K. HEN. Come hither, Gardiner. [They converfe apart. CAM. My lord of York, was not one doctor Pace In this man's place before him? WOL. CAM. Was he not held a learned man? WOL. Yes, he was. Yes, furely. CAM. Believe me, there's an ill opinion fpread then Even of yourself, lord cardinal. WOL. How! of me? CAM. They will not stick to fay, you envy'd him; And, fearing he would rife, he was fo virtuous, Kept him a foreign man still:" which so griev'd him, That he ran mad, and died. WOL. Heaven's peace be with him! That's chriftian care enough: for living murmurers, There's places of rebuke. He was a fool; For he would needs be virtuous: That good fellow, If I command him, follows my appointment; I will have none fo near elfe. Learn, this brother, We live not to be grip'd by meaner perfons. K. HEN. Deliver this with modefty to the queen. [Exit GARDINER. The most convenient place that I can think of, [Exeunt. Kept him a foreign man fill:] Kept him out of the king's prefence, employed in foreign embaffies. JOHNSON. SCENE III. An Antechamber in the Queen's Apartments. Enter ANNE BULLEN, and an old Lady. ANNE. Not for that neither;-Here's the pang that pinches: His highnefs having liv'd fo long with her; and The So good a lady, that no tongue could ever Still growing in a majefty and pomp,—the which Would move a monfter. OLD L. Hearts of moft hard temper Melt and lament for her. ANNE. O, God's will! much better, She ne'er had known pomp: though it be tempo ral, Yet, if that quarrel, fortune, do divorce To leave is] The latter word was added by Mr. Theobald. 3 To give her the avaunt!] To fend her away contemptuously; to pronounce against her a fentence of ejection. JOHNSON, 4 Yet, if that quarrel, fortune,] She calls Fortune a quarrel or arrow, from her ftriking fo deep and fuddenly. Quarrel was a large arrow fo called. Thus Fairfax: "twang'd the ftring, out flew the quarrel long." WARBURTON, It from the bearer, 'tis a fufferance, panging OLD L. She's a stranger now again." Alas, poor lady! Such is Dr. Warburton's interpretation. Sir Thomas Hanmer reads: That quarreller Fortune. I think the poet may be eafily fuppofed to ufe quarrel for quar- 66 "Holds idlenefs your fubject, I should take you Like Martial's-" Non vitiofus homo es, Zoile, fed Vitium." We Yet if that quarrel fortune to divorce It from the bearer. i. e. if any quarrel happen or chance to divorce it from the bearer. To fortune is a verb used by Shakspeare in The Two Gentlemen of Verona: I'll tell you as we pass along, "That you will wonder what hath fortuned." Again, in Spenfer's Faery Queen, B. I. c. ii: "It fortuned (high heaven did so ordaine)" &c. -panging STEEVENS. As foul and body's fevering.] So Bertram, in All's well that ends well: "I grow to you, and our parting is a tortur'd body." Again, in Antony and Cleopatra : 6 "The foul and body rive not more at parting, "Than greatnefs going off." MALONE. STEEVENS. firanger now again.] Again an alien; not only no longer queen, but no longer an Englishwoman. JOHNSON. It rather means, fhe is alienated from the king's affection, is a ftranger to his bed; for fhe ftill retained the rights of an Englishwoman, and was princefs dowager of Wales. So, in the fecond fcene of the third act: Katharine no more "Shall be call'd queen; but princess dowager, Dr. Johnfon's interpretation appears to me to be the true one. 0 ANNE. So much the more Must pity drop upon her. Verily, And range with humble livers in content, Than to be perk'd up in a glistering grief, And venture maidenhead for't; and fo would you, You, that have fo fair parts of woman on you, Which, to fay footh, are bleffings: and which gifts (Saving your mincing) the capacity 8 Of your foft cheveril confcience would receive, If you might please to stretch it. ANNE. Nay, good troth,— OLD L. Yes, troth, and troth,-You would not be a queen? ANNE. No, not for all the riches under heaven. OLD L. 'Tis ftrange; a three-pence bow'd would hire me, Old as I am, to queen it: But, I pray you, 7 our beft having.] That is, our beft poffeffion. So, in Macbeth: "Of noble having and of royal hope." In Spanish, bazienda. JOHNSON. 8 cheveril-] is kid-fkin, foft leather. JOHNSON. So, in Hiftriomaftix, 1610: "The cheveril confcience of corrupted law." STIEVENS. What think you of a duchefs? have you limbs ANNE. No, in truth. OLD L. Then you are weakly made: Pluck off a little;" I would not be a young count in your way, ANNE. How you do talk! I swear again, I would not be a queen For all the world. OLD L. In faith, for little England You'd venture an emballing: I myself 2 Would for Carnarvonshire, although there 'long'd No more to the crown but that. Lo, who comes 9 here? Pluck off a little ; &c.] What must she pluck off? I think we may better read: Pluck up a little. Pluck up is an idiomatical expreffion for take courage. JOHNSON. The old lady firft queftions Anne Bullen about being a queen, which the declares her averfion to; fhe then proposes the title of a duchefs, and afks her if she thinks herfelf equal to the task of fuftaining it; but as fhe ftill declines the offer of greatness; Pluck off a little, favs fhe; i. e. let us till further diveft preferment of its glare, let us defcend yet lower, and more upon a level with your own quality; and then adds: I would not be a young count in your way, which is an inferior degree of honour to any before enumerated. I feath, for little England STEEVENS. ventur an emballing: I myself |