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and cannot exift out of it. Now if thefe fishes poffeffed at first the fame natures as they do at prefent, their element was, of neceffity falt. This queftion feems therefore decided, without enquiring how the faltnefs of the fea is appointed to prevent its putrefaction? for in fmall quantities, at least falt-water, the most ftrongly will putrify; and thofe who have been long becalmed in fultry regions, have but witneffed a fimilar difpofition in the ocean itself. Nevertheless this is no putrid difpofition in the water, but in that immenfe quantity of animal particles, which in fo many ages have replenished the ocean. As to the degree of faltnefs in the fea, it varies in the fame places at different feafons, fometimes at different depths, but in general it is found falteft where the fun is vertical and where the water fuffers the feverest heat."

We are alfo affured by philofophers, that the feawater around the fhores of Britain, contains about onetwenty-eighth, or one-thirtieth of fea-falt, and about oneeightieth of magnesia falt.

After the enumeration of these particulars relative to the fea, you will permit me juft to call your attention to two writers, who with peculiar beauty have dwelt on this fubject.

Dr. James Fordyce thus expreffes himself in his Viero of the Sea, and the paffage was forcibly fuggefted to my mind, when contemplating the fame grand object at Sidmouth.

"In this place of fecurity," fays that elegant writer, "I view unaffrighted, though not unawed, the majestic ocean, fpread out before me. Stupendous image of thy power, Omnipotent Creator! nor lefs of thy benevolence, Univerfal Parent ! Was it not formed by thee to unite in bonds of mutual intercourfe, thy wide extended family of mankind; to carry through various and diftant nations the refpective productions and difcoveries of each, to relieve or diminish their mutual wants, and diffeminate

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diffeminate the bleffings of religion and humanity unto the ends of the earth? But who can number the tribes or tell the diverfity of living creatures with which thou haft replenished this mighty receptacle of waters, fitting all to enjoy their native element, and many to supply a rich and wholesome nourishment for man? May he receive it with thanksgiving as one of thofe benetits that, when placed within his power, were intended to employ his industry and, ftrengthen him for thy fervice? Nor would I forget to acknowledge that benignant Providence which hath, in fo many other ways, rendered the fame element conducive to health and comfort, by furnishing ftores of falt to featon and preferve our food, by refreshing the adjacent coafts with falutary breezes, by invigorating the weak and reftoring the diseased, that bathe in its briny waves!"

You will perceive that thefe obfervations are much the fame as thofe fuggefted by Durham, only expreffed in more elegant language, and fublimed by the fervor of devotion.

The other writer to whom I alluded, as having dwelt with peculiar beauty on this fubject, is the late Mr. Robinfon, of Cambridge, who, by a reference to the SEA, thus ftrikingly illuftrates the character of the Deity: "Your fear of God is exceffive. The caufe of this dread is a partial knowledge of God. Recollect what I faid to you fometime ago, concerning knowing only part of a ubject. This is your cafe: you have attended to the judgments of God-to his threatenings against the wicked, and to that punishment which awaits them in another ftate; but you have not turned your attention to the MERCY of God expreffed in his promifes, and in his difpenfations of goodness to others in your condition. Suppofe I could take a perfon, one who had never feen the SEA, and carry him in an inftant to the fea-fide, and fet him down there; and fuppofe the fea, at that instant, to be in a ftorm; the great black and difmal


clouds rolling, thunders bellowing, lightenings flathing, the winds roaring, the fea dashing, ten thoufand watery mountains one against the other-the beach covered with fhattered timber and cordage, merchandizes and corpfes; this man would inftantly conceive a dreadful idea of the fea, and would fhudder and shriek, and fly for his life! It would be hard to give this man a pleasant notion of the sea, especially if he had been well informed that feveral of his relations and friends had perished in the tempeft; yet this man would have but half a right notion of the fea. For could he be prevailed upon to go down to the beach a few days after-the heavens would fmile, the air be ferene, the water fmooth, the feamen whiftling and finging; here a vessel of trade failing before the wind, there a fleet of men of war coming into harbour; yonder, pleasure boats bafking in the fun, the flute making melody to the breeze; the company, even the fofter fex, enjoying themfelves without fear: this man would form the other half-notion of the SEA, and the two put together, would be the juft and true idea of it." Apply this to our fubject.

You will readily join with me in admiring the appo fiteness of this illuftration, fince you have often regretted to me that religion fhould ever be clothed in the fable garb of melancholy; for TRUE RELIGION is the adoration of that great and wonderful being, by whose extenfive operations the felicity of the whole intelligent creation will be ultimately accomplished.

Wandering one day on the beach, early in the morning, I met with an aged fisherman, feated under the cliff of a rock, and employed (like James, the fon of Zebedee, and John his brother, of old) in mending his nets. I entered into converfation with him, and learnt from him many things with which I was previously unacquainted. Among other particulars, he told me, that thefe coafts had, of late years, been in a measure, deferted

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ferted by the finny tribe. For this fact no fatisfactory reafons could be affigned. This fpirit of emigration, by no means uncommon, at prefent, amongst the human fpecies, has, it seems, feized the picatory race; nor is it yet afcertained to what hores they have betaken themselves. I gave this fon of misfortune a trifle, for which he appeared extremely grateful. Indeed I pitied the poor old man, who lamented the defertion, as it had been the occafion of narrowing the means of his fubfiftence. On his brow was indented many a furrow, and his phyfiognomy affured me that he had, oftentimes, borne the "the pitilefs pelting of the ftorm!!!

Mackarel, however, are caught here in abundance. I faw a draught brought ahore one evening, and poured from the net into a large basket. I was struck with their appearance, and handled them, for their colours were beautiful beyond expreffion. The filvery white was shaded by purple dyes, and the quivering agonies of diffolution produced a thousand variations, marked by the most exquifite delicacy. Upon my return from this fscene, I found the band belonging to the Sidmouth volunteers playing on the beach, which, combined with the murmurs of the "wide weltering waves," generated the most pleafing fenfations. The company were parading backwards and forwards-the fun rapidly fetting in the weft, while, by the approaching fhades of darkness, we were admonished that day was clofing upon us, and the empire of night about to be refumed. Indeed at that inftant, to adopt the language of a celebrated female author-" I contemplated all nature at reft; the rocks, even grown darker in their appearance, looked as if they partook of the general repofe, and reclined more heavily on their foundations.”

The chief purport of my visit to Sidmouth, was to enjoy the company of a valuable friend, who, on account of indifpofition, had been obliged to quit the metropolis, and chofe to retire into this fequeftered


part of the country. Him, and his amiable family [ found embofomed in a vale, which, for the foftnefs of its air and the richness of its profpect, was delightful beyond expreffion. Their mansion was neat and commodious; their view on the left extended towards the fea, and on the right was terminated by a rifing hill, whilft the declivity of the oppofite mountain, interfected by inclofures, and fpotted with theep, imparted a molt picturefque fcene to the eye of the beholder. Near the foot of the door ran a rivulet; which, by its pleafing murmurs foothed the ear, and by its tranfparency gratified the imagination. About the distance of two fields above the manfion, the fea beautifully unfolded itself to view between the hills, and veffels were conftantly appearing and difappearing, not wholly unlike the objects paffing through a magic lantern; though certainly the scene had no connection with the iudicrous, nor were the objects transmitted with equal rapidity. At the top of the hill was an ancient encampmeni; but whether of Roman or Danish origin cannot be afcertained with certainty. There is no doubt, however, that these coafts were frequently infested by the enemy in the earlier periods of British history. From this eminence we looked down on the other side into the little village of Sidbury, and its clustered cottages fuggefted to the mind those flattering images of felicity which we usually connect with harmless rufticity.

My principal abode was at the house of my friend. Thence we often fallied forth to furvey the adjacent prospects; but the weather was by no means favourable to our excurfions. One fine day, however, we ascended the oppofite hill, clambering up its fide with difficulty. But its fummit amply recompenfed the toil which we had endured. Though totally unaccustomed to the art of drawing, yet feating myfelf upon a hillock, I was tempted to take a rough sketch of the cottage we had left, and of the hills with which it was furrounded. The


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