christi-
anity out of countenance, v. 34.
Liberty, apostrophe to, i. 35; how repre-
sented by medalists and poets, 291;
the goddess of, described in a vision, ii.
139; leads Monarchy into the hall of
Public Credit, 239; civil, what may be
properly so called, iii. 296; its natural
fruits, riches and plenty, 298.
Libra, the reigning constellation of Rome
and Italy, i. 297.

Library, of a lady, described, ii. 301; for
the lion, proposed, iv. 251.
Licences for wearing canes, perspective
glasses, perfumes, &c., ii. 44.

Licentiousness described as leading an
army against Liberty, ii. 142.
Lichtenstein, Prince, v. 362.

Lie, a pernicious monosyllable, ii. 204;
the giving of, the great violation of the
point of honour from man, 423.
Lies, certain ones, adapted to particular
climates and latitudes, iv. 424.
Life, described in holy writ by the path of
an arrow, ii. 282; its gaps and chasms,
412; methods for filling them up, ib.;
its stages, produce revolutions in the
mind of man, iii. 2; termed a pilgrim-
age, in Scripture, and by heathen phi-
losophers, 100; its end like the winding
up of a play, 340; its great ends and
purposes, iv. 120; every station of it has
its proper duties, 134.

Light and colours, ideas and not qua-
lities, iii. 402.

Lightning on sale, ii. 4; sold by the
pound, iv. 187.

Lights, when well disposed in assemblies,
their effect on the temper, ii. 48.
Ligurians, ancient, their character, i. 361.
Lillie, Charles, his office under the censor

of Great Britain, ii. 45; his reports, 188.
Limbo of Vanity, an objectionable alle-
gory in Paradise Lost, iii. 200.
Limborch, his objections to Jewish cere-
monies answered by Acosta, iii. 93.
Limbs, in wax, custom of hanging them in
Catholic churches, whence derived, i.

Lindaw, on the Lake of Constance, de-
scribed, i. 533; formerly bombarded by
Gustavus Adolphus, ib.

Lintott, Mr., letter from Steele, v. 405.
Linus, his observation on hope, iii. 492.
Lion, an emblem of Africa, i. 322; the
one in the Haymarket occasions many
conjectures in the town, ii. 259; very
gentle to the Spectator, 260; an emblem
of the English nation, 348; his make
corresponding with his temper and
passions, 462; that at Button's described,
iv. 218; his roarings to be published
once a week, 219; morsels from his
maw, 228; a lioness, 229; an outriding
lion, 230; a bit for the lion, 231; his
roarings, 234; more roarings, 247; a
song for him, 248, 249; his temporary
silence accounted for, 250; a library
for him proposed, 251; roars against
untuckered necks, ib.; honoured by a
history of the species, 267; story of
Androcles, 268; astrologer's remarks on
his nativity, 269.

Lioness proposed, iv. 229.

Lions, spies of great men so called, iv. 162;
etymology, 163; account of those kept
by Walsingham, ib.; the present race
described, 164.

Lipogrammatists or letter-droppers of an-
tiquity, ii. 346.

Liquors, no bribery in, iv. 307.

Liriope, the Nereid, ravished by Cephisus,
i. 125.

Liris, or Garigliano, described, i. 422.
Lisbon, slop-clothes of the English fleet
carried to the custom-house there, v. 508.
Lister, Dr., v. 327.

Little, use of its two comparatives, less
and lesser, i. 3, note.

Littleton, Lord, had a most admirable
talent at an et cætera, ii. 99.

Liutprand, King, said to have brought
the corpse of St. Austin to Pavia, i. 365.
Lives of great men cannot be properly
written within a short space after their
decease, v. 29.

Livia, how represented on medals, i. 264.
Livy, his excellence as an historian, iii.

425; has not the convulsions of Tacitus,
nor Addison the nerves of Montesquieu,
iv. 147, note.

Lizard, Lady, prevailed on to take a box
at Tom D'Urfey's benefit, iv. 160, 161;
her learning and industry, 283; her
daughters rudely rallied by their cousin
Tom, 312.

Lloyd, Rev. John, letter to, on his "God,
a poem," v. 612.

Lloyd's Coffee-house, minutes of the Spec-

tator found and read there, ii. 322; va-
rious comments on them by the hearers,

Loaden, why used for loaded, iv. 91, note.
Loadstone, its soul, ii. 336; the means
of correspondence between two absent
friends, iii. 135.

Loaves and fishes, those miracles attribut-
ed by Celsus to magic, v. 110.
Locke, Mr., his reflection on the dif-
ference of wit and judgment, ii. 357;
his remarks on thought and time, 415:
his instance of the association of ideas
in the belief in goblins and spirits, 441;
his instance of Providence in the form-
ation of the meanest creatures, 461; his
remark on the interspersion of evil with
good, iii. 366; on the doctrine of light
and colours, 403; on the scale of being,
superior and inferior to man, iv. 43;
his examination of the idea of an in-
comprehensible Supreme Being, 53; his
rule for explaining elliptical forms of
speech, 144.

Locke, John, appointed a Lord of Trade,
v. 420.

Lodgings, the Spectator's difficulty of set-
tling in, ii. 256.

Logic, necessary in criticism, iii. 195; of

no avail with female disputants, v. 18.
Logic Lane, a passage in Oxford, why se
called, iii. 131.

London, an emporium of the whole earth,

ii. 370; an aggregate of various nations,
iii. 379; Lord Mayor of, letters to, v.
441, 490.
London and Wise, gardeners to the play-
house, a treaty with them, ii. 243.

Londoners, some silly ones, pass in the
country for wits, iv. 482.
Longinus, distinguishes true wit from
puns, ii. 356, 357; quotes an ode of
Sappho, iii. 108; reference to his criti-
cisms on a fragment from Sappho, 117;
his observation on genius, 197, 198; his
remark on the sublime and the pathetic,
243; his precept on sublime writing,
244; praises the description of a storm
by Homer, iv. 8; mention's Ajax's si-
lence as a noble instance of the sublime,
235; his admirable rule for attaining
the sublime, 272.
Longitude, letter from Messrs. Whiston
and Ditton, on a discovery for ascertain-
ing it, iv. 200, 201.

Loo, social affections vilely prostituted to
it, iv. 232.

Looking-glass and the Gay Old Woman,
a fable, iii. 457.

Lord Mayor and Aldermen, at St. Paul's,
and by good luck only two of that body
asleep, v. 71.

Lord's Prayer considered, iii. 84.
Loretto, the riches of its holy house and
treasury, i. 408; why never attacked by
the Christians or Turks, ib.; hint on
which the imposture was probably
founded, 409.

Lorrain, the Duke of, killed at the battle
of Pavia, buried in the convent of the
Austrian monks there, i. 365; the late
duke of, the palace at Inspruck assigned
to him by the emperor, 534.
Lorrain, the Pretender's exploits among
the game there, v. 33.
Lostwithiel, Addison elected for, v. 425.
Lottery, notion of lucky numbers in, iii.

61; premium advertised for one, 62.
Loubere, M. de la, his account of ants'
nests in Siam, iv. 293.

Louis XIV., his ambition and cruelty, i.
7; humbled by the Duke of Marl-
borough, 53; medallic history of, criti-
cised, 350; why admired by the emperor
of Morocco, iv. 439; his method of
raising money, 465; and of depreciating
specie, 466; warned by a letter of Lord
Bolingbroke not to persist in reducing
Barcelona, v. 418.

Louis d'ors, called in and re-issued at a
higher value, iv. 465.

Loungers, a flourishing society of people,
iv. 247.

Louse, is itself a lousy creature, ii. 172.
Love, the animating principle of the soul,
ii. 23; allegory on its pains and plea-
sures, 24; compared to fire, 359; a
strong ingredient in jealousy, iii. 22;
when feigned, often more successful
than true love, 168; reflection on its
pleasures compared to those of sense,
254; the mother of poetry, 353 ; a neu-
tral leader in the war of the sexes, iv.
275; Seneca's nostrum for, v. 37.

Love of God, how emphatically recom-
mended in Scripture, iv. 116.

Love of one's country recommended as a
moral virtue, iv. 411; instances of it in
several nations, ib.; the most sublime
and essential of all social virtues, 412;
persons eminent in other virtues, distin-
guished by this, 413.

Love and friendship, a struggle between,
in the story of two negroes, iii. 97
Love for Love, character of a cruel father
in that comedy, iii. 58.

Love-adventure of Monsieur Pontignan,
ii. 407.

Lover, grieves at the shortness of time, ii.
412; why teased with the thought of
Mrs. Anne Page, iv. 332; visited by his
unfortunate fellow-sufferers, 335.
Lovers, a band of them in the Vision of
Human Life, ii. 76; unwilling to part
with their burdens at the Mountain of
Miseries, iv. 90; computed by Sir W.
Petty to make a third part of the sensi-
ble men in the British nation, 407.
Lover's Leap, a fatal experiment to Sap-
pho, iii. 106; its situation described, ib.,
112; account of persons who took it,


Loyalty, of an active nature, iv. 420; in a
religious nation, will keep pace with
morality, 421; personified in the High-
lander's vision, 407.

Lucan, his allusion to the olive as a token
of peace, i. 276; his description of
Egypt, 323; represents Italy addressing
Julius Cæsar, 332; his account of the
Parthians, 333; his style not that of
poetry but of declamation, 336, note;
his description of the harbour of Mo-
naco, 360; his reflections on the Po
ridiculed by Scaliger, 397; his descrip-
tion of the road from Anxur to Rome,
422: his prophecy, the desolation of
Latium, fulfilled, 487; forfeits his claim
as a poet, by appearing as an historian
in the Temple of Fame, ii. 15; his poet-
ry too epigrammatic, iii. 187; his un-
necessary digressions, 201; his eminent
station on the floating Parnassus, iv.
223; his poetry characterized by Strada,
237; his verse on Cato, 378; his Phar-
salia, a translation of it desirable, v.
48; beholden to antiquity for a certain
privilege in style, 224.

Lucas, of Colchester, why a noble family,
ii. 423.

Lucca, the republic of, industry of its
inhabitants, i. 493; under the king of
Spain's protection, 494; was in danger
of ruin, ib.; the great contempt the in-
habitants have for the Florentines, and
why the latter never attacked them, ib.
Lucia, daughter of Cato, i. 183, 184, 202,
211, 213, 223.

Lucian, his gods, an instance of the
second species of ridicule, iii. 148; his

manner imitated by Mr. Addison, 367,
369, note, iv. 297.
Lucifer, his letter to Mr. Ironside, de-
scribing a masquerade, iv. 279.
Lucius, a senator, (in Cato,) i. 187, 191,
215, 223.

Lucius, Pope, his tomb at Verona, i. 378.
Lucius Verus, a medal of his victory over
the Parthians, i. 311; an excellent bust
of him at Florence, 497.
Lucretia, her deplorable fate, ii. 69.
Lucretius, motto from, on the Dialogues

on Medals, i. 253; his metaphor of the
sun-beams, 320; a believer in appari-
tions, ii. 442; his station on the float-
ing Parnassus, iv. 222; his poetry cha-
racterized by Strada, 238.

Lucrine lake, its springs sunk by an
earthquake, i. 432.

Ludlow, Edmund, his retreat in Switzer-

land, i. 513; his tomb and epitaph, ib.
Lukewarm allegiance as fatal as treason,
iv. 450.

Lully, Signor Baptist, his success in im-
proving French music, ii. 290.
Lust, in whom it is virtuous love, ii. 75;
its temple, in the vision of human life,
79; a leader in the war of the sexes, iv.

Lute, the part it bears in a concert or in
conversation, ii. 116; where to be met
with, 118.

Luxury, pernicious to a republic, i. 527;

its contest with Avarice, ii. 332; alle-
gory on it, 334; is artificial poverty, iv.


Lybia turned to a waste of sand by the
misconduct of Phaëton, i. 94.
Lycurgus, his expedient to encourage mar-
riage among the Spartans, iv. 180.
Lying, political, why so common, iv. 26;
the guilt not palliated by the numbers
who share in it, ib.

Lying by, a fatal consequence of neglect
in laying in provisions for manhood and
old age, iv. 210.

Lyons, a branch of the Rhone passing to
it, i. 515.

Lyrics, modern, infected by conceits and
false wit, iii. 105.

Lysippus, his noble statue of Alexander,
iii. 408.

Macbeth, behaviour of a lady of quality
on seeing that tragedy, ii. 321.
Maccaronies, drolls so called in Italy, ii.

Mac Flecno, extract from, ii. 345.
Machiavel, his office described in a vision,
ii. 89.

Machinæ gesticulantes, Anglicè, A puppet
show, poema, i. 249.

Mackerel-fishery benefited by the news of
the French king's death, iii. 381.
Macrobius mentions the slaughter of the
innocents by Herod, v. 108.

[blocks in formation]

Magic, natural, a ridiculous piece of,
taught by Democritus, iv. 33.
Magic, practised in the time of our Sa-
viour made the heathen less attentive
to his miracles, v. 104; our Saviour's
miracles said to have been wrought by
it, 110; proved to be inconsistent with
our religion, 111.

Magician at a masquerade, iv. 282.
Magna Charta hung up in the hall of
Public Credit, ii. 237.

Mahmoud, Sultan, a story of advice told
him by his vizier, iv. 32, 33.
Mahomet, his wonderful adventure with
the angel Gabriel, ii. 416; suspension
of his iron coffin at Mecca, iii. 60, 61;
why he enforced his doctrines with the
sword, v. 82.

Mahomet's she-disciples, how obliged to
dress, iv. 253.

Mahometans, their care of written or

printed papers, ii. 395; their supposed
belief in the transmigration of souls, iii.

Maid, simile on one, in Valentinian, iv.

Maids of honour, their allowance of beef
at breakfast in the reign of Queen Eliza-
beth, ii. 107.

Maintenon, Madame de, to preside over
the petticoat politicians, iii. 314; a most
virtuous and accomplished woman, iv.
284, note.

Maitre d'hotel, the chief lay officer of the
abbot of St. Gaul, i. 522.
Majesty, a title given to kings, iii 99.
Makebate, Elizabeth, indicted in the Court
of Honour, ii. 210.

Making a sermon, an arch expression,
iii. 285, note.

Malcontent, a competitor at a grinning-
match, iii. 32.

Malcontents, their cause supported by
falsehood, iv. 421; extravagant cre-
dulity in members of their party, 450;
by what principle actuated, and how to
be quelled, 463; the most considerate,
feel remorse at their proceedings, 499;
their insults to the king, v. 90; arising
from a presumption on the known lenity
of his government, 91: advice of a great
moralist recommended to them, 102
Males, only, among birds, have voices, ii.
485; account of a republic of them, iii.
431, 432; alliance with the Amazons,
434; and union, 435.

Mall, frequented by politicians about din-
ner-time, ii. 126.

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