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An Act relating to the School-Fund.

SECT. 1.


E it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep-
resentatives, in General Assembly convened,


His duties.

That the commissioner of the school-fund, shall take the Oath of comoath prescribed by the constitution, for executive offi- missioner of cers. He shall superintend and take care of all property belonging to said fund, and the interest arising on the same; he shall cause the nett amount of interest, received yearly on said fund, to be distributed, for the benefit of the public or common schools, according to law; and on the sale of any of the lands or real estate, belonging to said fund, which the commissioner is hereby authorized to make, he shall prepare all necessary deeds of release or conveyance to be executed by the treasurer of the state, which he is hereby authorized, on the request of the commissioner, to execute, and to cause the seal of the state to be affixed thereto.

school-fund to

be registered.

SECT. 2. The commissioner shall cause all debts due Property bethe school-fund, on bond, or otherwise, and all bank longing to the stock, and other property, belonging to said fund, to be registered in books to be kept in his office, in which shall be opened an account with each debtor, shewing the place of his residence, the amount of his debt, the security therefor, and the estimated value thereof: the regis try of the lands shall shew their extent and value, distinguishing new, from cultivated lands.

SECT. 3. The commissioner shall, on or before the se- Duplicate abcond day of September, one thousand eight hundred and stracts. twenty-one, make duplicate abstracts from his books, of all property belonging to said fund; in which shall be entered the names of the obligors, in alphabetical order, in classes, according to the states to which they belong, their places of residence, the number and date of the bond, the amount due on the second day of September, one thousand eight hundred and twenty, as principal, and as interest, with the amount and situation of the security, and its estimated value: said abstracts shall also contain an account of all the lands belonging to said fund, distinguishing new, from cultivated lands, and stating their situation and estimated value; and also the amount of bank or other stock, belonging to said fund, which abstracts shall be certified by the commissioner, to contain correct statements of all the property belonging to said fund, and that the same is duly registered in the books in

Copies of school-fund bonds.

Copies of

bonds in the hands of agents.

Annual abstracts of changes of property.

Index of the

amount of interest due, to be made annually.

Duty of treasurer, in relation to schoolfund.

his office, and shall, by him, be lodged in the office of the comptroller, who shall make a certificate on one of said abstracts, that it is a correct duplicate of the one remaining in his office, and deposit the same for safe-keeping, in the vaults of the Phoenix Bank, in the city of Hartford. And the commissioner shall also, in a convenient time, lodge in the comptroller's office, certified copies of all the school-fund bonds in his office, or which shall hereafter be received, which copies the comptroller shall, in like manner, deposit in the Phoenix Bank; which deposits shall be subject to the order of the governor.

SECT. 4. The commissioner shall require copies of all bonds in the hands of agents, certified by them to be true copies of the originals, in their hands for collection, which copies shall be kept in his office.

SECT. 5. The commissioners shall, annually, on the first day of April, make duplicate abstracts from his books, of all changes or alterations of the debts or property of the school-fund, in which shall be entered an account of all payments of the principal. of school-fund bonds, for one year, ending the second day of the preceding September, and of all bonds, bank and other stock, and property of every description, acquired by purchase, exchange, or otherwise, during the same period; and the commissioner shall certify said abstracts to be correct, and shall lodge the same in the office of the comptroller, who shall certify one of said abstracts to be a correct duplicate of the other remaining in his office, and deposit the same for safe keeping, in the vaults of said Phoenix Bank, subject to the order of the governor.

SECT. 6. The commissioner shall, on or before the second day of September, in each year, make and deliver to the treasurer, an index, containing a statement of the amount of interest due on that day, from each debtor to the school-fund, whose bond is lodged in the office of the commissioner; which index shall contain the name of each debtor, in alphabetical order, his place of residence, the number of the boud, and the amount due on said day for principal, and for interest.

SECT. 7. The treasurer shall receive all monies paid on account of the school-fund, as well for principal as for interest, and give duplicate receipts therefor, one to the debtor, and the other to be lodged in the office of the commissioner shall keep separate and distinct accounts of each, and shall pay over said monies to orders drawn according to law; and shall deliver to the comptroller, on the first days of March and October, in each year, a statement of the nett amount of interest, and other revenue, paid into the treasury, on account of the school

fund; and the comptroller shall, on application of the committee of any school society, draw an order on the treasurer, for the amount legally due such society.

SECT. 8. It shall be the duty of the comptroller, semi- Duty of the annually, in the months of April and October, to settle comptroller. the accounts of the commissioner, and draw on the treasurer for the balance due him, which, together with all legal and necessary expenses in managing the fund, shall be paid out of the revenue arising therefrom.

SECt. 9. The commissioner of the school-fund is here- Clerk of comby authorized to appoint a clerk in his office, for such missioner. portion of time as he shall judge necessary; which clerk shall take the oath prescribed by the constitution for executive officers.

SECT. 10. In case the office of the commissioner of the Vacancy in commissionschool-fund shall become vacant, by death or otherwise, during the recess of the general assembly, the governor supplied. er's office, how is hereby authorized to fill such vacancy, by appointing a person to perform the duties of commissioner as aforesaid, until the rising of the then next general assembly.

TITLE 85. Secret Assaults.

An Act for the detection and punishment of
Secret Assaults.

SECT. 1.


E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Assembly convened, That if any person shall break the peace, by secretly assaulting, beating, maiming, wounding or hurting another, upon application and complaint of the person, so as- Complaint. saulted and injured, to a justice of the peace, shewing him what wounds or hurt he has received thereby, such justice shall forthwith issue a warrant, directed to some Warrant. proper officer, commanding him to arrest such offender, and bring him before such justice, to answer such complaint; who, upon oath being made against him of such assault, and of the wounds or injuries thereby received, by the person assaulted and injured, shall be bound in a sufficient bond, with sureties, to the adverse party, to appear at the next county court in that county, and answer to the complaint aforesaid, and pay all such damages as shall be awarded against him, by the final judgment of said court; and, in case of refusal to become bound as Commitment, aforesaid, such person so complained of, shall be com- op refusal to mitted to the common gaol of the county, there to remain give bond. until discharged according to law.






ers and duties.

SECT. 2. And if the person so bound or committed shall not, on trial of the cause, satisfy the triers, that he was not the person who made the assault complained of, he shall be found and adjudged guilty; and shall be sentenced to pay the person assaulted and injured, all such damages as he shall have sustained, by such assault and beating; and shall also pay to the treasurer of the county such fine as the said court shall impose, not exceeding the sum of sixty-seven dollars; and stand committed until such sentence shall be performed.

TITLE 86. Secretary.

An Act relating to the office and duty of the
Secretary of the State.

SECT. 1.

E it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives, in General Assembly convened, General pow That the secretary of the state shall have the safe-keeping and custody of all the public records and documents, and particularly, of the acts, resolutions and orders of the general assembly, and shall record all acts, orders, grants, and resolutions, passed by the general assembly, and give true copies thereof, when required. He shall be the keeper of the seal of the state, which shall not be altered, and shall affix the same to acts, laws, orders, commissions, instruments and certificates, in all cases required by law, or when requested by particular persons, having occasion therefor.

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SECT. 2. And he shall, at the end of every session of the legislature, cause the public acts to be printed and published in the several newspapers in the state, the publishers of which shall be allowed, by the comptroller, at the rate of twenty-five cents for each law page. he shall also cause such public acts to be printed, in a convenient form, and distributed as follows. to wit: he shall transmit to the president of the United States. to the heads of departments, and to the executives of the several states in the Union, one copy, each; and the rest of the public acts, together with the laws of the United States, that shall, from time to time, be transmitted, by the national executive, to the executive of this state, for the use of the state, shall be distributed in manner following; that is to say, to the governor, lieutenant-governor, treasurer, secretary, comptroller, and commissioner of the school-fund, one copy, each; to the ad utant-general, one copy; to the judges of the superior court, one copy, each; to the reporter of judicial decisions, one copy;

to the judges of the several county courts, one copy,
each; to the sheriffs of the several counties, one copy,
to be kept by the said executive officers and clerks,
in their respective offices, and from them to pass and be
transmitted to their successors; and the residue to the
several towns, in proportion to their respective lists last
returned to the comptroller's office, to be disposed of as
they may direct; and it shall be the duty of the secreta-
ry to make the distribution accordingly.

of the comp


SECT. 3. It shall be his duty, annually, within thirty Publication of days after the rising of the general assembly, to publish certain parts in the same newspapers, in which the laws are published, troller's rethat part of the comptroller's report, that designates the expenditure and receipts of all monies, relating to the current expenses of government; and also, that part of said report relating to expenditures and receipts of all monies, appropriated for investments in bank stock, or funded debt of the United States; and also, the summary statement of the permanent funds of the state, and how the same are invested; and a statement of all the debts due from the state.

TITLE 87. Sewers.

An Act appointing and directing Commissioners of Sewers and Scavengers.

SECT. 1.

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DE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Assembly convened, That the county courts in the respective counties, are ers of sewers, hereby authorized and empowered, upon application to when to be them made, by the major part of the proprietors of meadow, granted. marshy and low lands, or grounds which are injured by the overflowing of waters, and of swampy land, which may be rendered valuable, by drowning and draining the same, to grant a commission of sewers, to such and so many able and discreet persons as they shall judge expedient, for clearing and removing the banks and obstructions of the passages of the water in rivers, brooks, streams, or ponds, which occasion the overflowing and drowning of meadows, swamps, and low lands; and also, for the flowing and draining of swamps, and other unprofitable grounds; and also, for damming, to prevent the water from overflowing marshy and flat lands: which commission shall be signed by the clerk of the court granting the same; and the commissioners shall have power to do the services aforesaid; and for that purpose, may employ workmen and laborers, in a reasonable manner, and may assess the

Powers of commission


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