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tle which, standing alone or found in other we are tired of the subject. Reader, it is company, might not pass for pardonable probable, so are you. brusquerie and Irish candour. But-but

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Chronicles of Life. By Mrs. CORNWELL | thirdly-that which gives origin to narra


BOONE, 1840.

3 vols.

London: tive or descriptive prose; an epic is neither

IT has been observed, that most individuals embracing the profession of authorship, begin with poetry, whence, if their efforts prove successful, they usually proceed to prose; and it has been also, invidiously enough in our opinion, remarked, that such a mode of proceeding is precisely similar to a child attempting to run before it has yet made an essay in creeping on all fours. From this very absurd assertion we entirely dissent: we see nothing unnatural in a young writer's commencing with short poetic pieces, and thus, as it were, trying his strength in short and hasty flutterings, ere he ventures to extend his pinions, and seek in a lengthened flight the ethereal realms of fiction and of fancy. "Poeta nascitur, non fit"- -no circumstances can convert a man, not naturally endowed with the requisite qualifications, into an author; he is either no author, or he is born such. A person then born with the qualities, and whose soul is imbued with the spiritual essence necessary to constitute a weaver of fiction, must early feel within him the inspiring influence, and must naturally experience an inexplicable desire, nay necessity, to unburden his teeming fancy of the exalted ideas and vivid images which are beginning to crowd upon it. Under such circumstances a short piece of poetry, or an equally short and doubtless hyper-romantic story, is the inevitable result. Should the mind of the individual be so formed as to mark him as a poet par excellence, he will probably remain so; that is to say, should the impulse working within him relate only or especially to the purely imaginative, or speculative, in other words to the ideal. But in a majority of instances he will, after some probationary exercises, come forward either as the author of a prose story, or of a lengthened epic poem. There are thus three gradations of the effects of the "poetic fire:"-First-that which produces lyrics, songs, &c.; second-that which will give birth to descriptive or narrative poetry; and

more nor less than a novel or romance, "done into rhyme," while a romance on the other hand is merely an epic in prose. For the poet as well as for the novelist, the same essentials are requisite, viz. :—a fertile imagination; chasteness and felicity of expression; a good command of language, and an intimate acquaintance with individual character, or in other words the workings of the human mind under different circumstances, and their effects on the actions of mankind, whether severally and distinctively, or as brought into juxta-position and contrasted with each other.

Sir Walter Scott was both a novelist and a poet; he began with poetry, and had already attained considerable fame in that arduous and often perilous path, ere he ventured to produce Waverley, his first prose work of fiction. Sir Walter was successful in both prose and poetry. Byron commenced his career with songs, lyrics, and sonnets; from these he advanced to the epic, or story in rhyme, as The Bride of Abydos, The Corsair, Lara, &c. Byron rested here, but had he lived, it is highly probable that he'would subsequently have softened down to sober prose. We could name many others, but must content ourselves with these. Our business is at present with the authoress of the volumes under Our consideration, Mrs. Cornwell Baron Wilson, long known to our readers as ful lyrists of her time, the writer of many popular songs, and the editress Mrs. of two fashionable periodicals. Wilson made her entrée as a lyrist, and warbled sweetly for many years ere she took up her pen and essayed a work of prose; perhaps she feared failure, and dreaded lest she might thus lose the laurels she had already gained; perhaps she doubted her own powers, and feared to embark in a work so heavy as a novel, knowing, doubtless, that nothing short of three volumes will now-a-days go down with the public; perhaps-but really it is no affair of ours—we have no right to discuss a lady's motives,

one of the most success

nor is it ordinarily an easy matter to dis- | cover them. Be her motives for not sooner coming before the public in the character of a novelist what they may, she has now done so, and it is our business to discuss her-merits, not her motives.

We confess that we do not approve of a number of stories being collected together, and then "made into a book"-but what are authors to do? No publisher will undertake anything short of the fashionable complement of paper and letterpress. A few years ago the prescribed quantum was four volumes-Heaven save the mark! let us be thankful that it is now reduced to three. It is to be hoped that a still further reduction may yet be effected, till when we must take matters as we find them, and wait in patience. We are not, we repeat, fond of a number of short tales collected together in three volumes, but the fault, as we have observed, is to be laid at the door of fashion-not of the writer. Yet if any thing could put us into good humour with tales thus collected, it would be the circumstance of each tale being individually good, and able to stand by itself on its own merits. This, be it observed, is by no means usual; stupid stories are frequently thrown in to "fill up," and one or two good ones are interspersed merely to "sell the rest." The volumes before us, we are happy to say, are, on the whole, an exception to the rule; almost every story is good of itself and by itself; hence the entire of the three volumes will be perused with pleasure.

Yet excellent as are most of the tales comprised in these volumes, we must be allowed to have our preferences; and, in our capacity of reviewers, we conceive it our duty to state them. We think the " Young Jew," which forms the principal part of the first volume, decidedly the best story of the whole. We do not remember recently to have met with any tale of the same length, in which is shewn greater knowledge of the passions, greater insight into human nature, or more masterly conceptions of character and plot. We only regret that the "Young Jew" was not, with some further developement, made the only tale. The "Young Jew" is tale which no one who commences it will lay down until read to the end, and which the reader cannot banish from his mind in the hasty manner in which he is accustomed to dismiss many fictions from his memory. Next to the "Young Jew" stands, in our estimation, "The First Brief." It is an exciting and deeply affecting narrative; but the subject is too har

rowing, too terrible, to be dwelt on with much after-pleasure. We like the "Loves of Tim O'Flannagan" uncommonly. This little sketch presents rather an anomaly ; an English writer giving a tolerably successful picture of a wild, love-making, laughter-loving, rollicking blade of a young Irishman, permitting him to speak, with few exceptions, like a gentleman, and to act like a man, instead of following the ordinary routine of making him employ the diction of a cow-boy, and betray the ignorance and imbecility of an idiot. "The Pawnbroker's Window" is an extremely pleasing and pathetic little story, and would of itself be sufficient to put us on good terms with the whole. In fine, Mrs. Cornwell Baron Wilson has entered on her new career most creditably; if her subsequent novels fulfil the promise displayed in "The Chronicles of Life," we shall be much mistaken if we do not in a few years find her name and reputation greatly extended and increased. Throughout her writings breathes a strain of piety and morality, which without obtruding itself on the notice of the reader, is nevertheless certain to awaken his better feelings, and we question whether any person will peruse these tales and lay them down again, without being improved both in the heart and in the understanding; and under this impression we cordially recommend the work to our readers' notice.

First and Second books of Reading Lessons, arranged by the Christian Brothers.POWELL, Dublin, 1840.

The late lamented and highly gifted Mr. Griffin, the author of the "Collegians," and other deservedly popular works, determined to devote his rare talents in a manner which would most effectually benefit society, and with that intention he joined the Brothers of the Christian Schools, and assisted them up to his latest hour, in preparing for the press works of acknowledged merit, and of the greatest utility to the rising generation.

The popular school books, which the Brothers have recently published, are enentitled to the high eulogiums bestowed upon them by very competent judges. We cordially join in recommending to the use of schools and seminaries their elementary works on education, which surpass most compilations of the kind we have seen, for cheapness and their successful adaptation to promote the important objects which the

instructors of youth should ever sedulously endeavour to advance.

The First Book of Reading Lessons is neatly bound in cloth, and sold at the low price of three pence; it is arranged on an original plan, and is well adapted to a enable children to master the first elements of reading. The matter on each page is complete in itself, which adds considerably, not only to the convenience of the learner, but also to the appearance and value of the book; and the classification of words is effected with such judgment, that every lesson presents, as it should do, an appropriate exercise in the leading principles of grammar and composition.

The Second Book of Reading Lessons is designed for those who have just learned the first book; we are much pleased with the arrangement and judicious matter of every page; it is bound in cloth, and the price is eight pence. The high reputation of the exemplary Brothers as instructors of youth is well sustained by these works, which are not only practical in their detail, but general in their application, and therefore we are not surprised to hear that the stamp of public approbation has been manifested in an encouraging manner, by the large and increasing sale which has already taken place in various parts of the empire.

It now depends upon a discerning community, by patronizing those excellent compilations, to realize all the advantages they were intended to produce; and it is but just to add, that they have been undertaken with the sole, pure, and disinterested view of promoting the best interests of others, and that no earthly recompence is expected or desired by the Brothers of the Christian Schools, whose valuable services are gratefully acknowledged, not only in this country, but in various other parts of the British empire where branches of the institute are established. We have not been surprised to hear that applications have been made from New York, Philadelphia, and New South Wales, soliciting some of the members to visit those distant parts of the globe, and superintend the education of youth there. In conclusion we may remark, that these useful books are Irish Manufacture-the paper is Irishthe printer is Irish, and we need scarcely add, that the Christian Brothers are a very creditable specimen of native talent, invariably exerted in a most meritorious manner.

The Catholic Luminary and Ecclesiastical
Repertory. Published every fortnight.
Dublin: DIRHAM.

It is not properly within the province of journal like ours, to notice publications of a purely religious or controversial nature. At the same time we may observe that the numbers of this periodical which we have seen, contain many papers which display no common ability; we remarked in particular some notes of lectures by the late Right Rev. Dr. Doyle. At a time when, in this department as in every other, we are inundated with English publications, anti-Irish and denationalizing in their tendencies, we deem it the bounden duty of every Irishman to support the native production against the foreign


The Luminary is ably conducted, cheap, and instructive: it is well entitled to the support of the Catholic community.

Fox's Book of Martyrs. Part I. Pictorial Edition; revised by the Rev. John Cumming, M. A. To be completed in thirty monthly parts. London: VIRTUE. 1841.

The editor of this work, in a well-written but narrow-minded and bigoted introduction, remarks that, with the exception of the Pilgrim's Progress, there has been no book so popular in England as Fox's Martyrs. This is, we believe, not very far from the fact; but how far such a fact is creditable to the people of that country, and how much the spirit of true religion must have decayed, while fed with such gross aliment, would be a melancholy investigation, and one into which, as we do not meddle with controversy, we are not inclined to enter; nor, were we inclined, could we afford space for such discussions. For those, however, who like such a commodity, we can fairly state that this edition is well printed on beautiful paper, and embellished with portraits and woodcuts, in subject the same, (though vastly improved in execution,) as those which a couple of centuries ago adorned the black-letter editions. Altogether, for those who want such a book, this edition is cheap, and will, when completed, be both handsomer and more convenient than any hitherto published. The price of each part is two shillings, and the total cost when completed will be three pounds. The embellishments in this first part are rather scanty, and we recommend the publisher to be more liberal of them as he proceeds.


We must "try back;" not that we intend to retrograde, on the contrary, we say, "push on-keep moving." We belong to the movement. But, don't we all understand the skilful manœuvre of our countryman who commanded his troop to advance backwards? That is the way in which we must now resume our progress. Whether we can or cannot satisfy thee, courteous and kind reader, as to our reasons, is not now the question. Thou canst not compel us to it; or if it were thy wish, we say—no; were we at the strappado, or all the racks in the world, we would not tell thee on compulsion; not if reasons were as plenty as blackberries. We have made up our minds;-forwards we go regressively, -from the present station to the place behind,-with our front backwards,―with our back forwards -So it is our will to march, and why not?

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Have we not been cut at, hacked, and hewn! Accused, maligned, condemned, and, worse than all, damned with faint praise, and thrown to dunghill grubs! Have we not had incision, and shall we not imbrue ?

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Then death rock us to sleep, abridge our doleful days!
Why then, let grievous, ghastly, gaping wounds
Untwine the Sisters Three! Come Atropos, say we!

Having thus vented and spent the bombast of our wrath and fury, let us proceed to unfold "the parcels and particulars of our griefs." To begin with the mildest charge against our last number,— we are accused of FORGERY-forging sense into nonsense-and so, of stupid, as well as villainous and profligate forgery. We plead, not guilty. Saith our indictor, speaking of our reprint of the famous song Our Island,'- "We would counsel the editor of such songs, not to make any alterations in songs which are the property of the author's fame and the nation's heart; but, above all, not to alter for the worse, as in the first verse of this song, the first sentence of which is altered into nonsense," &c. We pray your worships that this indictment may be tried by the record. Here is the original song:

“Dublin, published by I. Robertson, Engraver, Printer & cheap Music Seller, 28, Essex-street." It has the identical words

"Inspire our good king

Ill advisers to fling,

Ere destruction they bring on our Island."

"Now, may it please your Worships, first of all, we reprinted that precisely as we found it-totidem verbis totidem literis, (which means, Madam, in so many words-in so many letters) and we emphatically indicated that we did so, by a special reference to these self-same, unaltered lines, pointing to the internal evidence they afforded; viz: that the "destruction" spoken of in them was plainly the contemplated Legislative Union, and that therefore the composition of the words was clearly antecedent to 1800. Then what is the alleged version of this our prosecutor?

"Inspire our good king
From his councils to fling

Ill advisers, who'd ruin our island."*

Mr. O'Callaghan, a gentleman, whose extensive learning and indefatigable research have been recently most favourably made known to the public by his "GREEN BOOK," has given a copy of this song, in a note to that interesting work, page 134. His reading of the disputed passage is

"Inspire our good king
From his presence to fling

Ill advisers who'd ruin our island."

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