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founds with their dreadful yells and growlings. It often happens that the combatants make an armiftice for an hour, to recreate their forces, during which they lie befide one another without any danger; then both parties fuddenly rife up, each takes its place, and the battle begins anew with redoubled fury. This goes fo far, that they pursue one another into the fea, when thofe of the victorious party drag their enemies back to land, and put them to the torture of their bites fo long till at length they lie faint and exhaufted, and finally perish by the talons and beaks of the ravenous birds of prey that are hovering round. The authority with which the husbands rule over their wives and children, is frequently displayed in a very tyrannical manner. When the wives, on being attacked by the hunters, abandon their cubs from affright, and thefe are carried off, the hufbands immediately ceafe from purfuing the common foe, and turn upon the mother, as if to demand an account of what is become of them; then feizing them with their teeth, dath them with violence against the rocks. The wives, ftunned with the blows, creep and crouch at the feet of their defpots, and, careffing them, fhed abundance of tears. While the hufband continues to feel his vexation, he goes growling to and fro, and rolling his eye-balls, juft as the land-bear's are wont to do; but when his rage is abated, he then begins alfo bitterly to weep for the loss of his young,






New mufical entertainment, entitled the Embarkation, was in

troduced this evening, the characters of which stand

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MR. FRANKLYN, the author, has laid the scene of this piece occafionally in England and Holland, of the coafts of which there are fome pretty picturesque views. The embarrassment of Mushroom, a coxcomb, whose curricle is put in requifition on his road to Margate-the failing of the troops-the attack on the Helder-the release from prifon of Eliza, the wife of Captain Beverley, and the final victory of the English, form the out

lines of the ftory, which is embellished with the humour of Jack Juniper, a drunken failor; O'Splash, a blundering Irish Serjeant, and Hokenfoken, a phlegmatic Dutchman.

The entertainment contains much life and bustle, nor is it without humour; the mufic alfo, by Mr. REEVE, has much to recommend it. All the fongs were appropriate, and one very delicate air by MRS. BLAND, was loudly encored.

By the lower part of the houfe this new production was well received; but the galleries were clamorous upon its being announced for fecond representation.

Since we committed the above fketch to writingthe expedition to Holland, has, in a measure, failed. This circumftance, therefore, muft prove a confiderable impediment to the popularity of the Embarkation. Indeed we fhould not wonder even, if it were withheld from further exhibition. To fuch an iffue are all temporary pieces unavoidably expofed!


OCTOBER 7. A new mufical entertainment, by MR. DIBDIN, called the Naval Pillar, was produced here this evening; and very favourably received. The intended pillar to be raised, by national gratitude, on which are to be infcribed the atchievements of our naval heroes, gave rife to this piece. The plot contains very few incidents; but they are contrived to introduce certain fongs of an humourous caft and laughable tendency. Of these the most whimfical and eccentric, is one by MR. FAWCETT, reciting the adventures of SIR SYDNEY SMITH, and another by MR. MUNDEN, in the character of a Quaker, being a bundle of proverbs, adapted to the prefent political ftate of Europe.


The firft fcenes of this entertainment exhibit a meeting of the failors and their sweethearts; then fucceeds a large club of failors, in which the Naval Pillar forms a fubject for wit, fongs, and converfation. JOHNSTONE and INCLEDON are the principal agents in this bufinefs. A plain pillar is at the laft introduced, with the names of the most celebrated admirals on a fcroll, round which the failors and their fweethearts dance with peculiar feftivity.

The Pillar now flies open, and difplays a moft magnificent and appropriate fpectacle-confifting of Britannia, perfonated by MRS. CHAPMAN, under a rich canopy, with the figures of a failor and a foldier for fupporters, pointing to the letters G. R. over a brilliant fun, which turns on the centre; fhrouded in clouds above, and furrounded by angels, is a medallion of LORD HOWE, and on columns on each fide of the canopy, are medallions of our great living naval commanders.

From this sketch it appears, that the NAVAL PILLAR is one of thofe patling effufions of the day, which derives its chief merit from the magnitude of events, in which all our feelings are concerned. The capture of Alkmaar was alfo preffed into the fervice with the happiest effect. The houfe was very full, and refounded with applaufes.






ENIGNANT deity! whose sparkling eyes With radiant luftre beaming, kindle joy In ev'ry countenance whereon they glance; Why fcarcely fhewell thou thyself amongst Earth's habitants? Why is it that their hands Deal out fo fparingly thy noble boons, Yet copiously lavish wealth, and time And future happiness, on pleasures, vain, Fallacious, fraught with woe? Alas! for why Do public fpectacles and crowded feasts, Intoxication, riot, revelry,

The gaming table and destructive turf,

Engage near fole pursuit, while thou, dear maid,
And thy exalted works, neglected lie?

Is it because the man of gen'rous mould,
In practical benevolence employ'd,

Experiences no delight, nor feels

Those sweet fenfations which can footh the ills

Inimical to mortal's perfect peace?

Or is it rather that the hours we spend

In thoughtless follies and the giddy track
Of diffipation, are from trouble free,

Devoid of pain, and care, and that his mind,
Who 'lifts himself the votary of vice,
Is ne'er o'er-fhadow'd with anxiety?
Ah me the generality of men


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