A Parody on Cato's Soliloquy, written in a Country Assem- bly-room while waiting for the Fiddlers Voltaire's Opinion of Addison's Cato. Steele's Judgment of the Love-Plot in Cato Addison's Diffidence in Parliament • MY LORD, ADDISON TO THE EARL OF STAIR.1 Whitehall, June 3rd, 1717. I am to acknowledge the honour of your Excellency's letters of the 2nd, 5th, and 9th instant, which I did not fail to lay before the king upon the receipt of them, though I had not till this morning an opportunity of receiving his Majesty's pleasure upon them. I am now to acquaint your Excellency that it is with great satisfaction the king finds the good disposition of the Regent, and that his Majesty takes it as a very particular mark of his friendship in not suffering the late Lord Marr to go to the waters of Bourbon, unless he had been able to produce his Majesty's passport. And it is no less agreeable to his Majesty to hear of the Regent's late endeavours to discover and drive out of the French dominions such others of the rebels as may still be in that kingdom. As to what you mention of the Czar, there are many reasons that incline the King to believe he is not so indifferent in the cause of the Pretender as he would have the Regent think. However, his Majesty is glad to find that what the Czar has thought fit to declare on that head to the Regent is agreeable to his Royal Highness. And upon this occasion your Excellency will please to let the Regent know how extremely sensible the King is of the kind regard he has shown to his interests in not entering into any treaty with the Czar, without first communicating the same to his Majesty. Your Excellency will likewise in a more particular manner represent his Majesty's satisfaction in observing that the Regent concurs with his Majesty in his sentiments about the departure of the troops out of Mecklenburgh, which is so necessary for the repose of Europe; and that he looks upon it as a most convincing proof of his friendship, that he has made instances to the Czar upon that subject. As your Excellency has probably been introduced to the Czar, it is hoped that some of your next letters may acquaint his Majesty with Lord Stair was at this period ambassador to the French King, with instructions to watch the proceedings of the Pretender; and the dexterity with which he discovered and frustrated the plans of the Jacobites is quite remarkable. He fought with Marlborough, and distinguished himself on many occasions by an almost romantic courage. As a commander and a diplomatist he certainly was one of the greatest men of the age. VOL. V. 2 G* the result of your conversation, if anything remarkable has happened in it. As to the affair of the king of Prussia, I will send your Excellency a separate letter upon that subject as soon as I receive his Majesty's directions, which I believe I shall have by the next post. His Majesty approves of what your Excellency said in relation to the Marquis d'Allegre; and you will please to let the Regent know, that the sending of that gentleman with the character of Ambassador will be very agreeable to his Majesty. I have it particularly in command to recommend it to your Excellency to use your utmost endeavours that there be no further delays about the business of Mardyke,1 the Commission being prepared for those who are to appear as eye-witnesses on his Majesty's part, pursuant to the treaty; and they will be hastened over immediately. The persons who are named Commissioners for this purpose are, Col. ol. Armstrong of the Ordinance, and Mr. Ackworth, Surveyor of the Navy, to whom is added Col. Lascelles, an engineer, who is to supply the place of either or both of the former, in case of sickness or other necessary absence. All I have further to trouble your Excellency with at pre 1 In conformity with the ninth article of the treaty of Utrecht, the port of Dunkirk was to be demolished, the dykes destroyed, and the haven filled up, as from this place the trade from England and Holland had been greatly incommoded during the late war. The French, after some demur, performed this to the letter of the treaty, but evaded its spirit by opening a new and very capacious canal at Mardyke, which was not unlikely to become as good a harbour as Dunkirk. In both this and the recent treaty of commerce with Spain, we had been outwitted, and it was not till after much time and trouble that these contracts were equitably adjusted. The Commissioners had been appointed on the 8th of June, and the king's anxiety on the subject is shown by the following letter. SIR, Whitehall, 11th June, 1717. I am ordered by Mr. Secretary Addison to desire that you will use all possible despatch in hastening to Dunkirk, the King having signified his commands to Mr. Secretary, that you should immediately go upon the execution of your commission. In case your instructions cannot be signed before you go, they will be sent over to you with the first opportunity, which you will please to let Mr. Ackworth and Col. Lascelles know. I am, sir, Col. Armstrong. Your most obedient humble servant, TEMPLE STANYAN. sent is, that when you declare the sense the King has of the Regent's good disposition towards him, you will please to accompany it with assurances on his Majesty's part that he will omit no occasion of showing the like instances of friendship to the Regent, as any opportunity shall offer. SIR, I am, with great respect, my Lord, Your Excellency's most obedient and most humble servant, ADDISON TO THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL.1 Whitehall, June 6th, 1717. I am commanded to signify his Majesty's pleasure, that you do defer till the next term the trial of Charles Hornby for publishing a pamphlet entitled English Advice to the Freeholders of England, a Hymn to the Pillory, and other pamphlets. It is likewise his Majesty's pleasure, that the trial of William Kitching for speaking scandalous and seditious words of his Majesty, and for drinking the Pretender's health, be put off to the same time. I am, sir, Your most humble servant, J. ADDISON. MY LORD, ADDISON TO THE EARL OF STAIR. Whitehall, June 9th, 1717. Your letter of the 14th instant, which came by express, having been laid before the king, I am commanded to acquaint your Excellency, that in relation to the discourse you had had with the Czar and his ministers, his Majesty is very much pleased with the great expressions of civility and friendship which have been made to him in the Czar's name, upon that occasion; to which your Excellency will please to return suitable answers on his Majesty's part. The king is pleased, in a more particular manner, with the order that is given for the Muscovite troops to depart out of Mecklenburgh, and his Majesty hopes the Czar will complete this mark of his friendship towards him in giving such 1 Sir Edward Northey. |