"She forbids your preferment; I grant her defire. "Appease the fair Goddess: you then may rife higher." The next that appear'd had good hopes of fucceeding, For he merited much for his wit and his breeding. 'Twas wife in the Britons no favour to show him, He else might expect they should pay what they owe him. And therefore they prudently chose to difcard The Patriot, whose merits they would not reward. The God, with a smile, bad his favourite advance, "You were fent by Aftræa her Envoy to France: "You bent your ambition to rife in the state; "I refuse you, because you could ftoop to be great." Then a Bard who had been a fuccefsful Tranflator. "The Convention allows me a Verfificator." Sayş Apollo, "You mention the leaft of your merit; "By your works it appears you have much of my " fpirit. " I esteem you fo well, that, to tell you the truth, "The greatest objection against you's your youth : "Then be not concern'd you are now laid afide; "If you live, you shall certainly one day preside." Another, low bending, Apollo thus greets, "'Twas I taught your fubjects to walk through the "ftreets." "You taught them to walk! why, they knew it before: "But give me the Bard that can teach them to foar. " Whenever he claims, 'tis his right, I'll confefs, " Who lately attempted my style with success; " Who writes like Apollo has most of his fpirit, " And therefore 'tis just I diftinguish his merit; " Who " Who makes it appear, by all he has writ, "Who admires the ancients, and knows 'tis their due, "Yet writes in a manner entirely new; "Though none with more ease their depths can explore, "Yet whatever he wants he takes from my store; "Though I'm fond of his virtues, his pride I can fee, " In scorning to borrow from any but me; "It is owing to this, that, like Cynthia, his lays "Enlighten the world by reflecting my rays." This faid, the whole audience foon found out his drift: The convention was fummon'd in favour of Swift. The RUN upon the BANKERS. 1720. T HE bold encroachers on the deep The multitude's capricious pranks Money, the life-blood of the nation, Its motion and its heat maintains. Becaufe Because 'tis lordly not to pay, Quakers and aldermen in state Conceive the works of midnight hags, Where creditors demand their due; Thus when an earthquake lets in light He hides within his darkest cell. From his own hand forefees his fall; They have his foul, who have his bonds, 'Tis like the writing on the wall. How will the caitiff wretch be scar'd, For in that universal call Few bankers will to Heaven be mounters; "Weigh'd in the balance, and found light!" The The DESCRIPTION of an IRISH FEAST, Translated almost literally out of the Original Irish. 1720. 0 ROURK'S noble fare will ne'er be forgot, By those who were there, or those who were not. His revels to keep, we fup and we dine On feven fcore fheep, fat bullocks, and swine.. Ufquebaugh to our feast in pails was brought up, An hundred at least, and a madder * our cup.. O there is the sport! we rife with the light In diforderly fort from snoaring all night. O how was I trick'd! my pipe it was broke, My pocket was pick'd, I loft my new cloak. I'm rifled, quoth Nell, of mantle and kercher : Why then fare them well, the de'el take the searcher. Come, harper, ftrike up; but, first, by your favour, Boy, give us a cup: ah! this has fome favour. Orourk's jolly boys ne'er dreamt of the matter, Till, rous'd by the noife and musical clatter, They bounce from their neft, no longer will tarry, They rife ready dreft, without one ave-mary. They dance in a round, cutting capers and ramping; A mercy the ground did not burst with their stamping. The floor is all wet with leaps and with jumps, While the water and sweat splish-splash in their pumps. Bless you late and early, Laughlin O Enagin! By my hand, you dance rarely, Margery Grinagin. Bring straw for our bed, shake it down to the feet, Then over us spread the winnowing sheet: * A wooden vessel. + Handkerchief. I An Irish oath. To |