Et ceteras, well written, help the sale of insipid pamphlets, iv. 106. Eternity, represented in ancient medals with a globe and a phoenix on it, i. 283; expressed by the sun and moon, 288; by a figure sitting on a globe of the heavens adorned with stars, 289; personified in a vision, ii. 88; the future half of it contemplated, 110: described as a tide, 500, 501 past and to come, iv. 143; the former a depth not to be sounded by human understanding, ib.; creed of a philosopher upon it, 145. Etheridge, Sir George, his way of making love in a tub, ii. 482. Ethics, Dr. Moore's admirable system of, undeservedly neglected, ii. 401, note. Etymology of the English language confounded by some authors, ii. 498. Euclid, a great wit, according to Dryden's definition, ii. 360. Eudoxus and Leontine, story of, ii. 469; exchange their children, 470; disclose the secrets of their birth and marry them. 472. Eugene, Prince, his interview and alliance with the Duke of Marlborough, i. 45; his protection solicited by the Lucquese against the Florentines, 494. Eugenio IV. Pope, deposed by the council of Basil and restored, i. 511. Eugenius, a character in the Dialogues on Medals, i. 255; a man whose good-nature is regulated by prudence, iii. 35. Eunica, a maid of Paphos, takes the Lover's Leap a second time, and recovers, iii. 123. Euphrates, river contained in one bason, iii. 407. Euripides, instance of ellipsis in a pas sage from, iv. 58, note; an expression in one of his plays, gave great offence to the Athenians, iv. 419. Europa, rape of, i. 112; notes on, 145. Europe, all its languages spoken on the Royal Exchange, ii. 373; a law of honour formerly observed in its wars, iv. 482. Eusden, Mr., his verses to the author of Cato, i. 164. Eusebius mentions Pontius Pilate's record of our Saviour's death, v. 106. Evangelists, belief of early writers in their history of our Saviour, v 115; tradition of the apostles secured by their writings, 126; diligence of the disciples in sending abroad these writings, 127; predictions of our Saviour recorded by them, 133; their accounts of the Messiah agree with those of the Prophets, 139. Eve, her virtues described, ii. 43; her affectionate address to Adam, 63; an example to all her daughters, 404; exquisitely described in Paradise Lost, iii. 228; her speech to Adam, ib.; her dream, 231; her domestic employments, 234; account of her formation in Adam's dream, 253; her parting from Adam, 259; how addressed by Adam after her transgression, ib. ; her pathetic address to Adam, 267; her complaint on hearing she was to be removed from Paradise, 273; her dream during the visions of Adam, 280; her innocence, not her na kedness, to be imitated by her daughters, iv. 180; her treatment of the angel, described by Milton, 263. Everbloom, Lady, indicts Benjamin Buz. zard in the Court of Honour, ii. 213. Evergreens, their use in gardens, iii. 501. Everlasting Club, account of it, ii. 379, 380; when instituted, 379; quantity of liquors and tobacco consumed by it, 380; four general meetings in the year, ib. Evil spirits, fallacy of attributing our Saviour's miracles to their agency, v. 110. Evremond (Mons. de St.), his apology for Romish superstitions, iii. 93; his remark on the death of Petronius Arbiter, 340. Examinations of the primitive Christians preparatory to initiation, v. 124. Examiner, finds out treason in the word expect, iv. 304; a witness called by Count Tariff, 368; a political paper in which Swift was concerned, ib., note; why more properly to be called executioner, 370; Annotations on Dr Garth's poem, ib.; riddle, 371; hint for it, whence stolen, 372; certain phrases of the Examiner animadverted on, 374; his tenderness for ingratitude, 375; letter to him cries up an antidote to the poison scattered through the nation, 376; panegyric on the Duke of Anjou, ib.; calls the Tories the whole body of the English nation, 377; his impudent egotism, 378; mistakes Cato the censor for Cato of Utica, ib. ; his vein of poetry and satire, ib.; angry at the Duke of Marlborough's victories, 379; his language criticised, 380; anticlimax, ib.; argumentative part eminently characterised by nonsense, 386; his system of politics, 387; was answered by General Stanhope, 388; drift of his confused dissertation on foreign affairs, 389; hi aspersions on the Dutch and Ger mans, ib.; a Tory paper of the las reign, iv. 469; its infamous character ib.; its intolerance, 470; Swift's co nexion with it, v. 407, 408. Example, more improving than precept iii. 310. Excellency, a title given to ambassador iii. 100. Exchange, a constant resort of the Spe tator, ii. 230. Exercise, necessary to our well being, i 449; its benefits illustrated in an Eastern allegory, iii. 64. Exercise of the fan taught, ii. 428. Exeter, its inhabitants vie with those of London in politics, v. 93. Exilles taken by the Duke of Savoy, v. 372. Existence, the love of, a proof of the immortality of the soul, ii. 443; a blessing to those beings only which are endowed with perception, iv. 41. Expedients to alleviate the expense of the Spectator, iv. 6. Expedition of Alexander the Great, scheme of an opera on it, ii. 292. Expenses oftener proportioned to our expectations than possessions, iii. 63. Experiment, a barbarous one, to exemplify parental love in animals, ii. 458, 459. Expletive, why introduced in the close of a paragraph, ii. 159, note. Expletives, in poetry, rule respecting, i. 9, note; their "feeble aid " exemplified, iii. 155. Exportation duties in the Spanish trade, reduced to their ancient standard, v. 51. Expression, careless, 275, note; of Mr. Addison's, by which one might swear to the author, v. 219, note. Extortion, his office in the Temple of Avarice, ii. 91. Extracts from the writings of antiquity, not the most pleasing of Mr. Addison's works, ii. 115, note. Extricate, a verb not to be used absolutely, iv. 160, note. Eyes of a mistress compared to burningglasses made of ice, ii. 359; of animals, an argument of the wisdom of Providence, iv. 72. Ezekiel, his vision, of what use to Milton, iii. 233; in poetical spirit, much above Homer, 241, note. Fabius, called the buckler of Rome, i. 270. Fable, of the Sun and the Owls, ii. 174; of the Boys and the Frogs, its application, 278; of the Countryman and the Weather, 281; of the Mole and the Spectacles, 474; the Marriage of Pleasure and Pain, iii. 47; of epic poem, divided into simple and implex, 198; should be filled with the probable and the marvellous, 220; Persian, of the drop of Water and the Oyster, 306; of the Traveller and the Grasshoppers, 344; on Prayers, 366; another, relating to Menippus and Jupiter, 367; of the Gay Old Woman and her Looking-glass, 457; the most pleasing way of giving advice, iv. 31; of Alnaschar, the idle fellow, 58. Fables, their antiquity, iii. 45; favourite compositions in all ages, ib.; the Iliad and the Odyssey, so styled by some VOL. V. 3 E critics, ib.; Choice of Hercules, an ancient one, 46. Fabretti, his conjecture on Trajan's piller, i. 402; his conjecture respecting a statue dug up at Rome, 469. Face, a good one, a letter of recommendation, iii. 102. Fact, Goodman, plaintiff against Count Tariff, his person and character, iv. 364; how welcomed into court, 365; his charges, ib.; his cause, by whom pleaded, 366; answered by Count Tariff, 367; gains his cause, 369. Factious men, generally vain and envious, iv. 462. Fair, to be so, is no excuse for being naked, iv. 253. Fair, in Persia, for the sale of women, iv. 28. Fair sex, reason of their fondness for lap dogs, parrots, &c., ii. 83; why they prefer coxcombs to men of sense, 485, 486; compared to basilisks and porcupines, iii. 354; a hint to, 437; show an inclination to be Evites, iv. 253; proposal for them to imitate their great-grandmothers, the Briths and Picts, 270; reformation in necks and legs aimed at, 271; learn. ing recommended to them, 282; why especially incumbent on them to improve their minds, 319; their support necessary to a government, 407; patri otic examples recommended to them, 427; their errors and prejudices hard to be rooted out, v. 18; a nostrum for raising love prescribed to them, 37; party rage makes them unamiable, ib.; a committee proposed for reconciling them, 38; their party spirit shown in a contest between a white rose and a sweet-william, 93. Fairies, opinion of their existence controverted by an atheist, ii. 59. Fairy Queen of Spencer, a series of fables, iii. 46. Fairy way of writing, requisites for it, iii. 422; not much practised by the ancients, 423; English poets much the best, ib. Faith, wherein its excellency consists, iii. 474; means of strengthening and confirming it, 482; of a Tory, grounded on impossibility, iv. 451. Fall of the leaf, how a pun, iii. 447. Fallen angels seek a respite from their torments in metaphysical disputes, iii. 128. Falls in tears, correction of the phrase, 1. 186, note. False delicates, their rules of diet contrary to nature, ii. 108. False humour, its genealogy, ii. 299. False wit, when revived, ii. 356; consists in the congruity of words, letters, &c., 358; its region allegorically described, 363. Falsehood, the goddess, her territory, ii. 365; invaded by Truth and Wit, ib.; vanishes before the presence of Truth, 366. Falstaff, describes himself as a butt for other men's wit, ii. 328. Fame, a vision respecting, ii. 11, 12; its mountain and palace described, 13; generally coveted, 381; the desire of it an incentive to great actions, iii. 156; considered as a meanness and imperfection in a great character, 158; exposes its possessor to envy and detraction, 159; more difficult to be maintained than acquired, 161; injurious to happiness, 162; the passion sometimes cured by disappointment, 163; why an impediment to our attaining the happiness reserved for us in another world, 164; the proper object to which it ought to be directed, 167; danger in suppressing it, v. 40. Fame, her palace, as described by Ovid, iii. 438. Familiar style loves ellipses, iv. 264, note. Family, the proper sphere for women to shine in, ii. 391. Family of children, the eldest and youngest of them often spoiled, and why, iv. 21; the head of, should be wise and virtuous, 319, &c. Family pride exposed, iv. 261. Families, great ones, their ill-directed education of their sons, ii. 439; why fallen off from the athletic constitution of their progenitors, ii. 107. Fan, an academy for training young women in its exercise, ii. 428, 429. Fancy, her office in the Vision of the Mountain of Miseries, iv. 90. Fancy and imagination, loose sense of those terms in the English language, iii. 394. Fano, from whence so called, i. 406; its triumphal arch and marble fountain, ib. Fans to be used with success against Popery, iv. 425; how to be used against the Tories, 454; several devices to be painted on them in ridicule of Popery, 455; others of a political nature proposed, 456. Fantasque, a species of artist, described as a Venetian scaramouch, ii. 393. Fardingal, its use allowed till the 20th Feb., ii. 84. Fashion, its slow progress in the country, ii. 457, 488. Fashionable nakedness exposed, iv. 252, 253. Fashionable phrases, their intrinsic and current value, iv. 87. Fashionable world, a reformation in, ii. 455. Fat men, a club of, ii. 249, 250. Fathers, one of them, would not tell a lie to gain heaven, iv. 27, 28. Fathers of the church, their credulity, if not the certainty of their reports of miracles in their days, an argument for Christianity, v. 129, note. Faustina represented on a medal as Venus caressing Mars, i. 448. Faustina the younger, her levity, ii. 486. Fear and Hope, Ovid's beautiful similitude of, i. 279. Fear, of death, often mortal, ii. 280; religious, the foundation of true fortitude, iv. 226. Feasts, the gluttony of our modern ones, iii. 65. Felix, orthography of, in Roman inscriptions, i. 263. Felix the Fifth, an anti-Pope, account of him, i. 5. Felix, or Fortunaté, a title of several Roman emperors, iii. 303. Female Association of Whigs, form of its declaration, iv. 428; account of its opening, 441; criticisms of some of the ladies, ib.; columns in the subscription, for virgins, wives, and widows, 442; association ribbon, ib.; efforts of the confederates to quash rebellion, 454. Female ganiesters censured, iv. 232. Female oratory, the excellence of it, iii. 143. Female vanity, a gentle satire upon it, ii. 112. Female world, utility of the Spectator to it, ii. 254, 255. Females, their pretensions settled by the goddess of Justice, ii. 39; their real characters exhibited in her mirror, 40; the three departments of maids, wives, and widows, 41; censoriousness and detraction punished by loss of speech, 42; pregnancy caused in those who had incurred the hazard of it, ib.; their virtues of a domestic turn, ii. 391; alterations in their dress since Queen Elizabeth's time, iv. 179; sharp political humour prevailing among them, 492; malcontents exhorted to go over to the government, 493; their minds affected with the Tory cry, "the danger of the church," v. 20. Fencing, how learned by Bickerstaffe, ii. 25. Ferment, political, long in cooling, like a comet, ii. 426. Ferrara, thinly inhabited, the town described, i. 398. Ferrarius, his description of the cinctus gabinus, i. 469.. Feuds, of English and Scotch noblemen, occasioned the ballad of Chevy Chase, ii. 375; of the Round-heads and Cavaliers, exemplified, 475. Fiction, the advantage writers of it have to please the imagination, iii. 421. Fictions, why delightful to read, ii. 68. Fidelity, a goddess of the Romans, de scribed on a medal, i. 277; emblem of, by two joined hands, 301. Fields of melancholy, described by Virgil, ii. 122. Figleaf, Leonilla, proposes herself as a lioness, iv. 228, 229. Finding a hare, a technical phrase, ii. 438, note. Fine arts, their tendency to elevate human nature, ii. 51. Fine men, in English comedy, their accomplishments, iii. 453. Fine writing, in what the mystery of it consists, iii. 389, note. Finishing stroke, a Vindication of the Patriarchal Scheme, recommended to the perusal of the ladies, ii. 409. Fir-trees, why they thrive best in free countries, ii. 141, note. Fire, its qualities compared to those of love, ii. 300; always kept in, at the everlasting club, ii. 380. Fireworks on the Thames described, iv. 187. First day of the week, a perpetual memorial of Christ's resurrection, v. 126. Fish, preached to by St. Anthony, i. 379. Fishmonger, his bribe to Mr. Bicker staffe, ii. 106; the Spectator's host, advertises him in the Daily Courant, 256. Fish-street politician, his remark on the French king's death, iii. 381. Flambeau, Mrs., action of debt brought against her in the Court of Honour by Lady Townly, ii. 220. Flamsted, letter to, and extract of letter from, v. 418. Flanders, successes of the British in, iv. 347; the Pretender's campaigns in, v. 32. Flavia, broken-hearted at the loss of her parrot, ii. 100; verses on her fan, 177. Flavius Clemens, of the Roman senate, an early convert to Christianity, v. 117; a martyr to it, ib. Flea, its skeleton, ii. 73. Flooring of rooms in Venice, of what composed, i. 388. Flora, a beautiful statue at Florence, i. 497. Florella inquires for books written against prudes, ii. 410; expostulates with Mr. Ironside on his discourse respecting tuckers, iv. 204. Florence, the great duke's care to prevent Civita Vecchia from being made a free port, i. 492; incensed against the Lucquese, and why, 493; its public buildings, 495; its famous gallery and curiosities, 496; excels Rome in modern statues, 501; Duke of, reported to have furnished money to the Pretender, v. 369. Florio, the son of Eudoxus, educated by Leontine, ii. 470; his passion for Leonilla, 471; the secret of their birth disclosed, and their happy union, 472. Flutter of the fan, its various kinds, ii. 430. Flying, the art of, busied the philosophers in King Charles's reign, iv. 213; letter from Dædalus on that subject, 214; ill consequences of the invention in love affairs, 215. Foligni, town, i. 409. Folio, Tom, a broker in learning, some account of him, ii. 132; his visit to Mr. Bickerstaffe, i. 133; his criticism on Virgil, ib. Folly, of ill consequence in the head of a family, iv. 319; though not reclaimed may be prevented by raillery, v. 64, note. Follies of the age, exposed by the Spectator, iii. 436. Fontanges, old-fashioned head-dresses, ii. 420. Fontenelle, wherein faulty in his Dialogues, ii. 128, note; a remark of his on frenzy, iv. 125. Food for newsmongers, iii. 462. Fool, difference between him and the wise man, iii. 108. Fools, why subjects of laughter, ii. 326, 327. Fool's-coat, a species of tulip, ii. 161. Footmen, imitate the vices and follies of their masters, iv. 319, 320. Foppery, an indication of vice, ii. 266. Fopperies, French, importation of them ought to be prohibited, ii. 319. Forehead, an essential organ to an orator, iii. 119. Forest, of numberless trees, picked out of an acorn, ii. 73; of cedars, women's head-dresses compared to one, 421. Forgeries, political, exposed, iv. 461. Forget, two participles passive, of that verb, iv. 189, note. Forgiveness, why an indispensable duty, iii. 43. Forgiveness of enemies, recommended, iii. 342. Forms of Prayer, an argument for them, iii. 369. Forster (Gen.), a farce on his escape from prison, v. 26. Fortitude, none true which is not founded on the fear of God, iv. 226; a com mander of the male auxiliaries in the war of the sexes, 274. Fortune, her temple, formerly at Antium, i. 456; Horace's address to her, ib.; the most shining quality in the eye of the world, iii. 99; good, why considered a merit among the Romans, 304; saying of a Grecian general respecting fortune, 305; often the reward of virtue, and the effect of prudence, iv. 402. Fortune-stealers, a letter respecting, iii. 317, 318; distinguished from fortunehunters, 319, Fortune-telling, why popular, iv. 23. Fortune-telling adventure of Sir Roger Fountains, periodical, in Switzerland, Fourberia della scena, stage tricks, so Fox and seven stars, a sign, ii. 285. Fox-hall, visited by the Spectator and Sir his present Majesty and his govern- France, described on a medal, i. 326; dis- France, king of, distributes his pensions Francis, St., a curious instance of his sim, Franciscan convent at Inspruck, its curi- Frankincense, an emblem of Arabia, i. Fraud, his office in the Temple of Ava- Freart, Mons., extract from his parallel Freedom of thought, its good and evil Freehold, nature of that property, iv. 398. Freelove, Jack, his letter from Pug the 234; his hints to the Spectator respect. French, their manners contrasted with |