The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, Том 14C. and A. Conrad & Company, 1809 |
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... Messala , young Cato , and Volumnius ; friends to Brutus and Cassius . Varro , Clitus , Claudius , Strato , Lucius , Dardanius ; ser- vants to Brutus . Pindarus , servant to Cassius . Calphurnia , wife to Cæsar . Portia , wife to Brutus ...
... Messala , young Cato , and Volumnius ; friends to Brutus and Cassius . Varro , Clitus , Claudius , Strato , Lucius , Dardanius ; ser- vants to Brutus . Pindarus , servant to Cassius . Calphurnia , wife to Cæsar . Portia , wife to Brutus ...
Страница 97
... Messala with you Immediately to us . [ Exeunt Luc . and TIT . Bru . Lucius , a bowl of wine . Cas . I did not think , you could have been so angry . Bru . O Cassius , I am sick of many griefs . Cas . Of your philosophy you make no use ...
... Messala with you Immediately to us . [ Exeunt Luc . and TIT . Bru . Lucius , a bowl of wine . Cas . I did not think , you could have been so angry . Bru . O Cassius , I am sick of many griefs . Cas . Of your philosophy you make no use ...
Страница 98
... MESSALA . [ Drinks . [ Drinks . Bru . Come in , Titinius : -Welcome , good Messala.— 7 And , her attendants absent , swallow'd fire . ] This circumstance is taken from Plutarch . It is also mentioned by Val . Maximus . It cannot ...
... MESSALA . [ Drinks . [ Drinks . Bru . Come in , Titinius : -Welcome , good Messala.— 7 And , her attendants absent , swallow'd fire . ] This circumstance is taken from Plutarch . It is also mentioned by Val . Maximus . It cannot ...
Страница 99
... Messala , I have here received letters , That young Octavius , and Mark Antony , Come down upon us with a mighty ... Messala . Mes . Nor nothing in your letters writ of her ? Bru . Nothing , Messala . Mes . That , methinks , is ...
... Messala , I have here received letters , That young Octavius , and Mark Antony , Come down upon us with a mighty ... Messala . Mes . Nor nothing in your letters writ of her ? Bru . Nothing , Messala . Mes . That , methinks , is ...
Страница 101
... Messala ; - Good night , Titinius : -Noble , noble Cassius , Good night , and good repose . Cas . O my dear brother ! This was an ill beginning of the night : Never come such division ' tween our souls ! 5 Let it not , Brutus . Bru ...
... Messala ; - Good night , Titinius : -Noble , noble Cassius , Good night , and good repose . Cas . O my dear brother ! This was an ill beginning of the night : Never come such division ' tween our souls ! 5 Let it not , Brutus . Bru ...
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Albany ancient Antony and Cleopatra appears bear better Brutus called Casca Cassius Cordelia Coriolanus Corn Cymbeline daughters death dost doth duke Edgar edition editors Edmund Enter Exeunt Exit eyes father fear folio reads Fool fortune Gent give Gloster gods Goneril hand Hanmer hath hear heart honour Johnson Julius Cæsar Kent King Henry King Lear knave Lear look lord Lucius madam Malone Mark Antony Mason means Messala nature never night noble nuncle old copies omitted passage play Plutarch poet poor pray quartos read Regan Ritson Roman Rome says scene sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's signifies Sir Thomas Hanmer speak speech spirit stand Steevens Stew suppose sword tell thee Theobald thing thou art thought Timon of Athens Titinius Troilus and Cressida unto villain Warburton word