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courageous men who laid the foundations of civil and religious Liberty, in our native Land.

The Calvinists alleged, in the third place-That their doctrinal views were universally held by the Presbyterians of Ulster, until late in the last century: for, although some of them swore in the Clough Case, that John Abernethy and the other eminent founders of the Presbytery of Antrim, in 1726, were all Unitarians, they maintained, during the struggle concerning the Chapels Bill, that the very same men were all Trinitarians! But, is there not distinct internal evidence, in the very fact of the enforcement of subscription in 1698, and 1705, that heterodoxy had obtained a footing in the Church, and was likely to spread? Had there been no danger, fences and safeguards would not have been necessary, and would never have been dreamt of. In the history of civil and criminal legislation, we perceive that new offences always preceded new and repressive enactments; and, in the records of the Church, it is equally evident that Creeds were the followers and not the precursors of alleged heresies. The Council of Nice framed a Creed for the suppression of Arianism; and the Synod of Dort adopted a similar course, in the hope of eradicating the alleged heterodoxy of Arminius, in Holland. So it was, precisely, with the General Synod of Ulster, in the end of the seventeenth century and the commencement of the eighteenth. Free inquiry, in a free Church, had naturally produced diversities of opinion; and the majority endeavoured to sustain Calvinism against more liberal views, by coercive and penal enactments. It is no evidence of the incorrectness of this argument, that the repressive laws were passed in the Synod with ostensible unanimity; because the new enactments had no retrospective action, and did not trench upon the liberties either of Elders or ordained Ministers; and I have witnessed quite enough of human frailty and selfishness, in my own day, to know how very few men will contend for an abstract principle of right and truth, where the feelings and interests of others are alone concerned. I am confirmed in this view of the case, by the notorious fact, that heresies appeared in the Synod almost immediately after the enforcement of the restrictive laws; and that measures were actually commenced so early as the year 1719, for the expulsion of those heterodox members who subsequently formed the Presbytery of Antrim. If those eminent and upright men were previously "sound in the faith," error must be a plant of very rapid growth: and, if a creedless Church contained no heresy, it is no great evidence of the advantage of creeds, that their enactment was followed by a luxuriant crop of heterodoxy, in the short space of fourteen years! If the Calvinists still maintain that there was no error in the Church, antecedent to their first labours in creed-making, I maintain, that, on their own

showing, and for the promotion of their own alleged objects, their tyranny was not only useless but pernicious!

I have dwelt upon these points at greater length than I should otherwise have done, in order to show the nature of that evil fountain from which have issued all the bitter waters that have overflowed the Presbyterian Church, from time to time, during the last one hundred and fifty years. To the history of the creation of the Westminster Confession, in the year 1643, I adverted in its due chronological order; and having now arrived at the period of its first imposition on the Presbyterian Church of Ireland, I consider it of essential importance that I should give a brief Outline of the Contents of that extraordinary Production, which, as I sincerely believe, has exercised so disastrous an influence, in several countries, on Christian truth and Christian liberty; and which, although universally known by name, is, I feel persuaded, very little understood, either by its professed friends or adversaries.

(To be continued.)


Unitarianism Reconsidered, and found to be in accordance with the First Commandment, as delivered by God to Moses-Exodus xx. 3; the Lord Jesus Christ to his Disciples-Mark xii. 29; and the Apostle Paul to the Church at Corinth.--1. Cor. viii. 6. Being a Reply to Archdeacon Digby's Pamphlet, entitled, "Unitarianism Considered." By WILLIAM SMITH, Minister of the Unitarian Church, Torquay.-Pages 11.

OUR friend, Mr. Smith, is happy in the selection of a title for his excellent Tract. It would appear, that he has been obliged to encounter, in Archdeacon Digby, a fierce and unscrupulous opponent. The little Pamphlet now before us, is not so much a defence of Unitarianism, as a well-timed and indignant rebuke, addressed to a person who seems to have rendered himself conspicuous as a bigot. At page 8, Mr. Smith introduces this worthy to his readers in the following terms, viz. :

"Were it not that we despaired of reaching the better feelings of a writer who can abandon himself to the intemperate passion these declarations betray; were it not that he shows himself as ignorant of sacred criticism as he is defective in Christian charity, we might attempt to reason, or venture to expostulate; but either course would be equally misplaced in the case of Archdeacon Digby, who appears to be one of those unhappy specimens of the Irish Protestant Priesthood, who seek notoriety by showing how cordially they can hate, how inconclusively they can reason, and how zealously they can fan the flame of religious bigotry and contention. His residence here has been but brief: he found the Catholic and the Protestant, the Churchman and Dissenter, living on terms of mutual charity,


Christian courtesy, and prudent forbearance; he has laboured to destroy this good understanding, with a determination worthy of a better cause-and, to the sorrow of all Christian men, he has, in part, succeeded. This is the third unprovoked attack he has made upon the Christian Churches of this locality-stinging the hand that had welcomed him, and the bosom that had warmed him into renewed life. Twice has he been chastised with a spirit and a talent that should have suffused his cheeks with blushes, and drowned his eyes in tears; but, untaught by past experience, he has again put forth his hand to strike, scorning the warning of his Lord-With what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again;' and disregarding the apostolic rebuke-' Why dost thou judge thy brother, or why dost thou set at nought thy brother, for we shall all stand before the judgment-seat of Christ.'

Archdeacon Digby, in his attempts to explain what is called the Trinity, has substituted the term face, for the common word person. This, we submit, does not mend the matter, but rather tends to make the fable more objectionable. He says, that in Exodus xx. 3, and Deut. vi. 4-" The oneness of the divine nature or essence is asserted, and also the plurality of persons in that one nature. These two texts express and witness, that in this eternal being, there are more faces than one!" On this assertion, Mr. Smith makes the following comment, viz.:


"May we conclude, that in reading the so-called creed of Athanasius, the Archdeacon edifies his flock by the following exhortation :The Catholic Faith is this, that we worship one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity, neither confounding the FACES nor dividing the substances. For there is one FACE of the Father, and another FACE of the Son, another FACE of the Holy Ghost, but the whole three FACES are co-eternal and co-equal!' and in addressing the Almighty that he prays thus- O Holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, three FACE and one God, have mercy upon us!'

"What folly and presumption to substitute this unmeaning jargon for the plain and intelligible language of the Saviour— This is life eternal, to know THEE the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent;' when ye pray, say, ‘Our Father!'"'

An importunate petitioner pushed world or the next, because I know your her way into the inside office of a honour would not like it." The old sayfriend of ours, and interrupted his at- ing, that a "soft answer turneth away tention by this odd question, "Are wrath," is a practical one; but here you idle, sir?" The disturbance, the momentary annoyance was subthe intrusion, and the slight imputa- dued by an apology, and the quainttion which the question threw on a ness-and, indeed, compliment— of hard-worker, drew from our friend, the prayer, got the poor woman more if not a courteous, at least a "curt" than a patient-an interested hearreply, viz. "Nonsense, woman, get ing. Her application was acceded to, out of that." To which rebuff the and she had proof, that to ascertain offender meekly answered, "I am if a person was idle was not a bad sorry I disturbed you, sir; but, at all introduction.-Religious Monthly Maevents, may you never be idle in this gazine.





JUNE 14 and 15, the first annual meeting of this Society was held at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Many friends from places in connexion with the Society attended this Christian gathering Alnwick, Morpeth, Carlisle, Wetheral, Rothbury, Sunderland, Churton, South Shields, Stockton-on-Tees, Barnard Castle, Darlington, Shildon. Others from beyond the district were present -Liverpool, Park Lane, Lancashire, Edinburgh; whilst several, to their great regret, were unavoidably prevented-Kendal, Warkworth, Stockton-on-Tees, Gilling, Wensleydale. The Rev. Dr. Montgomery conducted the religious services on Sunday, both morning and evening, in HanoverSquare Chapel. His discourses were powerfully argumentative and Scriptural illustrations of the plain, simple, benevolent principles of the Gospel, as contrasted with the mysterious, gloomy, anti-social doctrines of the current theology, and were listened to with delighted attention by very numerous audiences. The collection was £25 18. 6d.

The New Music Hall, on Monday afternoon, presented a most pleasing and animated appearance. Festoons of ivy, laurel, oak, lilac, laburnum, interspersed with a variety of flowers, encircled the spacious building, amidst which appeared busts, paintings, and engravings of departed and living advocates of the Christian Unitarian faith. Numerous vases of different colour and form, filled with choice flowers, geraniums, &c. furnished by members of the congregation, were placed at regular intervals on the tables. A scroll bearing the inscription, "Sunday-Schools first established in the North of England by Rev. W. Turner, 1784," extended across the front of the gallery, in which were seated one hundred and thirty children, educating in the several Day and Sunday-Schools connected with Hanover-Square Chapel. Seven tables extended the length of the Hall, con

nected with one cross table at its head. Preparation was made for five hundred and twenty-six, and the tables were filled. The meeting was designed to celebrate, in addition to that of the Tract and Missionary Society, the anniversary of the HanoverSquare Congregation, and the settlement of Mr. Harris as its Minister. The Rev. Geo. Harris presided; the VicePresidents being R. W. Swan, Esq. T. M. Greenhow, Esq. Captain Weatherley of Newcastle; Mr. Brown of Barnard Castle: Mr. Stott of Alnwick; Mr. Braithwaite, and Rev. J. Wright of Sunderland. Forty young men of the Newcastle Congregation acted as stewards. Prayer was offered by the Chairman before tea, and after the repast a hymn of thanksgiving was sung. Mr. Harris then addressed the company, and afterwards as secretary of this Christian union, read the report of the Committee. It detailed the origin of the Newcastle Unitarian Tract Society in 1813, of which the present association is a revival and extension, stating that it was the first to reprint Mr. afterwards Dr. Channing's Baltimore Sermon, as also the first in cheap printing for the masses, and had thus sent forth eighty thousand copies of various useful and important defences of the Christian Unitarian faith, making grants to distant places as well as near, not limiting its exertions to the locality which gave it birth. Since its revival, correspondence had been opened with individuals or societies in thirty-four places in the Northern counties, in many of which it had not previously been known that believers in these principles were resident.— Earnest desire expressed by all for missionary preaching and tract distribution. The Society designed its operations in Northumberland, Durham, Cumberland, Westmoreland, and the Northern Division of Yorkshire, and by union of friends scattered abroad over this district hoped much might be done. A devoted Missionary placed at Barnard Castle, as a centre, would be aided in a pro

mising field of Christian usefulness by several efficient coadjutors as laypreachers; they already are spreading the truth by their Sunday ministrations. Wensleydale, Arkingarthdale, Bedale, and the Valley of the Tees, are anxious for the word of life. Rev. J. M'Dowell, of Stockton, and Mr. Harris, had preached at Gilling, near Catterick, and Barnard Castle, to considerable audiences on week-day evenings. Other circuits might be formed in different directions --but these plans could only be carried into execution by increased means, the conjoint aid of all friends, wherever dwelling. Three thousand three hundred tracts had been sent out during the year. The reports from congregations were detailed, and amongst the rest that from Hanover-Square Chapel stated, that its various institutions were never in more prosperous condition Schools, Libraries, and Benevolent Societies; in the past year a Day-School for girls had been formed, as also a Benevolent Society for the relief of the sick and poor: and one hundred and three new subscribers had been added to the congregation, many of them heads of large families. The Tract and Missionary Society numbered 116 subscribers in the district; income in past year, £39 4s. 34d. -expenditure, £29 6s. 44d.

Various resolutions were proposed in the course of the evening, and unanimously adopted. In reply to the vote of thanks, Dr. Montgomery instructed and delighted the friends by his lucid statements, eloquent imagery, and glowing appeals to the best and holiest feelings, and left an impression on all hearts which must prove efficacious, salutary, and permanent. At a subsequent part of the evening, in moving, by request of the Missionary and Chapel Committees, the resolution of thanks to Mr. Harris, and presenting, on the part of the subscribers Mr. Harris's Portrait, painted by a Newcastle artist, to the congregation, to be placed in the vestry of the chapel as companion to that of Mr. Turner. Dr. Montgomery uttered a fervent eulogy of his friend and brother's labours and life. Mr. Harris having expressed his acknowledgments, and urged the meeting to continuous, increasing exertions in the dissemination and practice of Christian truth, Dr. Montgomery closed this happy and

instructive Assembly with prayer and benediction.

The following resolutions were adopted by the meeting :

Moved by Mr. BROWN, of Barnard Castle; seconded by Mr. STOTT, of Alnwick-That this meeting, in expressing their approval and adoption of the Report of the Tract and Missionary Society, would give utterance to their earnest hope, that by combined exertions, in which Christian union is maintained without the sacrifice of individual opinion or congregational freedom, the plans suggested for the dissemination and practice of Scriptural Christianity may be thoroughly carried into execution. That in order to make these plans and principles more widely known, as well as to call forth increased sympathy and cordial co-operation in their furtherance, the Report be printed, and copies forwarded to every kindred Association; to the churches and individual subscribers connected with the Society; and also to all, in every place, who may be considered friendly to the objects which it founded to accomplish.

Moved by Rev. J. WRIGHT, of Sunderland; seconded by R. BUSBY, Esq. of Alnwick-That this meeting, regarding the great scriptural principles of the essential Unity and Benevolence of God, even the Father, and the Divine Commission and Authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, as fraught with incalculable blessings to mankind, rejoice in the wider diffusion of the knowledge of those principles, and recognise most fully the bounden duty of those who value them as honourable to God and beneficial to Man, putting forth increasing and persevering efforts, by missionary labour, tract distribution, conversation and example, for their dissemination amongst the masses of the people.

Moved by R. W. SWAN, Esq. seconded by Capt.WEATHERLEY, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne-That this meeting, in presenting their warmest thanks to their respected friend, the Rev. Dr. Montgomery, for his interesting, instructive, and admirable services at this anniversary, gladly embrace the opportunity of recording the lively sense they entertain of his arduous, persevering struggles in behalf of Religious and Civil Freedom, and their

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