pleased to order a week's reprieve for such as are now in Newgate under sentence of death, and were to have suffered this day. A reprieve of this kind is the first usual step towards a pardon, and hope will end in such a one as is hoped for, that the universal joy on such an occasion as is that of the young prince's birth may extend even to the persons and families of these miserable men. I am very proud of this opportunity of performing my duty in obeying the commands which her Royal Highness has been pleased to honour me with. I am, &c. J. ADDISON. THE DUKE OF (BOLTON) TO MR. SECRETARY ADDISON. When I had the honour to be in this government formerly and for some time since, the clerks and officers of the two Houses of Parliament here were used to be rewarded for their extraordinary trouble and attendance during the sessions of parliament, upon particular representations from hence in their favour, proposing and allotting the sums to be given them; but the House of Commons have lately fallen into a method of giving rewards to their officers, by inserting the same in the money bills; whereby the officers of the House of Peers are left alone to particular applications as formerly. I do therefore, in behalf of them, recommend the following allowances to be made them for their service and attendance during the last session of parliament, being the like which was given them the preceding sessions: In my letter to you of the 23rd September last I enclosed an address which had been delivered me from the House of Commons in behalf of the College of Dublin, that His Majesty would be pleased to bestow on them a sum not exceeding five thousand pounds, in order to finish the library of the said college, a like sum having been given them by Her late Majesty, to begin the same, which recommended as what would be for His Majesty's service, and a bounty well bestowed, in regard the present Provost, Dr. Baldwin, is a person of so good & character, and of known zeal, loyalty, and affection to His Majesty and his government, that from his care and influence the happy conjunction of good scholars and good subjects may be expected for the public service. You were pleased, in answer to that part of my said letter, to acquaint me that you would receive His Majesty's pleasure therein, when you had informed yourself how the former sum of five thousand pounds had been directed to be paid; which occasions my now representing to you, that that sum was paid pursuant to a warrant signed by Her late Majesty, bearing date the 16th of July, 1710, and countersigned by the Earl of Oxford, then Lord High Treasurer, authorizing the then Lord-Lieutenant to give the necessary orders for issuing the same towards building the said library at such times, and in such pro portions, as the government here should think the said building should require, and as Her late Majesty's service would admit thereof. When you have received His Majesty's pleasure thereupon, you will please to signify the same to the Lords of the Treasury, in the circumstances I have now represented it, to the end that I may receive a proper warrant from His Majesty for paying the same at such times, and in such proportions, as I shall see occasion, and likewise, in relation to the officers of the House of Lords. SIR, ADDISON TO MR. CRAWFORD. Whitehall, 12th November, 1717. I have this evening received your letter of the 20th instant, N. S., and am at the same time to acknowledge the receipt of two packets forwarded from Dover, on Sunday last, by Sir Wilfred Lawson; but as he mentions three packets sent by express from Dover, one of which I have not received, and is probably that referred to in your letter, I must wait Sir Wilfred's arrival before I can be apprized of the contents of my Lord Stair's letter. Your letters, except that which is just now come to my hands, have been laid before his Majesty, who returns from Hampton Court to St. James's to-morrow. I am very glad to find, by your last account, that my Lord Stair has got over the danger of his late indisposition, and heartily wish that his Excellency may be entirely cured of it in a little time. I am, sir, Your most obedient, humble servant, J. ADDISON. ADDISON TO THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF MY LORDS, TREASURY. Whitehall, November 15th, 1717. Having received a letter from his Grace the LordLieutenant of Ireland, relating to a demand made on the Vice-Treasurer of that kingdom by the commissioners of the forfeited estates, for money arising from the pension and prisage of the late1 Duke of Ormond; together with the report of the Attorney and Solicitor-General of Ireland on that subject, I am commanded by his Majesty to transmit the same to your Lordships, that you may take this matter into your consideration, and do what is proper therein. I am, my Lords, your Lordships' Most obedient and most humble servant, J. ADDISON. SIR, THE DUKE OF BOLTON TO MR. ADDISON. per In my letter of the 15th instant, I represented to you the method which had been taken by the Commissioners of Forfeitures, in relation to the sum of £17,000, demanded by them of the ViceTreasurers here, as owing at Midsummer last from this kingdom, on the pension of £5000 per annum, and Prisage Farm of £3500 annum, payable on the late establishment to the late1 Duke of Ormond, which became forefeited by his rebellion. And according to the promise I then made you in the said letter, I herewith enclose to you the report of his Majesty's Attorney and Solicitor-General here, in relation thereto, who being of opinion that the said Commissioners have no power by the acts of parliament to order or direct the payment of the said money; and considering the nature of the demand, and that the same is not upon the establishment, they think it pro 1 Late, because degraded, not dead. 2 The Duke of Ormond's large estates became forfeited by his adherence to the cause of the Pretender. He had been impeached by the English parliament, attainted (Nov. 12th, 1715) by the Irish, and £10,000 offered for his head. He lived however till Nov. 16th, 1745. per, that his Majesty's directions should be had thereon. I cannot set this matter (as to its other circumstances) in a clearer light than I did in my last, and since I have taken such advice as was proper to be had in relation thereto. Nothing more remains with me, than to desire, that you will lay the whole of this affair before his Maiesty, in such manner as that the same may not come in demand upon this kingdom by the said acts, till the sense of the English parliament be known thereupon. I had yours this day, dated the 17th, and am obliged to you for your particular care that the bills I sent you were that day at council referred to Mr. Attorney and Mr. Solicitor-General, with directions for making a speedy report, which will be extremely for his Majesty's service here. I am with great truth, Sir, your very humble servant, BOLTON. MY LORD, ADDISON TO THE EARL OF STAIR. Whitehall, November 18th, 1717. The occasion of this is, to enclose to your Excellency the king's letter to his most Christian Majesty and the Regent, wherein his Majesty is pleased to notify to them the birth of the young Prince; which you will please to deliver in the usual manner. After which your Excellency is to desire audiences of the Duchess of Berry, the Duchess of Orleans, and the Duchess Dowager of Orleans; wherein you are to notify this good news to them. The last letter I received from your Excellency was of the 24th instant, by which I am very glad to hear you are in so fair a way of recovery. I am, with great respect, Your Excellency's most obedient J. ADDISON. ADDISON TO THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE TREASURY. GRANT OF TRINITY COLLEGE. MY LORDS, Whitehall, November 29th, 1717. His Grace the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland having transmitted hither an address of the House of Commons there, desiring his Majesty will be pleased, out of his Royal bounty, to give to the Provost, Fellows, and Scholars of Trinity College near Dublin, such sum or sums not exceeding five thousand pounds, as the Lord-Lieutenant shall, from time to time, judge necessary to be expended towards finishing the library of the said college; and the said address having been laid before the king; his Majesty commands me to send you a copy of the same, together with an extract of my Lord-Lieutenant's letter to me thereupon. And I am to signify his Majesty's pleasure to your Lordship, that you do give the necessary directions for paying the sum of five thousand pounds to the said Provost, Fellows, and Scholars of the said College, in such manner as is desired by the said address. I am further commanded by his Majesty to send your Lordship the enclosed extract of a letter from the said Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland to me, recommending several allowances, amounting in the whole to eight hundred pounds, to be made to the officers in the House of Peers in that kingdom for their service and attendance during the last session of parliament there, being the like sum which was given them the preceding session. And his Majesty's pleasure is that your Lordship do give such directions in that matter, as has been usual. I am, my Lords, your Lordships' most obedient and most humble servant, J. ADDISON. ADDRESS OF THE IRISH HOUSE OF COMMONS FOR A GRANT IN AID OF TRINITY COLLEGE LIBRARY. By the Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses in Parliament Assembled. Sabbati 21o die Septembris, 1717. A petition of the Provost, Fellows, and Scholars of Trinity College near Dublin, setting forth that, pursuant to the address of the House of Commons, in 1709, the petitioners received five thousand pounds, and have faithfully and carefully laid it out towards erecting a library; but that the said sum is not sufficient to finish that work; and declaring their resolution to instruct the youth under their care in principles of zeal and affection to the constitution in Church and State, and of duty and loyalty to his Majesty King George and his royal amily, was presented to the House and read. Resolved, Nem. Con.-That this House do address his Grace the Lord-Lieutenant, that he will lay before his Majesty the humble desire of this House, that his Majesty will be pleased, out of his royal bounty, to give to the Provost, Fellows, and Scholars of Trinity Col |