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statue of Jupiter copied from a description in the first Iliad. v. 218. Philadelphians, a religious sect, ii. 209. Philander, a character in the Dialogues on Medals, i. 255.

Philip of Macedon, in his contest with the Athenians, demanded their orators, iv. 491.

Philip II., golden medal of his, weighing twenty-two pounds, i. 340; medal of, on the resignation of Charles V., 347; his treatment of the Catalans, v. 12, 13. Philippics of Cicero, how applied to two scenes in Cato, i. 187, note.

Philips, Mr. Ambrose, his verses to the author of Cato, i. 170; his translation of Sappho's hymn to Venus, iii. 107; his character as a poet and as a man, 106, note; his imitation of another fragment from Sappho, 116, 117; his Pastorals, to what class of writers recommended, iv. 45; his Epilogue to the Distressed Mother, supposed to be written by Addison, v. 228; his pecuniary difficulties, 375, 376; his Pastorals, 380; his wish to be appointed to Muscovy or Geneva, 384; the difference between him and Pope, 415, 417; recommended by Addison to the Earl of Halifax for office, 425; his political appointments, 428; his adaptation of the Distressed Mother, 429; Budgell's Epilogue to it, 679; his verses nicknamed Namby Pamby, 696; Pope's ironical review of his Pastorals, 696; letters to, 370, 371? 375, 380, 383, 384, 399, 428. Philips, John, his Splendid Shilling, how occasioned, ii. 188.

Philogamus. his letter to the Spectator in praise of marriage, iv. 19.

Philomedes advises the Spectator to raise the price of his paper to sixpence, iv. 5. Philomot, feuille morte, iii. 174. Philosopher, an ancient one, his reply concerning what he carried under his cloak, iii. 104; an old one, his remark on his passionate wife, iv. 119; repartee of one to a cynic, 174.

Philosopher's stone, Mr. Ironside once in search of it, iv. 322.

Philosophers, why longer lived than other men, iii. 66.

Philosophy, a thorough insight into it makes a good believer, ii. 225; the use of it, 245, 246; said to be brought down from heaven by Socrates, 253; natural, its uses, iii. 372; a source of pleasure to the imagination, 425; oddly recommended to the fair sex, iv. 284; the Newtonian, v. 607; New, Addison's Latin Oration in defence of the, 607. Philo-Spec, his letter, suggesting an election of new members to the Spectator's Club, iv. 69.

Phlegon the Trallian, attests the fulfilment of our Saviour's prophecies, v.

109; and the darkness and earthquake at his death, ib.

Phoebus, description of his throne, i. 87; remonstrates against his son's wish to drive his chariot, 89; in petticoats, a figure of Ned Softly's, ii. 147. Phoenix, a medallic emblem of eternity, i. 283; described by Claudian, ib.; by Ovid, 284; her radiated head, 285; tradition respecting, 287.

Phoenix, the tutor of Achilles, his mode of remonstrating with his pupil, iii. 366. Physic, professed by Mr. Bickerstaffe, ii. 178; its professors, a formidable body of men, compared to the British army in Cæsar's time, 273; the science flourishing in the North, ib.; cruel experiments in. 273, 274; the substitute of exercise and temperance, iii. 64.

Physician of St. Marino, the fourth man in the state, i. 405. Physicians convert one disorder into another, ii. 279.

Physiognomy of men of business noted, ii. 9; an art of which all men are in some degree masters, 398; resemblance of human faces with those of various animals, 399.

Pickled herrings, drolls so called in Holland, ii. 326.

Picts, their painted bodies proposed for the imitation of the ladies, iv. 270. Pictures a source of entertainment in bad weather, ii. 392.

Pied piper, of Germany, charmed all the mice from a great town, ii. 243. Piercy, Earl, accepts the challenge of Douglas at Chevy Chase, ii. 377; his magnanimity in death, 378.

Pierre, in Venice Preserved, his behvaiour when brought to execution, ii. 98. Pietists, a new sect sprung up in Switzerland, i. 531; their immoralities, 532. Piety, on ancient medals represented as a vestal, i. 282; holds in her hand the acerra, ib.; an antidote to superstition, ii. 246.

Pig whipped to death, a fashionable dish, ii. 108.

Pilgrimage, a term applied to human life, in Scripture, iii. 100.

Pillar on a medal of Vespasian, its use, i.


Pillars, ancient, at Rome, in various kinds of marble, i. 476; their proportions not exact, 477; those of Trajan and Antonine the noblest, 478; two antique ones at Florence, wrought with figures of Roman arms, 498.

Pills to purge Melancholy, D'Urfey's miscellanies so called, iv. 161.

Pilot, his office and station in the ships of the ancients, i. 294.

Pindar, his vast conceptions and noble sallies of imagination, ii. 505; his moder imitators compared with him, 506.

Pindar and Mr. D'Urfey, two lyric poets
who lived to a great age, iv. 160.
Pindaric manner in gardening, iii. 501.
Pindaric writers, advice to them, ii. 346.
Pindarics, monstrous compositions so de-
nominated, ii. 505.

Pindust, Mrs. Rebecca, her case, ii. 52.
Pinkethman, his sale of animals at the
theatre, ii. 1; to represent King Porus
on an elephant, 292.

Pin-money, a curious case respecting,
iii. 306, 307; the term proposed to be
changed into needle-money, 308; lands
called the Queen of Persia's pin-money,

Pinnirapus, gladiator, how represented
in combat, i. 468.

Pinto, Ferdinand Mendez, a traveller,
second to Sir John Mandeville, ii. 194.
Pippin Woman, story of the, v. 739.
Pirates, literary, exposed, ii. 36.
Pisa, almost unpeopled by Leghorn, i. 491.
Pisatello, the modern name of the Ru-
bicon, i. 401.

Pisauro, doge of Venice, his epitaph, i. |


Pismires, endowed with human passions,
an imaginary scene, iv. 277.
Pittacus, his moderation, iv. 118.
Pity, in tragedy, moved by a handkerchief,
ii. 315; its influence on mankind, iii.
373, 374; that and terror the leading
passions in poetry, 420.

Pius II. assisted by the inhabitants of St.
Marino against a lord of Rimini, i. 404.
Place and precedency, more contested by
those of inferior rank than ladies of
quality, ii. 455.

Place in the state, why to be sought after,
iii. 486; what persons unfit for, 487; a
cure for malcontents, iv. 463; more per-
sons who solicit and are fit for places in
this country than in any other, v. 75.
Plagiarism, charged on the Spectator, and
confuted by him, iv. 68; of wit, how
corrected, 101.

Plague, Virgil's attempt to excel Lucre-
tius in describing, i. 160.

Plain, Tom, his letter on petticoats, iv. 220.
Plantations give a pleasure of a more
lasting date than other works, iv. 135.
Plantations, revenue of the, v. 465; com-
missions for trying pirates in, 509.
Planting, of men, a phrase of Diogenes, iii.
75; a delightful and beneficial amuse-
ment, iv. 135; considered as a virtuous
employment, ib.; and a duty, 136; re-
commended by phlosophers and poets
of antiquity, 137.

Plate, silver, grant of, v. 642.
Plato, his station in the Temple of Fame,

ii 14; his allegory of the pains and
pleasures of love, 23; his notion re-
specting the soul, 405; belonging to the
second class of great geniuses, 506; his
account of the last moments of Socrates,

iii. 46; abstract of his Dialogue on
Prayer, 81; some beautiful transmigra.
tions in his vision of Erus, 90; his justi-
fication of Providence in the adversity
of good men, 128, 129; his account of
the Queen of Persia's pin-money, 309;
his style worthy of the gods, 383; his
sublime description of the Supreme Be-
ing, iv. 25; says that nothing is so delight-
ful as hearing or speaking the truth, 85;
his sensible sayings on calumny, 255;
his advice to an unpolished writer, 312.
Platonic notion of the Deity agrees with
revelation, iv. 146.

Platonic philosophy, the ground-work of
an allegory of Virgil, ii. 122.
Platonic year noticed, ii. 124.
Platonist, forewoman of the female jury in
the Court of Honour, ii. 191.
Platonists, their opinion on souls, ii. 123.
Plautus, his style and subjects, v. 598.
Play on words, the excuse of avoiding, il-
lustrates a noble trait in Addison's
character, i. 154, note.

Play-debts, must be paid in specie or by
an equivalent, iv. 233; falsely called
debts of honour, 311.

Players, degrees of dignity among them,
iv. 119.

Play-house, a world within itself, iv. 148;
poem of the, v. 529.

Plays, of all sorts, find advocates for ad-
mission into the ladies' library, ii. 410.
Pleasantness of temper, a requisite in
friendship, ii. 369.

Pleasure, described as a Syren, ii. 11; her
courtship of Hercules, an allegory, 27;
her marriage with Pain, an allegory,
iii. 47, &c.

Pleasures of Imagination, Mr. Addison's
Essay on, the most masterly of his criti-
cal works, iii. 393, note.
Plebeian, The, v. 236.
Plenty, described on a medal, i. 276, 299,

301; the father of Love, ii. 23; a god-
dess attendant on Liberty, 140.

Pliny, his choice of a consort for his
friend's daughter, ii. 6; the Younger, his
account of the Christians in his day, v.

Ploce, a species of pun, ii. 355.
Plot, Dr.. his account of a clock-striking
idiot, iii. 453.

Plotina, her bust at Florence, i. 496.
Plotting Sisters, D'Urfey's comedy, acted
for the author's benefit, iv. 160.
Plumb, Peter, indicted in the Court of
Honour by Thomas Gules, ii. 201;
heard by counsel in his defence, 202;
found guilty, ib.; his sentence, 203.
Plurality of worlds, arguments of the au-
thor for the peopling of every planet,
iv. 41.

Plutarch, finds the whole circle of arts in
the Iliad, i. 271; his character of Cicero
ii. 175; a fine remark of his on hatred

476; relates a circumstance :especting an ode of Sappho, iii. 117; enumerates the good fruits of enmity, 377; his propensity to construe events into judgments, 509; a saying on sleep ascribed by him to Heraclitus, iv. 3; records a letter of Alexander to Aristotle, 211; records an instance of Providence in the life of Timoleon, 227; relates the contest of Alcibiades with Taureas the brewer, 382.

Pluto, his dominions described, ii. 121; his throne described in Telemachus, 129; in a French opera appears full dressed with a valet de chambre, 291. Plutus, why struck blind by Jupiter, iii. 481.

P. N., his letter in praise of the lion, iv. 249.

Po, river, the great receptacle of all the rivers in the north of Italy, i. 376; described by Lucan, 396; Scaliger's critique upon it, 397; river, described, 506. Pocket-picking, a species of palmistry among the gypsies, ii. 492. Poemata, i. 231; Dedicatio, 232; Pax Gulielmi auspiciis Europæ reddita, 233; Barometri Descriptio, 237; Prælium inter Pygmæos et Grues commissum, 239; Resurrectio delineata ad altare Col. Magd. Oxon., 243; Sphæristerium, 246; ad D. D. Hannes, 248; Machinæ gesticulantes, Anglicè A puppet-show, 249; ad D. Tho. Burnettum, sacræ theoriæ telluris autorem, 251. Poems and Hymns interspersed in Addison's Essays and Papers :The Lord my pasture shall prepare, iii. 446. When all thy mercies, O my God, iii. 465. The spacious firmament on high, iii. 485. How are thy servants blessed,

O Lord!

iv. 9.

When rising from the bed of death,

iv. 36. iv. 248. Poems, by Addison, see vol. i.-not in previous collections; Lines on the Countess of Manchester, v. 228; Epilogue to the Distressed Mother, 228, 229; the Playhouse, 529; Epilogue to Steele's Entertainment on the King's Birthday, 532; Prologue to Smith's Phædra, 533; Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, 534; the Vestal, 536; translation of Cowley's Epitaph, ib.; original draft of the Letter to Lord Halifax, 537.

Oh, the charming month of

Poems, Latin, by Addison, see vol. i.-not

in previous collections; Inauguratio Regis Gulielmi, 546; on the Return of King William from Ireland, 547. Translations of these by various hands: Peace of Ryswick, 549; Barometer, 555; Battle of the Pygmies and Cranes, 558, 563, 568; the Resurrection, 573; Bowling Green, 576;

Ode to Dr. Hannes, 578; the Puppetshow, 580; Ode to Dr. Burnett, 583; Skating, 585.

Poems, in picture, ii. 344, 345; three in our language, of the same nature, each a masterpiece in its kind, iii. 156. Poesie, Heroical, v. 591.

Poet, in his garret, overheard by Mr. Bickerstaffe, ii. 183; Addison's rebuke to a bad one, v. 732.

Poetical justice, a fallacious doctrine in modern criticism, ii. 308; disregarded by ancient tragic writers, ib. Poetical masquerade, iv. 222. Poetry, an art of design as well as painting and sculpture, i. 270; its usefulness, ii. 51; founded on good sense, 178; which excites terror and pity, why pleasing, iii. 419; what its highest perfection, 429.

Poets, English, a poem on the chief of them, i. 22; Roman, copiers of the Greek statuaries, 460; English, reproved, ii. 305; their artifices, 314; bad ones most subject to envy and detraction, iii. 152; their antipathy to a cat-call, 346; observed to be generally long-lived,iv.159. Poictiers, piety of the Black Prince at

that battle, v. 80; eight days' thanksgiving in England for the victory, ib. Point of honour, ingeniously settled, ii. 222; among men and women, 422. Poison in a perfume, anger in mirth compared to, v. 26.

Poisonous water. See Aqua Tofana. Poland, the queen dowager of, her rich offering to Loretto, i. 408.

Polite imagination lets into a great many pleasures the vulgar are incapable of, iii. 395.

Politeness, female, shown in murdering hard words, ii. 321; rural, why troublesome, 455. Politeness and good humour, not inconsistent with wisdom and virtue, v. 65. Political faith of a Tory, iv. 451. Political speculations not popular unless seasoned with wit and humour, v. 66. Political state of the nation, Addison's views of the, v. 619, et seq.

Politicians, their number in the nation, v. 92; by birth, ib.; a set of them called the Afterwise, 94.

Politics, academy for, projected at Paris, iii. 313; revenues, 315; arts to be taught there, ib.; of St. James's Coffeehouse on the report of the French king's death, 380; of Giles's, ib.; of Jenny Man's, ib.; of Will.'s, 381; the Temple, ib.; Fish Street, ib.; Cheapside, 382; a maxim in, on rewards for national services, iv. 166.

Poll, a way of arguing, iii. 132. Polybius, the most impartial historian, prefers a mixed government to all others, v. 88.

Polycarp, the disciple of St. John, v.
122; and bishop of Smyrna, a martyr,
Polymetis, a voluminous work of Mr.
Spence, noticed, i. 337, note.
Polyphemus and his cave described, i. 39,
40; compared to a man of talents with-
out discretion, iii. 109.
Polysyllables, terminating in ess, their ill
effect in our language, i. 256.
Pompey, ushered into the Temple of Fame,
ii. 15; for what recommended by Cicero
to the Romans, iii. 303; a noble saying
of his, on hazarding his life in perform-
ance of his duty, iv. 27; recommended
to the Romans for his good fortune, 402.
Pons Elius described on old medals, i. 474.
Pontac-wine made from water, ii. 94.
Pont-neuf, at Paris, the equestrian statue
at, ii. 261, 262.

Pontignan, Mons., his adventure with two
women, ii. 407, 408.
Pontius Pilate, his account sent to Rome
relating to our Saviour now lost, v. 105;
quoted by Justin Martyr and Tertullian,
106; spurious acts of his now extant, ib.
Poole, Sir Richard de la, killed at the

battle of Pavia, and buried there, i. 366.
Pope, A., his prologue to Cato, i. 170, v.717;
his verses occasioned by the Treatise on
Medals, 253; his character of Mr. Secret-
ary Craggs, 254; his poem on the pro-
spect of peace praised, iv. 44; his iron-
ical compliment to Dennis, from what
hint taken, 162, note; his translation of
the Iliad praised, v.48; letter from Steele,
405; his Temple of Fame, Steele's
opinion of, ib.; assists in the Guardian,
ib.; letter to Addison respecting Den-
nis, 410; letters to, 412, 413; letter to
the Honourable, 415; Jervas's let-
ter to him, 416; reply, ib. ; his relations
towards Swift, 417; letter to Addison re-
specting the Iliad and Essay on Criticism,
422; Lady Wortley Montagu's quarrel
with him, 438; his irony on Pastoral
Philips, 696; Rape of the Lock, Addi-
son's opinion of, 697; commencement
of his friendship with Addison, 698;
his satire on Addison, 699; account of
their quarrel, 700; his rival translation
of Homer, 701, 702, 703; he suspects
Addison of double-dealing in the case
of Tickell, 702; gossip respecting, 703;
his villa at Twickenham, ib.; his numer-
ous critics, 704; the different publica-
tions containing accounts of his quarrel
with Addison, ib.; his criticism on Ad-
dison's Cato, 716; his allusion to Den-
nis's review of Cato, 724; his high
opinion of Dr. Garth, 736.
Pope, the, his territories thinly peopled,
i. 419; the inhabitants poor, and why,
420 his endeavour to make Genoa a
free port, 492; seems to act in concert
with Mr. Ironside in enjoining ladies

to cover their bosoms, iv. 225; Mr. Iron-
side's letter to him, 271.

Popery, the popular cry of, its effect on
the church-thermometer, ii. 164; per-
sonified, 207; women ought to be no
less averse to it than to arbitrary power,
iv. 409; artfully insinuated itself among
the high-churchmen during the rebel-
lion, 500.

Popes, their medallic history, i. 351; the
Leos the best, the Innocents the worst,
iv. 219.

Popish Plot, precedent from the, in justi-
fication of proceedings of impeachment,
v. 668.

Popish sovereign can never quietly govern
Great Britain, v. 30.

Popular tumults in London fomented by
Popish missionaries, v. 83; high time
for government to interfere with them,


Population, wisely regulated by Provi-
dence, iii. 300; twenty boys yearly pro-
duced for nineteen girls, iv. 258.
Porphyry acknowledges the miracles of
our Saviour, v. 109.

Porters, why said to have led gentlemen
by the nose, ii. 217.

Portia, a stoic in petticoats, iv. 284.
Portius, son of Cato, i. 172, 175, 201, 202,
206, 216, 221, 222.

Portland, Duke of, v. 666.

Port-royal, the gentlemen of, eminent for

their learning and humility, invented
the term egotism, iv. 99.

Portsoken, lies produced there too feeble
to bear carriage to the Exchange, iv.

Portugal, exhausted by the war, iv. 361;

events in 1706, v. 355, 356; English
ships of war fired upon at Lisbon, 358.
Portuguese count, his new nose grafted
by Talicatius, ii. 215.
Post-Boy, the, v. 309.

Posted, iv. 176, note; a vulgar and un-
authorized word, v. 74, note.
Posterity, its privilege, ii. 425; a humor-
ous saying of an old fellow of a college
on, iv. 136; that of great men to be
honoured, 260; how a regard to it
should influence a generous mind,


Postmaster-general, letter from Mr. Stan-
yan to, v. 508.

Posture-master, one in Charles II.'s reign,
the plague of all the tailors, iv. 185.
Posture-masters at the theatre, exhibition
of them censured, ii. 49.

Poverty, the mother of Love, ii. 23; a ter-
rible spectre in the Temple of Avarice,
91; petition to her, 92; not a proper
subject for ridicule, 177; privy-counsel-
lor to Avarice, 334; the virtues and
vices it produces, iii. 480.
Powder Watt, a distinguished performer
in the London Cries, iii. 151.

Powell, sen., to represent Alexander the
Great, on a dromedary, ii. 293; excel-
lently formed for a tragedian, 311.
Power, despotic, an unanswerable argu-
ment against it, iii. 298.
Poyntz, Mr., Consul, v. 513.
Præfectus provincia for the lion pro-
posed, iv. 247.

Præneste. See Palæstrina.

Prætexta, a part of the dress of the Ro-
mans, i. 261.

Praise, the passion for it, vehement in
women, ii 382; why not freely conferred
on men till dead, iii. 339; it is difficult
to praise a man without putting him
out of countenance, iv. 73; grateful to
human nature, 253.

Praxiteles, a Greek epigram on his statue
of Venus, i. 499.

Prayer, abstract of Plato's dialogue on,
iii. 81; how inculcated by the great
Founder of our religion, 84.

Prayers, called by Homer the daughters of
Jupiter, iii. 366; a fable relating to
them, 367; set forms, why necessary,

Preachers in a country town, their contest
for popularity, iii. 103.

Precedency, disputes respecting it among
country people, ridiculed, ii. 18; rigidly
observed among country justices, 455;
in the learned world, how regulated, iv.
47; six octavos equivalent to a folio, 48;
precedency in the three professions, ib.;
in theatricals, 49; among tragic and
heroic poets, ib.

Precepts, Virgil's agreeable mode of con-
veying them in his Georgics, i. 156.
Precipice, distant, why its prospect pleases,
iii. 420.

Prediction, arts of, among the vulgar, iv.23.
Preface to the Drummer, v. 156.

Prefaces, modern, savour strongly of ego-
tism, iv. 100.

Pregnancy, symptoms of it in the new
fashion for petticoats, ii. 55.
Prejudice, the prevalency of it, ii. 426; in
men of Greek taste, against Gothic ar-
chitecture, iii. 409, note.

Preposition, thrown to the end of a sen-
tence, a peculiarity in Mr. Addison's
manner, ii. 416, note.

Presbyterian parson, personated at a mas-
querade, iv. 280.

Presbyterianism and a commonwealth pre-
ferable to Popery and tyranny, v. 96.
Presbyterians, the fox-hunter's religion
consists in hating them, iv. 481.
Presbytery personified, ii. 207.
Prescience, ridiculous pretenders to, iv.


Presents of wine to Mr. Bickerstaffe, ii.

President of the Widow Club, determined
to take a seventh husband, iv. 95.
Press, choked with party-lies, iv. 25.

Preston heroes, memoirs of one of them,
iv. 403.

Presumption, in construing misfortunes
into judgments, iii. 509.

Pretender, fled before the Prince of Wales
at the battle of Audenarde, iv. 402; his
declaration answered by that of the
freeholders of Great Britain, 429; edu-
cated under Louis XIV., 439; financial
manœuvre taught him in France, 465;
how his general pardon might have been
rendered consistent, v. 12; history of
his fourteen years' reign digested into
annals, 31; evils which would have
arisen from his success, 58; marks worn
by his adherents on his birthday, 99;
his intended descent on Scotland, 369;
proclamation for his apprehension, 422;
Addison's remarks on the, 619, 626;
Lord Bolingbroke suspected of corres-
pondence with the, 653.

Prevarication, censured, iv. 416; how pun-
ished by the Romans, 418.

Prevention the best physic, ii. 180.
Price of the Spectator's papers, why
raised, iii. 448.

Pride, often mistaken for zeal, iii. 51; not
made for man, iv. 246; three reasons
why, ib.

Priests at Rome, forbidden to confess any
woman without a tucker, iv. 225; Mr.
Ironside's letter to the Pope on that
subject, 271.

Prince of Wales, (afterwards George II,)
elected chancellor of the Dublin uni-
versity, v. 21; heir to the virtues as well
as the dominions of his father, 68; his
quarrel with the king, 513, et seq.; Ad-
dison's French circular on the, 514;
official report to the king on his con-
duct, 516; his three letters to the king
in French, 517, 518; with translations,
519; the king's propositions and the
prince's replies, 519-522.

Princess, in modern tragedy, how ex-
hibited, ii. 312; of Wales, panegyric on
her, iv. 474.

Princesses, the fox-hunter's praise of
them, v. 73.

Principles work differently on different
minds, iv. 308.

Pringle, Robert, Esq., v. 374.
Printing, of what advantage it would have
been to the ancients, ii. 473; the only
method of perpetuating our ideas, iii.
16; a source of rivalry among the po-
lite nations of Europe, iii. 349; praise
of the English press, ib.

Prior, secretary to Bishop of Winchester,
and resignation of the office, v. 365; his
letter to the Lord Treasurer, 648; the
Speaker's warrant issued for his appre-
hension, 652; accused by the Secret
Committee, 653, 665; Lord Boling-
broke's letters to, noticed, 653, 654; in
custody, 667; the charge against him,

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