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Americans, their belief that all creatures
have souls, ii. 335; exemplified in a
vision of one of their countrymen, 336.
Ammianus Marcellinus, testifies the mi-
racle which stopped the rebuilding of
the temple at Jerusalem, v. 135.
Ammonius of Alexandria, a Christian
convert, v. 118.

Amomum, a production of Arabia, i. 335.
Amorous men, most susceptible of jea-
lousy, iii. 24.

Amphion, a statue of him at Florence, i.

Amphitheatre, ruins of at Rimini, i. 402.
Amras, castle, near Inspruck, large col-
lection of medals there, i. 536.
Amsterdam, letter from, respecting the
theatre, ii. 3; a standing jest there,
Amusements of life, when innocent, ne-
cessary and allowable, ii. 414.
Anabaptism personified, ii. 208.
Anacharsis humorously claimed the prize
in a drinking-match at Corinth, iv. 110.
Anachronism in the tragedy of dipus,

ii. 311.

Anacreon, choked in old age by a grape-"
stone, iv. 159.

"Anagram of a man," ii. 349.

Anagrams, an invention of the monkish
ages, ii. 349; a regiment of, in the tem-
ple of Dulness, 363.

Anarchy, a phantom in the hall of Public
Credit, ii. 239.

Anatomist, a heathen one, his hymn to
the Supreme Being, ii. 72.
Anatomy, affords proofs of the wisdom
and power of the Deity, iv. 70.
Anaximander, his reply on being laughed
at for his singing, iv. 255.
Ancestors, their actions should excite us
to virtue, iv. 264.

Ancestry and title, render good men more
illustrious, and bad more contemptible,
iv. 244.

Ancient authors, the reading of them dan-
gerous when perverted, v. 85.
Ancients, excel the moderns in works of
genius, iii. 147; inferior to the moderns
in architecture, 407; had the advantage
of the moderns, in knowing the secret
history of literary works, v. 214; and
the persons hinted at in several of their
authors, 217; in understanding the cant
phrases of their humorous authors, 219;
in living among the scenes described
by their poets, ib.; and being of the
same nation with the heroes of their
poems, 221; had a still higher pleasure
in the perusal of their orators, 222;
their knowledge of the sound and har-
mony of their language, 223; certain
beauties which their works have ac-
quired from their antiquity, 224; idio-
matical and vulgar expressions thus
rendered less offensive, 225; and over-

strained expressions less distinguish
able, 226.

Ancona, its port made by Trajan, i. 407;
arch erected in gratitude to him, ib.
Andrews, Bishop, punned sinners into re-
pentance, ii. 354.

Androcles and the lion, a story, iv. 268.
Andromache, a great fox-hunter, ii. 340.
Angels, the battle of, in Paradise Lost,
iii. 238.

Anger in mirth like poison in a per-
fume, v. 26.

Anguish of heart often proceeds from
imaginary distresses, iv. 313.
Animals at a theatre, a sale, ii. 1; imper-
ceptible ones in the creation, 172; the
different make of every species, 457;
the instinct of brutes exemplified in
several instances, 458, 459; God him-
self the soul of brutes, 461; the variety
of arms with which they are provided
by nature, 462; formation of the oyster
and the mole, 462, 463; diversified by
magnitude and species, iv. 71; cor-
respondence of parts in their form-
ation, 72.

Anio, river, now called Teverone, de-
scribed by Horace, i. 483.

Anjou, duke of, splendid procession at
Naples on his accession to the crown of
Spain, i. 424; a panegyric on him by
the Examiner, iv. 376.

Annals of the Pretender's fourteen years'
reign, v. 31, 32.

Anne the First, idea of an imaginary his-
torian describing her reign, ii. 426.
Anne, Queen, glory of her reign in Marl-
borough's victories, i. 42, 53; a project
for celebrating the glories of her reign
by medals, iv. 167, 168; called by the
Pretender his dear sister of glorious
memory, 430; her creation of twelve
peers in one day, v. 339; proclaims
Thanksgiving Day for Union with Scot-
land, 361; reprimands Lower House of
Convocation, ib.; grant to Addison, 632.
Annius Verus, a curious bust of him at
Florence, i. 500.

Annuity Bill passed, v. 361.

Annunciation, the church of, at Genoa,
its richness and splendour, i. 363.
Annus magnus, or Platonical Year, i. 288.
Ano-Caprea, the greatest town on the isle
of Caprea, i. 443.

Anomalies, in Mr. Addison's style, cor-
rected, iv. 12, note.

Antanaclasis, a species of pun, ii. 355.
Antediluvian novel, iv. 137 billet doux,
the only one extant, 140; exquisite
manner of treating the story, 142,

Antenor, his pretended tomb at Padua, i.

Anthony, St., the protecting saint of Pa-
dua, i. 379; conjecture on a natural
perfume arising from his bones, ib.; his

discourse to an assembly of fish, ib.;
titles given to him in an inscription by
a poor peasant, 384.
Anticlea, mother of Ulysses, appearance
of her ghost to him, i. 111.
Anticlimax, a figure in which the Ex-
aminer excels, iv. 380; one quoted by
Mr. Dryden, and another from the
French, 381; another from the Ex-
aminer, ib.

Antiluminaries, literary, iv. 134.

difference of the northern from the
southern side, 503.

Apollo, statue of, beside Sannazarius's
tomb, i. 426; ruins of his temple at
Cuma, 452; a statue of him in brass at
Florence, with an unintelligible inscrip-
tion, 497; a statue of him at Florence,
499; his temple on the top of Leucate,
by whom frequented, and for what
purpose, iii. 106; Apollo and the Critic,
a story, 198.

Antinous, his statue in the Belvidere, i. Apollo Belvidere described on coin, i. 475;

Antioch, described on a medal and by the
poets, i. 334.

Antiochus, his passion for his mother-in-
law, how discovered, iii. 117.
Antipathies, subject of, a proper field for
false surprisers in story-telling, iv. 63;
instance of the picture of a cat on a
sign-post, 64; the paper certainly not
written by Mr. Addison, 66, note.
Antiphanes, his representation of the life
of man, iii. 302.

Anti-pope, account of one, calling himself
Felix the Fifth, i. 511.
Antiquarianism ridiculed, i. 261.
Antiquaries, and writers on antiquities,
wherein faulty, i. 466; uncertainty of
their knowledge, 469.

Antiquated ways of writing revived by the
Guardian, iv. 273.

Antiquities, two sets in Rome, and the
great difference between them, i. 459.
Antium, its extensive ruins, i. 455; for-
merly famous for the Temple of Fortune,

Antonia, her bust at Florence, i. 496.
Antonine, the Emperor, presented with a
crown of gold by the Parthians, i. 333;
his pillar described, 478.

Antonine family, their busts in a palace
of Prince Cesarini, i. 469.
Antoninus Pius, two coins stamped in
his reign, i. 464; a bust, 469.
Ants, a natural history of, from the French,
iv. 286; their nest described, 288;
mode of laying up their corn, ib. ; time
of working, 289; their mode of carrying
burdens, 290; expedient to try their
industry, 292; their antipathy to wet,
293; those of Siam live in trees, ib.;
curious experiment, 294; never go into
any hole but their own, ib.; are not
hospitable, 295; their trade, ib.; pun-
ishments, 296; mercury a poison to
them, ib.; the history deemed by some
readers a court satire, 304.

Anvil, Jack, (Sir John Enville,) his letter
to the Spectator, iii. 310.
Anxur, one of the summer retirements of
the ancient Romans, i. 423.
Ape, a species of female formed from it,
iii. 87.
Apennines, variety of scenes on passing,
i. 414; described by the Latin poets, 502;


said to resemble Dr. Margery Young,
ii. 169; the god of verse and physic, 178.
Apollodorus, a saying of his on cats and
whore-masters, iii 75.

Apology, an artful one, for an hyperbole,
ii. 421, note; of Mr. Addison, for treat-
ing a sublime subject in a popular way,
iv. 132, note.

Aposiopesis, an et cætera so called, ii. 99.
Apostles, not much worshipped by the
Catholics of Italy, i. 368.

Apostles and disciples, their unwearied
zeal in propagating the gospel, v. 119;
how they perpetuated their tradition by
ordaining persons to succeed them, 120;
their tradition, how preserved during
the first three centuries, 123; secured
by other excellent institutions, 126; but
chiefly by the writings of the evangel-
ists, 127; prophecies of our Saviour to
them fulfilled, 132.

Apothecary, his employment, iii. 65.
Apothecaries, great orators, ii. 180.
Apotheosis of Homer, a basso relievo, i.

Apparitions, the creation of weak minds,
ii. 440.

Appeal to the people, a test of literary
merit, iv. 174.

Appetite, literary, how quickened, iv. 263.
Appetites, lust and hunger the most vio-
lent in all creatures, ii. 458.

Appian Way, more used by the noble Ro-
mans than any other in Italy, i. 422.
Apples, an ingredient in British cham-
pagne, ii. 92.

Approbation, a curious mode of express-
ing it at the theatre, iii. 126.
April, the first of, the merriest day in the
year, ii. 327.

Aqua Tofana, v. 472.
Aquapendente described, i. 488.
Aqueduct from Mount St. Francis to

Spoletto, i. 409; Roman aqueducts, 484.
Aquila, a Christian proselyte, excommu-
nicated for practising magic, v. 112.
Aquilia Severa, her bust at Florence, i.


Arabia, represented on a medal, and de-
scribed by the poets, i. 335; filled by
Mahomet with a medley of religion and
bloodshed, v. 82.

Arabian Nights' Tales, story of the king
and physician from, iii. 63.

Arabian tale, illustrating the good effects
of complaisance, iv. 314.
Arbitrary power, too great for man, iv.
394; essential to Popery, iv. 446.
Archimedes, takes his seat in the Temple
of Fame, ii. 16.

Architecture, the history of, to be col-
lected from old coins, i. 264; various
branches of knowledge it comprehends,
268; with what design invented, ii. 51;
its tendency to produce the primary
pleasures of imagination, iii. 407; noble
works of Babylon and Egypt, 407, 408;
Chinese wall, 408; its most striking
figures the concave and convex, 409.
Arengo, the great council of St. Marino,
i. 405.

Aretine, the satirist, boasted to have laid
the Sophi of Persia under contribution,
ii. 277.

Argentre, Monsieur d', notices the extra-
vagant head-dresses of the fourteenth
century, ii. 421.

Arguing in a catechetical method, intro-
duced by Socrates, iii. 130, 131.
Arguments for the immortality of the
soul, ii. 443; out of a pretty mouth,
unanswerable, iv. 408.

Argumentum basilinum, or baculinum,
what, iii. 131.

Argyle, Duke of, his duel with Lord Craw-
ford, v. 357.

Aridæus, a youth of Epirus, how cured by
the Lover's Leap, iii. 122.

Arignote, daughter of Pythagoras, a learn-
ed woman, iv. 320.

Ariosto, his monument in the Benedictine
church at Ferrara, i. 398.

Aristenætus, his description of a beauti-
ful woman applied to wit, ii. 356.
Aristides, an Athenian philosopher, con-
verted to Christianity, v. 114.
Aristippus, his reply to one who condoled

with him on the loss of a farm, iv. 117.
Aristophanes, his ridicule of Socrates, ii.
276; an allegory on which a play of his
is founded, iii. 481; his comedy of the
Clouds needed his explanation, v. 217.
Aristotle claims a fifth place in the Tem-
ple of Fame, ii. 15; his observations on
Iambic verse, 305; respecting tragedy,
306, 308, 311; his recommendation of
several species of puns, 354; belonging
to the second class of great geniuses,
506; his notion of the world and its
Creator, iii. 16; his remark on sculp-
ture applied to education, 96; the in-
ventor of syllogisms, 131; what he
means by greatness of action in epic
poetry, 179; his remark on the excite-
ment of terror and pity, 184; his rules
for epic, why not perfect, 185; the best
critic because the best logician, 195; a
pattern for regular writing, 497; letter
from Alexander to him, iv. 211; his re-
ply to bitter invectives, 254; his mode

of characterizing two competitors for
the succession to his school, 386; pre-
fers a mixed government to all others,
v. 88.

Aristus and Aspasia, their characters, ii.
487; their virtues blended in their chil-
dren, ib.

Armida, an Amazonian enchantress, ii.

Arms, represented bare on old Roman
statues, i. 461.

Army, an enraged one sublimely described
in Scripture, iv. 447.

Arnobius asserts that men of the finest
parts and learning embraced Christian-
ity, v. 117.

Arrogance offensive to the Deity, iii. 306.
Arrow, its path an emblem of life, ii.

Arsenal of Venice described, i. 389; of
Berne described, 518.

Arsinoe, the first opera that gave us a
taste for Italian music, ii. 269.
Art, its productions imperishable, iii. 16;
its works less pleasing to the imagina
tion than those of nature, 403; of Cri-
ticism, Mr. Addison's strictures on that
poem, a proof of his candour and gen-
tleness, 153, note; passages cited as
precepts and examples, 155.

Arthur, King, the first who ever sat down
to a whole roasted ox, ii. 106.
Arthur, Prince, brother of Henry VIII.,
his statue at Inspruck, i. 535.
Articles of Tory belief, iv. 452.
Artifice, an ill contrived one, in a tragic
poet, for moving pity, ii. 312.

Artillery, why introduced into the battle
of the angels, iii. 238.

Artist, wherein he has the advantage of
an author, iii. 16.

Arts, several acquired without learning
them, ii. 398.

Arts and sciences, in the train of Liberty,
ii. 140.

As, improperly used for that, iv. 56, note.
As in præsenti, a fund of quotations for
sermons, iii. 103.

As much as, the comparative used im-
properly, ii. 445, note.

Ashe, Dr. St. George. See Clogher, Bp. of.
Ashe, Dillon, v. 377.

Aspasia, her character, ii. 487; said to
have taught eloquence to Socrates, iii.

Ass, between two bundles of hay, a case
put by the schoolmen, iii. 60; a species
of women made from the ingredients
which compose that animal, 87.
Ass-races, at Coleshill, iii. 31.
Assembly, an irregular one, information
against, ii. 247.

Assemblies, polite, party rage prevailing
in, v. 26.

Assertions, impudent, pass for arguments,
iv. 375.

Assiento contract, a witness called by
Count Tariff, iv. 368, note; v. 655.
Assizes, western, in the reign of James
II. reprobated, v. 14.

Association of honest men proposed, to
neutralize party-spirit, ii. 478; form of
their declaration, ib.

Associations of ideas instanced from Mr.
Locke, ii. 441.

Asteria, her letter to the Spectator on her
absent lover, iii. 133, 134.

Asti, the frontier town of Savoy, i. 505.
Astræus, a servant of Pythagoras, emi-
nent in the list of his disciples, iv. 321.
Astrologer, his whimsical account of the
cause of night, iv. 133; in Moorfields,
his letter on the nativity of the lion, 269.
Astrological scales used in the Court of
Honour, ii. 190.

Astyanax compared to the morning-star,
i. 305.

Atalanta, an old maid, breaks her neck in
the Lover's Leap, iii. 123.

Athaliah, of Racine, an instance of the per-
fect sublime from that tragedy, iv. 226.
Atheism, personified, ii. 209; a phantom
in the hall of Public Credit, 239; de-
prives a man of cheerfulness. iii. 358.
Atheist, a story of one on shipboard in a
storm, ii. 59; what character more dis-
honourable than that, iv. 12.
Atheistical author, his death-bed confer-
ence with a curate, iii. 17.

Atheists, great zealots and bigots, iii. 53;
their opinions downright nonsense, ib.;
inexcusable in endeavouring to convert
a believer, 54.

Athenagoras the philosopher, a Christian
convert, v. 118.

Athenais, her letter to the Spectator in-
quiring the situation of the Lover's
Leap, iii. 113; history of her, iv. 285.
Athenian philosopher, a passage from one
concerning our Saviour, v. 114; his con-
version makes his evidence stronger,
ib.; another philosopher converted, ib.;
their evidence strengthened by their
conversion, ib.; their belief at first
founded on historical faith, ib.
Athenians, their indignation at the speech

of a covetous man in a tragedy, ii. 88;
their virtue remarkable in the case of
Euripides, iv. 415; in their contest with
Philip, required to give up their orators,

Athens, the curse of Neptune on it, how
alleviated by Minerva, v. 22.

Athletic constitution, how supported, ii.


Atlas, Mount, a judicious allusion to, i.

Atterbury, Dr., his beautiful verses on a
lady's fan, ii. 177; his controversy with
Bp. Hoadley, v. 383; writes the Address
of the Clergy of London, 396.
Attorney-general, letter to, v. 447, 455, 509.

Auchmuty, Mr. Jas., order for paying his
expenses, v. 483.

Audenarde, bravery of the Prince of
Wales at that battle, iv. 402.
Audience, proper rules for their behaviour
at a dramatic representation, ii. 85;
their taste destroyed by party rage, v. 27.
Audiences are at present void of common
sense, ii. 262.

Augsburg, the French driven from, i. 51.
Augustus, grandeur of his actions cele-

brated by Virgil, i. 157; his reverse a
thunderbolt, 298; explanation of a medal
stamped to his memory, 317, 320; his
bridge at Narni, 414; an excellent bust
of him at Florence, 497; his reception
in the Temple of Fame, ii. 16; the great
poets of his reign friends and admirers
of each other, iii. 153; his saying to his
friends on his death-bed, 321; his reply
on being advised not to grieve at the
death of a friend, iv. 119; fine compli-
ment to him in Virgil, 264; Dryden's
translation of the passage, 265; how
complimented on celebrating the secu-
lar year, v. 67; saying of a Roman his-
torian on him, ib.; his taxing of the em
pire attested by several historians, 108;
almost the only contemporary of Virgil
complimented in the Æneid, v. 216.
Aulus Gellius, a heathen saying on re-
ligion quoted by him, iii. 72; quotes
from Dion Cassius the story of Andro-
cles, iv. 268.

Aurelia, a character, ii. 264; her unsearch-
able heart, iv. 196; its secrets explored
in a vision, 197; conflicts in it between
love, avarice, and ambition, ib.
Aurelius, Marcus, emblems on two coins
of, i. 314; a reverse of, almost inex-
plicable, 317; a medal of, 47; esteem
of the Romans for his memory, 472.
Aurenge-Zebe, a remark on, iv. 210.
Aurora borealis, set fire to the supersti-
tions of the people, iv. 487, note.
Ausonius, his allusion to the Phoenix, i.
285; his description of the Sphinx, 317;
his account of the Nemæan games, 329;
his description of Milan, 375.
Austin, monks at Pavia pretended to have
found the body of the saint, i. 365.
Austria, gratitude of, to Marlborough, i. 52.
means of regaining her dominion in
Spain, iv. 362.

Author, necessity of the reader's knowing
his size, temper, and complexion, ii.
228; in what manner one author is a
mole to another, 474; wherein an author
has the advantage of an artist, iii. 16;
the care an author ought to take of
what he writes, ib.; a story of an athe
istical author, 17; a French one, his
remark on two intellectual beings, 321;
a satirical one, most difficult to tame,
457; a dull one, how ridiculed by Di-
ogenes, iv. 133; an Italian one, his say-

ing on Trophonius's cave, 152; every
one has his admirers, 375.
Authors, in prose and verse, when dead
in reason how treated, ii. 55; most apt
to miscarry in works of humour, 297;
for what most to be admired, iii. 344;
many eminent ones live upon party
lies, iv. 25; their degrees of dignity ac-
cording to the size of their works, from
folio to twenty-fours, 47; of memoirs,
a tribe of egotists, 100; their arguments,
how to be weighed with reference to
their motives for writing, 396; it re-
quires resolution to be one in this sa-
tirical country, v. 44; especially in poli-
tics, 46; one who has written himself
down, a melancholy object, ib.; those
who have worn themselves out ought to
lie fallow, 47.

Authority, in certain cases, to dispense
with law, iv. 457.

Avala, the plains of, story relating to, iv. 177.
Avarice, what age of man most devoted

to it, ii. 75; its path described in the
vision of human life, ib. ; its region de-
scribed, 89; its temple, adherents, at-
tendants, and officers, 90; its adherents,
attendants, officers, &c., 334; operates
with luxury, ib.; its war and accom-
modation with luxury, 334, 335; de-
scribed as a painter, 394.

Avernus, lake, no longer mephitic, i. 433.
Averse to, or averse from, iv. 501, note.
Avoyers, title of the state-chiefs of Mel-
dingen, i. 521.

Ax, a species of Greek poem so called, ii.


Babel, tower of, iii. 407.

Babylon, its noble works of architecture,
iii. 407.

Bacca, lake, described, i. 487.

Bacchus, his birth, i. 122; transforms a
ship's crew into dolphins, 134.
Bachelor, why not so happy as a mar-
ried man, iv. 20.

Bacon, Sir Francis, his account of the
effects of poetry, ii. 51; his legacy, 98;
his exemplary piety, 225; a prayer or
psalm made by him, 226; his observa-
tion on a well-written book, 253; his
description of the fruits of friendship,
367; belonging to the second class
of great geniuses, 506; his aphorism
on nature, a proper motto for modern
gardens, iii. 406, note; prescribes a poem
or prospect as conducive to health, 396;
his remark on taste and habit, 454; his
observation on spoiled children, iv. 21;
his observation on peaceable times, 498;
bequeathed his fame to foreign nations,
and after some time to his own country,
v. 30.
Badinage of Mr. Addison, never detracts
from the dignity of his character, ii. 392,
note; pursued too far, iv. 284, note.

Bagpipes, a club of them, ii. 91; who are
such in conversation, 117.

Bags of money suddenly transformed into
sticks and paper, ii. 239.
Bahama Islands, proposal for fortifying
and settling them, v. 478; Captain
Woodes Rogers appointed Governor,
486, 496; grant for fortifying, 499.
Bajie, its remains, i. 432; the winter re-
treat of the old Romans, 435.
Baker's Chronicle, a favourite book with
Sir Roger de Coverley, iii. 329.
Balance, the king of Babylon weighed in,
iii. 476; Milton's use of that figure, ib.
Baldwin, Dr., Provost of Trinity College,
Dublin, v. 506.

Balk, the king's palace at, called a cara-
vansary, iii. 302.

Ball, a great help to female conversation,
ii. 263.

Balzac (Mons.), instance of his greatness
of mind, iii. 343.

Bamboo, Benjamin, his philosophic reso-
lution on his shrew of a wife, iii. 506.
Banbury, famous for cakes and zeal, ii.

Bank, the Spectator's visit to it, ii. 237.
Bantam, ambassador of, his letter to his
master, iv. 87.

Baptism of persons of riper years, among
the primitive Christians, v. 124.
Baptist Lully, his prudent management,
ii. 290.

Bar, British, gestures of orators there ri-
diculous, iii. 387.

Barbarity, an attendant on tyranny, ii.
141; arising from unbridled passions,
iii. 97.

Barber of Milan, who conspired to poison
his fellow-citizens, an inscription re-
specting, i. 371.

Barber's daughter, story of one, iv. 301,
302, &c.

Barchocab, effort of the Jews under him,
for their re-establishment, in the reign
of Adrian, v. 136.

Barcelona, Louis XIV. warned not to per-
sist in reducing it, v. 418.
Barmecide and Schacabac, an Arabian
tale, iv. 313, 314.

Barnes, Mr. Joshua, the Achilles of the
University Greeks, iii. 142.

Barns, how constructed in Switzerland, i.


Barometri Descriptio, Poema, i. 237.
Bartholomew, St., statue of him newly
flayed in the great church at Milan, i.
Bashfulness, without merit, awkward, iii.
118; of the English, in all that regards
religion, 471.

Bass viol, the part it bears in conversa.
tion, ii. 117; where most likely to be
found, 118.

Basset, an assembly for, in which non
jurors are to be excluded, iv. 425.

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