396 Its relevance to the enquiry and its intrinsic importance 397 The interaction of agriculture and public health 481 482 398 Policy and progress 483 399 Principles of public health administration 483 400 The provincial public health departments: objects and general organisation 483 401 Madras District Health Scheme 484 402 The Indian Research Fund Association : its organisation and work. 485 486 486 .. 405 Midwives 487 406 Wells 488 407 The efforts of non-official agencies to improve the health and welfare of the country-side (iii) Rural reconstruction centres of the Indian Y. M. C. A. 489 445 446 447 448 449 451 441 Primary education with reference to an increase in literacy 442 Reasons for the unsatisfactory state of primary education 443 Wastage in the primary school 444 Female education Remedies (i) Compulsion .. (ii) The introduction of a contract system The teacher and the curriculum Adult education 450 Secondary education Improvements in secondary education 519 520 520 521 523 524 525 527 529 531 532 468 Objects of the agricultural colleges as set out in the college 471 Qualifications for admission to agricultural colleges and the dura 481 Openings in other departments for passed students from the colleges 482 Higher agricultural education in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa and Assam 489 488 The amount of spare time at the cultivator's disposal Classification of industries 566 566 502 Nature of spare-time occupation 576 503 Advantages of seasonal migration of labour from rural to urban 540 Relations with the statistical branch of the International Institute 621 553 The new superior provincial services (Class I)— (i) General (ii) Qualifications and recruitment (a) Research posts (b) Teaching posts (c) Administrative posts (iii) Probationary period Relations between the three branches of the service 554 Special posts outside the cadre 555 Pay and pension 556 Safeguards for recruitment, discipline and conditions of service 557 Relations between provincial agricultural services 558 Relations with Empire services .. 559 Study leave and exchange of officers between Empire and Indian research stations .. 560 561 (ii) Recruitment and conditions of service 562 The lower grades of the agricultural services The Central Agricultural Research Service (i) The superior staff: organisation, recruitment and dura- 626 626 628 629 630 632 633 636 636 637 637 637 638 638 640 640 641 643 643 644 (iv) Class II officers at Pusa: recruitment, status and pros- 649 567 Visits of officers of the Central Agricultural Research Service to the |