The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, Том 14C. and A. Conrad & Company, 1809 |
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With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. A - hhbl JULIUS CÆSAR . 3925 1809 V. 14 VOL . XIV . B IT appears from Peck's Collection of divers curious historical Pieces.
With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. A - hhbl JULIUS CÆSAR . 3925 1809 V. 14 VOL . XIV . B IT appears from Peck's Collection of divers curious historical Pieces.
Страница 2
... appears more probable , that Shak- speare was indebted to Lord Sterline , than that Lord Sterline bor- rowed from Shakspeare . If this reasoning be just , this play could not have appeared before the year 1607. I belieye it was produced ...
... appears more probable , that Shak- speare was indebted to Lord Sterline , than that Lord Sterline bor- rowed from Shakspeare . If this reasoning be just , this play could not have appeared before the year 1607. I belieye it was produced ...
Страница 7
... appear , Have you not made an universal shout , That Tyber trembled underneath her banks , “ To hear the replication of your sounds , Made in her concave shores ? And do you now put on your best attire ? And do you now cull out a ...
... appear , Have you not made an universal shout , That Tyber trembled underneath her banks , “ To hear the replication of your sounds , Made in her concave shores ? And do you now put on your best attire ? And do you now cull out a ...
Страница 15
... appears to have imitated this passage : " Nay , stamp not , tyrant ; I can stamp as loud , " And raise as many dæmons with the sound . " Steevens . 2 There was a Brutus once , ] i . e . Lucius Junius Brutus . Steevens . 3 eternal devil ...
... appears to have imitated this passage : " Nay , stamp not , tyrant ; I can stamp as loud , " And raise as many dæmons with the sound . " Steevens . 2 There was a Brutus once , ] i . e . Lucius Junius Brutus . Steevens . 3 eternal devil ...
Страница 22
... appear full of fury , and yet attempt no violence augments the prodigy . Steevens . 4 Clean from the purpose- ] Clean is altogether , entirely . See Vol . VIII , p . 70 , n . 9. Malone . And , when the cross blue lightning seem'd to ...
... appear full of fury , and yet attempt no violence augments the prodigy . Steevens . 4 Clean from the purpose- ] Clean is altogether , entirely . See Vol . VIII , p . 70 , n . 9. Malone . And , when the cross blue lightning seem'd to ...
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Albany ancient Antony and Cleopatra appears bear better Brutus called Casca Cassius Cordelia Coriolanus Corn Cymbeline daughters death dost doth duke Edgar edition editors Edmund Enter Exeunt Exit eyes father fear folio reads Fool fortune Gent give Gloster gods Goneril hand Hanmer hath hear heart honour Johnson Julius Cæsar Kent King Henry King Lear knave Lear look lord Lucius madam Malone Mark Antony Mason means Messala nature never night noble nuncle old copies omitted passage play Plutarch poet poor pray quartos read Regan Ritson Roman Rome says scene sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's signifies Sir Thomas Hanmer speak speech spirit stand Steevens Stew suppose sword tell thee Theobald thing thou art thought Timon of Athens Titinius Troilus and Cressida unto villain Warburton word