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officers with the same desire; and gradually rendered the soldiers dexterous in the use of arms, and rapid in their evolutions. In all points of discipline which are useful on service he was rigid: but in other matters, being desirous of gratifying the soldiers, and of increasing their comforts, he was indulgent, and even disposed to overlook slight neglects. At that time the practice of excessive drinking was prevalent in the army, and even among the officers. This he resolved to abolish in the regiment without delay. He signified in very strong terms his determination on this subject to his officers, who expressed their approbation and assured him of their concurrence. Yet one untractable Lieutenant, in spite of warnings, appeared on the parade staggering from intoxication. He was compelled immediately to quit the service, and no more examples of that kind were requisite. There were, however, a few others accustomed to relaxed discipline, who did not relish the change of system. These successively exchanged into other corps, and

were replaced by young gentlemen of supe

rior energy.

The character which the 51st regiment attained, and the spirit it afterwards displayed in a long war, on a variety of perilous occasions, were proofs of excellent training.

Spain being in no condition to cope in war with Great Britain, gave the satisfaction that was demanded, which put an end to the preparation for invading South America.

The 51st regiment remained in Ireland until 1792, when it was ordered to embark for Gibraltar. In a letter to his father he gives the following particulars

'Brunswick Transport, Cove of Cork, 8th March, 1792.

'My dear Father,

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I have been hurried

to death with the embarkation; the new

serjeant-major I had been obliged to ap'point, not being conversant with the busiBut I have been much pleased with 'the behaviour of the regiment. Their or'derly conduct upon leaving a town like


Cork, in which they had formed many acIquaintances, was more than I could have Upon the parade, the evening before we marched, I told them they might

' expected.

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enjoy themselves, and be jolly with their friends till nine, when I expected every 'man to be in his quarters; and that at 'seven next morning they should come sober

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to the parade ready to march. They were

Iglorious that night: however, with a very

few exceptions, they retired to their quarters at nine, and came next morning (to the parade) perfectly sober. We lost one

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man only by desertion since we received orders to embark, and we recovered him yesterday. It rained during the 'march (to the Cove), and the roads were very deep; but whilst the commissary was 'mustering us on the beach, it cleared, and ' turned out a very fine afternoon.

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• Two other regiments were arranged upon 'the beach waiting for the return of the boats, 'the sun was shining and the sea perfectly 'calm. I ordered none of the boats to put off

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'till the whole regiment was embarked, that 'all might proceed together. By signal we

gave three cheers, which were answered by

⚫ the regiments on shore: the bands playing, 'colours flying, &c., the whole forming a

lively, animating scene. In ten minutes we were rowed aboard our different ships.

' and at day-light to-morrow, if the wind con'tinues fair, we sail.'



To attain eminence in any profession, the mind must be intensely fixed upon its principles, and the individual experienced in its practice. For military improvement,

Gibraltar is a less favourable school than a camp, yet it presents some advantages. For the garrison is numerous and is daily drilled, manœuvred and employed on various duties: while the bomb-proof casemates, the ramparts, and the cannon pointed towards the sea and shore, together with the Spanish lines across the peninsula, fill the imagination with martial ideas. Moreover, the memorable defence which this fortress maintained for seven years, against the fleets and armies of France and Spain, aided by formid

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