Or should Dan be by Sherry o'erta'en, MR. ROCHFORT'S REPLY. YOU fay your face is better hung Than ours - by what? by nose or tongue? In not explaining, you are wrong to us, Sir. Because we thus must state the cafe, That you have got a hanging face, Th' untimely end 's a damn'd disgrace of noofe, Sir. But yet be not cast down: I fee You 'll only hang in tapestry And then the ladies, I suppose, with many. Will praife your longitude of nose, For latent charms within your cloaths, } dear Danny. Thus Thus will the fair of every age of love, Sir. All their religion will be spent to Jove, Sir. You the fam'd idol will become, As gardens grac'd in ancient Rome, By matrons worship'd in the gloom O happy Dan! thrice happy sure! of night. at fight. So far I thought it was my duty To that part where you carry on In your opinion are all one. in answer How can, Sir, A man of reasoning so profound So stupidly be run aground, As things so differently to confound t' our senses? Except you judg'd them by the knock Of near an equal hardy block : convinces. Then might you be, by dint of reason, A proper judge on this occafion; "Gainft feeling there 's no difputation, is granted. Therefore to thy superior wit, we wanted. In one affertion you 're to blame, refin'd, Sir. You 'll fee most grofsly you mistook, you 'll find, Sir, S, H, E, she - and R, I, ri, Both put together make Sherry, D, A, N, Dan - makes up the three Dan is but one, and Sherri two, fyllables. Then, Sir, your choice will never do; Therefore I've turn'd, my friend, on you the tables. DR. A DR. DELANY'S REPLY. SSIST me, my Muse, whilft I labour to limn him: But much I'm amaz'd you should think my design } Next, as to the charge, which you tell us is true, That we were inspir'd by the subject we drew. Inspir'd we were, and well, Sir, you knew it, Yet not by your nose, but the fair-one that drew it: Had your nose been the Muse, we had ne'er been inspir'd, Though perhaps it might justly've been faid we were fir'd. As to the division of words in your staves, Like my countryman's horn-comb, into three halves, I meddle not with 't, but presume to make merry, You call'd Dan one half, and t'other half Sherry: Now if Dan 's a half, as you call 't o'er and o'er, Then it can't be deny'd that Sherry's two more. VOL. I. R For For pray give me leave to fay, Sir, for all you, But perhaps, Sir, you did it to fill up the verse : } Play two parts in one, when scrapers are scarce. SHERIDAN'S REPLY. THREE merry lads you own we are; But envious we cannot bear, For, were all forms of beauty thine, believe, Sir. or grieve, Sir. Then know from us, most beauteous Dan, and taper. And all your trifling beaux and fops, Are but the offspring of toy-shops, 17 meer vapour. We know your morning-hours you pafs Forbear it. |