XV. "As on high Algidus the sturdy oak, "Whose spreading boughs the axe's sharpness feel, " Improves by loss, and, thriving with the stroke, "Draws health and vigour from the wounding steel. XVI. "Not Hydra sprouting from her mangled head XVII. " Plunge her in ocean, like the morning fun, " Brighter the rifes from the depths below: "To earth with unavailing ruin thrown, " Recruits her strength, and foils the wondering foe. XVIII. No more of victory the joyful fame " Shall from my camp to haughty Carthage fly; "Lost, lost, are all the glories of her name! " With Afdrubal her hopes and fortune die ! XIX. "What shall the Claudian valour not perform, "Which Power Divine guards with propitious care, "Which Wisdom steers through all the dangerous storm, "Through all the rocks and shoals of doubtful war?" : VIRTUE VIRTUE AND FAME. TO THE COUNTESS OF EGREMONT. VIRTUE and Fame, the other day, Happen'd to cross each other's way; "Said Virtue, "Hark ye! madam Fame, "Your ladyship is much to blame; Jove bids you always wait on me, "And yet your face I seldom fee: "The Paphian queen employs your trumpet, " And bids it praise some handsome strumpet; "Or, thundering through the ranks of war, "Ambition ties you to her car." Saith Fame, "Dear madam, I protest, " I never find myself so bleft " As when I humbly wait behind you ! "But 'tis so mighty hard to find you ! In such obfcure retreats you lurk ! To feek you, is an endless work." "Well," anfwer'd Virtue, “ I allow "Your plea. But hear, and mark me now. "I know (without offence to others) " I know the best of wives and mothers; " Who never pass'd an useless day " In scandal, goffiping, or play: "Whose modest wit, chastis'd by sense, ***Is lively chearful innocence; " Whofe "Whose heart nor envy knows, nor spite, "Whose duty is her fole delight; "Nor rul'd by whim, nor flave to fashion, " Her parents' joy, her husband's paffion." • Fame fmil'd, and and answer'd, " On my life, "This is some country parson's wife, "Who never faw the court nor town, "Whese face is homely as her gown; "Whobanquets upon eggs and bacon-" "No, madam, no-you're much mistakenI beg you'll let me set you right"'Tis one with every beauty bright; "Adorn'd with every polish'd art "That rank or fortune can impart; "'Tis the most celebrated toaft "That Britain's spacious ifle can boaft; "'Tis princely Petworth's noble dame; "'Tis Egrement Go, tell it, Fame." ADDITION, EXTEMPORE, BY EARL HARDWICKE. F "My trumpet oft I 've rais'd, to found "Believe me, I can name but one, "A friend of yours-'tis Lyttelton." LET A Methought I faw before my feet, She finil'd, and faid, "Once more I fee My fugitive returns to me; Long had I loft you from my bower, Or, rais'd from earth, with straining eyes; "But now, to my forsaken track, Lo! to my flowery groves and springs HYMN TO ELIZA. MADAM, before your feet I lay This ode upon your wedding-day, The first indeed I ever made, And |