Besides, you found fault with our victuals one day that you was here; 汽 I remember it was on a Tuesday of all days in the year. And Saunders the man says you are always jesting and mocking: Mary, faid he, (one day as 1 was mending ny master's stocking;) My master is so fond of that minister that keeps the school I thought my master a wise man, but that man makes him a fool. Saunders, faid I, I would rather than a quart of ale He would come into our kitchen, and I would pin a dish-clout to his tail.. And now I must go, and get Saunders to direct this letter; For I write but a fad scrawl; but my fifter Marget, she Well, but I must run and make the bed, before my master comes from prayers; And fee now, it strikes ten, and I hear him coming up stairs; Whereof I could fay more to your verses, if I could write written hand: And fo I remain, in a civil way, your servant to command, MARY. A NEW A NEW-YEAR'S-GIFT FOR BEC*. 1723-4. R ETURNING Janus now prepares, For Bec, a new supply of cares, Sent in a bag to Doctor Swift, This ball of wax your ears will darken, Left you the town may have lefs trouble in, And fo take all upon your back. *** Mrs. Dingley, Stella's friend and companion. † A country-house of Dr. Sheridan. VOL. I. U DINGLEY DINGLEY AND BRENT*. A SONG. To the tune of, "Ye Commons and Peers." DINGLEY and Brent, Wherever they went, Ne'er minded a word that was spoken; Whatever was said, They ne'er troubled their head, But laugh'd at their own filly joking. Should Solomon wife In majesty rife, And shew them his wit and his learning; They never would hear, As a matter they had no concern in. You tell a good jest, And please all the reft; Comes Dingley, and asks you, What was it? And, curious to know, Away she will go To feek an old rag in the closet. * Dr. Swift's house-keeper. TO TO STELLA. 1723-4 Written on the DAY of her BIRTH, but not on the SUBJECT, when I was fick in Bed. TORMENTED with incessant pains, Can I devise poetic strains ? Which had been latent in her breaft. Her firmness who could e'er have known, Had the not evils of her own? T Her kindness who could ever guess, Whatever base returns you find From me, dear Stella, still be kind. ON DREAMS. AN IMITATION OF PETRONIUS. "Somnia quæ mentes ludunt volitantibus umbris," &c. THOSE dreams, that on the filent night intrude, And with false flitting shades our minds delude, Jove never sends us downward from the skies; For, when in bed we rest our weary limbs, The |